Theory: Female half of couple in the park was TPS

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But they took the carseat which should have been secured in the vehicle, out???
I always wondered why they would take the carseat to the park table...who does that unless it's for an infant? Most toddler carseats are fastened into the car and aren't removed regularly, right? Another oddity in EJ's story.

Mom , don't take this wrong...based on my one and only experience...the way the car seat's set up, it is snapped into a base... the's like a carrier...snap out , snap's it...The base is always secured...GB was not a toddler at the time....just in a infant seat....The carrier is just like a carrier with a tote that carrier around...JMO
I thought Ken said the couple had the car seat on the park table? I thought that was odd as well but if it was an infant seat, they could of just pulled the carrier out of the car.

TS said EJ said the car seat was in the hotel room as part of the false story about the couple picking Gabriel up at the hotel.

I don't remember the car seat at the park. I'm not doubting you. I'm exhausted tonight. Not tracking well. lol.

ETA: I just did a quick check. Car seat isn't coming up in any of Ken's quotes.
I don't remember the car seat at the park. I'm not doubting you. I'm exhausted tonight. Not tracking well. lol.

I do believe TX is correct..B..get some rest my friend...
Mom , don't take this wrong...based on my one and only experience...the way the car seat's set up, it is snapped into a base... the's like a carrier...snap out , snap's it...The base is always secured...GB was not a toddler at the time....just in a infant seat....The carrier is just like a carrier with a tote that carrier around...JMO

I see exactly what your saying and I agree if it was an infant car seat...but still why hassle with getting him into the seat out in the open in the park...wouldn't it have been much easier, less conspicuous, and much quicker just to carry him to the car and place him in the car seat? My person opinion is it would have certainly been more natural to just carry him to the car or have EJ carry him to the car and put him in the seat. :wink:
None of my searches are coming up with a car seat.

I know mine either but I swear I saw that some where or heard it. Do you remember where you saw it MomT? Maybe I'm losing my mind. I dunno.
I see exactly what your saying and I agree if it was an infant car seat...but still why hassle with getting him into the seat out in the open in the park...wouldn't it have been much easier, less conspicuous, and much quicker just to carry him to the car and place him in the car seat? My person opinion is it would have certainly been more natural to just carry him to the car or have EJ carry him to the car and put him in the seat. :wink:

Mom...I am totally with you on this...Lordy..I hated those infant car seats..they were a pain in the and I would do exactly what you stated...but is the reason why that did not parents maybe ???
momtective said:
But they took the carseat which should have been secured in the vehicle, out???
I always wondered why they would take the carseat to the park table...who does that unless it's for an infant? Most toddler carseats are fastened into the car and aren't removed regularly, right? Another oddity in EJ's story.
Technically, Gabe shouldve been in an infant seat until he is one or 20 lbs (not that EJ would've been too concerned with the law). I don't know why she would lie now. I agree with BeanE and don't want to think about one reason. I still have too much hope and reason to believe that he may be alive and I will believe that until I am proven wrong.
I know mine either but I swear I saw that some where or heard it. Do you remember where you saw it MomT? Maybe I'm losing my mind. I dunno.[/QUOTETx..

TX....I am with you on that...I may not find it tonight...but I will search it out..and if I am wrong...then I have no problem saying I am wrong...but I do remember a infant seat being mentioned, because not all infant seats matches any base.....
Here's the Ken Info thread for those looking for a link for a car seat:
[ame=""]Ken's New Info - Gabe Hidden/No Adoption - **No Discussion** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

All the Ken articles and videos are there. All the Ken quotes are transcribed. If there's a car seat, it should be in there.
I think Kappy's point about the description of the couple in light weight clothes when it was cold outside raises a flag that the description may not be truthful. A polo shirt to me means collared, pullover short sleeve shirt it could be a long sleeve but you would think at least one of them would of been wearing a jacket. Low temp was 33, average was 48, high was 62. At 10AM, I'm thinking the temp would be somewhere between the low and average-coat weather.

at 9:55am it was 46.2

It could be possible that these people came from a warmer temperatured State unprepared. They jumped in their car with what they had on not suspecting it would be that cold in TX.
I know mine either but I swear I saw that some where or heard it. Do you remember where you saw it MomT? Maybe I'm losing my mind. I dunno.

There were 2 video's Ken did, one was about 2-3 min. in length, the other was the 7 min video...maybe it was the shorter of the two videos or maybe I'm just associating EJ's statement or Tammi's statement that the "couple had their own car seat" with it being present with them when they collected Gabriel. I'll go look too...:dance:
Wasn't Gabriel a big little guy? He could have been in a larger, convertible style seat. The recommendation is to keep your child rear-facing until at the very least 20 pounds AND 1 year. The convertible toddler seats can rear-face a long time. I think our's is up to 35 pounds rear-facing. The convertible toddler seat doesn't come out like an infant seat. If Gabriel was over 20 pounds, or tall enough, he would have reached the limits of a carrier style infant seat, and would have probably needed a larger, convertible one. (Carseat safety is a passion of mine, lol..we're an extended rear-facing family).

My thought....if, and that's a big if they brought the seat to the bench, it would have been an effort to disguise Gabriel from any onlookers. Easier to hide a baby by covering their carseat with a blanket in the cold air while walking to or from the vehicle.
Johnson told a Phoenix CBS affiliate shortly after her Dec. 29 arrest in Miami Beach that she gave Gabriel to a couple she met in a San Antonio, Texas, park, but that she didn't know anything about them, only that they seemed trustworthy.

An ABC producer was with Smith inside the prison Wednesday as the mother offered new details about the couple.

Johnson said the couple is Caucasian, in their 30s. The man is tall with short black hair, and the woman is about 5 feet, 3 inches tall and has long blonde hair.

Johnson said the couple brought their own car seat and that they said they could keep baby Gabriel without anyone noticing.

Granted the article doesn't say the couple took the car seat to the park table did EJ know they had their own car seat? Maybe she just asked them if they needed hers...
If it's tammi who picked up Gabe in SA, I have 3 questions-
1) where's she hiding gabriel now?
2) why did she go thru all that trouble to pickup gabe in SA when she already HAD gabe in AZ? Sure if she was trying to throw off the investigation, EJ didnt have to go all the way to SA with gabriel, she could have just said she's with gabriel. it just doesn't make any sense to me.
3) why doesn't EJ just SAY the couple is Tammi/Jack? why protect them now? sure, maybe threatened, but EJ is in jail already, her situation can't get any worse, why would she protect ANYONE now? esp tammi and jack, and gabriel- whom she seems so detached from? the only person she would protect now is herself, and why isn't she telling the truth if the truth could help her? the key is, could the truth help her?
Wasn't EJ suppose to meet Tammi and Jack at the park after the custody hearing? I remember something like that and something about Logan and his Dad meeting with them to discuss things but they never showed up...anyone else remember that?
Funny that EJ would be meeting Jack and Tammi at a park if indeed this memory of mine is accurate...It's late, I'm tired so I could be way off on this.
Johnson told a Phoenix CBS affiliate shortly after her Dec. 29 arrest in Miami Beach that she gave Gabriel to a couple she met in a San Antonio, Texas, park, but that she didn't know anything about them, only that they seemed trustworthy.

An ABC producer was with Smith inside the prison Wednesday as the mother offered new details about the couple.

Johnson said the couple is Caucasian, in their 30s. The man is tall with short black hair, and the woman is about 5 feet, 3 inches tall and has long blonde hair.

Johnson said the couple brought their own car seat and that they said they could keep baby Gabriel without anyone noticing.

Granted the article doesn't say the couple took the car seat to the park table did EJ know they had their own car seat? Maybe she just asked them if they needed hers...

Okay I was looking in Ken's info. That's from a reporter (reporter said that Elizabeth said) back in the Jan 5 interview with Elizabeth when she was in jail in FL. The information that Ken said EJ admitted she was initially lying.

This thread relates to the newer info EJ provided, in which there's no car seat, and is about whether or not Tammi was part of the couple in the park.
If it's tammi who picked up Gabe in SA, I have 3 questions-
1) where's she hiding gabriel now?
2) why did she go thru all that trouble to pickup gabe in SA when she already HAD gabe in AZ? Sure if she was trying to throw off the investigation, EJ didnt have to go all the way to SA with gabriel, she could have just said she's with gabriel. it just doesn't make any sense to me.
3) why doesn't EJ just SAY the couple is Tammi/Jack? why protect them now? sure, maybe threatened, but EJ is in jail already, her situation can't get any worse, why would she protect ANYONE now? esp tammi and jack, and gabriel- whom she seems so detached from? the only person she would protect now is herself, and why isn't she telling the truth if the truth could help her? the key is, could the truth help her?

Good points, noopy.
Wasn't EJ suppose to meet Tammi and Jack at the park after the custody hearing? I remember something like that and something about Logan and his Dad meeting with them to discuss things but they never showed up...anyone else remember that?
Funny that EJ would be meeting Jack and Tammi at a park if indeed this memory of mine is accurate...It's late, I'm tired so I could be way off on this.

No, Tammi was with Elizabeth at the court house for the custody hearing. Tammi drove her there.

Logan and his dad were at the court house. Logan had to be there for the hearing.

Apparently EJ lied to Tammi and told her that Logan and his dad would have lunch with them after the hearing. Well, either EJ lied to Tammi, or Tammi just made up the plan to meet for lunch. Because nobody ever told Logan about the plan to meet for lunch. After the hearing, Logan and his dad left of course.

Tammi said Logan "stormed out" of the court house because he was "mad he didn't get custody", and stormed right by them and wouldn't talk to them. Logan and his dad simply left, not knowing anything about this plan for lunch, and in fact, not even seeing Tammi as they left. (Tammi was not inside the hearing room for the custody hearing). Logan, of course, had no reason to meet with Tammi anyway - he wasn't interested in giving up his son for adoption.

That's the explanation of the meeting. Sorry for the off-topic.
If this thread is to survive, it needs some reasons how and why Tammi would be the female half of the couple, either in disguise or not.

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