Theory Thread #2 - What happened at Pistorius' house on the night of Feb. 13, 2013?

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I'm curious to see if the assessors still remain silent during the judgement. Also whether or not Masipa mentions when her view on facts have been supported or overruled by either of them. I suspect they'll be silent though.

Here's some information about them both, one of them has defended on murder and rape cases apparently so they're no stranger to defence tactics:
On 7 April 2014 after OP apologized to the Steenkamp family, Roux asked him if he was on medication. He said he’d been on medication since about the third week of February. (So one week after the murder. He was released on bail on 22 February) He’d been taking Normison, a sedative. Roux asked him if he had difficulty sleeping to which he replied, “I do, My Lady. I'm scared to sleep for several reasons. I have terrible nightmares about things that happened that night where I wake up and I can smell blood and I wake up to being terrified. If I hear a noise, I wake up in a complete state of terror to the point that I’d rather not sleep."

Nel is cross-examining OP on the illegal possession of the ammunition (10 April Session 2 at 31:20)

N: So when in the bail application Mr Roux put that the ammunition belonged to your father, did you try and make contact with your father to confirm that?

O: No My Lady.

N: Do you know if anybody else did?

O: No My Lady.

N: Why not? Why would you not know if anybody did?

OP: My Lady, until after my bail I was in a prison cell and for weeks afterwards I slept.

So on the one hand he’s too terrified to sleep and on the other he slept for weeks afterwards. And “If I hear a noise”. Yep, the only noise was Reeva screaming and him shooting to shut her up.

Can someone explain to me why, after the event, he’s too terrified to sleep and when he does he wakes up in a state of terror because there was no intruder, and he certainly doesn’t say it’s because he killed Reeva. We can all surmise the answer to that.
N: You started your evidence with an apology, am I right?
OP: That’s correct My Lady.

N: Now that was more than a year after the event.
OP: That’s correct My Lady.
N: Did you feel better after the apology?
OP: I don’t think I could feel better My Lady, but I haven’t had the opportunity to apologize to them so – it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time and I think it was the right thing to do.

N: You see Mr Pistorius, if you were wanting to do it, why would you create a spectacle in Court in the public domain, in the public eye, apologize and not in private? Why would you do that?
OP: My Lady, I haven’t had the opportunity to meet the Steenkamps. I don’t think they have been ready. I’ve been struggling to – I don’t know what words – I’ve thought about saying to them – I didn’t – I don’t think half the words I wanted to say to them came out the way that I – if I could have writt… - remembered an eloquent speech and apologized to them I would have done so but I haven’t had the opportunity to.

N: Again Mr Pistorius you never thought about them. You never thought how they would feel, sitting in the public gallery of a Court whilst you make that apology.

Even if Barry and June didn’t want to meet with him face-to-face – and who could blame them – he’s had 14 months to compose a letter “but I haven’t had the opportunity to do so” (…if I could have writt…). That’s right, because he’s been holidaying in Mozambique, flirting with girls, getting a new girlfriend and boozing it up with his mates, and don’t you know, all these things take time.

Just like he said “I never got the opportunity to tell Reeva that I loved her”. What? Why not? How long does it take to utter those words? How many nights had she spent there? He could have told her any time he saw her.

I loathe, despise and detest the man ... sorry ... the sad excuse for a man.
N: You started your evidence with an apology, am I right?
OP: That’s correct My Lady.

N: Now that was more than a year after the event.
OP: That’s correct My Lady.
N: Did you feel better after the apology?
OP: I don’t think I could feel better My Lady, but I haven’t had the opportunity to apologize to them so – it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time and I think it was the right thing to do.

N: You see Mr Pistorius, if you were wanting to do it, why would you create a spectacle in Court in the public domain, in the public eye, apologize and not in private? Why would you do that?
OP: My Lady, I haven’t had the opportunity to meet the Steenkamps. I don’t think they have been ready. I’ve been struggling to – I don’t know what words – I’ve thought about saying to them – I didn’t – I don’t think half the words I wanted to say to them came out the way that I – if I could have writt… - remembered an eloquent speech and apologized to them I would have done so but I haven’t had the opportunity to.

N: Again Mr Pistorius you never thought about them. You never thought how they would feel, sitting in the public gallery of a Court whilst you make that apology.

Even if Barry and June didn’t want to meet with him face-to-face – and who could blame them – he’s had 14 months to compose a letter “but I haven’t had the opportunity to do so” (…if I could have writt…). That’s right, because he’s been holidaying in Mozambique, flirting with girls, getting a new girlfriend and boozing it up with his mates, and don’t you know, all these things take time.

Just like he said “I never got the opportunity to tell Reeva that I loved her”. What? Why not? How long does it take to utter those words? How many nights had she spent there? He could have told her any time he saw her.

I loathe, despise and detest the man ... sorry ... the sad excuse for a man.


OP has managed his image so carefully, I can't understand why his media manager just didn't write a letter, sign it with OP's name on it and send it off.

This was done in a real tacky way and did nothing but harm, but it does look like someone from the Pistorius camp did send flowers to the Steenkamps back in 2013.

Barry revealed that all they had heard from the Blade Runner was flowers with a card that read “from the office of Oscar Pistorius” via
The ramifications of the verdict could be even bigger than we think.

"A change in definitions has meant disabled people now make up 7.5 percent of South Africa's population, from two percent in 2001, statistician general Pali Lehohla said.

"From two percent to 7.5 percent just because of definitions," Lehohla said, presenting Statistics SA's 'Profile of persons with disabilities in South Africa report' in Pretoria.

The 7.6 percent represents 2.9 million people".
O/T but as it's quiet for just a little while longer ...

These are photos of Carl's legs. Apparently he came close to having one leg amputated.
Not to negate Carl's leg injury, but this honestly does not appear to be a leg that "almost had to be amputated". There does not appear to have been a crushing injury, which is the main reason for early amputation.

Meh. I've seen much worse.
Not to negate Carl's leg injury, but this honestly does not appear to be a leg that "almost had to be amputated". There does not appear to have been a crushing injury, which is the main reason for early amputation.

Meh. I've seen much worse.

CP had "compartment syndrome".

Compartment syndrome is a life-threatening condition of the limbs which occurs after an injury, when there is insufficient blood supply to muscles and nerves due to increased pressure within one of the body's compartments, such as an arm, leg or other enclosed space within the body. If uncorrected, the lack of blood supply leads to injury in the affected muscles and nerves.[1] The severity of compartment syndrome can be divided into acute, subacute, and chronic compartment syndrome with acute severity usually requiring amputation of the affected limb.

:lol: :lol: :lol: **** just got real bro.

Main reason's why even by his own version(s) he will be charged with Murder at the least

1) Michelle Burger's description of shot's as bang......bang bang bang, backed up by the highly impressive Mangena, the pause is crucial because it show's he made a concious decision to go on firing, it make's of mockery of his claims that "before i knew it i'd fired 4 shot's".

2) "I didn't fire a warning shot at the shower because the bullet might ricochet", of all the blunders by Pistorius on the stand this was arguably the biggest.
Again he demonstrates that he was thinking clearly whilst inside the bathroom.

3) Firing four times- Biggest problem of all or the defence imo, how can they justify him firing once let alone four times?.
If he get's away with culpable homicide then how many times would he have had to have fired for it to be murder?, it's pretty likely that if he'd only fired once Reeva would still be alive today(but of course that's the last thing that he wanted to happen IMO)

4) Sean Rens Testimony, A stroke of genius from the prosecution and a hammer blow for the defence, Rens spelt out in black and white that Pistorius knew the rules, expectation's and responsibilities of owning a gun and broke one of the golden rule's which leads me on to number 5

5) Failing to identify his target before shooting, Pistorius version is obviously the perfect demonstration of why this rule is so vital, "positively identify and verify your target", a simple "Who's in the toilet?" isn't much to ask really is it?.

6) Defence witness Dr Vorster agree's Pistorius committed Dolus Eventualis

"When he armed himself," state prosecutor Gerrie Nel asked the psychologist, "he at least then foresaw the possibility that he might have to shoot, otherwise why would he arm himself and approach the danger? Am I right?"

"Well, he must have," Vorster agreed.

"He must have foreseen the possibility that …" Nel began.

"… he may have to shoot," she finished for him.

"And you know, he then went further and he did shoot," Nel went on.

"We know now that he did shoot, yes," Vorster said.

"So just by arming himself, and approaching the danger, just on that, it already indicates that he acted in dolus eventualis before he got to the door. And that when he fired, he completed the dolus eventualis.
"So you agree with me if I say that he foresaw the possibility that he had to shoot, when he armed himself and approached the danger?" Nel pressed.

"Yes," said Vorster.
Main reason's why even by his own version(s) he will be charged with Murder at the least

1) Michelle Burger's description of shot's as bang......bang bang bang, backed up by the highly impressive Mangena, the pause is crucial because it show's he made a concious decision to go on firing, it make's of mockery of his claims that "before i knew it i'd fired 4 shot's".

2) "I didn't fire a warning shot at the shower because the bullet might ricochet", of all the blunders by Pistorius on the stand this was arguably the biggest.
Again he demonstrates that he was thinking clearly whilst inside the bathroom.

3) Firing four times- Biggest problem of all or the defence imo, how can they justify him firing once let alone four times?.
If he get's away with culpable homicide then how many times would he have had to have fired for it to be murder?, it's pretty likely that if he'd only fired once Reeva would still be alive today(but of course that's the last thing that he wanted to happen IMO)

4) Sean Rens Testimony, A stroke of genius from the prosecution and a hammer blow for the defence, Rens spelt out in black and white that Pistorius knew the rules, expectation's and responsibilities of owning a gun and broke one of the golden rule's which leads me on to number 5

5) Failing to identify his target before shooting, Pistorius version is obviously the perfect demonstration of why this rule is so vital, "positively identify and verify your target", a simple "Who's in the toilet?" isn't much to ask really is it?.

6) Defence witness Dr Vorster agree's Pistorius committed Dolus Eventualis

"When he armed himself," state prosecutor Gerrie Nel asked the psychologist, "he at least then foresaw the possibility that he might have to shoot, otherwise why would he arm himself and approach the danger? Am I right?"

"Well, he must have," Vorster agreed.

"He must have foreseen the possibility that …" Nel began.

"… he may have to shoot," she finished for him.

"And you know, he then went further and he did shoot," Nel went on.

"We know now that he did shoot, yes," Vorster said.

"So just by arming himself, and approaching the danger, just on that, it already indicates that he acted in dolus eventualis before he got to the door. And that when he fired, he completed the dolus eventualis.
"So you agree with me if I say that he foresaw the possibility that he had to shoot, when he armed himself and approached the danger?" Nel pressed.

"Yes," said Vorster.

oscar's story just keeps giving. :blush: I knew he had tattoos but not what they said. Obviously reworded, not the exact bible quote.

It's just interesting his choice of words, what they mean to him.


1 Corinthians 9:26-27, tattooed on his left shoulder.

I do not run like a man running aimlessly;
I do not fight like a man beating the air.
I execute each strike with intent.
I beat my body and make it my slave...
I bring it under complete.......

Art imitates life, the words he wants erased from the court records.

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