Theory Thread #2 - What happened at Pistorius' house on the night of Feb. 13, 2013?

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The peanut gallery is full as is the overflow room next door to the courtroom.
Uncle Arnold, Lois and Aimee enter the courtroom, take their seats and start :praying:
OP walks in and the family all get up and give him a :grouphug:
Uncle Arnold tells OP, :therethere: “It’ll be okay. Just remember, you always win”.
Masipa and the two assessors enter and take their seats. :gavel:

Masipa starts delivering her long-awaited judgment.
After a couple of hours it becomes apparent that she accepts the testimony of Prof. Saayman, Capt Mangena, Van Rens and the ear witnesses and rejects that of the so-called “experts” the defence has called, some at the last moment. She says the DT could and should have proved that OP can scream like a woman. She finds that OP was a poor witness and a mendacious one at that. The peanut gallery wish they could stand up and :clap:

The family :shakehead: :thinking: :eek:hoh: :notgood: and start :praying: again.
OP is a bundle of :nerves: and is feeling :sick: He had too many :drink: :drink: last night and too many :chillpill: He has a :headache: and wants to :puke:
He thinks Masipa is going to throw him :underbus: and she is. He covers his ears to :ignore: hearing any more.

Masipa refers to Roux’s comments about OP being like a battered woman and says :nono:

Court is adjourned until tomorrow.
Article from Australian newscorp:

Oscar Pistorius: Blade Runner’s murder trial verdict to be handed down in Pretoria on Thursday
SEPTEMBER 10, 2014 7:19PM

OSCAR Pistorius’s family and friends are rallying around ... as he prepares for this week’s verdict in his dramatic murder trial.
... "the family of his slain girlfriend ... say they are leaving the highly anticipated verdict in God’s hands" ...
Judge Thokozile Matilda Masipa’s decision is expected to go into Friday before Pistorius finally knows his fate.
The peanut gallery is full as is the overflow room next door to the courtroom.
Uncle Arnold, Lois and Aimee enter the courtroom, take their seats and start :praying:
OP walks in and the family all get up and give him a :grouphug:
Uncle Arnold tells OP, :therethere: “It’ll be okay. Just remember, you always win”.
Masipa and the two assessors enter and take their seats. :gavel:

Masipa starts delivering her long-awaited judgment.
After a couple of hours it becomes apparent that she accepts the testimony of Prof. Saayman, Capt Mangena, Van Rens and the ear witnesses and rejects that of the so-called “experts” the defence has called, some at the last moment. She says the DT could and should have proved that OP can scream like a woman. She finds that OP was a poor witness and a mendacious one at that. The peanut gallery wish they could stand up and :clap:

The family :shakehead: :thinking: :eek:hoh: :notgood: and start :praying: again.
OP is a bundle of :nerves: and is feeling :sick: He had too many :drink: :drink: last night and too many :chillpill: He has a :headache: and wants to :puke:
He thinks Masipa is going to throw him :underbus: and she is. He covers his ears to :ignore: hearing any more.

Masipa refers to Roux’s comments about OP being like a battered woman and says :nono:

Court is adjourned until tomorrow.

I guess all the major news outlets will be covering this tomorrow but does anyone know where in the uk we can watch live in court? (Is it being streamed live?)

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re: time/6 minutes/op version
when do the defence say the shots were? 3:12-3:13? if so, having quite quickly established the person in the toilet was his girlfriend:

'think it was at that point mlady that the… that it first dawned upon me that the, it could be reeva that was in the bathroom, or in the toilet'
'I jumped out of the other side of the bed and I ran my hand along the curtains'
'to see that she wasn't hiding behind the curtains'

at that point he had the means to phone police or ambulance [phone(s) by the bed]
why did 'i thought she was an intruder'-op then take approx. 6 minutes before phoning netcare? and never phoned police?

This is one of the reasons that I really appreciate this forum and why I feel that Masipa has such a tough job ahead of her.

On this board, we've got hundreds (?) of people looking at the evidence and offering insight into this case. Masipa is just one person. Granted, she has two assessors, but I don't believe she has had the benefit of months and months of discussion like what has taken place here. That is why I hope she doesn't get blinded by Roux's flash and ability to "massage" evidence to fit the defence case.
Here's something I didn't know until the eve of the verdict. Even with CH, OP faces 5 years of jail time as a starting point because a gun was involved. Of course, he could seek parole after half his sentence.

"Culpable homicide has five years if a gun is used, but this can be increased or decreased depending on circumstances. For example, the fact that Pistorius fired multiple times into a small space and didn't fire a warning shot first could count against him."
I would go with:

1. Guilty of murder - sentence mitigated down from mandatory 15 year sentence due to disability
2. Guilty of possession of illegal ammunition - non custodial sentence consisting of a fine
3. Guilty of restaurant shooting - non custodial sentence consisting of a fine
4. Not guilty of shooting through sun roof of car

I strongly believe in the prosecution's case, but one thing that has always been in the back of my mind is that the shooting took place at 3:17AM and the first call was at 3:19AM. That's not enough time for OP to do everything he said he did and the PT didn't really address this to my knowledge. Masipa also picked up on this. If she takes this into account, I could see the murder charge being reduced to CH.


Objective analysis of the time evidence from the same source (i.e. server detailed billing)…

1. Dr Stipp called Silverwoods security at 3:15:51 … and Dr Stipp heard the gunshots moments before

2. Mike called Silverwwods security at 3:16:13 … and Mike heard the gunshot moments before

… 22 seconds between these calls… so far, the evidence corroborates that OP shot Reeva moments before 3:15:51

I believe we can safely state that Reeva was shot between 3:15 and 3:15:51

3. OP's first telephone call was at 3:19:03

… so we have between 3 m. 12 s. and 4 m. between the gunshots and the call to Stander

4. OP's made his second telephone call to Netcare 38 seconds after he had hung up with Stander

… so we have now between 3 m. 50 s. and 4 m. 38 s. of available time between the gunshots and arrival of witnesses at OP's house

5. OP's made his third telephone call to Baba 22 seconds after he had hung up with Netcare

… so we have now between 4 m. 12 s. and 5 m. of available time between the gunshots and arrival of witnesses at OP's house

6. OP's stopped using his phone at 3:22:17… Baba, Mohave, Stander and Carice arrived at OP's house moments later

… so we have now about between 5 and 6 minutes of available time between the gunshots and arrival of witnesses at OP's house ASSUMING that OP is absolutely not doing anything else when talking on the phone

If one assumes that OP is not motionless and inactive during phone calls… we have about between 7 and 8 minutes of available time between the gunshots and arrival of witnesses at OP's house.

I believe that somewhere between 5 to 8 minutes is plenty of time to do everything OP said he did… but one should also keep in mind that we ONLY have OP's word (for what it's worth) to determine what OP actually did between the gunshots and the arrival of witnesses.

So there is no shortage of time in the prosecution's case.
re: your point 1 and sentence mitigation.
if you shoot your gf through a closed door does it matter whether you are disabled or not?
he was a trained gun enthusiast - knew the safety procedures, and the dangers of his actions. why was the gun loaded with 'black talons'?
he has wasted court time - at first pleading innocent re: tasha's incident.
lied [repeatedly] under oath.

I so agree with you on all of this. I would very much welcome a stern verdict/sentence, but the rich seem to always have their own set of laws by which they abide, we see it over and over in the US. I hope the next few days proves me wrong.
Well, I don't see how his existing bail conditions can be upheld if he ends up a convicted murderer.

Is that what you're talking about? You didn't include a link, so I don't know.

I am still looking. Unfortunately my History is cleared automatically at the end of the day but I know I shall find it, maybe I will get there after the trial - lol.
What a lovely tender photo of June and Barry.

WHOA! That just made me start bawling for sure. I agree, lovely and tender and just heartbreaking photo.

Thanks for finding and sharing Judgejudi
I agree with the posters here who think OP may try to leave the country maybe to Mozambique. I lived there for almost nine years and it is very easy to bribe the officials at customs re: airports/road entry's. It is a Portuguese speaking country but many people do understand and speak English. As for the famous Frank he could still be employed by the Pistorius family, but I think he may have returned back to Malawi after being well payed off. Most of the Malawians are not very loyal. I also lived in Malawi for almost four years and when we left the country I used to send money to the houseboy we had there ( they do like to have this title even though some in the western world may not think this is an appropriate title for them). My houseboy became quite upset when I said I didn't want to label him as a houseboy. Anyhow he became ill and died but his brother still collected the money and used it on himself. The culture is quite different and it just comes down to a matter of survival. Maybe once the trial is over we shall hear the full story from Frank himself.
Check out Oscars new facebook fan page :

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Looking around you think that any of the regulars might just forget that tonight/tomorrow is on the calendar. I know I did and just remembered this second. Do we need to do shout outs or take attendance to ensure? :thinking:

Thank this post for attendance check so we know you are here!!! Or else you may be getting some pm's folks to remind ya! :wink:

Reeva comes across as a very likeable, humorous and loving person, with so much to live for. I think that is why many of us are so concerned that OP be brought to account for depriving her of life, rather than some abstract desire for justice in an unjust world or wondering if we, ourselves, might be capable of murder!

So, I don't think the trial is all about Op's fall from grace or our fascination with murder, although the desire to unravel what really happened is certainly a feature.
I agree with the posters here who think OP may try to leave the country maybe to Mozambique. I lived there for almost nine years and it is very easy to bribe the officials at customs re: airports/road entry's. It is a Portuguese speaking country but many people do understand and speak English. As for the famous Frank he could still be employed by the Pistorius family, but I think he may have returned back to Malawi after being well payed off. Most of the Malawians are not very loyal. I also lived in Malawi for almost four years and when we left the country I used to send money to the houseboy we had there ( they do like to have this title even though some in the western world may not think this is an appropriate title for them). My houseboy became quite upset when I said I didn't want to label him as a houseboy. Anyhow he became ill and died but his brother still collected the money and used it on himself. The culture is quite different and it just comes down to a matter of survival. Maybe once the trial is over we shall hear the full story from Frank himself.

it would be good to hear that frank is safe and well. it would also be a major journalistic coup to track him down and get even a basic story from him, i wonder how many have tried. maybe his safety and the absence of his story are connected.

it is inexplicable to me that frank wasn't deemed to have something to add to this event.

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