Theory Thread - What happened at Pistorius' house on the night of Feb. 13, 2013?

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The "habit" you have each night makes total sense. As nervous/jumpy as OP seems to be of intruders gaining access to his home, it makes sense OP likely unholstered his gun each night as well.

His TESTIMONY however, stated he "unholstered" his gun that morning, before proceeding towards the hallway/bathroom. Perhaps he thought adding this small detail would help add seconds to his timeframe. Knowing he needed time for Reeva to go to toilet, pull pants back up, etc.

I agree with Lux however....IF HE DID UNHOLSTER the gun, in an emergency like this you would simply leave it there - meaning on the floor. Not find a "new spot" for it, and in the pitch dark. Makes absolutely no sense. Silly to think ANYONE would do that in that situation. But after your post, makes sense he's likely just lying about the gun even being holster.

BBM - Aha... so he did testify that he removed the gun from the holster that morning !! (whew... makes me glad I did a preface to my

Ok, now knowing that (and ty) makes me think the holster was "planted" by OP on the left side of bed in order to add credence to his claim that he was sleeping on that side. imo

ETA: hmm... of course, knowing OP as we do now, we should perhaps believe the opposite of what he said about the holster!? :)
Count down 10 days to go. I just have a gut feeling he walks. His family seems to be able to buy anything. Hope that does not happen and the family see's justice done for their daughter, and Who-You-Are does not matter.
Photo of NINE watches (8 in bloody case, one on dresser).

Perhaps NO watch was “stolen” from the crime scene by police (remember, Col. van Rensburg found no missing watch, even after physically searching all his officers, all their bags and their vehicles!)

After OP was arrested, he changed into his grey sweat pants with hooded, long-sleeved sweatshirt. How many times has OP gone out of his house without wearing a watch? I’m guessing zero. So, he if wore a watch out of the house, sister Aimee took one and van Rensburg found no missing watch in spite of turning the house and everyone in it upside down and inside out, NO watch was stolen.

Just like the family/defense STOLE OP’s 0020 phone for 11 days, they very likely “stole” the “missing” watch, too.

(For all we know, OP himself strategically hid one of his watches while he was upstairs TWICE - he knows his very large house better than anyone, inside and out. Hell, he could have easily given it to trusted buddy Stander or even Carice!)

Added bonus: blame the cops for incompetence, corruption and tampering with the crime scene.
Photo of NINE watches (8 in bloody case, one on dresser).

Perhaps NO watch was “stolen” from the crime scene by police (remember, Col. van Rensburg found no missing watch, even after physically searching all his officers, all their bags and their vehicles!)

After OP was arrested, he changed into his grey sweat pants with hooded, long-sleeved sweatshirt. How many times has OP gone out of his house without wearing a watch? I’m guessing zero. So, he if wore a watch out of the house, sister Aimee took one and van Rensburg found no missing watch in spite of turning the house and everyone in it upside down and inside out, NO watch was stolen.

Just like the family/defense STOLE OP’s 0020 phone for 11 days, they very likely “stole” the “missing” watch, too.

(For all we know, OP himself strategically hid one of his watches while he was upstairs TWICE - he knows his very large house better than anyone, inside and out. Hell, he could have easily given it to trusted buddy Stander or even Carice!)

Added bonus: blame the cops for incompetence, corruption and tampering with the crime scene.

Thanks, best pic I've seen yet of the watches! Do you per chance have one of them after the alleged theft, so we know which one/s allegedly went missing? Do we know for sure which one the sister took on the 14th while escorted by the photographer? Is it the same silver one that OP and his sister seem to take turns wearing in court?



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TWO questions that were never asked.

1) Did the green toilet door key have any BLOOD on it? OP claims he found it inside the (bloody) toilet on the floor. If he hit the door hard enough to bust out panels and dislodge the key in the lock (and according to Roux, knocked wall tiles off the bathroom wall next to the door frame), seems the key would have connected with blood somewhere in that tiny toilet.

2) Strangely, his gun had NO blood on it, amid all that blood. WHY? Unlike Reeva’s bloody phone - found UNDER the bath mat, his gun was found on top of that same bath mat. The logistics of this makes no sense: didn’t he first put down his gun, break down the door, drag Reeva out, then (allegedly) try to call for help on Reeva’s (locked) phone? Why wasn’t her phone on the mat with the gun?

The bathroom floor, walls, counters and cricket bat were spattered and smeared with blood! How’s it possible that his gun, alone, escaped all that blood?! I say it’s not possible - unless it was placed there AFTER he carried her downstairs (remember, he washed the blood off his hands and he did go back upstairs - twice.)

Here’s an alternate scenario.

When OP opened that door, saw all the horrific blood and gore, realized what he had actually just committed, he removed his gun out of the bathroom for two reasons:

a) he knew there was gonna be A LOT more blood when he removed Reeva and he didn’t want to dirty his pretty, shiny gun (yes, I believe he is just this much of a twisted, cold b#stard ... remember his rage when that cop dared to touch his precious gun?!!) and

b) he wanted to psychologically “disassociate” both his smoking gun and himself from the brutal, gruesome crime - this is also why he immediately removed Reeva (and himself) from the tiny, gory execution scene. He did NOT want witnesses, paramedics and most especially police photographs! (Denial is powerful. Remember, he never takes responsibility for anything.)

Right after the shooting, he immediately tried to check Reeva’s phone to see if she had called the police (this info was CRITICAL to his story and actions), saw it was locked and angrily threw it on the floor - hence the phone and case in two pieces (then, perhaps he furiously kicked it and it slid under the bath mat?).

However, while downstairs trying to “save” Reeva, he suddenly realized he had to place his gun back into the bathroom if his “intruder” story, the tragic “shock” of finding Reeva had any hope of succeeding! (How could he ever explain his “terrified” “self-defense” if his gun was found in the BEDROOM?) Also, remember, OP testified that after the shooting, he carried his gun from the bathroom to the bedroom (“searching” for Reeva, blah, blah, blah) and then back to the bathroom. Some twisted half-truth to this, as he actually did move his gun around - but for the very specific (secret) reason I’ve outlined ... which is also why he could not explain to Nel why he was still inexplicably carrying his cocked gun around after the shooting.

I believe OP washed his hands TWICE. Remember, he went back upstairs TWICE - once while Stipp and Stander were outside (before the paramedics arrived) and then again after they arrived (to go fetch Reeva’s purse).

So, with clean hands and back upstairs to continue creating his story, he carefully placed his silvery, gleaming gun on top of the bath mat.

What else did he “manipulate”?
Count down 10 days to go. I just have a gut feeling he walks. His family seems to be able to buy anything. Hope that does not happen and the family see's justice done for their daughter, and Who-You-Are does not matter.

I know many people who are saying that. However, I remind them that if he walks, it will mean Thokozile Masipa, one of the most principled people in Africa, has turned her back on the struggles & sacrifices she and her Peers made for freedom & equality. That, will never happen.

In addition, it will require a Judgement explanation that would have to:

Discount ear witnesses and in particular, the witness testimony of a Professional like Dr Stipp
Ride rough shod over SA Gun ownership laws
Override Putative Self Defence provisions
Ignore the improbability of OP's version and the three defences he has proffered
Belittle a State Pathologist along with a serving police investigator
Agree that a Geologist knows more about Ballistics, Pathology, Sound & Lighting than experts
Consent to Character testimony from someone in the payroll of an accused murder suspect

There are other points, but the most important one to consider is this. Thokozile Masipa is known for her tireless campaigning for equality & human rights, before she became a Judge. She is now known for her fair treatment of people, but also her firmness when dealing with matters of guilt.

If OP walks, there will be a case law reference of killing someone whom you have not identified, because in your mind you thought you were right to do so, out of nothing more than fear.

Forget the OP Clan - they are nothing more than Media Bogey Men. OP will be found guilty of Murder and will go to prison.
(Before I give my theory on the holster, I need to preface my post as follows: to this day I don't have any idea what OP testified to re: the location of the holster. And, I really don't know exactly where on the left side of his bed it was found as I've seen three versions e.g. on the floor; on the bedside table; behind the bedside table. Also, I don't know whether OP might have testified that he had to remove the gun from it's holster when he heard the intruder or whether he unholstered to gun before going to bed.)

Given my experience and habits with my handgun over many years, I'm thinking that perhaps Nel believes the location of the holster on Feb. 14th is a moot point.

O/T - Like OP, I sleep on the right hand side of my bed and my bed is positioned the same as his... the left side being closer to the bedroom door. During the day I keep my gun holstered and concealed to the left side of the bed... in case there's a daytime intruder or prowler I can get to the gun quicker.

As soon as I retire to my bedroom for the night, I remove the gun from it's holster and place the gun under the unused pillow which is next to the pillow I sleep on. I leave the empty holster still concealed and in it's usual place on the left side of bed. So it's possible that OP removes his gun from the holster upon retiring to his bedroom at night. (In case I'm awakened by a noise in the night, I don't want to have to lose even one second by having to remove the gun from the holster... perhaps OP thinks the same way on that.)

Thanks, Foxbluff! Good to hear from those with real-life experiences with guns, as it does give us some baseline to gauge the reasonableness of OP's actions.

Whatever his official "story", whatever he did or didn't do, the fact he likely may have kept his gun unholstered at night does make perfect sense.

Thanks, again, Fox! I believe the "mystery" of the holster on the nightstand is no longer a mystery. lol :) And, honestly, in this case, it doesn't change one thing or the ultimate outcome of that night.
The "habit" you have each night makes total sense. As nervous/jumpy as OP seems to be of intruders gaining access to his home, it makes sense OP likely unholstered his gun each night as well.

His TESTIMONY however, stated he "unholstered" his gun that morning, before proceeding towards the hallway/bathroom. Perhaps he thought adding this small detail would help add seconds to his timeframe. Knowing he needed time for Reeva to go to toilet, pull pants back up, etc.

I agree with Lux however....IF HE DID UNHOLSTER the gun, in an emergency like this you would simply leave it there - meaning on the floor. Not find a "new spot" for it, and in the pitch dark. Makes absolutely no sense. Silly to think ANYONE would do that in that situation. But after your post, makes sense he's likely just lying about the gun even being holster.

It's the fine detail that he freely offers that always puts me on high alert with his answers. Why not just say something like, "I needed to protect Reeva and me so I reached down and grabbed my gun". To me it was totally unnecessary to mention the holster at all. If Nel wanted to know if it was in the holster he could have asked, but no, OP had to get it in first and there was probably a reason for that. It's beyond belief all the small detail he remembers about inconsequential things but when it comes to anything important he either didn't have time to think or wasn't sure. In cross-examination alone he didn’t have time to think approx. 12 times and wasn't sure approx. 30 times. Sort of telling isn't it?

And then there’s that excellent article

“… in the rest of his affidavit Oscar refers to himself (‘I’) 82 times. He refers to Reeva just 6 times”. Yep, it’s all about him. She’s only worthy of being mentioned in passing ... could have been anybody.

“When Oscar describes Reeva (in his affidavit and his testimony) his descriptions are mute and constrained. But his descriptions of everyone else are in the finest details”. “The officer had shorts on…they were casually dressed…” He tells us where they were standing, what they say to him, their gestures and movements. About Stipp we get a psychological assessment. “He seemed overwhelmed by the…the situation.” Stipp, a doctor, discovered the young woman had been shot to death. If there was nothing he could do to save her, this does not mean he was overwhelmed”. Once again, lots of fine detail.

“In Oscar’s affidavit he uses the words ‘I have’ 13 times and shows similar disassociation when referring to Reeva. In explaining how and why he shot Reeva Oscar tells us ‘I have received death threats’ and ‘I have been a victim of violence.’ Why would he say this in his affidavit? These two statements did not have to be included. All he needed to say at this point was that he heard a noise and thought an intruder had entered his home.

“During his testimony-in chief he said, “I ran back to the room…and shouted from the balcony for help. I screamed ‘help, help, help’. I screamed for somebody to help me…. I was crying out to the Lord to help me….” Me, me, me, me, me. “Help me”!!! To my way of thinking, if it was an accident and once he saw what he’d done, a “normal” person would have said “Oh my God, nooooooooooo” and immediately run and grabbed his phone, rung Netcare and said, “I’ve just shot my girlfriend. I’m not sure if she’s still alive but she’s seriously wounded. Send an ambulance immediately”, not sit down for he doesn’t know how long and cried. This can only be because he was waiting for her to die. He said that Netcare had told him to bring her to hospital, except the court was never shown any evidence of that alleged conversation. No doubt he just blubbered into the phone and gave no details whatsoever but phone records would show that he had rung them. And seriously, take a person to hospital with a gunshot wound to the head, an arm that’s virtually amputated, and the hip injury? OP never told Stander to ring for an ambulance only to come to his house and that he shot her because he thought she was an intruder. And how did Oscar feel … saddened. It beggars belief.

“But does he help Reeva? A disabled person trying to carry a mortally wounded person down stairs? Isn’t that reckless endangerment? Oscar claims he was ‘helping’ her by attempting to get her to hospital”. I can’t even begin to contemplate that either he or any of his family or friends would have considered taking her to hospital. Total bulldust and utter cr*p.

“Crucially, during cross-examination Oscar said: “At that point I was shouting and screaming for him (Stipp) to help me.” Me. Not Reeva. And just how was Stipp supposed to help him?

His whole story is disgusting, stomach-churning, revolting and sickening in the extreme, and I hope he rots in prison for many years. He said many times that he didn’t have time to think that night but I’m hoping he’ll have many, many years to think about it when he goes to prison.
Count down 10 days to go. I just have a gut feeling he walks. His family seems to be able to buy anything. Hope that does not happen and the family see's justice done for their daughter, and Who-You-Are does not matter.

First, I do not see Judge Masipa as capable of being bought by anyone - especially the Pistorius family.

How could she possibly justify and rationalize allowing him to walk free?

(You are familiar with her judicial history of convictions and very harsh sentences against rapists and female-killers? She recently sentenced a serial rapist to 252 years in prison and a wife-killer to life.)

The way I see it, the bare-bones minimum is CH.
The hard facts of this case and the SA gun laws practically dictate she convict him.

She will not want the legal precedence that this landmark, high-profile case sets to be the "Oscar Defense" - OP's "blueprint" for murder and get out of jail free card. Copycat killings would explode across SA.

For him to walk would require My Lady to fully accept four things:

1) all the State ear witnesses who heard a woman scream/argument are liars and/or delusional
2) Oscar was a reasonable man that night on all counts
3) Oscar screams like a woman (even though Defense presented NO proof of such claim and
4) belief in Oscar's convoluted fantasy - the impossible, irrational and illogical.

I predict she will go for murder.
Thanks, best pic I've seen yet of the watches! Do you per chance have one of them after the alleged theft, so we know which one/s allegedly went missing? Do we know for sure which one the sister took on the 14th while escorted by the photographer? Is it the same silver one that OP and his sister seem to take turns wearing in court?

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Hi, Val. :) So far, I haven't found a photo of the box with the missing watch.

Ha, wouldn't that be something - the family stole the "missing" watch and hides it in plain sight in court every day? LOL

Honestly, I wouldn't put anything past this family if they thought they could get away with it.
Hi, Val. :) So far, I haven't found a photo of the box with the missing watch.

Ha, wouldn't that be something - the family stole the "missing" watch and hides it in plain sight in court every day? LOL

Honestly, I wouldn't put anything past this family if they thought they could get away with it.

The whole situation certainly seems fishy to me.
After returning to the main bedroom where a team of forensic experts was gathering evidence, he realised one watch, said to be worth as much as $10,000 (£6,000) was missing. He said he was told Mr Pistorius' sister Aimee had come into the room and removed it.

After leaving the room again, another watch went missing, so he gave instructions for the police officers and their cars to be searched.

Col Van Rensburg said that after that, everyone entering and leaving the scene was thoroughly searched and entered into a log, presented in court.
Officers stole a watch belonging to the runner from the crime scene shortly after a forensic investigation began. The watch had been in a blood-spattered box with seven other timepieces before it vanished.

Later, Aimee Pistorius was at the crime scene and removed another of her brother's watches to take with her. She was seen by police officers.
Defence lawyer Roux has resumed his questions about Pistorius's collection of expensive watches, of which some are missing.

Apparently there was a ninth watch of which the police witness was not aware, which also appears to be missing.

We didn't get to see that log... and we still don't have a positive id on which(or indeed how many) watch/es OP's sister was observed to have taken. I'm betting that ninth watch(the one in the bedstand drawer pic) is the one OP wears most of the time in court.

As for his sister, I've observed her wearing another watch in court that doesn't appear to be one of the ones in the box but looks very much to me like a man's watch.

I would also like to know why in the world only the police on scene were searched, why not all the family, friends, lawyers, locksmith, caretaker, etc as well since it was a crime scene and it appeared another crime had happened while they were all there?

Anyway, it seems quite odd that Roux asked to speak to the judge in chambers after all the "it's not a trick" questions to van Rensburg, where iirc one of the photos he used, to make it appear that the police must have tampered with the scene before the official photos were taken, was one that Nel was overheard in a conversation where it wasn't even the right date let alone an official evidence photo so he wasn't even going to address it.
Oscar Pistorius’ house: Inside the luxury home in Pretoria where Reeva Steenkamp was killed

Please google. I'm not able yet to link the newspaper article exactly (subscribed to ... and so on). I have to take lessons from whomever. :blushing:

Oscar Pistorius’ house: Inside the luxury home in Pretoria where Reeva Steenkamp was killed

Please google. I'm not able yet to link the newspaper article exactly (subscribed to ... and so on). I have to take lessons from whomever. :blushing:

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This pic makes the whole ladder thing so ridiculous.. why would they use ladders to enter an upstairs room when they can just break in through the doors below them?
I thought I'd come in and check out the latest updates and post a question.
If I remember correctly Reva came to rest with her head resting on her right arm on or at the edge of the toilet bowl. Wouldn't she have had more blood on her face?

IHNI why this popped in my head after all these months.
Photo of NINE watches (8 in bloody case, one on dresser).

Perhaps NO watch was “stolen” from the crime scene by police (remember, Col. van Rensburg found no missing watch, even after physically searching all his officers, all their bags and their vehicles!)

After OP was arrested, he changed into his grey sweat pants with hooded, long-sleeved sweatshirt. How many times has OP gone out of his house without wearing a watch? I’m guessing zero. So, he if wore a watch out of the house, sister Aimee took one and van Rensburg found no missing watch in spite of turning the house and everyone in it upside down and inside out, NO watch was stolen.

Just like the family/defense STOLE OP’s 0020 phone for 11 days, they very likely “stole” the “missing” watch, too.

(For all we know, OP himself strategically hid one of his watches while he was upstairs TWICE - he knows his very large house better than anyone, inside and out. Hell, he could have easily given it to trusted buddy Stander or even Carice!)

Added bonus: blame the cops for incompetence, corruption and tampering with the crime scene.

Great pic and info!
"Maybe" :D CS as an attorney had given some piece of advice in messing around. Why would she have been there if not for that purpose and to help her "neighbourfriend"?!
It's the fine detail that he freely offers that always puts me on high alert with his answers. Why not just say something like, "I needed to protect Reeva and me so I reached down and grabbed my gun". To me it was totally unnecessary to mention the holster at all. If Nel wanted to know if it was in the holster he could have asked, but no, OP had to get it in first and there was probably a reason for that. It's beyond belief all the small detail he remembers about inconsequential things but when it comes to anything important he either didn't have time to think or wasn't sure. In cross-examination alone he didn’t have time to think approx. 12 times and wasn't sure approx. 30 times. Sort of telling isn't it?

And then there’s that excellent article

“… in the rest of his affidavit Oscar refers to himself (‘I’) 82 times. He refers to Reeva just 6 times”. Yep, it’s all about him. She’s only worthy of being mentioned in passing ... could have been anybody.

“When Oscar describes Reeva (in his affidavit and his testimony) his descriptions are mute and constrained. But his descriptions of everyone else are in the finest details”. “The officer had shorts on…they were casually dressed…” He tells us where they were standing, what they say to him, their gestures and movements.
About Stipp we get a psychological assessment. “He seemed overwhelmed by the…the situation.” Stipp, a doctor, discovered the young woman had been shot to death. If there was nothing he could do to save her, this does not mean he was overwhelmed”. Once again, lots of fine detail.

“In Oscar’s affidavit he uses the words ‘I have’ 13 times and shows similar disassociation when referring to Reeva. In explaining how and why he shot Reeva Oscar tells us ‘I have received death threats’ and ‘I have been a victim of violence.’ Why would he say this in his affidavit? These two statements did not have to be included. All he needed to say at this point was that he heard a noise and thought an intruder had entered his home.

“During his testimony-in chief he said, “I ran back to the room…and shouted from the balcony for help. I screamed ‘help, help, help’. I screamed for somebody to help me…. I was crying out to the Lord to help me….” Me, me, me, me, me. “Help me”!!! To my way of thinking, if it was an accident and once he saw what he’d done, a “normal” person would have said “Oh my God, nooooooooooo” and immediately run and grabbed his phone, rung Netcare and said, “I’ve just shot my girlfriend. I’m not sure if she’s still alive but she’s seriously wounded. Send an ambulance immediately”, not sit down for he doesn’t know how long and cried. This can only be because he was waiting for her to die. He said that Netcare had told him to bring her to hospital, except the court was never shown any evidence of that alleged conversation. No doubt he just blubbered into the phone and gave no details whatsoever but phone records would show that he had rung them. And seriously, take a person to hospital with a gunshot wound to the head, an arm that’s virtually amputated, and the hip injury? OP never told Stander to ring for an ambulance only to come to his house and that he shot her because he thought she was an intruder. And how did Oscar feel … saddened. It beggars belief.

“But does he help Reeva? A disabled person trying to carry a mortally wounded person down stairs? Isn’t that reckless endangerment? Oscar claims he was ‘helping’ her by attempting to get her to hospital”. I can’t even begin to contemplate that either he or any of his family or friends would have considered taking her to hospital. Total bulldust and utter cr*p.

“Crucially, during cross-examination Oscar said: “At that point I was shouting and screaming for him (Stipp) to help me.” Me. Not Reeva. And just how was Stipp supposed to help him?

His whole story is disgusting, stomach-churning, revolting and sickening in the extreme, and I hope he rots in prison for many years. He said many times that he didn’t have time to think that night but I’m hoping he’ll have many, many years to think about it when he goes to prison.

BBM: It has always struck me that, in OP's bail affidavit, Reeva was completely and totally silent.

My gut tells me that Oscar is STILL angry and bitter with Reeva for the reason he shot her (she was going to leave him?) and IMO feels justified, but knows he cannot say that.

I would bet something that he is even perturbed that he cannot brag about what a good shot he is.

First, I do not see Judge Masipa as capable of being bought by anyone - especially the Pistorius family.

How could she possibly justify and rationalize allowing him to walk free?

(You are familiar with her judicial history of convictions and very harsh sentences against rapists and female-killers? She recently sentenced a serial rapist to 252 years in prison and a wife-killer to life.)

The way I see it, the bare-bones minimum is CH.
The hard facts of this case and the SA gun laws practically dictate she convict him.

She will not want the legal precedence that this landmark, high-profile case sets to be the "Oscar Defense" - OP's "blueprint" for murder and get out of jail free card. Copycat killings would explode across SA.

For him to walk would require My Lady to fully accept four things:

1) all the State ear witnesses who heard a woman scream/argument are liars and/or delusional
2) Oscar was a reasonable man that night on all counts
3) Oscar screams like a woman (even though Defense presented NO proof of such claim and
4) belief in Oscar's convoluted fantasy - the impossible, irrational and illogical.

I predict she will go for murder.

I predict she will go for the max and no bail.
Oscar Pistorius’ house: Inside the luxury home in Pretoria where Reeva Steenkamp was killed

Please google. I'm not able yet to link the newspaper article exactly (subscribed to ... and so on). I have to take lessons from whomever. :blushing:

View attachment 58001

Here is the link:

(FG...Put your curser in the address bar and right click, then copy. Move to where you want to place it, hit paste, and you have pasted the link.)
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