Theory Thread - What happened at Pistorius' house on the night of Feb. 13, 2013?

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What are you all predicting for Thursday?

Sadly, I am still stuck with dolus eventualis- which i went for back in spring, even though in my heart it is directus.
Whilst I bow to the superior knowledge of this legal expert you have linked to, I don't believe it will be CH.

Way back when we had a poll we were asked what we thought the outcome would be. Even though I had no doubt in my mind that it was premeditated murder (the screaming between shots sealed that for me), I felt that because of who he was and how allowances are always made for him and that the trial was in SA that he would probably get CH. I still think that is possible but it doesn't please me. If he does, it will be because Masipa and her assessors didn't have enough unequivocal evidence to make the other two charges stick. If he gets CH I hope it is the full 15 years but, hey-ho, it is Oscar Pistorius so anything could happen.
If this is true ...

Clues about the looming verdict could emerge during the reading, but Pistorius will only know the judgment for or against him at the end of what is likely to be a long reading that will grip the world's attention.

... we're in for a long wait.
I'm praying for Oscar.

I'm praying for Oscar to be taken straight to prison on Thursday, not to emerge for many a long year. :jail:
my thoughts regarding any delay:

If there was a delay, it would not likely be due to judge m. She is very aware of all that is at stake (the defendant spending sleepless nights waiting to know his fate, knowing this is a high profile case & televised.....judge m will make sure she & her assessors are ready to go come thursday morning.

However, if there is a delay (which is quite possible, knowing how this case as crawled along at a snail's pace), it would be due to oscar.
some examples:
a) oscar was admitted to the emergency room last night. He is unable to appear.
B) oscar is missing! (yes, his "legs" are gone too)

hopefully, everyone will be in place & ready to go come thursday morning. I even anticipate brother carl to be there sitting in a wheelchair, as support for his brother (and it can't hurt to play the "my brother almost died card" and is still here to support me, the poor misunderstood victimized defendant).

This was published in Beeld today. I’ve used the internet to translate the relevant parts but I’ve had to rejig it a bit to make sense.

“If Carl can go, it will be in a wheelchair.

"He would obviously love to be there, but we're not sure if his doctors will allow him go," said Anneliese Burgess, family spokesman said on Wednesday.

"OP would love his brother to be there for support on the day, but the question is whether the doctors will allow it," Burgess said.

Carl is in a medical rehabilitation center in Pretoria and being treated "to regain his mobility" after numerous broken bones and internal injuries when he was injured in a very serious car accident in early August . "He was very, very hurt and we still have a long recovery before," Burgess said. It looks like he will be in a rehabilitation center for about three months.

June and Barry Steenkamp are flying from Port Elizabeth to Johannesburg for the verdict. The Steenkamps are confident that justice will be done, whatever the outcome.

At about 13:00 Oscar was in a white Volvo and drove from his uncle Arnold Pistorius's house in Waterkloof (?)rutted. He was driving and there was someone in the passenger seat, but it was not clear whom.

He returned about three and a half hours later - about 16:30.

On the question of how he goes, Burgess replied: "The time will come when he will speak. We do not want at this stage to speak on his behalf. "

She said his family tomorrow, as usual, will rally behind him in court when Masipa delivers her long-awaited ruling. It is expected to take tomorrow and Friday, and people from around the world will be glued to the end of the most sensational trial of the year to watch

Samantha Taylor, Oscar's ex-girlfriend who testified against him, will not be in court, her father, Henry, said. "Samantha is in London for a media interview and she will the verdict on TV."
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