Things that are Plaguing Me

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I never have either, but what was the name of that book again that Patsy's father gave her about child-rearing?
IMO the note was written so the Ramsey's gain more time.
Why on earth would a psycho child killer leave SUCH a note?

So she could throw the police off of her trail. And it worked for a little while...
<<I need some opinions. I've been thinking about JBR being molested and also about BR"s disconnected behavior>>


I'm not so sure there is any definitive proof that JBR was molested. I have never read anything anywhere that says proof positive that she was.
I'm not so sure there is any definitive proof that JBR was molested.

It's definitive enough for me, and that's saying something.

I have never read anything anywhere that says proof positive that she was.

Maybe you just weren't looking in the right places.
It makes no sense that the "intruder" brought the note with him. Also, it was written with a black Sharpie pen that was found in the home. The "intruder" would have had to remove the pen from the home, then return it. As well as the pad, or at least some pages. Before you mention the "missing" pages, remember that the "practice note" was still in the pad, and PR admitted writing the practice note. The handwriting of the ransom note matched the practice note. The pad contained NO fingerprints other than those belonging to Patsy, one of the police officers, and one lab worker.

I think the intruder was already in the house long before the Ramsey's came home. The note was written in the house while he waited. That's why I think it was someone who was familiar with the family and knew they wouldn't be home right away. Or just figured they were visiting. I think he had plenty of time to do whatever he wanted. Just wondering, when did PR EVER admit to writing the practice note? The intruder more than likely wore gloves which explains the no fingerprints.
Here's one that plagues me ...... there was rope found in the closet of the guest (if I remember right) bedroom that nobody could ever explain.
I think the intruder was already in the house long before the Ramsey's came home. The note was written in the house while he waited. That's why I think it was someone who was familiar with the family and knew they wouldn't be home right away. Or just figured they were visiting. I think he had plenty of time to do whatever he wanted. Just wondering, when did PR EVER admit to writing the practice note? The intruder more than likely wore gloves which explains the no fingerprints.

The autopsy report mentions evidence of both acute and chronic molestation.
It can be found online at OR

The coroner told Detective Linda Arndt (who was present at the autopsy) that the type of damage was consistent with digital penetration.
PR said the practice note was really the beginning of a party invitation. It is somewhere in her many pages of depositions, easily found on the acandyrose site.
I am not quite sure I find that your posts correspond with each other hotyh. How could they have ruled out a prank by letting Burke sleep, not asking him if he knew anything.

I think I see your point. Consider the R's as innocent for a moment: once the RN was discovered and read, BR wouldve been instantly ruled out as 'playing a prank'. They knew at that moment there was a serious crime. That their daughter had been removed from the house. They knew their 10 year old son was incapable of the RN.

Didn't you?

That makes it more than just a 'family' emergency, as if they were missing a pet or something. Innocent parents would've known it to be a serious crime.

Placing myself in that position, however, calling 911 would've happened first and without hesitation. The reason for this is because the perp could be retarded or insane, and that means every minute a child is with them puts them more at risk.

Many RDI wouldn't have called 911 right away, apparently preferring to gamble with a child's life instead by putting faith into the perps hands, and assuming the RN to be factual.

Thats pretty odd considering how outlandish the RN was!

RDI has multiple and varied claims of the R's 'not reacting the way I would'.

Wha?? No they wouldn't. I wouldn't. Who needs clues when you've got a RN staring you in the face that says they've got your kid and they want money?

There's your clue.
I wanted to bump this thread as it has a lot of great information and links! I have come to one conclusion. There are a lot of posters on this thread who tirelessly answer questions, set facts straight and make sure that people new to JonBenet's forum know where and how to find information. Thank you Super Dave, Dee Dee, Ames, Madeline, JMO and anyone else I may have forgotten.

This thread is well worth reading!
If I woke to a ransom note I'd scream for the husband and then check the child's bed and check on the other child. I wouldn't wake my nine year old either and no way would assume he was playing a prank. Plus I'd assume the kidnappers were long gone, but would look outside for a vehicle speeding away and would probably assume that it happened several hours earlier. I'd assume kidnapping if I were wealthy, and since John thought the note indicated an inside job there would be no assuming that we were really being monitored by some group of foreign individuals. However, I would search through the entire house or demand that the police do it. I'd also carry a toddler up from the basement instead of waiting for police to come down there and would also probably throw myself on the floor or over the child if told she was dead.
I'd definitely wake my other child. What if they'd seen or heard something?
I'd scream for police if I found her, and not touch a thing, including her.
John tears down the stairs; he seems to be shouting, but nothing makes sense.

"Burke!" John yells. What about Burke?".

Both of us race to Burke's room at the far end of the second floor and find him apparently still asleep. Best not to arouse him until we figure out what's happening here, I think. He's better off asleep for now, I step into the hall.

Why not wake him to ask if he has seen or heard anything? Why not enter his room to make sure the intruder was not hiding there?
I'd definitely wake my other child. What if they'd seen or heard something?
I'd scream for police if I found her, and not touch a thing, including her.

I totally agree Dee Dee. My first instinct and I can only speak for myself here, would be to gather all my children close to me. I would need to know that they were alright and hadnt heard anything. Then, they wouldnt leave my sight for a second. For those that are going to tell me that I dont know what I would do in that situation. Let me assure you, that I would do exactly as I just wrote.

When I asked my husband what he would have done, he said.... "I would have gotten all of you into one room and called 911. I would have read them the ransom note word for word, then we would have prayed as a family, while we waited for the FBI."
John tears down the stairs; he seems to be shouting, but nothing makes sense.

"Burke!" John yells. What about Burke?".

Both of us race to Burke's room at the far end of the second floor and find him apparently still asleep. Best not to arouse him until we figure out what's happening here, I think. He's better off asleep for now, I step into the hall.

Why not wake him to ask if he has seen or heard anything? Why not enter his room to make sure the intruder was not hiding there?

Why didnt they check him, to see if he was hurt and needed help????
Why didnt they check him, to see if he was hurt and needed help????

Bingo!! Million dollar question. Also, despite Patsy's impassioned plea, 'to 'keep your babies close', she didn't follow her own instructions very well, did she?!
Bingo!! Million dollar question. Also, despite Patsy's impassioned plea, 'to 'keep your babies close', she didn't follow her own instructions very well, did she?!

No she doesnt... In fact her child had been kidnapped and she sent the other one away for the day and then stayed in a drug induced stupor while her old man drank scotch. Which one I ask you, was keeping an eye on their son, whom by the way, was not scared. Even though someone had broken into their home and killed his sister... How long did the Rs ignore their son, leaving his care and emotional well being to others.... Oh, I forgot, that was the story of BRs life.
Well Agatha, someone must have been doing that job very well as Burke was ready to 'just get on with my life'. I still find that statement quite remarkable, given the circumstances, his age and later statements he made regarding secrets. ;-)
If BR was not involved, he absolutely knew more then he was ever given credit for. He heard what was happening that night and morning and all the little secrets that were shared inside their own four walls. Like that old saying goes "Little pitchers have big ears."

All you have to do, is know an abused child, to know just how many deep dark secrets children can keep and just how well they learn to lie and cover for the abuser. It doesnt take much to scare Hades into a child.
Why didnt they check him, to see if he was hurt and needed help????

That's another thing. Most people would check the child to make sure he was breathing and okay even if they didn't wake him right away. If it were me, I'd figure he didn't see anything or he'd be awake and alerting the parents and let him sleep until the police got there. Having friends take Burke was odd and not what most traumatized parents would do either, but then again, they seemed to rely on their social network and friends more than most people. I wouldn't want my nine year old seeing and hearing all the questions and grief until having a chance to explain, but would be terrified to have him out of the same house as the family. I'm not sure the Ramsey's were all that particular about their kids. Patsy only knew the cleaning lady about a year and let her babysit. Many wealthy and less wealthy people would never leave their little kids with someone who only came in to clean and they didn't know that well (also who's husband had a known drinking problem) or let little kids go to so many people's homes.

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