Things that make you wonder

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George stated in his police interview that he feared caylee and kc may be in the trunk.
it's a photoshopped picture from a clever sleuth :) Well done!

Wow!! You ain't kiddin!! That's some great work. FWIW.....I always thought that pic of Caylee at the mall was photoshopped for the A's. JMO
it's a photoshopped picture from a clever sleuth :) Well done!

Very CLEVER sleuth, indeed!!!:thumb:
Thanks for answering my had me really wondering!
MAJOR things that make me wonder:

George got within 3 ft of KC’s vehicle and he smelled “Death.” He opens the driver side and sits in the vehicle and looks around. He notices KC’s purse with her wallet and DL inside, along with other things. He notices Caylee’s car seat and her favorite Baby Doll. Knowing full well what the smell represents, he asks the lot attendant to go with him to the trunk. Opens the trunk, no one inside.

My Wonder: WHY did he take possession of the vehicle knowing what he was smelling was “Human Decomp?” He was an ex-deputy for Gods sake.

George drives the vehicle off the impound lot, with the windows only cracked, because it was raining that day. Drove the car all the way home and parked it in the garage, because he did not want anyone to came back to get it… SO, did he know KC was ALIVE???

My Wonder: WHO would come to get it except KC? Caylee could not drive.

My Wonder: WHY would he than go to work,?
WHY would Cindy go BACK to work?

George and Cindy said they did not know where KC and Caylee was at, so WHY would it take Cindy’s co-works to tell her to call the police and to go home?

If you have EVER smelled human decomp, you will NEVER forget that smell. You will NEVER mistake it for anything other than what it is.

I have more things that I wonder about, but these are the ones that bother me the most and make me have questions as to what they really know.

All are JMOO

You made a good point. I agree with you. If I was GA I would have called the police right then fearing my daughter/Granddaughter had been killed.
I say ... you could judge when the pic of KC was by the length
of her hair.
I say that this picture was early in the case by the Length of her
hair.. the day she was crying cause they said she had to stay in jail
That's what happens when you are CHARGED with committing a crime!
That's what happens when the EVIDENCE shows that you appear to
have guilt in committing the crime.:liar::liar::liar:

God Bless !

*** I suggest "Honesty Is Indeed the BEST POLICY!":blowkiss:
You made a good point. I agree with you. If I was GA I would have called the police right then fearing my daughter/Granddaughter had been killed.

Sad , GA could Not seem to face the "TRUTH"
He is the father that should have taught his daughter to tell the truth!
He was most likely SHOCKED ! at the smell of the car !
But that is just Not a good enough excuse....
Little 2 year old CAYLEE MARIE was counting on her Grandfather to
Love her and protect her from harm... JUST CHILLING... it was
GA own daughter, that he needed to protect his own GRANDDAUGHTER
from her own so called Mother !

Just plain UNSPEAKABLE !

I feel very sorry for GA that his own daughter disrespected him
so much to do this to him... and put him in this extremely
terrible SITUATION ! I can barely imagine ~ how SAD & horrible he must feel!

That was one of my questions also. And why did GA (seeing the purse and doll and smelling decomp) not immediately think that BOTH his daughter and grand daughter were in trouble? Why did he only fear seeing Caylee in the trunk? Why not both?

I'm not finished reading the thread, so this may have been answered, but I think CA and GA had been in contact with KC most everyday (by phone); They just hadn't SEEN or laid eyes on her in over a month, so they knew KC was alive and well. However, they had not spoken or seen Caylee since the day at the nursing home. --->smell of death in car----->not seeing your grandaugher in a month------>car seat still inside car - all of this should have led GA to call 911 or LE immediately IMO.
I just hope somewhere along the way that someone gave this child their full, loving, undivided attention for a while.

While I may not agree with the way they chose to parent Casey, I have no doubt that Cindy and George both showered Caylee with more than enough love and attention.
That was one of my questions also. And why did GA (seeing the purse and doll and smelling decomp) not immediately think that BOTH his daughter and grand daughter were in trouble? Why did he only fear seeing Caylee in the trunk? Why not both?

I think George might have smelled decomp the day of the gas can incident and since they hadn't talked or seen Caylee since the morning after the big fight it entered his mind that Casey did something to Caylee. Even if he said he hoped it was not Casey or Caylee, I think he meant Caylee.

And the nightmare began......Poor George...
March 21 - 2:16 to 2:28 pm Google searches are made on the Anthony home desktop computer for "how to make chloraform", "how to make chloroform", "self defense", "household weapons", "neck breaking", and "shovel".

"Shovel" - WTH??????
When you google shovel you come up with a pretty dull assortment of choices, however there are some references to video's on utube. Neck breaking shows some dress designer as well as a band, I think. Since there is no telling what she was searching for or why I really think the google searches are a lost cause.
Among the many things that make me wonder are..

"I think we went into more detail with Mr. Hoover that went into in the past, but that's as far as I'll go," Baez said.

“Like everybody who all was on the phone? Why were we out in the woods? That sort of thing. (In your gut who do you believe was on the phone that day?) I answered that last week and I was threatened to be sued. (You believe it was Lee?) There's a slight possibility it could be Lee,” Hoover said.
Something I wonder about is, when did everything go bad between Casey and Cindy? Her friends talk about problems for years. What was the core problem? If things were so bad, then why did Casey do everything to stay there? Lots of kids move out as soon as they can, Casey did have a job before she got pregnant, she could have moved out and gotten an apartment with a few friends.
Then there's George, the more I hear, the more I feel he was more interested in protecting his own interests rather than step up to the plate and be a real father and a real grandfather. Can't call Casey on all her bs, can't make waves, can't upset Cindy. Sorry but that family needed someone to upset them! What they had going on was not healthy.

I'm not finished reading the thread, so this may have been answered, but I think CA and GA had been in contact with KC most everyday (by phone); They just hadn't SEEN or laid eyes on her in over a month, so they knew KC was alive and well. However, they had not spoken or seen Caylee since the day at the nursing home. --->smell of death in car----->not seeing your grandaugher in a month------>car seat still inside car - all of this should have led GA to call 911 or LE immediately IMO.

ITA. How does one even drive away in a car with that kind of odor? My automatic response would be to call LE right away. I would be a nervous wreck and there would be no way I could drive away thinking someone had been deceased in my vehicle.

Has it been proven through cell/phone records that the A's were in contact with KC everyday? CA's original phone call seems to indicate KC was also missing for a month so it came across to me like the A's didn't know where KC or Caylee were prior to the day of the 911 call.
ITA. How does one even drive away in a car with that kind of odor? My automatic response would be to call LE right away. I would be a nervous wreck and there would be no way I could drive away thinking someone had been deceased in my vehicle.

Has it been proven through cell/phone records that the A's were in contact with KC everyday? CA's original phone call seems to indicate KC was also missing for a month so it came across to me like the A's didn't know where KC or Caylee were prior to the day of the 911 call.
I have never understood this one, especially given the careers George and Cindy had, LE and Nursing. I could maybe understand, somewhat, if neither of them had ever smelled decomposition, but knowing that they have experience with the smell, I do not get it. Then you add in the fact that they hadn't seen or heard from their Granddaughter in a way ! Even George admits to Detectives that he was in hopes that it wasn't his Grand daughter in the trunk, so we know he was thinking that her death was a possibility, even back then. LE should have been called at the tow yard, IMO.
Something else I have wondered about. Where are GA"s parents in this case. Why haven't we heard/ read statements from them in any of the doc dumps? I am sure LE spoke to Caylee's paternal Gparents. Wonder what their take is on all this.
I have never understood this one, especially given the careers George and Cindy had, LE and Nursing. I could maybe understand, somewhat, if neither of them had ever smelled decomposition, but knowing that they have experience with the smell, I do not get it. Then you add in the fact that they hadn't seen or heard from their Granddaughter in a way ! Even George admits to Detectives that he was in hopes that it wasn't his Grand daughter in the trunk, so we know he was thinking that her death was a possibility, even back then. LE should have been called at the tow yard, IMO.

Here's what I think. I think the moment George smelled that car, he KNEW. I think the moment Cindy smelled that car, she KNEW as well. I don't fault them for what happened the first few days, but as this has continued, and their behavior has become even worse, that is what I can't condone or understand. I believe they knew at the very beginning, and what happened directly after that, the not calling LE, going back to work, etc., was a result of shock and denial.
Cindy and George go to the car impound lot. Cindy leaves and goes back to work. George drives the car home, almost gagging the entire way home as Lee Anthony told investigators with a chuckle. (This guy is warped, IMO.)

George puts the car into the garage at the Anthony home. Did he not also remove the battery or some such thing "so no one could take it"? Clearly meaning Casey.

Now, George told investigators he "had his nose right onto the stain" during his interview. So what else did he do? Remove items from the trunk? Remove the carseat and Caylee's favorite babydoll from the backseat? All of this with a stench so overpowering that it "hit you in waves" Lee stated - and Lee didn't get there until later that evening!

Do not tell me that George, a former police officer, did not strongly suspect right then and there that Caylee was dead. Come on, strong smell of death, carseat, favorite doll, and a daughter that you KNOW has serious, serious problems.

So now Cindy comes home. Was George still there when Cindy arrived? Did they have a car-cleaning party? When did Cindy was Casey's slacks that stunk so bad "from pizza"? Were they already washed before she went to pick up Amy?

IMO the coverup for Casey began before they had even located her!
George knew before he testified for the Grand Jury.
His face tells all.

George knew before he testified for the Grand Jury.
His face tells all.


I agree!!! And I sure would like to know exactly what George saw(during his interview) that made him vomit!!!

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