This thread is for posters that believe Calee is still alive #5

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OK something has been on my mind for a while and I am going to post it. Casey is Caylees mother. Casey has legal custody of Caylee. Casey does not have to tell anyone where Caylee is. There is no reason for her to. The reason I posted this is because my daughter who has my one and only beautiful granddaughter has a nanny. The nanny has been keeping my granddaughter since my daughter went back to work. My granddaughter is 3 and so cute. I have watched my granddaughter quite often. I have never met the nanny nor do I have her phone number or know where she lives, but I do know that the nanny is from PR and a friend of the fathers family. Strange isn't it. Here I have a granddaughter and know nothing really about the nanny. So I do not find it all that odd that no one knows the nanny that Casey had.
Because everything that has come out of her mouth so far has been a lie.

She is a known liar

So until I see some evidence that Casey had a miscarriage I will continue to doubt it ever happened.

Maybe she did have a miscarriage but it's my opinion that she did not.

I agree Boston and I'm sure that LE has spoken to Brandon by now. It will be very interesting indeed, to find out exactly what upset KC so much. We've not seen any other evidence of strong emotion from her...I wonder what this was all about!
I do not find it all that odd that no one knows the nanny that Casey had.

I don't think it is odd that you haven't met your granddaughter's nanny. My parents have not met my child's babysitters either. There just hasn't been any opportunity nor reason.
I don't think it is odd that you haven't met your granddaughter's nanny. My parents have not met my child's babysitters either. There just hasn't been any opportunity nor reason.

Thank you for your reply. When this case first broke, a lot of people imoo had already tried, convicted and then sentence Casey. How dare Cindy not know the nanny. I unless there is a reason, I do not need to know the nanny. Like I said, my granddaughter is 3 and she is a very happy and well adjusted little person. No reason for me to ? anything.
Thank you for your reply. When this case first broke, a lot of people imoo had already tried, convicted and then sentence Casey. How dare Cindy not know the nanny. I unless there is a reason, I do not need to know the nanny. Like I said, my granddaughter is 3 and she is a very happy and well adjusted little person. No reason for me to ? anything.

When my children were younger they had a nanny too, Miss Andrea.
While the kids talked about her, my mother never met her once. I don't think my ex husband(already an ex at the time) ever met her either.
When Evan was a baby, he had a babysitter named, Miss Rebecca. Nobody ever met her either.
This thread is for posters that believe Caylee is still alive.

The remnants of a miscarriage are one way to explain the smell emanating from the car, while believing that Caylee is still alive.

If Casey did in fact have an early miscarriage, which is probably what happened if she did experience it without needing medical attention, there would be very little tissue present, mostly from the forming placenta, and would mainly consist of blood and other bodily fluids. From speaking with my husband (he is a funeral director) he said that you would probably not have the smell of human decomposition from the remnants of an early miscarriage that was present in Casey's car (sadly, I also have experience in having an early miscarriage).

Please do not take this as me trying to disprove the belief that Caylee is alive as I have not decided fully what I believe at this point. I am just trying to further discuss a theory.
OK something has been on my mind for a while and I am going to post it. Casey is Caylees mother. Casey has legal custody of Caylee. Casey does not have to tell anyone where Caylee is. There is no reason for her to. The reason I posted this is because my daughter who has my one and only beautiful granddaughter has a nanny. The nanny has been keeping my granddaughter since my daughter went back to work. My granddaughter is 3 and so cute. I have watched my granddaughter quite often. I have never met the nanny nor do I have her phone number or know where she lives, but I do know that the nanny is from PR and a friend of the fathers family. Strange isn't it. Here I have a granddaughter and know nothing really about the nanny. So I do not find it all that odd that no one knows the nanny that Casey had.

The problem is that she told Authorities that her daughter has been kidnapped… and is in danger… so basically before anyone can just back off the case… the Well-being of Caylee needs to be checked on, we can't just take someone's word that she is fine one minute… that is what her trial is about

That is why she was charged with child endangerment and her other charges
This thread is for posters that believe Caylee is still alive.

The remnants of a miscarriage are one way to explain the smell emanating from the car, while believing that Caylee is still alive.

Two of the gases produced by a decaying body that have a very foul smell include putrescine and cadaverine. These gases are also found in decaying fish (Yesim Özogul, Fatih Özogul, Ilkan A Olgunoglu, Esmeray Kuley. (2008). Bacteriological and biochemical assessment of marinating cephalopods, crustaceans and gastropoda during 24 weeks of storage. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 59(6), 465. Retrieved September 30, 2008, from News & Magazines database. (Document ID: 1528856151), fermented animal feed (N Canibe, O Højberg, J H Badsberg, B B Jensen. (2007). Effect of feeding fermented liquid feed and fermented grain on gastrointestinal ecology and growth performance in piglets. Journal of Animal Science, 85(11), 2959-2971. Retrieved September 30, 2008, from News & Magazines database. (Document ID: 1382729281), and some hunting supply stores (

Can anyone who believes Caylee is still alive think of a reason why these, or other materials that produce these gases, be in the car?

Quite possibly, it could have been take-out, or left overs from the daytime sushi bar that turns into Fusian Ultra Lounge at night. Quick dinner before going out or cheap meal after going out. What wasn't eaten and thrown in the trash, and since Casey was being little miss clean TonE's apt., could have thrown them in the back of her car to discard later and never got around to it. Ran out of gas, forgot about it, car got towed....awful smell. What do ya think? Possible, anyway.
OK something has been on my mind for a while and I am going to post it. Casey is Caylees mother. Casey has legal custody of Caylee. Casey does not have to tell anyone where Caylee is. There is no reason for her to. The reason I posted this is because my daughter who has my one and only beautiful granddaughter has a nanny. The nanny has been keeping my granddaughter since my daughter went back to work. My granddaughter is 3 and so cute. I have watched my granddaughter quite often. I have never met the nanny nor do I have her phone number or know where she lives, but I do know that the nanny is from PR and a friend of the fathers family. Strange isn't it. Here I have a granddaughter and know nothing really about the nanny. So I do not find it all that odd that no one knows the nanny that Casey had.

I am sure you daughter is a RESPONSIBLE adult and you do not support her so it is probably none of your business. So I do not think you can compare the situations, your daughter apparently has a JOB, and requires a NANNY, and you seem like a loving grandmother who does not feel the need to interfere in your daughters life because she is not stealing from you, living with you, or lying to you.
I know a lot of people have stated that a decomposing dead body smells nothing like garbage, but I have encountered two dead bodies and neither time did I ever think the stench was rotting flesh. Everyone might think I'm weird, but I'll post it anyway.

The first time was in my college dorm. Someone crawled into a little-used closet and died in there. It stunk really bad for several days. The closet was near the cafeteria and everyone thought it was rotting food and garbage. Even the police. Not until they cleaned out every scrap of food and garbage did they find the poor person.

The second time, a man in the condo below me died and no one found him for three days. I did not know him well, except that he was very messy and did not take out his garbage or clean very well. I hadn't seen him and assumed he was out of town and didn't take out his trash. A friend of his finally came over and found him. the smell did not linger, I think they just replaced the carpet. I moved shortly afterwards.

Years before either of these incidents I found a dead calf. I was not there more than a couple of days, but it smelled much worse, and was out in the open.
I am sure you daughter is a RESPONSIBLE adult and you do not support her so it is probably none of your business. So I do not think you can compare the situations, your daughter apparently has a JOB, and requires a NANNY, and you seem like a loving grandmother who does not feel the need to interfere in your daughters life because she is not stealing from you, living with you, or lying to you.

I agree with ChesterP. I'm sure your daughter is very responsible everything?, and a good mother so you have no need to question anything but the thing that really bothers me is this. Cindy apparently knew Casey was irresponsible because Casey said herself that her mom had told her on numerous occasions that she was an unfit mother. Not only that, but they (KC & Caylee) lived with Cindy and George and Cindy was VERY involved in Caylees life. I just dont see Cindy not demanding at least a contact number for the Nanny just in case something happened to KC if for no other reason. After all, what if KC were in an accident? What if there was a 9/11 type disaster? Woulnt Cindy want to be able to locate Caylee if need be? Just a thought
I agree with ChesterP. I'm sure your daughter is very responsible everything?, and a good mother so you have no need to question anything but the thing that really bothers me is this. Cindy apparently knew Casey was irresponsible because Casey said herself that her mom had told her on numerous occasions that she was an unfit mother. Not only that, but they (KC & Caylee) lived with Cindy and George and Cindy was VERY involved in Caylees life. I just dont see Cindy not demanding at least a contact number for the Nanny just in case something happened to KC if for no other reason. After all, what if KC were in an accident? What if there was a 9/11 type disaster? Woulnt Cindy want to be able to locate Caylee if need be? Just a thought

I've seen no evidence that Cindy actually thought Casey was an unfit mother, no matter what she said to her and she seemed to have said a lot of mean things to and about Casey. All of her friends thought she was a good mother, even the ones who called her a liar. All of the videos and photos depict a loving, caring, involved mother. Casey made it clear to Tony R. in some of those im's that Caylee came first, no matter what. ("snotface" is some sort of horrible epithet? Really? I affectionately referred to my children at various times as "snot nose rugrats". Did that make me an unfit mother?) I have seen no evidence whatsoever that Casey was an unfit mother. As I said upthread, I think a Zanny does exist. The Zanny story is the only thing in Casey's interrogations that she stuck with no matter what the cops threw at her.
I've seen no evidence that Cindy actually thought Casey was an unfit mother, no matter what she said to her and she seemed to have said a lot of mean things to and about Casey. All of her friends thought she was a good mother, even the ones who called her a liar. All of the videos and photos depict a loving, caring, involved mother. Casey made it clear to Tony R. in some of those im's that Caylee came first, no matter what. ("snotface" is some sort of horrible epithet? Really? I affectionately referred to my children at various times as "snot nose rugrats". Did that make me an unfit mother?) I have seen no evidence whatsoever that Casey was an unfit mother. As I said upthread, I think a Zanny does exist. The Zanny story is the only thing in Casey's interrogations that she stuck with no matter what the cops threw at her.

Hi I do not think that alone makes her an unfit mother. I have to admit that I am guilty of calling my children "rugrats" and such myself and I am a very good mother if I do say so myself! lol Its all in gest and they know Im kidding.

I'm just saying that even if KC was "mother of the year" Cindy just seems like the type of person that would NEED to know these things (contact numbers ect..) . I just wonder why she wouldnt ever ask for the Nannys number just in case something bad happened.

Maybe I'm just one of those overly cautious people but Im always thinking "what if I were in a car accident?" "what if something really bad happened?" I would want my mom to be able to locate my child if I werent physically able. BTW....I live with my mom and my childrens father is not in the picture so these are things that concern me.
I'm not taking it personally at all but I thought this was a site to ferret out truth and facts and discuss them but if certain things are not allowed to be spoken of how can that happen? As I said before.....................Wouldn't it be strange if this information turns out factual but it was not allowed to be spoken about here because the casey killed her crowd didn't like hearing it?

Whatever, I will bow out and let the Cayee is dead crowd have their fun but until I see proof she is dead I will still believe she is alive and IMO many people will be eating their words. This whole thing is about finding Caylee, not trashing the Anthony's. There is thread after thread of Casey and/or her family and lawyer is this that and the other thing but when someone who may have facts that Caylee is not dead posts, the attacks start and things get heated, people get banned and that poster can't even be mentioned again???? Makes no sense to me but I am not running this board so again, I will just bow out.

I don't think anyone here is having fun no matter what they believe happened to Caylee, that is insulting. You may want to discuss your concerns with one of the mods instead of lashing out at other posters.
I've seen no evidence that Cindy actually thought Casey was an unfit mother, no matter what she said to her and she seemed to have said a lot of mean things to and about Casey. All of her friends thought she was a good mother, even the ones who called her a liar. All of the videos and photos depict a loving, caring, involved mother. Casey made it clear to Tony R. in some of those im's that Caylee came first, no matter what. ("snotface" is some sort of horrible epithet? Really? I affectionately referred to my children at various times as "snot nose rugrats". Did that make me an unfit mother?) I have seen no evidence whatsoever that Casey was an unfit mother. As I said upthread, I think a Zanny does exist. The Zanny story is the only thing in Casey's interrogations that she stuck with no matter what the cops threw at her.

I agree with you.. I think it is RIDICULOUS that "Casey called her daughter a snot head" is like making headline news.. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Geez, I have a 19month old daughter, and I call her so many nicknames, one being little pooper..Better make sure I dont call her a little pooper in public, geez, so many people find that to be abusive.. What a crock, let me tell you.. Anything to continue to make Casey look bad.. Not that I'm saying she is right ABOUT ANYTHING she is doing.. But I too also hope Caylee is alive, and I think most of law enforcement, Nancy Grace, whoever is trying to convince the world that not believe.. Nancy Grace went so far as to say "casey called Caylee horrible names".. Oh my god, CRAZY! I hate to see what they think of people who actually call their children cuss words, which I have witnessed people doing..Those people must be spawns of the devil!..

and as for LP, please someone explain to me how this man has suddenly become this expert that we should all listen to and respect.. Are you kidding me?? This man has had more theories than Casey's stories! And it's okay to have theories, we all do, but this man sits on NG each night, and doesnt say it's his theory, but basically says "this is how it happened, Nancy", etc..

I dont know why LP annoys me.. When he speaks, he doesnt covince me of anything except that he wants attention, no matter what false info he puts out there (like how the fbi would be making a big announcement, and the dumpster by TL house would come into effect and be a big part of this, blah blah blah).. So what happened with the FBI big announcement buddy?
Hi I do not think that alone makes her an unfit mother. I have to admit that I am guilty of calling my children "rugrats" and such myself and I am a very good mother if I do say so myself! lol Its all in gest and they know Im kidding.

I'm just saying that even if KC was "mother of the year" Cindy just seems like the type of person that would NEED to know these things (contact numbers ect..) . I just wonder why she wouldnt ever ask for the Nannys number just in case something bad happened.

Maybe I'm just one of those overly cautious people but Im always thinking "what if I were in a car accident?" "what if something really bad happened?" I would want my mom to be able to locate my child if I werent physically able. BTW....I live with my mom and my childrens father is not in the picture so these are things that concern me.

I don't think by any stretch Casey is 'mother of the year', but I do think Cindy had faith in her mothering abilities and didn't worry about it any more than my mother did when I had babysitters she didn't know. Of course, I have a husband, so it is somewhat different.

Suspicious Mind~

I think Sur was referring to posters who think Caylee is dead coming into this thread continuously, despite the multiple warnings, and making snide and insulting remarks toward people who think she is alive. Neither I nor any of the other believers can understand the seeming inability of others to leave us in peace to discuss our theories. We go into other threads where we are fair game, as it should be. But the mods gave us a safe place for a reason and that reason is the insulting treatment directed at us.
Why on earth would Casey save her fetus in her trunk and drive around with it? It's something so small it could easily be tossed in the garbage or probably flushed down a toilet.

This theory doesn't make any sense at all.
I agree with you.. I think it is RIDICULOUS that "Casey called her daughter a snot head" is like making headline news.. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Geez, I have a 19month old daughter, and I call her so many nicknames, one being little pooper..Better make sure I dont call her a little pooper in public, geez, so many people find that to be abusive.. What a crock, let me tell you.. Anything to continue to make Casey look bad.. Not that I'm saying she is right ABOUT ANYTHING she is doing.. But I too also hope Caylee is alive, and I think most of law enforcement, Nancy Grace, whoever is trying to convince the world that not believe.. Nancy Grace went so far as to say "casey called Caylee horrible names".. Oh my god, CRAZY! I hate to see what they think of people who actually call their children cuss words, which I have witnessed people doing..Those people must be spawns of the devil!..

and as for LP, please someone explain to me how this man has suddenly become this expert that we should all listen to and respect.. Are you kidding me?? This man has had more theories than Casey's stories! And it's okay to have theories, we all do, but this man sits on NG each night, and doesnt say it's his theory, but basically says "this is how it happened, Nancy", etc..

I dont know why LP annoys me.. When he speaks, he doesnt covince me of anything except that he wants attention, no matter what false info he puts out there (like how the fbi would be making a big announcement, and the dumpster by TL house would come into effect and be a big part of this, blah blah blah).. So what happened with the FBI big announcement buddy?

LP flat out lied about the ZG/Samantha/script story. If you click my username, you will find a post with links documenting how he changed his story several times on Casey's supposed change of story.(Really, all you have to remember is how he claimed Casey never said "one word" to him or anybody else about the case when he first left Orlando.)
my exact thoughts about LP. I can't get over the never said a word until he left. Has anyone ever heard him explain that?
I think there are certain things about KC that must be faced. She lies, she steals, she has been known to do drugs and she allegedly has taken Caylee to parties. While these characterizations of her are not positive - they are what they are.

This does not mean that Caylee is dead or that KC had a hand in her demise. Just like I can understand how KC might have snapped (or even premeditated) I can also entertain the idea that KC was involved with something that made her 1) fear for the life of her daughter or 2) realize that her daughter would be better off outside this household.

I also get the feeling from all the statements and video that up until that time in June, CA was the primary babysitter for Caylee. If KC took Caylee but once in a while to a sitter - there really wouldn't be any red flags that would go off.

What is confounding me is the smell in the trunk and the cadaver dog hits both in the trunk and in the backyard. I'm sure alternate explanations could be provided by someone who has extensive experience handling these dogs. I expect that as good as these dogs are they are not 100% accurate and am curious to what else, if anything might cause a false positive.

Something else that has been niggling at me is the comment from KC that she doesn't trust local law enforcement. I know many could dismiss this as something a guilty person would say but she didn't say that she didn't trust any LE. Is there any insight as to other reasons why she might not trust local LE? Please understand I'm not trying to cast doubt over the excellent work done by the detectives in the case, but could there be others in LE that KC doesn't trust and why?
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