This thread is for posters that believe Caylee is still alive #6

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let me try this again. It is very unusual for WS to have a thread with only one opinion allowed. There are a couple here, but it is unusual.
This thread was created as a courtesy, for a time,to accomodate posters that were attacked for their POV.It was difficult to maintain and has been locked many many times.
You are still free to post your feelings about Calee being alive. But now it will have to be done the same way it is done with everyone elses opinions which is open to challenge and question.
NO opinions are being shut down or censored. You are free to either discuss freely with others or go to a special social group created for those that want to discuss without fear of debate.
Personal attacks are still a violation of TOS, so you should not be attacked anywhere else on this board. If you are attacked personally please report and it will be handled.

The only difference is your theory, like everyone elses on this board, may be scrutinized. As long as your post is challenged and not you personally it is acceptable.

As an aside,you are all very welcome for the extra time and energy that went into moderating this thread and keeping it safe. We were happy to do it and I am sure the extra effort was appreciated by all.
Please forgive me for not stopping by sooner and letting you all know that you have been in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. I admire your faith, your hope, and your deep commitment to find Caylee. She is so loved by everyone here on WS. G-d bless you all.
I believe that when I started talking about my opinion and it turned into a debate about why I thought Caylee was alive....the posters involved were told to move our discussion here. So I guess my question is....if we talked freely in the other threads...our we going to be allowed to freely post our opinions? Just seeking clarification. Thanks in advance. And never did answer my question as to if thread was going to be closed. Thanks. :)
Of course you can freely post your opinion.
As I have said the thread will be closed.
let me try this again. It is very unusual for WS to have a thread with only one opinion allowed. There are a couple here, but it is unusual.
This thread was created as a courtesy, for a time,to accomodate posters that were attacked for their POV.It was difficult to maintain and has been locked many many times.
You are still free to post your feelings about Calee being alive. But now it will have to be done the same way it is done with everyone elses opinions which is open to challenge and question.
NO opinions are being shut down or censored. You are free to either discuss freely with others or go to a special social group created for those that want to discuss without fear of debate.
Personal attacks are still a violation of TOS, so you should not be attacked anywhere else on this board. If you are attacked personally please report and it will be handled.

The only difference is your theory, like everyone elses on this board, may be scrutinized. As long as your post is challenged and not you personally it is acceptable.

As an aside,you are all very welcome for the extra time and energy that went into moderating this thread and keeping it safe. We were happy to do it and I am sure the extra effort was appreciated by all.

Well I certainly appreciate it JBean. I would never have come out of lurking status if it weren't for this thread! Thanks! I am still very afraid to post on other threads but...I'll get over it :)
let me try this again. It is very unusual for WS to have a thread with only one opinion allowed. There are a couple here, but it is unusual.
This thread was created as a courtesy, for a time,to accomodate posters that were attacked for their POV.It was difficult to maintain and has been locked many many times.
You are still free to post your feelings about Calee being alive. But now it will have to be done the same way it is done with everyone elses opinions which is open to challenge and question.
NO opinions are being shut down or censored. You are free to either discuss freely with others or go to a special social group created for those that want to discuss without fear of debate.
Personal attacks are still a violation of TOS, so you should not be attacked anywhere else on this board. If you are attacked personally please report and it will be handled.

The only difference is your theory, like everyone elses on this board, may be scrutinized. As long as your post is challenged and not you personally it is acceptable.

As an aside,you are all very welcome for the extra time and energy that went into moderating this thread and keeping it safe. We were happy to do it and I am sure the extra effort was appreciated by all.

I remember when this thread was first started. It was at a very dark time in the case and there were some who truly believed. The only reason I went out of my way to join this board was because of this thread. I had to jump through hoops to even get signed up here, but I did it because it was important to me to be a part of this thread and also to let others posting in this thread know they weren't alone.

Of course, your work as a moderator was appreciated, but that is also something that goes along with the title of moderator. I know that moderating a board of this size kicks your @ss. (Believe me, I understand. I've done it myself.) I'm not trying to be a witch, but that comment up there really sounds condescending to those of us who do believe and have been appreciative of this thread. It honestly makes me never wish to return to this forum.

To all those who believe Caylee is still out there, we will keep on believing. As far as I'm concerned nothing changed from yesterday to today that should have led to this change in this thread, but I now think it is almost as though we were being "allowed" to exist here, so I will go away.

:blowkiss: to the believers. Let us all keep praying for Caylee.
Well I certainly appreciate it JBean. I would never have come out of lurking status if it weren't for this thread! Thanks! I am still very afraid to post on other threads but...I'll get over it :)
Thanks Calimama. I appreciate your kind words. I wasn't referring to myself as much as to the thought process of admin to create a special place and watch over it. In a board like this that is a nice gesture.

What I don't understand is why posting on a special thread in a private area is not as good as posting on a special thread in a public area?

If you guys want to get back to topic the thread will remain open.

ETA: Please come out and post on the board. if anyone attacks you just report it.

ETA: i should can have a Caylee alive thread , but it will be open for questions and comments by all.
I am glad you came out of lurking status, and I promise you 99% of poster on the other threads wont bite. I think regardless of what one believes happened or didnt happen to Caylee our hearts all hurt for this little girl. Hopefully you and all others that post on this thread will join the other threads and give your theories, view points, and thoughts you might just be surprised how things go.

Well I certainly appreciate it JBean. I would never have come out of lurking status if it weren't for this thread! Thanks! I am still very afraid to post on other threads but...I'll get over it :)
I've been thinking a lot about this case. Despite the evidence of decomposition, which I could explain in another way, I am wondering:

The majority of kidnappings are by a parent.
We DON'T know who Caylee's father is.
Could it be that Caylee's father has taken her?
Could he be the person who is coercing Casey?
Could Caylee still be alive?
Could the body in the trunk not be Caylee?

Can we discuss this theory?

I remember reading that Casey was very upset at the "Anything But Clothes" party. She claimed she had a miscarriage with a man that was there. I think about the fact that Caylee's father has NEVER been identified for certain. I think about the fact that Cindy tried to legally establish a chain of custody for Caylee in case Casey should die that did not include Caylee's father.

What if the father came back in the picture? What if he is a BAD guy? What if he IS coercing Casey?
I remember when this thread was first started. It was at a very dark time in the case and there were some who truly believed. The only reason I went out of my way to join this board was because of this thread. I had to jump through hoops to even get signed up here, but I did it because it was important to me to be a part of this thread and also to let others posting in this thread know they weren't alone.

Of course, your work as a moderator was appreciated, but that is also something that goes along with the title of moderator. I know that moderating a board of this size kicks your @ss. (Believe me, I understand. I've done it myself.) I'm not trying to be a witch, but that comment up there really sounds condescending to those of us who do believe and have been appreciative of this thread. It honestly makes me never wish to return to this forum.

To all those who believe Caylee is still out there, we will keep on believing. As far as I'm concerned nothing changed from yesterday to today that should have led to this change in this thread, but I now think it is almost as though we were being "allowed" to exist here, so I will go away.

:blowkiss: to the believers. Let us all keep praying for Caylee.
I am not sure how that translates to being condescending to posters that think Caylee is alive. i think if you ask the regular posters on this thread I have been their advocate for some time now.

I have created a special place for them to post and all are free to post anywhere on the forum.

If you leave you will be missed, so I hope you stay and post with us.

So can we get back on topic or are we over to the social group now?
Hi Everyone,

I haven't posted in a while as I like many of you have tried to process all of this information after being so emotionally invested in this case. I saw George's interview today and my heart broke for this man.

Today, I went to a shrine of a saint that has been said to produce miracles. I do not wish to offend anyone with posting about my prayers or disregard any other's beliefs, I guess I just had to share. I prayed for this family, for a resolution - whatever it may be. In my heart I feel that sweet Caylee is still with us. If I am wrong so be it. If that is just hope then so be it. I prayed for all of them, Casey also. We are merely looking through a window in a media presentation perspective in the mansion that is this case. Whether Casey is guilty and we haven't seen all of the evidence or as they say truth is stranger than fiction and all of this will pan out in the strangest of ways. I will hold onto my faith and my hope that by some miracle Caylee will be found alive. If you feel the same as I do, please hold onto your faith. A little faith has never hurt anyone. :blowkiss:
It's odd that you speak of us as being illogical, and then in your last line, you refer to this indictment as "the conclusion". Surprised as you may be to learn this, today was not the conclusion of this case.

In fact for me, nothing today changed my beliefs whatsoever. There was no more evidence shown to us today than there was a week ago, and in fact, there were intimations that some of their supposed "evidence" isn't credible enough to stand solid.

I don't think this indictment came as a surprise to anyone on this board no matter what you believe, except that now, more than ever, people should be reaching out in prayer for George & Cindy, and afterward, each person should then thank their own God that it isn't them going through this nightmare.

No one, and I do mean no one, is exempt from this horror befalling their own family.

I beg to differ. Most of us don't have sociopathic progeny and for that I thank my God.
Well I certainly appreciate it JBean. I would never have come out of lurking status if it weren't for this thread! Thanks! I am still very afraid to post on other threads but...I'll get over it :)

Please don't be afraid CaliMama.. I know that it can be scary when you are in the minority, but please keep it mind that posters (and yes I am one) that don't feel that Caylee is alive get into heated debates on even the smallest of issues sometimes. Just take a look around some of the other threads (if you haven't already) and you will see. Don't EVER be afraid to stand up for what you believe, that is what makes this board what it is IMO. Please join us and like JBean said, if someone "attacks" you..hit the alert button. There is some out there that may try, but don't take it personally, as hard as that is sometimes. Anyway, it just made me sad to hear you say that you were afraid to post, even if we don't agree, we won't let you be alone, I promise!
Well I certainly appreciate it JBean. I would never have come out of lurking status if it weren't for this thread! Thanks! I am still very afraid to post on other threads but...I'll get over it :)
Hey, you commented on the white hair with dark eyebrows, which I agree with you :)
Hey, you guys can still post things you have heard, even if they are in reference to an alive Caylee on the rumor thread, if you want people to see them. That is really not much of a debate thread, so you should feel comfortable posting information that you would like to put out there without being challenged..after all it is the rumor thread!

PS Alot of posters were confused and upset when the general discussion threads went away, but we have adjusted!
To our MOds: I think I had gotten so wrapped up in the case, it wasn't until I saw the post mentioning all the extra work this thread caused that it sunk into my brain. So Just a quick thanks for all that all of you have done. Are still doing, will continue to do. Moving into a private space isn't a biggie, just all have to meet up there. Thanks again!:blowkiss::blowkiss:
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