This thread is for the posters that believe Caylee is still alive # 2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I'm actually researching something right now as to that smell. I don't think it was decomp in the trunk. I've discovered a discrepancy in the dates and what has been reported as the actual number of days that car sat with garbage in the trunk. I believe I'm onto something that could explain that smell.

Are you also on to something that will explain the scientific evidence that proves there was a decomposing body in the trunk and also hair that came from a decomposing body?
Did he show the results to the public or LE? Maybe he was "weepy" for a reason he did not explain.
I believe his dad would in a heart beat if he had to. He doesn't though.
How did hair, identified by mitochondrial DNA to match Caylee and Casey, from a dead body get in the trunk? By the way, mitochondrial DNA is passed from Mother to child, so if the hair sample were from a live person then it would have matched Casey, Caylee and Cindy, but the hair sample was proven to have come from a decomposing corpse and also contained mitochondrial DNA that matched the Anthony females. Casey and Cindy are alive, so who is dead?:bang:

There was a theory someone posted about that. It's on this thread somewhere. If I remember correctly it had to do with the chloroform and chemically altering the hair. Something to that effect. I'm curious about that as well. Although I haven't really thought too much about it as I've not seen anything from LE to this fact, only the media reporting the hair being found and this "death ring" thing.
Didn't Jesse's father comment on his MySpace page that Jesse was devestated when the DNA test proved he was not the father of Caylee? I am certain this is posted in the MySpace thread . . .

People can post anything on their myspace page, that does not mean it is true. The proof is verifying the test results. If he is lying it will come out in court so it is a stupid lie but we shall see.
Unfortunately IMO ... there is a lot in this case that is NOT mentioned in what has been revealed so far.

It also states in the report that the gentleman from the tow lot and GA opened the trunk due to the odor, and all that they both witnessed was a trash bag. The trash bag in question was thrown over the fence and I've read nothing in those reports of it's retrieval. that I recall.

I also get really preturbed that ppl assume everyone else in this case is telling the honest to God truth... I see quite a few discrepencies. I see a lack of questioning on the part of LE.

I'll stick to the Grey area, until proven otherwise.

please see page 244 of 432 . . .
I don't understand why a lot of people keep saying CA is lying about the car and why she had to park it at Amscot. It has been stated many times, here and in the media and by LE that GA drove the car off the impound lot without any problems and therefore the car wasn't broke down. Even MF said it on NG. Yet it clearly states in the documents that GA had to put gas in the car to drive it off the lot as it was on empty.

George filled up the tank without even putting the key in the ignition to check the gas. Supposedly they hadn't spoken to Casey, so they wouldn't have known why the car was towed, yet George brought a gas can in his trunk and put gas in the car without checking whether the car had gas or not. In the 400+ pages of docs it says George opened the door of the car and the horrible smell wafted out, the tow yard guy said, "that's rotten", and George shut the door and went to get the gas can. The gas guage in this model car doesn't register how full it is without turning on the ignition.

My question to all of you is, how did George know the tank was empty?:bang:
I believe this had been an issue before (gauge not working properly-?).
Are you also on to something that will explain the scientific evidence that proves there was a decomposing body in the trunk and also hair that came from a decomposing body?

NOTHING has been proven unless somehow I missed the trial. Remember that constitutional right we all have to face our accusers, cross examine them and to present our own evidence. All we have are LEAKS!
They wouldn't release the results to her attorney or to anyone else until they're ready to file additional charges. Then her attorney will be entitled to discovery.

Well she is charged with neglect. I imagine they do not intend to use any of that evidence in the upcoming trial or he would already have it through discovery. My point is no one besides LE has had a chance to look at the evidence that they say they have pointing to a dead Caylee.
I am only a visitor in this thread as I believe Caylee is dead, but I keep quiet because this is what Christine says. Bumping this up for those tempted to debate...

Do not come in here and argue why she is dead. This is set up for those that do not believe Caylee is dead to support one another.

They have a right to have this 'spot' as our members just as those that believe she is no longer with us have threads relating.
Well she is charged with neglect. I imagine they do not intend to use any of that evidence in the upcoming trial or he would already have it through discovery. My point is no one besides LE has had a chance to look at the evidence that they say they have pointing to a dead Caylee.
True...and I am waiting patiently (and believe me it's tough) for that to come to light. In the meantime, I want Caylee found.
I'm just wondering if the evidence is so conclusive that Caylee was in her trunk ... why is she out on bond?

What searches have you done contrary to what you've been fed by the media? [With some creation]

With what kind of Open Mind did you approach this case?

Anyone can be spoonfed.

It is a constitutional right: the underlying law requiring bail is found in the Bail Reform Acts of 1966 and 1984, and in rule 46 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.
People can post anything on their myspace page, that does not mean it is true. The proof is verifying the test results. If he is lying it will come out in court so it is a stupid lie but we shall see.

Thanks for your opinion . . . same with Casey's "friends", ZGs "friends", and such according to your post . . .
I'm sorry that you are so bored today with the lack of breaking news. Please exuse yourself to the appropriate forum/thread.

I've tried to be polite, I've been accused of plenty, but I'm done with both. I don't have to agree with you to be a member of WS.

I'm not Cindy, Casey, Lee. or George or anyone else in the A family. I am someone with her own opinion, and I'm entitled to that!

LE did retrieve the trash bag from the tow yard. It is listed in the 2nd or 3rd part of the 400 pgs. And the tow guy did comment on how bad the smell was, also in the 400 pg document.
Are you also on to something that will explain the scientific evidence that proves there was a decomposing body in the trunk and also hair that came from a decomposing body?

Yes, as I said I am on to something that explains why the smell could be confused with decomposition. As for the hair I explained a few posts back about what someone else came up with earlier in this thread.

I for one have not heard, or read, in the 400 pages of reports, or the other documents I have that were released, that states absolutely from LE about the hair. Only the media has stated this as far as I'm aware. If you have a link where LE stated that I'd like to see that please.
True...and I am waiting patiently (and believe me it's tough) for that to come to light. In the meantime, I want Caylee found.

We all want Caylee found . . . that is why we are here at WS!
Hi. I would like to join this thread. I see plenty of odd ball stories that just dont make sense and I will believe Caylee is alive untill proven 100 percent otherwise. And untill they have a press conference. Now i cant understand Casey stories. I wonder ( am sure this has been mention) if she is in deep trouble, but why would someobe kidnap Caylee....... ANd don't get me wrong.. I wonder what the family is doing to find Caylee... Are the searching, making phone calls. maybe hired a pi to hunt her down that we dont know about. Things that we dont hear about..
Now with Casey not showing emotion might be from her lawyer telling her not to.. IF people see her cry, or not cry, they will still go both ways and say she is guilty. Is Casey guilty, yes,. she is guilty for putting her daughter in danger and not getting help to look for Caylee as she was missing for over a month.
My only questions are besides what the family is doing. Why is the family mixing out so many stories. Its just so strange. I hope Caylee is found soon.
I still think that KC handed Caylee off to someone - whether biological father, friend, whomever for safe keeping so that Cindy wouldn't get to her. She was fired up from the argument on 6/15 and Cindy threatening to take custody and she was not having it. In the police interview in the 400 page docs. at one point she says "I am afraid I will never see my daughter again". How the decomp smell got there is beyond me, but I think we will all have our heads spinning at least for a little while longer before anything truly significant is revealed. Part of me also thinks that Casey spilled the beans somewhat to one of them as to where Caylee is. They are just all too calm for someone with a missing 3 year old.
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