This thread is for the posters that believe Caylee is still alive # 2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I understand your rationale, and agree that it should have been investigated based on Casey's story.. but why would anyone assume this was not done immediately by the FBI and cleared already?

How long did the investigation for a live child last though? Wouldn't it take some time to clear an entire country? Seems like Cindy assumes they haven't done enough since she doesn't believe the authorities are looking for a live child. The only reason to check PR is if a live child was transported there. What's leaked to the media is that the authorities are not looking for a live child.
I don't understand why a lot of people keep saying CA is lying about the car and why she had to park it at Amscot. It has been stated many times, here and in the media and by LE that GA drove the car off the impound lot without any problems and therefore the car wasn't broke down. Even MF said it on NG. Yet it clearly states in the documents that GA had to put gas in the car to drive it off the lot as it was on empty.

George filled up the tank without even putting the key in the ignition to check the gas. Supposedly they hadn't spoken to Casey, so they wouldn't have known why the car was towed, yet George brought a gas can in his trunk and put gas in the car without checking whether the car had gas or not. In the 400+ pages of docs it says George opened the door of the car and the horrible smell wafted out, the tow yard guy said, "that's rotten", and George shut the door and went to get the gas can. The gas guage in this model car doesn't register how full it is without turning on the ignition.

My question to all of you is, how did George know the tank was empty?:bang:

Unfortunately IMO ... there is a lot in this case that is NOT mentioned in what has been revealed so far.

It also states in the report that the gentleman from the tow lot and GA opened the trunk due to the odor, and all that they both witnessed was a trash bag. The trash bag in question was thrown over the fence and I've read nothing in those reports of it's retrieval. that I recall.

I also get really preturbed that ppl assume everyone else in this case is telling the honest to God truth... I see quite a few discrepencies. I see a lack of questioning on the part of LE.

I'll stick to the Grey area, until proven otherwise.
I don't think Caylee was in the trunk. I think if her hair really was, then it was just secondary transfer. I'm mean, it is her mothers car. And the only reason I'm asking about a possible dead body in this thread is b/c I DO NOT believe it was Caylee, but if there was someone dead, then find out who that was and I believe you find out who has Caylee.

Going with your theory about the transfer, there is evidence of decomposition and at least a mitochondrial result on that hair. Under that auspice, it is verifiably one of two people, one of which is dead; we know who is not, so I would like to understand if perhaps I am evaluating the evidence incorrectly.
How did hair, identified by mitochondrial DNA to match Caylee and Casey, from a dead body get in the trunk? By the way, mitochondrial DNA is passed from Mother to child, so if the hair sample were from a live person then it would have matched Casey, Caylee and Cindy, but the hair sample was proven to have come from a decomposing corpse and also contained mitochondrial DNA that matched the Anthony females. Casey and Cindy are alive, so who is dead?:bang:

I think it's admirable to want to find a way to hang on to Caylee being alive. I think it shows that you all are deeply caring people, and I respect that. I have five children of my own and am also all of the sudden raising a teen age girl who recently became homeless. All children are beautiful angels and none deserve this kind of treatment.

The reason the hair sample leads me to believe in the possibility of Caylee being alive is that they can't conclusively say it's Caylee. They said it by a process of elimination. Why not match some of Caylee's dna (which I'm sure they've got in a hair brush somewhere) with this dna and conclusively say, "yes, this is her hair". And I don't know that I can trust that the chemicals in the trunk didn't taint the hair and the sample.

That's why I think she could be alive. That's on topic lol.
Does anyone know if the dogs did go into the home or was it just outside??
How did hair, identified by mitochondrial DNA to match Caylee and Casey, from a dead body get in the trunk? By the way, mitochondrial DNA is passed from Mother to child, so if the hair sample were from a live person then it would have matched Casey, Caylee and Cindy, but the hair sample was proven to have come from a decomposing corpse and also contained mitochondrial DNA that matched the Anthony females. Casey and Cindy are alive, so who is dead?:bang:

I think it's admirable to want to find a way to hang on to Caylee being alive. I think it shows that you all are deeply caring people, and I respect that. I have five children of my own and am also all of the sudden raising a teen age girl who recently became homeless. All children are beautiful angels and none deserve this kind of treatment.

If so many people are holding onto the idea that Caylee is alive and don't want to believe the LE's evidence, how much more must Caylee's grandparents want to do the same!!!!

I think they have to hold out for her being alive, otherwise, they are not going to be able to accept the truth. Their mental and physical health are going to be ruined when Caylee's body is found or they accept that she is dead.
How long did the investigation for a live child last though? Wouldn't it take some time to clear an entire country? Seems like Cindy assumes they haven't done enough since she doesn't believe the authorities are looking for a live child. The only reason to check PR is if a live child was transported there. What's leaked to the media is that the authorities are not looking for a live child.

I am confused, what does investigation for a live child actually mean to you? A missing person's case, actually, allow me to correct that, a missing child's case, does not operate under any other theory until there is evidence of death to the child. My point is, all investigative efforts have been headed by her "being alive" . The div of the FBI has the strongest resources there are to locate her, alive or other.
How did hair, identified by mitochondrial DNA to match Caylee and Casey, from a dead body get in the trunk? By the way, mitochondrial DNA is passed from Mother to child, so if the hair sample were from a live person then it would have matched Casey, Caylee and Cindy, but the hair sample was proven to have come from a decomposing corpse and also contained mitochondrial DNA that matched the Anthony females. Casey and Cindy are alive, so who is dead?:bang:

I think it's admirable to want to find a way to hang on to Caylee being alive. I think it shows that you all are deeply caring people, and I respect that. I have five children of my own and am also all of the sudden raising a teen age girl who recently became homeless. All children are beautiful angels and none deserve this kind of treatment.

I'm not sure the name of this thread is "Debate the Case"

These things you mention IMO have come from "sources close to the case"
They have not been verified nor validified.

I can see how simple it is to plop on over to the other side of the "fence" but, we on this thread aren't willing to do-so at this point.

Hence, the name of the thread.
I thought this is kind of interesting....

Department of Forensic Sciences, The George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052, USA.

Although the microscopical comparison of human hairs has been accepted in courts of law for over a century, recent advances in DNA technology have called this type of forensic examination into question. In a number of cases, post-conviction DNA testing has exonerated defendants who were convicted in part on the results of microscopical hair comparisons. A federal judge has held a Daubert hearing on the microscopical comparison of human hairs and has concluded that this type of examination does not meet the criteria for admission of scientific evidence in federal courts. A review of the available scientific literature on microscopical hair comparisons (including studies conducted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation) leads to three conclusions: (1) microscopical comparisons of human hairs can yield scientifically defensible conclusions that can contribute to criminal investigations and criminal prosecutions, (2) the reliability of microscopical hair comparisons is strongly affected by the training of the forensic hair examiner, (3) forensic hair examiners cannot offer estimates of the probability of a match of a questioned hair with a hair from a randomly selected person. In order for microscopical hair examinations to survive challenges under the U.S. Supreme Court's Daubert decision, hair microscopists must be better trained and undergo frequent proficiency testing. More research on the error rates of microscopical hair comparisons should be undertaken, and guidelines for the permissible interpretations of such comparisons should be established. Until these issues have been addressed and satisfactorily resolved, microscopical hair comparisons should be regarded by law enforcement agencies and courts of law as merely presumptive in nature, and all microscopical hair comparisons should be confirmed by nuclear DNA profiling or mitochondrial DNA sequencing.

PMID: 12805721 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
The reason the hair sample leads me to believe in the possibility of Caylee being alive is that they can't conclusively say it's Caylee. They said it by a process of elimination. Why not match some of Caylee's dna (which I'm sure they've got in a hair brush somewhere) with this dna and conclusively say, "yes, this is her hair". And I don't know that I can trust that the chemicals in the trunk didn't taint the hair and the sample.

That's why I think she could be alive. That's on topic lol.

Respectfully, that is not correct. It is hair belonging to either Caylee or Casey. Keep in mind, there is no definative Paternity thus far. People are assuming that was all they got, I say there is no paternal sample to compare it to yet, thats all.
I am confused, what does investigation for a live child actually mean to you? A missing person's case, actually, allow me to correct that, a missing child's case, does not operate under any other theory until there is evidence of death to the child. My point is, all investigative efforts have been headed by her "being alive" . The div of the FBI has the strongest resources there are to locate her, alive or other.

I don't know that you'd be searching swamps for a live child. I think you asked previously about who was assuming this wasn't being done so I answered Cindy is assuming this wasn't being done and where I think she got that assumption. I have no opinion about what the FBI has or has not done, nor do I doubt their abilities. Just stating what was reported about what Cindy felt. That's it.
Respectfully, that is not correct. It is hair belonging to either Caylee or Casey. Keep in mind, there is no definative Paternity thus far. People are assuming that was all they got, I say there is no paternal sample to compare it to yet, thats all.

Yes there is, they took swabs from CA and toothbrush and hairbrush from the home to compare.
Respectfully, that is not correct. It is hair belonging to either Caylee or Casey. Keep in mind, there is no definative Paternity thus far. People are assuming that was all they got, I say there is no paternal sample to compare it to yet, thats all.

According to the Media ... and Casey out on bond.
Respectfully, that is not correct. It is hair belonging to either Caylee or Casey. Keep in mind, there is no definative Paternity thus far. People are assuming that was all they got, I say there is no paternal sample to compare it to yet, thats all.

Do you know why they can't compare a sample of Caylee's hair from say, a hairbrush, and just outright say this is Caylee's hair? I'm seriously wondering and not arguing. If they can't, then this evidence does not prove she's not alive.

Also, unless there is evidence that the chemicals in the trunk did not taint that sample in some way (regarding the decomp ring), then I believe in the possibility of her being alive. I may think and feel otherwise, but I acknowledge the possibility of Caylee being alive based on what I've said here.
Going with your theory about the transfer, there is evidence of decomposition and at least a mitochondrial result on that hair. Under that auspice, it is verifiably one of two people, one of which is dead; we know who is not, so I would like to understand if perhaps I am evaluating the evidence incorrectly.

I think you've evaluated what LE has said they have correctly. Remember though nobody has actually seen whatever results they have. I believe her attorney has said even he hasn't seen those results. Even if he has, we haven't heard any rebuttal evidence the attorney may have to those tests.
The reason the hair sample leads me to believe in the possibility of Caylee being alive is that they can't conclusively say it's Caylee. They said it by a process of elimination. Why not match some of Caylee's dna (which I'm sure they've got in a hair brush somewhere) with this dna and conclusively say, "yes, this is her hair". And I don't know that I can trust that the chemicals in the trunk didn't taint the hair and the sample.

That's why I think she could be alive. That's on topic lol.

If in fact JG took a DNA test to see if he was Caylee's father they could get Caylee's DNA from that.

Does anyone know if it is true that DNA test was really done?
If in fact Jesse Grund took a DNA test to see if he was Caylee's father they could get Caylee's DNA from that.

Does anyone know if it is true that DNA test was really done?

please explain?
I think ppl are being mislead by the dogs. I have read over and over that the DOGS hit in the backyard.

That's not entirely true. In the backyard ... One dog hit one place where another dog didn't, and vice versa. We don't know the accuracy rate of these dogs as well.

As bad as LE and others have stated that this vehicle "REAKED" of death, you would think where the car is concerned, that the dog would not have "hit" so Passively. As in "just on the trunk" ... Why not the rest of the car if the odor was sooo foul? Why not in other places w/in the home, since CA herself removed items from that car?

If they believe the shovel to be used in burying/unburying little Caylee, has LE sicced the cadaver dogs on the returned shovel? Surely her hands would have touched that shovel at the very least, after digging her up, creating once again, this smell of human decompostion.

We don't only have to rely on the dogs, there is scientific evidence of human decomposition in the trunk as well as hair that fell out of the scalp with the root intact during decomposition.

Also, as far as I know the only person who publicly stated that the dogs hit was a "passive" hit or that only one dog hit and the other didn't was Cindy. Here is a quote from the police after the dogs BOTH hit in the back yard and in the car, "We had two different dogs from two different counties that hit on the same exact spot," Orange County sheriff's investigator Carlos Padilla said.

We don't have the reports on the dog searches they haven't been made public. LE doesn't have to turn over any info to the public for crimes that Casey hasn't been charged with yet.
I just have a question about the boards here as I am relatively new.
If we frequent this thread are we not allowed to post on others ?
I just get the feeling that we are being singled out and attacked as soon as we post.

I'm probably more of a fence sitter, but heck if I feel better having hope Caylee is out there it and would like to explore the possibility why put me down for it?

One person said something to the effect about "us" having our own thread now.... meaning we have to stay here????

You may post anywhere as long as you follow the TOS posted on this forum.
If in fact Jesse Grund took a DNA test to see if he was Caylee's father they could get Caylee's DNA from that.

Does anyone know if it is true that DNA test was really done?

I don't know if this has been verified
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