This thread is for the posters that believe Caylee is still alive

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Right after the trunk tests came back, they announced that it was no longer a missing persons case, and that they believe that Caylee is dead.

I don't believe that is correct.
Right after the trunk tests came back, they announced that it was no longer a missing persons case, and that they believe that Caylee is dead.

They Believe or they know?
Originally Posted by suspicious mind
Is this to help the defense come up with "compelling" reasons? You are not going to be privy to DNA results until there are charges brought that include them as evidence. Why would LE lead people to believe something they had no proof of? Sorry, cindy, you arent getting any amunition from me! HEY CASEY!!!! WHERE'S CAYLEE???????

And so do the Anthony's if both parties have no proof, might I ask why you believe people who are under no obligation to be truthful? can you imagine LE issuing statements like this and being proven wrong what the repurcussion would be?

I think Casey and Cindy need to stop playing on the computer.

Yeah, they get no repurcussions as a rule. The Elizabeth Smart case, the Ramsey case, the Duke University lacrosse case are some of the more well known ones......and so so many others that happen all the time.
If these people aren't really her friends, then where ARE her friends? Doesn't she have any? Why not? Is it because she lies and steals and manipulates and uses people and no one ever sticks around for very long?

Don't you think it's weird that we haven't heard from anyone who is a long time friend who has anything good to say about Casey? We haven't even heard from any relatives other than her parents and Lee...and even Lee has stopped talking. Why is that?

This is not a girl who inspires loyalty. I think we know quite a bit about her.

Ryan is the one whom she listed as her "best friend." They've known eachother since they were five or six. He said pretty much that she's been a narcissistic liar all of her life. He told her attorney that he cannot vouch for her character in court. He also told that cops that she would not be likely to help them find Caylee, "unless there is something in it for Casey."
Great Post, my feelings as well. I don't see a killer when I see Casey. Personally, regardless of her actions, she would have broken down by now. Only a serial killer has no emotions for eternity.

A garden variety sociopath will have "no emotions" for eternity. A serial killer is a sociopath who kills, a subset of sociopaths in general.

Her parents rescued and minimized and made all her consequences "go away" her entire life. Why should she take off and hide? In her sociopathic world view, she won't be caught. She's never yet had her feet held to the fire.

Running away to hide would be an implicit admission that she COULD be caught and held accountable. Casey obviously doesn't believe it will happen.
For those who think they were looking for evidence.

Also, early Saturday morning, a source close to the investigation said deputies removed a weapon from the trunk of a car belonging to Casey' father, George Anthony. Such a discovery on the Anthony property could have imperiled Casey Anthony's release from jail, but a spokesman for Orange County Corrections said that a judge ruled that Casey presumably had nothing to do with the weapon.
Right after the trunk tests came back, they announced that it was no longer a missing persons case, and that they believe that Caylee is dead.

They said both things on the same day and the day afterwards. It's all a war of words.
A garden variety sociopath will have "no emotions" for eternity. A serial killer is a sociopath who kills, a subset of sociopaths in general.

Her parents rescued and minimized and made all her consequences "go away" her entire life. Why should she take off and hide? In her sociopathic world view, she won't be caught. She's never yet had her feet held to the fire.

Running away to hide would be an implicit admission that she COULD be caught and held accountable. Casey obviously doesn't believe it will happen.

I think George and Cindy love Caylee too much to cover up something happening to their grandaughter.
I'm in the mood to play devil's advocate:

I wouldn't be surprised to learn that there was a real threat to Caylee's life (for whatever reason) and she was sent (flown) to another state or country to protect her. And maybe Casey does love Caylee so much that she will do and say ANYTHING so that no one finds out where Caylee is. If that means lying her butt off and sitting in jail for the rest of her life, so be it.

Ok, devil! :)

Except all she had to do was file a report with the cops. or the FBI. She could go to the FBI, and ask them to help her protect Caylee. Then, the whole process would have been low-key, and secret, rather than a circus.
Yeah, they get no repurcussions as a rule. The Elizabeth Smart case, the Ramsey case, the Duke University lacrosse case are some of the more well known ones......and so so many others that happen all the time.

I don't believe they ever stated they had dna evidence in ANY of those cases to back up the fact that the missing person was dead. Try again.
Hero? No I don't think so. But there is a huge difference between a dishonest thief and a murderer. You can be a lyer and a thief and not a murderer. So this woman is not the best of people. That does not mean that you should automatically assume the worse. I have known plenty of people that were questionable characters but before assuming they are murderers also I feel you need hard evidence.

Bu, if it's NOT murder.. if it was an accident, and one's character is mendacious, sneaky, devious, and irresponsible... might not one then try to conceal the body and lie about what happened?
For those who think they were looking for evidence.

Also, early Saturday morning, a source close to the investigation said deputies removed a weapon from the trunk of a car belonging to Casey' father, George Anthony. Such a discovery on the Anthony property could have imperiled Casey Anthony's release from jail, but a spokesman for Orange County Corrections said that a judge ruled that Casey presumably had nothing to do with the weapon.

Can you put a link when you quote "news" so there is attribution. WS should not "lift" news outlets work.

This is where the above quote comes from
I don't believe they ever stated they had dna evidence in ANY of those cases to back up the fact that the missing person was dead. Try again.

Talking about LIES by authorities, NOT DNA so you can try again yourself.
Gosh, with all this evidence, why not arrest her? I would guess it's because they really don't have a solid case.

It's all about Casey, isn't it? who cares if they have a solid case for muder. Non ever stated they had evidence Casey did it. They stated they had evidence Caylee was dead.

Gosh, with all the evidence the Anthony's have that she is alive, why not give us something that can be confirmed, or better yet look for Caylee instead of hiding out in the house all day babysitting casey? I sure don't see any of them putting themselves out to find an alive Caylee. That should speak for itself.
Talking about LIES by authorities, NOT DNA so you can try again yourself.

no we are talking about lies by authorities where they stated that they had evidence that a person was DEAD when they really weren't. never happens
I wish there would be more people searching for Caylee. I do not understand. If LE knows something that proves she is dead, why won't they search for her remains? If LE does not know something that proves she is dead, why won't they search for her alive? If they are searching for her alive, I guess they might keep that quiet if they are watching someone but I dont think they are waiting for Casey to lead them there. It is so obvious that Casey is not going to lead them anywhere so they cannot possibly be waiting for her information. If they are looking for her remains, with the phone pinging and records, surely they would have an area to look and search in by now but it has been done extremely quietly or not at all. I am so confused. Can anyone add light as to why are there NO searches in this case? what am I missing?

There have been a lot of searches-- searches every day. Today, I read that 500-1,000 volunteers would be out searching.

They are, as LE said, "followingt KCs electronic footprints."
How about those who sit around and whine, put her in jail, force her to talk, cindy lies, George lies, let's mock the whole family, let's accuse them of all sorts of dasterdly deeds and lets demonstate outside the house and make the A's as well as their neighbors miserable not to mention more work for cops who COULD be doing something to solve this. Yeah, only those of us who have hope for a live Caylee should get the evidence. It doesn't matter our distance, age, health or finances, if we dare state we think she is alive we should find her.

Hmmm... Threads and threads with folks looking for evidence, searching through evidence, thrashing around theories...

Your comment doesn't hold water.

Your just as capable of looking through the documents, looking for information, coming up with plausible theorys on how she could be alive, and where she might be.

Like I said, I came to this thread expecting folks to be working on the 'caylee is alive' theory. But It looks like "poor Casey" whine party. I"m not trying to be mean. I'm pointing out the difference. Showing what IS needed.

Saying your to poor, physically not able, etc.. that is bunk. Do what everyone else here is doing. Go over the douments that have been realeased. Listen to inteviews, etc. I know of at least one person that is very active here, that could NOT go out there and beat the bushes for Caylee. Yet the work she has done here, it a whole lot.
I guess your right about the company you keep as Cindy said on Myspace and the 911 calls, my daughter stole a lot of money and my car. I believe her friend Aimee said she stole checks from her, so maybe her friends are thieves and liers just like her. IMO

Old French saying: Dis-moi qui tu hantes, et je te dirai qui tu es. (Show me whom/what you frequent, and I'll tell you whom you are.)

Or, Cervantes-- Show me thy company, and I'll tell thee whom thou art.
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