TH's emails shed light on Horman split

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I think reading anything more into this other than a woman who was looking for her daughter and wanted to open a dialogue with her husband is like pretending we have a crystal ball or can read minds. TH has done plenty that can be critiqued, but I just don't see anything overly alarming in the e-mail to KH.

I'm not sure about the comment about "too bad I didn't know that" or however she worded the statement to her friend. She might have meant that she should have done it first or that she would not have wasted her time calling 911.

I think more than likely she had something to do with Kyron's disappearance, but I just don't think that this is incriminating or even out of the norm. If my husband were to take off with my kids, I would definitely not be on the offensive or be ugly if I wanted it to come to a quick resolution. If he didn't answer the phone, I would very likely send an e-mail because I know he checks it often. On top of that, most phones these days can be programmed to automatically check and receive your e-mail messages.

This whole thing, while semi-interesting on a nosey personal level, is just unimportant in the scheme of the investigation IMO.
I wonder who leaked the emails. We can speculate all we want, but the truth has not been stated as of yet that I know of.

I also wonder:

Are there other just as interesting emails? (Certainly there must be. Terri loves her electronics.)

Does Terri browse blogs, forums, and news articles at her parents place? And if so, is her internet activity being monitored there by law enforcement? Does she log in and post? This would be an easy and excellent way to catch her. I must admit I don't know what rights she has in respect to privacy right now (emails, phone calls, etc) but it's my opinion that if it's regarding a missing child, your rights should be lessened until the kid if found.
Hello, sleuthers. I was interested in reading your thoughts on the wording in TH's recent email.

"Kids saw him after I left. Teacher put him as absent at 10am. Someplace between 9-10 is when we think it happened…" from TH's email

I keep rereading TH's emails because they just don’t sound right to me. I don’t know if they’ve been edited, and if they have, that could be part of why they sound off. But if they weren’t edited/snipped, there is something really creepy IMO about TH speculating something happened between 9:00-10:00. I'm not sure I can explain it exactly, but here are some of my thoughts.

What makes her think that’s the time that it happened? Is that something she gathered from meeting with LE? Did she come up with that on her own to corroborate her leaving at 9:00 and therefore not be involved?

If Kyron was kidnapped or wandered off he could still be alive (especially with her writing the email just the day after his disappearance), so why does “it happened” sound so final?

What does she think “it” is? If he was acting funny and in a daze and he wandered off, would she call that an “it” happening? Or would she say, “That’s when we think he wandered off.” “It happened” sounds more like something that happened to him.

Who is “we”? “When we think it happened.” The rest of her emails only refer to herself and what she was doing. Is this a slip? Was there someone else involved? Is she including the teacher (from the sentence before)? Or Kaine? If her emails were about defending only herself since she thinks LE is blaming her, why does she use “we”? It sounds out of place.

I keep rereading the emails because it just doesn’t sound right to me. It sounds like she knows more than what she’s written.

I understand why attorneys tell their clients to stay quiet, since every tiny sentence can be dissected. I’m not purposely trying to find something to pick at, this one sentence just really makes me think. Thanks for any feedback you may have.

Everything above is JMO. :)
I agree with those that say whatever she does she is condemned. From what has been released 2 the public there is very little evidence that she abducted Kyron & so people need to be careful before they they claim without doubt that she is guilty. I think Terri sounded like any mother would in that e-mail. From what has been said from numerous sources she was a loving mother to Kyron & I'm sure word would have got out if she was not. I suspect that she has been deceptive about her whereabouts that morning, but she could just as easily have been hiding an affair as abducted Kyron. In the best interests of finding Kyron it's best to keep an open mind. She may be guilty, but let's wait for more evidence to be released before we make a final judgement. I feel she is being judged too quickly based more on her personality than actual evidence.
Ok... not bouncing off anybody, just some thoughts after skimming through the thread.

In some states, one parent taking a child to conceal the child from the other parent IS considered kidnapping. He left the home, with clothes and necessities, in secret, without telling her where he was going. That's illegal some places.
I have a feeling that IF Terri were not considered the suspect, and IF all this had not happened with Kyron, and IF LE had not just found out about the MFH, then when she called 911 after getting no response from Kaine, deputies would have been sent out to find him and might have arrested him. They didn't, because they were behind him leaving with the baby to start with. They considered it removing her and himself from imminent danger. (Although I fail to see why soliciting a LS/Hitman 6 months prior is "imminent" danger, but that's just me.)

Also... not trying to step on anyone's toes and I do understand that some have very strong feelings, BUT... why is it that Terri is accused of not wanting the baby because she didn't fight the RO... yet Desiree is given a free pass, not trying to get Kyron back? That's sort of a double standard, IMO. I mean, if my child were sobbing and begging to stay with me and didn't want to go back to his dad... I would fight grizzlies and mountain lions to get him back!! As long as he was happy, fine... but unhappy? Sobbing? That's not normal, and it certainly is not in a child's best interests. I wonder if Kaine was so determined to keep him that he made threats to her if she tried to regain custody. You never know... there is some very serious hink there, IMO.

And oh, yeah, this is in response to a comment a few pages back.... Innocent Until Proven Guilty works outside the courtroom too. LE can suspect anyone, they can arrest someone, and gather enough evidence to have them charged. But that person is still considered innocent until a judge or a jury deems them guilty. I'm afraid Terri has already been convicted in the court of public opinion, but she is still innocent as far as the law and the justice system is concerned.

The difference between TH and DY, IMO is that DY did not give up custodial or visitation rights. She still saw Kyron, was involved in his life and was able to talk to him and hear how he was doing. TH can do none of those things. She gave up her rights.
DY initially, according to her, allowed Kyron to be in Kaine's primary custody because she was very ill for a long time. After a long time in Kaine's primary custody, it would have been difficult to wrest primary custody back due to the status quo that had been set. Since she still apparently had a lot of custodial rights, perhaps the courts would think that it was in Kyron's best interest to remain where he had been for so long and not reverse custody.
I do not see a parallel in TH's case. TH has no custodial/visitation rights at all, at present.
And the only reason to give that up, IMO, under the same circumstances as TH's is because she has something to hide.

Hear, hear.

There is still no evidence being released in this case, only bits of inflammatory information that is heightening the anger of the mob...

Eek. I am kind of tired of hearing about the "mob" or a "witch hunt". I believe most of us who feel TH is guilty have logical reasons for feeling that way. I have never been a follower nor a part of a mob. I did not and do not like some of the nonsense I heard about TH that some felt implicated her. But those few things do not appear to me to be the crux of the case that is being built against her.
We do not know who is releasing this stuff. If it is LE, that's part of a tested strategy to put pressure on a suspect.
Many times, LE has great evidence pointing to a specific person as the culprit but not enough to get a conviction. That does not mean that the culprit is not guilty or that LE's beliefs or the public's interest in evidence leaked constitutes a witch hunt or a feeding of the mob. It also does not mean that LE has nothing or that an arrest and conviction is not going to occur.
I think a lot of us just want justice and are using our brains and gut to come to conclusions about what justice would mean in this case. JMHO.
I am so confused! Who leaked all these e-mails?

TH to KH

TH to friend

But why would she be leaking them? We know that KH saw at least some form of electronic communication-was it him? Is it LE? Did the friend and KH both leak at the same time?

I vote LE. The reporter stated she trusted the source of the emails 125%.
Kaine's email the next day says pretty much the same thing. Perhaps a tighter timeframe as they had an additional day to gather information.

From: Horman, Kaine A
Sent: Sunday, June 06, 2010 8:39 AM
Subject: FW: Kaine Horman's son is missing

If you have seen local Oregon news or been browsing the internet or FaceBook there is a good chance you have seen an article similar to the one that Becky forwarded (below). While this note is difficult for me to write in this state of mind I felt it necessary for Kyron’s sake.

Optional actions for you:
The Intel network is large and wide-reaching. Many have asked me what they can do to help us and my answer is the following:
1. Forward Kyron’s information to as many people as you feel comfortable with; the more people that see this will increase our chances of finding him
2. Do not speak to any media if contacted; I am trying to contact Intel legal to give them the heads up and help with this situation

Physical description at the time of his disappearance (picture is show in Becky’s note and here):
He is 3 foot 8 and 50 pounds, with blue eyes and brown hair. He was wearing black cargo pants, white socks, worn black Sketcher tennis shoes with orange trim and dark-colored t-shirt with the "CSI" show logo

Police Hot Line Number:
(503) 261-2847

Some rough background:
The article that Becky forwarded is pretty accurate with details. He was dropped off at school about 8:45 and went missing sometime between then and 9 or 9:30am. We did not know he was not at school until we went to get him off of the bus at 3:30 and he was nowhere to be found. The bus driver immediately called the school which responded that his teacher had not seen him all day in class, at which point we notified police in partnership with the school. It is still unknown whether he left school grounds on his own or was abducted. Be assured that there are currently an amazing number of agencies and amount of person-power being applied to the search and investigation.

Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers for Kyron’s safe return. I will update the group once status changes which will hopefully be soon. At the time of this note Kyron has now been missing for ~48 hours; time is of the essence.

Kaine Horman
Enterprise Business Architect
Intel Corporation
I don't see anything suspicious in her wording at all. We are only really getting one side of the conversation, she could be replying to questions put to her in another e-mail. By putting the time at 9-10 that Kyron went missing she is asserting her innocence as she had already left the school by then. I think that's normal, people who are being accused of aomething will try to find what they see as proof that it couldn't be them, she is basically defending herself. There is a real lack of evidence in this case & that creates a need to read something into everything. It will be interesting to see if LE release more damning evidence today, as there is not enough solid evidence (that's been released) to say she is guilty without a doubt yet.
It is easy to read a lot into the wording but I think that in the innocent Terri scenario "it happened" would simply be a handy all-encompassing way to refer to Kyron going missing if you don't know if "it" means that he wandered off or was abducted by a stranger or killed in the basement by a parent of another pupil etc. I think I may have said so myself and I know I'm innocent.

IMO the timeframe from 9 to 10 appears to be derived from the last sightings of Kyron at about 8:45 to 9 and the time of the teacher pronouncing him absent when she took roll.
We don't know she never said anything about Kyron. The e-mails are obviously edited, IMHO.

I sincerely doubt that any mention of Kyron would be edited out. That would be the big story, that TH finally had a nano sec of compassion or empathy for Kyron. I don't buy it.
I sincerely doubt that any mention of Kyron would be edited out. That would be the big story, that TH finally had a nano sec of compassion or empathy for Kyron. I don't buy it.

I disagree. Terri as the Evil Stepmother From Hell is what's selling papers and ad space. No one wants to read about how she really cared for and misses Kyron. Not sensational enough.

Case in point: her FB page.

I saw read a number of her entries. She was talking about flyers and what people could do to help find Kyron. (Before the MFH plot was disclosed, Kaine stated emphatically that Terri was helping and doing all she could to bring Kyron home. And Desiree sat next to him as he said this and nodded.)

But what was plastered all over the interwebs and media as *proof* she was uninvolved and didn't give a hoot about Kyron?

Hitting the gym

The gym that was helping get the word out about Kyron and collecting for search efforts. The gym Kaine accompanied Terri to that day.
I sincerely doubt that any mention of Kyron would be edited out. That would be the big story, that TH finally had a nano sec of compassion or empathy for Kyron. I don't buy it.

I suspect this reporter was ONLY allowed to share the bits and pieces of the emails that LE wanted out there for the public to see. It's not LE's path to allow Terri to seem compassionate or seen in a light other than guilty. IMO.
Yeah, I think the "it" means his disappearance. He went missing some time ("someplace"?) between 9 and 10. The reason she is saying that's when "it" happened is because she says she left the school at 9 and he wasn't there when they took attendance at 10.

However, there is a whole theory about people revealing the truth inadvertently through the way they word things. Perhaps she knows what ultimately happened to Kyron and she is conveying unintentionally that she knows it took place between 9 and 10? Just speculating.
Yeah, I think the "it" means his disappearance. He went missing some time ("someplace"?) between 9 and 10. The reason she is saying that's when "it" happened is because she says she left the school at 9 and he wasn't there when they took attendance at 10.

However, there is a whole theory about people revealing the truth inadvertently through the way they word things. Perhaps she knows what ultimately happened to Kyron and she is conveying unintentionally that she knows it took place between 9 and 10? Just speculating.

Perps also try to throw suspicion away from what they did, so maybe she wants people to focus on 9 to 10 because she knows it happened at a different time and wants to distract from the real time.
I think the email seems off because she's repeating a timeline and an alibi that she had rehearsed prior to being interviewed by police and possibly prior to Kyron going missing.

Perps also try to throw suspicion away from what they did, so maybe she wants people to focus on 9 to 10 because she knows it happened at a different time and wants to distract from the real time.

Also, 9-10 is when she has her alibi (store receipts, etc).
I just think saying "someplace between 9-10" rather than "somewhere between" as most would say when talking about a time period is a bit interesting.
the following is only my opinion, the email info is not in its entirety so who knows what else she may have written?? kwim?

i think what is "off" is the tone of the letters, its angry and deflecting jmo. in both letters the primary message is "im not responsible for IT." there is not even the smallest bit of concern for kyron. she sounds so matter of fact in the way that she is conveying the events of that day... and also in my opinion the "mini-seizures" statement sounds to me like she is saying that whatever may have happened to kyron is due to his own actions. just because she made a dr.'s appt. for him doesnt mean anything. i dont know what dr. would even attempt a dx of "mini-seizures" over the phone and then wait a week or more to see kyron... then there is the "when WE think IT happened". i think her use of the word WE is her attempt to blend in with kh, dy & ty... im curious about who she was writing this email to.

it just seems to me that somewhere along the line she would have voiced her concern for kyrons safety in a more personal way like she was worried and upset. but the only concern that i see in these emails are for HER, and only HER and that is what she is upset about...

i really hope that the presser will reveal something of substance and not just more nothing and confusion. i hope for th's sake that the emails have been edited to the point of making her look guilty, because if that is not the case then they only offer more of a reason to make her look even worse... i dont want her to be responsible for whatever happened to kyron - but i gotta say her behavior is really suspect...
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