TH's polygraphs

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I could be way off but has anyone noticed any kind of pattern to the releases by media?
I was thinking the other day, every time this forum gets to the place where we begin to take the focus off of TH and begin to look and discuss other things that something arrives in the media to put us all back at focusing on TH. It could be my imagination, but with the way this forum is going now with people questioning things again, Im expecting something in the media tomorrow.

LE continuously removes themselves from any leaks. So who is doing the leaking?
Could all the leaks be focusing on TH to keep her quiet instead of getting her to talk ?
I don't know what they have established her profile to be or the profile of who could have taken Kyron. I do find it interesting that it surely has not brought her to talking.

I also wonder about the dynamics of the blended family. I tend to take some of what KH and DY say with a grain of salt. I don't know what their relationship was like before all of this, but it does appear to be there has been resentment for a very long time. Resentment will cloud one's judgement. I also have gotten the feeling that they believe
that TH is not telling everything because of the LDT's. So they may have discounted anything she said. I don't have a whole lot of faith in LDT. I would assume if TH has always lied and believes her lies that she would probably pass the LDT. Just some thoughts Im having while reading the last few pages.
If Terri failed a specific portion of the lie detector test it must not be the part where they might ask if she murdered Kyron, because the family says that they believe he still alive and Terri knows where he is.
Just so you know, this case is all over the news in Canada too! We get American channels as well & some of us get Miz Nancy.:angel:

Really? How interesting. I had an internet friend who lives in Australia and shes always on top of the cases going on here in the US. She says she knows more about the crimes going on in our country than she does her own!
I could be way off but has anyone noticed any kind of pattern to the releases by media?
I was thinking the other day, every time this forum gets to the place where we begin to take the focus off of TH and begin to look and discuss other things that something arrives in the media to put us all back at focusing on TH. It could be my imagination, but with the way this forum is going now with people questioning things again, Im expecting something in the media tomorrow.

LE continuously removes themselves from any leaks. So who is doing the leaking?
Could all the leaks be focusing on TH to keep her quiet instead of getting her to talk ?
I don't know what they have established her profile to be or the profile of who could have taken Kyron. I do find it interesting that it surely has not brought her to talking.

I also wonder about the dynamics of the blended family. I tend to take some of what KH and DY say with a grain of salt. I don't know what their relationship was like before all of this, but it does appear to be there has been resentment for a very long time. Resentment will cloud one's judgement. I also have gotten the feeling that they believe
that TH is not telling everything because of the LDT's. So they may have discounted anything she said. I don't have a whole lot of faith in LDT. I would assume if TH has always lied and believes her lies that she would probably pass the LDT. Just some thoughts Im having while reading the last few pages.

I went back and did some reading earlier today. Found an article from just after Kyron disappearance. The article linked to legal documents surrounding Kaine's and Desiree's divorce. I hesitate to mention them because this does take the focus off of Kyron momentarily. Desiree filed for divorce while she was still pregnant. She filed for a RO against Kaine in 2002 because she was fearful he would take away their children. I guess things have smoothed over since then.
I went back and did some reading earlier today. Found an article from just after Kyron disappearance. The article linked to legal documents surrounding Kaine's and Desiree's divorce. I hesitate to mention them because this does take the focus off of Kyron momentarily. Desiree filed for divorce while she was still pregnant. She filed for a RO against Kaine in 2002 because she was fearful he would take away their children. I guess things have smoothed over since then.

Between the bio parents, yes that seems to have smoothed over. Im not so sure though about the rest though.
I'm just going to throw this thought out into the thread.

It's not directed at any poster here. Just thoughts that came as I read the four pages thus far in this thread.

We don't know what LE thinks, we don't know how LE is investigation this case, they aren't talking.

Here is the thing, we all have heard that LE will start with the last person known to have seen or been with a missing person, and also that missing persons family members. That's just how all of the investigations we have seen so far work, they rule them out and move in an outwards circle.

BUT it's not that linear. They have a task force so to speak, and I'm sure there is more than one detective working on Kyron. Have we seen a number yet? That means, that IMHO they are working all angles right now. They are slowly and systematically eliminating each angle.

Now, LE hasn't said this, but Kaine and DY's comments lead me to believe that they are still working on eliminating Terri. They can't move past her until they can eliminate her. But IMHO that doesn't mean that the entire task force is focusing all their energy on Terri.

Do I think Terri is guilty? It doesn't matter what I think in the long run. But to be honest, I would be very surprised if she is completely innocent of whatever happened to Kryon. LE will determine if charges can be brought forth against her and take that to the SA and see if they will run with it. A Jury will decide if she is guilty if it comes to that.

This is a crime forum and a missing persons forum. It's a pretty darn good one too. The best out there on the internet IMHO, because facts are posted, opinions are formed and shared and theories are too. When expressing our opinions, it is a given that the crimes we are discussing are alleged. It is also a given that all parties are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. JMHO. So based on those assumptions we can post our opinions, theories and bicker/debate back and forth :)

I like to think of it this way. We all, every single one of us are standing vigil for Kyron. Our eyes are on him and will not waver.

As for the failed poly's. Even though LE or Terri haven't commented on that---for now, I personally, am going with what Kaine and DY are saying on that matter. Until it is proven that they are incorrect. :)

Great Post!!!
i still find this stuff comical.

why would she be vocal about failing it, specially to hubby?

and again, how does he know the 3 of them 'passed with flying colors?"

comical. who's he trying to con, us or himself?
Really? How interesting. I had an internet friend who lives in Australia and shes always on top of the cases going on here in the US. She says she knows more about the crimes going on in our country than she does her own!

OT: It's so true. We watch so much U.S TV here that people accidently dial 911 instead of 000 ( our emergency services number).
i still find this stuff comical.

why would she be vocal about failing it, specially to hubby?

and again, how does he know the 3 of them 'passed with flying colors?"

comical. who's he trying to con, us or himself?

He is not trying to con anybody. KH is a VICTIM. He's a father that's lost his son. I haven't seen one shred of evidence that he has tried to con anyone. For all we know, LE told him about the lie detector tests, or who knows, maybe TH was vocal about the tests. Why is that so unreasonable and KH being a con man so much more reasonable? I just don't see it. Now TH, that's a whole other story. Apparently she thought she conned everyone and could get away with this. Well, LE isn't buying it, KH, DY, and TY aren't buying it, heck, most people aren't buying it. Look how wrong she was.
I do not know if I agree Kyron is not still at the center of attention. If the SM is involved and this pressure on her gets her to speak about Kyron or whereabouts then it all works out for the best in the end. If she did anything to him, then the media is focused right where they need to be. If she is the wrong person (which IMO is slim chance as well) then it is a shame.

A gamble.

Also, maybe a good portion of a lie detector test is just to see if a) you will agree to take one b) if you will sit through one. I am sure people who have nothing to hide, vs. someone who does acts different. LE is looking for those clues.

Unfortunatly, Terri probably rang their bell. I think having attempted two, failing the first, walking out on the second and not attempting a third is a good indicator at being evasive. A lie detector test in itself seems like a minor thing to have to go through under their circumstances.

I agree completely.
I think they're looking out for any hinky behavior, and it would be far less hinky to say firmly, "No, I'm not going to take a polygraph because they're not reliable" than to first agree, then fail and walk out, then agree, walk out again before you have a chance to fail, agree again and fail again.

As for Kyron being the focal point, I think at this juncture cute little stories of things he likes and what he's good at would not make the front page and they would likely not bring him home. Getting the perp to stumble might.
Desiree states (approx. 1:23-1:30) in reference to the day that Kyron went missing:

"I can tell you what I ate that day, and she can't tell you where she was."

Interesting... Per the above, Terri Horman can't tell you where she was on June 4th between approximately 8:15am and 2:00pm? How long after Kyron was discovered to be missing was she asked about her "June 4th's" whereabouts? Might it have been on the evening of June 4th, when LE (and FBI?) stepped in? Might it have been a couple of days later?

Anyone have a clue when Terri was first asked her whereabouts on June 4th?

How about the thought that someone (one of the caretakers of a 7 year old child) cannot tell you where they were on a particularly important day and within a relatively short time period?

I don't have a link but I'll bet you anything that if the 911 call came about 3:30pm the parents were being questioned within an hour, give or take a few. It seems SOP in any missing child case to ask his parents and caretakers when they saw him last and what they did that day and ask them to provide a description and a photograph. I believe it would be pretty much the first thing they'd do, and in this case they would pay particular attention to Terri since she says she left him at school but the school says he was absent all day.
LE had a full MONTH with Terri before she got her lawyer. She was told NOT to talk to the media by LE. Now she has a lawyer and there is no doubt she was told not to talk to anyone. LE had a full month with her and there wasn't one shred of evidence gathered. IMO it's time to move on - maybe, just maybe, Terri isn't a psychopathic murderer. moo moo
Who said this?
if an arrest isnt made this week and/or kyron isnt found i will probably dissapear until it happens. cannot take much more of this. and i dont care who it is. im not emotionally invested in anyone. and i see suspicious behavior from all of them.
I disagree. IMO everything his parents about keeping the focus on Kyron. They just want there little boy home .

I agree, and some might not believe TH is guilty, so of course they don't like what KH and DY are saying publicly.
In the end it's about getting media attention, and hopefully to put pressure on TH, or pressure on someone who knows something.
WS does not operate on rumor. We use MSM and news programs as the source of information. Now we roll with it as it happens. If and when it changes direction we will roll with it just as we have done with TH. At any point if TH or her attorney speaks we will allow those programs to be discussed.

Nothing is rumor that is being discussed now. It is statements by the bio parents of Kyron Horman.

OT: Oh how I miss our old crew from the Haleigh Cummings Parking Lot thread.
Q: Can you describe how Terri Horman handled the polygraph requests? I believe you have said to others that Terri walked out of a second polygraph, and then waited about 10 days before taking a third? Can you clarify this for us?

A: She fully cooperated and took the first polygraph then subsequently vented her failed results to all family, friends, and law enforcement at the house. A few days later she cooperated and went to take a second polygraph test but got up and walked out before the machine portion of the test could be administered... again by her own statement to family, friends, and law enforcement at the house ...She continually pushed back and refused to repeat the second test for several days (approx. 8-10) before going to take the test and then once again coming back to the house and venting to all listeners.
KATU: Can you confirm that Terri walked out of the 2nd or 3rd polygraph tests?

Kaine: She took the first, went to take a second and walked out before the machine portion of the test could be administered, then went back 8-10 days later and completed a full test. This was information she shared openly with all friends, family, and law enforcement that were at the house at the time of the events.
Sure, that's possible she gave Kyron to someone. Some kind of get-even revenge toward Kaine. I've always thought that might be possible, but still not a shred of evidence other than the pings...I cant rule out the possibility that she was set up or that he was taken by some perp. moo

Looks to me like LE thinks Kyron is deceased - they searched waterways etc. not places you would find a child alive. moo

Guess I'll have to wait for some concrete evidence before I jump to the 'guilty' side of the coin. moo

BBM Yes, it is possible that she is being set up; however, if she were being set up who sent the sexting and graphic photos to MC and the landscaper? If she were being set up it would take an amazing amount of work to set up all of the things that have come out against her.

Then, if she was set up, it sure has been convenient for the perp that she has not been truthful when talking w/ LE, she is accused of trying to have her husband murdered, has used the same tactics on MC that she used on the landscaper ... oh, and let us not forget, she has failed 2 polygraphs and walked out on another.

For me, there is just too much to be a coincidence and too much to be a set up. If it is a set up Terri has done nothing but aide the perp w/ her behavior.
I feel your frustration. I agree with you up to a certain degree (I don't feel it is unacceptable to walk out on police when one has not been arrested, and I don't ever want waterboarding to be used as an investigative tool!) All persons, innocent or not, have the right to refuse a polygraph. These tests are not acceptable evidence in courts of law, and there are so many good reasons for being that discerning truth or lying in answers is highly subjective. I know you are also frustrated with those of us who point out the weaknesses of polygraphs, but it's not just laypeople who are aware of the problems. Polygraphs have not been able to rise to the level of accuracy the courts demand to be allowed as evidence.

I believe Terri knows more, much more, than she is telling LE, and if she knows where Kyron is, I wish she'd speak up. But "failing" a polygraph doesn't always denote guilt, and "passing" a polygraph surely doesn't denote innocence. (Not sticking up for her, just pointing out a quick, generic fact.)

BBM I absolutely agree w/ you.

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