Tim Miller: Possible Lawsuit against Casey

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He didn't leave because the child had been reported MISSING and that's what he does...searches for the missing. He may have had a hunch things weren't quite right with the Anthony's right away, but even people who are not quite right can have a loved one go missing. I applaud Tim and TES and I think he should go for this full speed ahead. Also Zenaida F-G should go all the way with her civil suit. If Casey ever makes money off Caylee's death she should have to give it up to settle the judgments. She was found guilty of lying about the child being missing so there is nothing to stop the civil suits, even from LE.
IIRC Richard H said she is a convicted felon and cannot leave the State?
Also her address will be public information, same reason...

That's not true. Felons are free to travel as they wish. People who are on parole and probation must get permission first, but other than that felons do not lose their rights to freedom of movement. Her address will be as public or private as the rest of us, according to her wishes.

With the exception of some classes of sex offenders, felons do not lose the right to movement or privacy just because they are felons.
IIRC Richard H said she is a convicted felon and cannot leave the State?
Also her address will be public information, same reason...

If she is a felon, she can leave the state and if she is put on probation she can leave on what is referred as "Interstate Compact"

She will server her probation in another state they will babysit her for Florida.
I doubt anyone is going to get anywhere with suing the Anthonys. There is no proof that they had any idea that Caylee wasn't missing. I especially believe that Cindy held on to the hope that Caylee was still alive somewhere, at least up until Caylee's remains were found.
Did Casey call TES in and ask for them to search? If not, I am not sure she can be held liable for their expenses. Also since opening statements are not evidence and everyone, including the state harped on that, not sure Jose could be held to it either. And eve n if Casey did tell him this, we don't know when. And since Casey did not testify, she did not actually say that Caylee was never missing. I don't know...it seems like a lot of "ifs" to me, but I've seen far more "iffy" cases filed and won, and if anyone deserves to win one, it would be TM. But not if it costs him more money to file it.


OMG that is another thing that Tim stated in his HLN Interviews the other night... He said that CINDY is the one who called him up to come in search. He talked about how he will never forget when Cindy called him. I am sorry I do love what Tim does for missing children and their families but I do not think that this motion is going to fly. As for Casey people are right she wanted NOTHING to do with Tim Miller. George showed Casey a map and asked her to tell Tim where to search and apparently she was livid. Plus Jose Baez was at the meeting when Tim first arrived and told Tim to not ask Casey any questions about Caylee's whereabouts.
The only issue, though, is that I always felt like Tim and TES were working for "us" so-to-speak. He was spending that money for Caylee and the rest of the world who actually cared about her coming home to rest. The searches were obviously meant to find a dead Caylee. I could see if he was searching because ICA (can I even use the "I" anymore?) told him to go out and find her alive, but the resources he put into searching swamps and forests weren't for her, IMO, but for the investigation.

Yes, but it could have been avoided since obviously Casey (and Jose too) knew exactly where the baby was. SInce she really wasnt convicted of anything pertaining to that, i think she should still pay the money back
I hope Tim, the state of Florida, and whoever can sue her should!!!
The Florida tax payers (is there an association or anything) need to send a petition and bombard their politicians urging civil action against Casey Anthony.
Didn't the balloon boy's father have to repay the authorities for their false search. Wasn't it part of his sentence?

I truly believe he has a good case, as well as every single one of his searchers.

Think about it, a jury in Orlando on a civil case against ICA, wanting at least some sense of justice.
I mentioned on the Caylee's Law thread about adding something to it which made it a crime for a parent or guardian to knowingly withhold information about a child's whereabouts causing LE and/or other groups to search spending time and resources. In a way that's fraud isn't it? Especially if the family should benefit from donations?

I don't know enough about the laws. I'm still trying to think of things to do which may help in the future.
OJ had/has a pension fund from his NFL days that could not be touched by any civil court. Any monies he earned aside from that could be taken to pay the civil damages (Goldman & Brown families). He vowed to never pay a dime and he didn't. Any monies he got he laundered and funneled through friends' businesses and organizations, not taking payment directly.

Casey has no pension fund.
Hopefully Baez et al are not able to set up some type of "CMA Inc" (or Killer Inc."), to protect her earnings.

I LOVE the idea of a class action suit by all citizens who contributed money to the search for a live Caylee. Surely ONE of the outraged lawyers earning money on the talk shows can step up and show TRUE outrage by spear-heading this ?

How can residents of Florida DEMAND the local & state athorities recover the money spent on searching for a live Caylee ?

Let's get together on this ! Maybe we CAN start a movement for some small measure of justice !
Part of Tim Miller's Interview with JVM:

Snipped from: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1107/04/ijvm.01.html

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I want to go straight out to my very special guest Tim Miller who is the founder and director of Texas Equusearch, a search organization that has been at the very heart of this case.

Tim Miller, undoubtedly you watched Linda Drane-Burdick today. Give us your review?

TIM MILLER, FOUNDER, TEXAS EQUUSEARCH: Do you know what, it was kind of amazing. I`ve watched very little of this trial for a few reasons. I mean I`ve got a very bitter taste in my mouth for ever being involved in the search efforts. And the second reason is we still have families out there who have missing loved ones and I`m all over the country still searching.

But you know what? What I did see today and fortunately I was home is the same Casey Anthony I met when I went to her house. And I said this before and I`ll say it the rest of my life, the very worst phone call I ever got in my life from a family of a missing loved one was when Cindy Anthony called me.

And I will never, ever forget walking in that house, meeting Casey, meeting Cindy. Jose Baez got there about ten minutes after I got there.

And I knew something was very, very strange early on, Jane, when Jose Baez said, "Mr. Miller thanks for being here. You can do whatever you need to do to find little Caylee, but you cannot ask my client one question about her daughter." And I found that strange. And what I found strange was Cindy also was not "thanks for being here". Cindy`s reaction immediately when I walked in was that Sheriff Barry is going to be leaving office in November and he wants to leave on a real positive note and all they want to do is prosecute my daughter for my granddaughter`s disappearance and that did not happen.

And the other thing, Jane -- and this is all happening within ten minutes from when I`m in that house -- George`s friend, George`s best friend, he`s a captain out of Ohio with the police department. His first name is Jim -- I can`t remember his last name. But Cindy was on the phone, Casey went back to her room and I introduced myself to Jim and I said by the way, how is George doing? He said not doing well. I said I can understand that.

He said he`s on his way home from work right now, you can meet him. And Jim said and he said it loud enough for Casey to hear this. And Jim told me, he says, "George knows the answer is in that bedroom and she will not talk."

So my very first day on that search, I knew that Cindy knew, that George knew, the whole family knew and we were being lied to. And on the fourth day that I was there, I washed my hands from the search. I said I`m not involved with this search anymore. And I was flying back to Texas and the next morning the Sheriff Barry called me up --
so you can buy a multi million dollar home and protect that but there is no protection for earnings from an IRS lien. They can levy on any entity that owes her money, media that agrees ot pay her and they would get the money instead.

We can ask in the lawyer's thread BUT unfortunately she may be able to protect her future earnings I think.

Remember, OJ moved TO Florida from California because Florida had laws that protected him from Fred Goldman's judgement against him. Not sure how that all worked though.

At the very least, this is two future court cases where she will be held accoutable for SOMETHING.

Mr Miller, you have my complete and whole hearted support. Hit her hard and keep up the good & important work you do.

OMG that is another thing that Tim stated in his HLN Interviews the other night... He said that CINDY is the one who called him up to come in search. He talked about how he will never forget when Cindy called him. I am sorry I do love what Tim does for missing children and their families but I do not think that this motion is going to fly. As for Casey people are right she wanted NOTHING to do with Tim Miller. George showed Casey a map and asked her to tell Tim where to search and apparently she was livid. Plus Jose Baez was at the meeting when Tim first arrived and told Tim to not ask Casey any questions about Caylee's whereabouts.

Just reading your statement got me thinking. I sure wish the jury got to see and know more about the whole situation. Casey did NOT want Caylee found, she knew if she was found, the duct tape would sink her. Well apparently not since she wasn't convicted but YKWIM?

This girl did something bad and got away with it. I'm still angry.

But to stay on topic, GO TIM!! I think Roy Kronk should also start one, defamation of character, go after Casey AND Jose, who called him morally bankrupt.
Tim Miller's Interview with Dr Drew:

Snipped From:

POLITAN: Tim Miller, you were in the house. You led the search for little Caylee. Is Casey Anthony someone that is that unlikable?

TIM MILLER, LED SEARCH FOR CAYLEE ANTHONY: You know, we`ve done 950-plus cases before the Caylee Anthony case. And I`ll never, ever forget meeting Casey for the first time. And I spent four days in the house with her.

And I knew that something wasn`t right. Something wasn`t right, I don`t believe. And when I really realized something wasn`t right is when Jose Baez showed up and he just said, "Thanks for being here, and you can do anything you need to find little Caylee, but don`t ask my client any questions about her daughter."

Which when we search for somebody that`s missing, we get as much information as we can. And so there was a lot of confusion going on.

I mean, people just came from 13 different states. I`ve still got a very bitter taste in my mouth.

I think we were lied to all the way around from literally everybody in the family. And I`m certainly not going to beat the Anthonys up. But, I mean, God, we spent $112,000 on that case alone.

We neglected other families that need us -- and needed us. And I actually pulled the plug on that search. I wasn`t going to do it.

I knew we could not be effective. And then Sheriff Barry (ph) called me and he asked me if I`d do him a favor and we`d stay and do that search.

And I made some of the best decisions on that search that were ever made on a search. We`ve had a lot of success. But we were literally less than eight feet away from little Caylee`s body when -- the first time we were searching.


MILLER: And actually have pictures of how high the water was. And our team leader, Helen (ph), called me up when she was out there and said, "Tim, there`s some things floating around out here, but I don`t know what to do because the water is literally up to my knees."

And I`ll never, ever forget meeting with the sheriff`s department afterwards and saying, "Listen, I want to make a big decision right here, and I hope you support me. But we need to suspend this search." I said, "I`m afraid if little Caylee is under the water somewhere, we`re going to have a horse step on her or a Ford (ph) go over her, even a ground searcher step on her and just think there`s some debris and really jeopardize any future search efforts. And I think we could do more harm than good."

And then when I came back later --

POLITAN: Absolutely.

MILLER: -- the conditions still were not as good as we wanted, and as we have well seen. And when the water dried up a week or 10 days later --


POLITAN: You know what`s interesting, Tim, as this jury is deliberating, we`re getting a taste of the weather that you had, because it`s almost three years. And this is the rainy season here. I mean, when it rains, it rains down here.
also brian said casey had a job offer....staring in a *advertiser censored* movie..no joke he said it a few min ago

OMG...OMG! I can't take this anymore. We have lost this Country. The morals and the judgment of many people in USA is sick. A beautiful baby died at the hands of her mother...and people want to worship the killer and provide her with money and fame...SICK!!!:banghead:
That is the best news I have heard !!! Boy I needed this !
Tim you deserve to get every single dime back!!!
I have goosebumps !
KC may not have called TES and may not can be sued, but CA did call them there and GA also was requesting his help, and so if we are supposed to believe the dumb defense stmt then at the very least GA was guilty of stealing from TES.
Unfortunately, this sounds very logical, Talina. The only chance that it could possibly be successful would be if the courts thought Casey's false claims and silence on the subject caused the expense, nonetheless. In any case, I'm delighted that Mr Miller is checking this out.

Her lawyer prevented TM from asking her about Caylee. All the while TM is spending his money to be there and search. Baez showed total disregard for the life of the child...and that is because he KNEW Caylee was dead and he was protecting ICA.

The justice system needs to be changed regarding children missing and the law protecting the suspect. Time is running and the lawyers will not let the suspect help out or be questioned.

IIRC Baez Never met with LE to let them question her and he downright told TM he was not to question her. All the Anthonys protected their little princess and also detested TM for wanting to search for a body. They would only let him search for a LIVE Caylee. Now that's living in reality, isn't it?

Now. the cincher is he had to look for a LIVE Caylee but was NOT allowed to talk w/ICA about where to look...hmm

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