Tina Porter Offers Support To Baby Lisa's Parents

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This speaks volumes to me. DB doesn't want to speak to a mother reaching out to offer support and advice, who went through similar circumstances in regards of trying to locate her children & being interrogated by LE but DB is just fine with giving interviews with all the national news shows. Gimme a break. If I wasn't already saddened by the way DB & JI are reacting, this is the icing on the disappointment cake.
This speaks volumes to me. DB doesn't want to speak to a mother reaching out to offer support and advice, who went through similar circumstances in regards of trying to locate her children & being interrogated by LE but DB is just fine with giving interviews with all the national news shows. Gimme a break. If I wasn't already saddened by the way DB & JI are reacting, this is the icing on the disappointment cake.

I don't know her intentions, and she may just have support and advice, but she was there with someone who thinks that without a doubt the parents are guilty. We really can't know if her intentions are just support, only she can know.

And as far as I could tell, she was never interrogated. They knew all along that it was her ex husband and birth father.
Personally, I think anyone who isn't asked to be there, should not try to insert themselves in the case.

Ms. Porter, I'm sure, had nothing but a good motive in being there, but she wasn't asked to be there by the family.

These folks are being "managed" by professionals. Regardless of how any of us feels about that.

It is what it is.
There are many things about these parents that lead me to believe that they are not doing everything possible (in fact doing very little) to find their daughter. Turning away Mr. Abeyta and Ms. Porter is not one of them.

I have much respect for those who have lost children and want to assist other families. But, some of those families may be directly responsible for the loss of their children. Others may be completely innocent and simply not want or need the assistance offered by Mr. Abeyta, Ms. Porter, or anyone else. I don't like it when folks start foundations because they are victims, and then behave as though other families that they consider "victims" don't respond to them as they wish. I really don't like that these folks who established foundations to help other victims feel qualified to tell us who is making decisions for the parents and profess to know their psychological and emotional profiles, going so far as to predict (quite passionately) possible suicide of one of the Lisa's parents on national tv (after having spent literally only minutes of time with the parents in a room crowded with others). Their motives may be good and I deeply sympathize with them for their personal losses, but they should simply extend an offer of help/support. If it is ignored or refused, stay home or make an offer again later, imo. In the meantime, there are other families with lower profile cases that may really need and want help. I applaud Mr. Abeyta and Ms. Porter for assisting those who are receptive to their assistance.


Good post.

I am sometimes afraid that the parents who have experienced a great loss and get involved in other cases may do it partly because they subconsciously see it as a kind of therapy for themselves, trying to help another case along into a better conclusion than what their own children had. Nothing wrong with the desire to help but if their own pain is very raw they may see things through a glass colored by their own experience and lose some objectivity, and not be able to be as helpful as they would like. I am absolutely not saying it's the case with TP but getting offended if another family does not want your help might point that one's there more for oneself than the family.
Our member Indepmo is a member of an organization whose goal is to help find missing children. He is a verified insider and is authorized to post in that capacity. We do not feel the incident with Tina Porter and the Irwin case in any way violates our rule or even compares to "inserting yourself into a case acting as a representative of Websleuths." If you wish to discuss the incident about the Tina Porter organization and the Irwin case, please do so, but we ask that you leave out any comments as to whether a member violated our rules.

As you all know, Websleuths does not encourage and in fact discourages our members from inserting themselves into any case we follow and we absolutely forbid anyone to do so acting as a representative of Websleuths. Any such representation will result in a revoked membership.

Again, we do not feel this was the case with Indepmo and the Tina Porter organization.
Does anyone know where Tina lives (what state, not her address lol). How far did she travel?
This whole thing is so weird its making my head spin. I think its odd she showed up at their door at night. I guess I dont understand how she thought she could "help."
I'm going to put in my :twocents:.

Being a friend of someone whose children are missing, I know how much it means to her to try and help other families. I think it's natural to want to help someone else have a happy ending when yours was tragic. Look at Marc Klaas?

Did the visit help? Not at this point. Maybe it will do some good in the long run, though. For Tina's sake, I hope it does. And I pray that her efforts to help families of crime aren't thwarted in the future. May she find a place where she CAN make a difference. :grouphug:
Anybody who turns up unannounced and uninvited at the family home at the moment is not helping. Anybody who has any ability to help should either go to the police, or approach the family through their lawyer.
I am too cynical I know but if I was a missing children's advocate and had already spent a lot of time trying to contact them, offering my help to a family that doesn't contact me and doesn't seem to want my help and does not talk to LE and changes their story etc. I would suspect that there might be a good reason that the family doesn't want my help and it might be they know where their child is. I wouldn't waste my time with them when there are other families with less media exposure who would welcome me with open arms.
I'm going to put in my :twocents:.

Being a friend of someone whose children are missing, I know how much it means to her to try and help other families. I think it's natural to want to help someone else have a happy ending when yours was tragic. Look at Marc Klaas?

Did the visit help? Not at this point. Maybe it will do some good in the long run, though. For Tina's sake, I hope it does. And I pray that her efforts to help families of crime aren't thwarted in the future. May she find a place where she CAN make a difference. :grouphug:

I sincerely doubt Marc Klaas, TES or Laura Recovery would show up unannounced at that hour and knock on the door not once but twice and ask the reporters to roll the camera. Furthermore, I doubt they would need records of correspondence. Whatever that means. I'm still trying to figure out what or why that is/was necessary.
I sincerely doubt Marc Klaas, TES or Laura Recovery would show up unannounced at that hour and knock on the door not once but twice and ask the reporters to roll the camera. Furthermore, I doubt they would need records of correspondence. Whatever that means. I'm still trying to figure out what or why that is/was necessary.

Exactly. But they have more experience in how to handle these cases and I'm sure they have protocol which was created by making past mistakes. Every rule on WS was created because of a mistake or a problem, KWIM? It's the way we learn sometimes.

I'm a graduate from the School of Hard Knocks. I should know. :crazy:
I sincerely doubt Marc Klaas, TES or Laura Recovery would show up unannounced at that hour and knock on the door not once but twice and ask the reporters to roll the camera. Furthermore, I doubt they would need records of correspondence. Whatever that means. I'm still trying to figure out what or why that is/was necessary.

I agree with you about the showing up unannounced part but if I had the mind to insert myself into a criminal case I would absolutely keep all the correspondence. Just in case. If there's any chance that someone could say or do something that I would have to testify about later I would like to have a precise record of what exactly my acquaintance with these people is.
Does anyone know where Tina lives (what state, not her address lol). How far did she travel?
This whole thing is so weird its making my head spin. I think its odd she showed up at their door at night. I guess I dont understand how she thought she could "help."

The last I heard she still lived in Independence, Missouri. About 10-15 minutes from where the Bradley/Irwin family is staying.
I can understand why people in a difficult situation might not welcome strangers in their middle but they have got to know that rudeness to another victim isn't going to look very good. You can say "no thank you" or "maybe later" nicely. Strange IMO. Also strange that TP didn't know who their attorney is, after all the morning shows he's been to. JT needs more exposure, I think.

This is the point I have been trying to get across to many here-and you said it very well.Thank you so much!!!
IMO, Tina Porter had kind of a rough life, even before Daniel took Sam and Lindsay. That in no way excuses what she did with the Bradley/Irwin incident ie: running to the news cameras and creating that scene. However, I don't know, it sort of makes me understand it more. I really don't think she meant any harm.
I don't know her intentions, and she may just have support and advice, but she was there with someone who thinks that without a doubt the parents are guilty. We really can't know if her intentions are just support, only she can know.

And as far as I could tell, she was never interrogated. They knew all along that it was her ex husband and birth father.

Surely she would have vetted anyone who was accompanying her, and would know that person's beliefs about DB's guilt or innocence. That's why it's so hard for me to believe that she had the good intention to offer the family her assistance. I'm on the fence in this case. However, I believe it's in poor taste for anyone besides LE to approach this family, uninvited, particularly if they are of the opinion that the parents or other family members are guilty. MOO.
I agree with you about the showing up unannounced part but if I had the mind to insert myself into a criminal case I would absolutely keep all the correspondence. Just in case. If there's any chance that someone could say or do something that I would have to testify about later I would like to have a precise record of what exactly my acquaintance with these people is.

Before they even insert themselves? That's what I'm not getting. Keep a record of how many times they knocked on the door or how many times they sent the family correspondence asking if they can help? How is that helpful? :waitasec:
Before they even insert themselves? That's what I'm not getting. Keep a record of how many times they knocked on the door or how many times they sent the family correspondence asking if they can help? How is that helpful? :waitasec:

Well, it might come in useful for your defense if they call the cops on you... :crazy:

IDK, it kinda sounded like they were expecting trouble and if you're expecting trouble why not just stay away.
I can understand why people in a difficult situation might not welcome strangers in their middle but they have got to know that rudeness to another victim isn't going to look very good. You can say "no thank you" or "maybe later" nicely. Strange IMO. Also strange that TP didn't know who their attorney is, after all the morning shows he's been to. JT needs more exposure, I think.

If someone showed up on my doorstep 9:30 at night, along with cameras rolling, I would not be very pleasant. Did the person who answered the door know that she was another victim?

In the video i saw, TP said she went up to the door and said I'm Tina Porter I want to talk to Deborah and jeremy. She says the person told her that she can go thru their attorney.

THIS IS TP's perception, it may not be totally accurate.

How does anyone know that they were being rude to TP, is there video of the exchange between them? The video I saw showed someone at the door listening to her, it didn't show any door slamming or the male being rude.
I suspect that the fact that people--however well-meaning they might be--are coming up to the house at 9:30 at night and asking to speak with DB & JI and then going off on the family to the media is exactly why the family has relocated. No matter how anyone feels about DB & JI, there are two other children who need to be protected and given some semblance of a normal life amidst all this madness. Whether DB has followed cases of missing children or not, whether she knows who Tina Porter is or not, those two boys do not know and they do not NEED to know. No one who is not a family member or an authorized individual with training in dealing with traumatized children needs to be going anywhere near where the two boys are. It is grossly insensitive, IMO.

Also, given that people inserting themselves into a missing child investigation is often a red flag to LE, I wouldn't even consider offering my help through anything other than proper channels (LE or the family attorney.)

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