GUILTY TN - CT, 9, Rogersville, 4 May 2016 #3

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For what it's worth, I wasn't defending him. I thought surely his motive was to harm her, once it was mentioned that he has a history. But then when I read the article that said she was OK, I assumed it was posted AFTER she'd been examined. At that point, I thought it was odd that he'd go 9 days w/o touching her, if that was his intention, which made me question those intentions. Now, I understand that article to have been written before she was taken to the hospital.

Okay, thank you for clarifying- you may not have, but others on this thread have recently posted that he "is not evil".
I cannot believe the amount of people who are GS sympathizers! Not only is the writing on the wall, the police clearly stated that it is downright INSULTING to suggest he was off for a sweet uncle-niece getaway. I worked in mental health working with adults with intellectual disabilities for 16 years. This is not that. You don't prepare for a trip, lie to a school, kidnap a child because you have diminished intellectual capacity. He didn't show back up at home with a fishing pole and the little girl, he had to be hunted down and held at gunpoint! What in the world is happening here.

All things considered, she was found as well as could be hoped for---- meaning she wasn't dead, number one. She wasn't beaten to a pulp. She was clinging to her teddy bear. She probably wasn't starving. But you can believe that her scars run a whole lot deeper than what is visible. This child just lived through incredible trauma. I cannot sit by and allow her abuser to be glorified, like some "off", but kind, uncle. This is why abuse victims don't come forward. Even when presented with immense information and evidence, people downplay the abuse and it shames the victim. SHE is the victim. Not him. HE is in jail right now. That in and of itself tells you it wasn't some misunderstanding.

I will shut up now, but I am completely annoyed for CT and whomever is innocent in her family right now.
I am just glad she is safe and alive. I don't think he had good intentions at all and hope he gets all the jail time he deserves.

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Okay, thank you for clarifying- you may not have, but others on this thread have recently posted that he "is not evil".

I'm with you that he's an evil, vile human being, LinasK. However, we don't know for sure if CT was molested by him. Sure we have our suspicions but so far there have been no reports saying either way (at least that I'm aware of). I don't think he deserves one iota of breath for a defense...I'm not offering him that. No way. But, for CT's sake, I think we should not make the assumption that she was violated in that way.

This case has stirred a lot of emotion throughout our community (WS, I mean). So many of us have been victims of child abuse by a family member or close family friend. My heart aches for all of you and hope that you are finding peace in your lives now.
I cannot believe the amount of people who are GS sympathizers! Not only is the writing on the wall, the police clearly stated that it is downright INSULTING to suggest he was off for a sweet uncle-niece getaway. I worked in mental health working with adults with intellectual disabilities for 16 years. This is not that. You don't prepare for a trip, lie to a school, kidnap a child because you have diminished intellectual capacity. He didn't show back up at home with a fishing pole and the little girl, he had to be hunted down and held at gunpoint! What in the world is happening here.

All things considered, she was found as well as could be hoped for---- meaning she wasn't dead, number one. She wasn't beaten to a pulp. She was clinging to her teddy bear. She probably wasn't starving. But you can believe that her scars run a whole lot deeper than what is visible. This child just lived through incredible trauma. I cannot sit by and allow her abuser to be glorified, like some "off", but kind, uncle. This is why abuse victims don't come forward. Even when presented with immense information and evidence, people downplay the abuse and it shames the victim. SHE is the victim. Not him. HE is in jail right now. That in and of itself tells you it wasn't some misunderstanding.

I will shut up now, but I am completely annoyed for CT and whomever is innocent in her family right now.

Please don't shut up, it needs saying.:goodpost::clap::clap::clap:
Carlie was harmed. It cannot be innocent. He lied to her and told her that her father was in a horrible crash, then kept her from her hurt father, hidden in a place where she had no contact with anyone, could not have access to anyone through a phone. He bought her little girl things like a camp chair and a blanket-- because he cared for her. Then, he also brought her a bikini, nail polish, and lipstick--separately not sexualizing but he didn't take her to a beach---dark nail polish is not pre-pubescent pink-- items that are right up the alley for a burgeoning pubescent girl. . At 9 and 10, young girls begin to have crushes or have friends with crushes-- girls who might want to be seen as appealing to the opposite sex. He bought her things that, even if he never touched her, create a terrible confusion because he is an old man who created a feeling of hopelessness (father's accident), confusion (lying to her), mind twisting by having her shop for items as to keep the kidnapping seem like business as usual and seemingly like she consented (not that she did), and then, kept her in a place for his edification to unsettle her and groom her (sexually or in an attempt to alienate her from her family).

Sexual abuse and sexual assault are horrible. The messing with a child's head is equally bad because it causes trust in others and your own judgment to be lost. He is someone she had trusted. Whether he is borderline cognitively impaired or mentailly retarded does not matter. I work with high functioning MR students who can tell you about sexually appropriate and inappropriate behavior. His wife didn't say he was marginal, mentally incapacitated or delusional. He should not get even the thought of a pass from anyone. This was an inappropriate set of gestures that either did lead or would have lead to bad things for this child.

Now, don't get me started that there are relatives who say that he molested them WHO NEVER spoke up when this monster had access to these girls when their father was in jail. The girls were young, vulnerable, without a mother, without a father and NO ONE spoke up. That makes me mad. Given that, he may have been inappropriate in the past and was building to making a relationship now that he thought he was going to lose her.
Does anyone think that by the grace of God she was spared an assault? Perhaps this sicko was waiting to give himself a birthday gift, and she got rescued in time? Oh please let that be the case..... I so want this to be..... IMHO
I hope this works. This is raw video of the scene posted on WBIR'S facebook page.

ETA: This isn't where they were actually found, it is up the hill, but this gives you an idea of the terrain.

If you watch the video that is posted upstream of the van being removed, you can tell it was close to the same area. It looks like they are driving it down the hill.
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I cannot believe the amount of people who are GS sympathizers! Not only is the writing on the wall, the police clearly stated that it is downright INSULTING to suggest he was off for a sweet uncle-niece getaway. I worked in mental health working with adults with intellectual disabilities for 16 years. This is not that. You don't prepare for a trip, lie to a school, kidnap a child because you have diminished intellectual capacity. He didn't show back up at home with a fishing pole and the little girl, he had to be hunted down and held at gunpoint! What in the world is happening here.

All things considered, she was found as well as could be hoped for---- meaning she wasn't dead, number one. She wasn't beaten to a pulp. She was clinging to her teddy bear. She probably wasn't starving. But you can believe that her scars run a whole lot deeper than what is visible. This child just lived through incredible trauma. I cannot sit by and allow her abuser to be glorified, like some "off", but kind, uncle. This is why abuse victims don't come forward. Even when presented with immense information and evidence, people downplay the abuse and it shames the victim. SHE is the victim. Not him. HE is in jail right now. That in and of itself tells you it wasn't some misunderstanding.

I will shut up now, but I am completely annoyed for CT and whomever is innocent in her family right now.
it is infuriating. i've noticed a small contingent of WS regulars tend to defend men and always suspect women. kinda reminds me of nancy grace- she loves to find an attractive young female defendant to talk about incessantly (the faces she makes, snarling her nose, she just hates them). but a male suspect gets more deference from her (until the end). maybe its the ole electra complex, i don't know- but its pretty irritating!
this man took this child from her family under false pretense and held her for over a WEEK! how in holy hades can anyone defend that or find a way to make him some sort of rainman character? HOW?
makes me mad. sorry. it just does. bless this poor little girl, i hope she doesn't suffer for the rest of her life- even if she was not molested (and odds are she was, and if she wasn't that she WOULD HAVE BEEN) she will most likely suffer from this traumatic experience. SHE IS THE VICTIM, and HE IS THE CRIMINAL.
For what it's worth, I wasn't defending him. I thought surely his motive was to harm her, once it was mentioned that he has a history. But then when I read the article that said she was OK, I assumed it was posted AFTER she'd been examined. At that point, I thought it was odd that he'd go 9 days w/o touching her, if that was his intention, which made me question those intentions. Now, I understand that article to have been written before she was taken to the hospital.

When formal charges are brought against GS, we will know exactly what happened. :(
Carlie was harmed. It cannot be innocent. He lied to her and told her that her father was in a horrible crash, then kept her from her hurt father, hidden in a place where she had no contact with anyone, could not have access to anyone through a phone. He bought her little girl things like a camp chair and a blanket-- because he cared for her. Then, he also brought her a bikini, nail polish, and lipstick--separately not sexualizing but he didn't take her to a beach---dark nail polish is not pre-pubescent pink-- items that are right up the alley for a burgeoning pubescent girl. . At 9 and 10, young girls begin to have crushes or have friends with crushes-- girls who might want to be seen as appealing to the opposite sex. He bought her things that, even if he never touched her, create a terrible confusion because he is an old man who created a feeling of hopelessness (father's accident), confusion (lying to her), mind twisting by having her shop for items as to keep the kidnapping seem like business as usual and seemingly like she consented (not that she did), and then, kept her in a place for his edification to unsettle her and groom her (sexually or in an attempt to alienate her from her family).

Sexual abuse and sexual assault are horrible. The messing with a child's head is equally bad because it causes trust in others and your own judgment to be lost. He is someone she had trusted. Whether he is borderline cognitively impaired or mentailly retarded does not matter. I work with high functioning MR students who can tell you about sexually appropriate and inappropriate behavior. His wife didn't say he was marginal, mentally incapacitated or delusional. He should not get even the thought of a pass from anyone. This was an inappropriate set of gestures that either did lead or would have lead to bad things for this child.

Now, don't get me started that there are relatives who say that he molested them WHO NEVER spoke up when this monster had access to these girls when their father was in jail. The girls were young, vulnerable, without a mother, without a father and NO ONE spoke up. That makes me mad. Given that, he may have been inappropriate in the past and was building to making a relationship now that he thought he was going to lose her.

Brilliant post, thank you.
I hope this works. This is raw video of the scene posted on WBIR'S facebook page.

ETA: This isn't where they were actually found, it is up the hill, but this gives you an idea of the terrain.

If you watch the video that is posted upstream of the van being removed, you can tell it was close to the same area. It looks like they are driving it down the hill.
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Did anyone notice what looked like blond hair on the fence wire?
Carlie was harmed. It cannot be innocent. He lied to her and told her that her father was in a horrible crash, then kept her from her hurt father, hidden in a place where she had no contact with anyone, could not have access to anyone through a phone. He bought her little girl things like a camp chair and a blanket-- because he cared for her. Then, he also brought her a bikini, nail polish, and lipstick--separately not sexualizing but he didn't take her to a beach---dark nail polish is not pre-pubescent pink-- items that are right up the alley for a burgeoning pubescent girl. . At 9 and 10, young girls begin to have crushes or have friends with crushes-- girls who might want to be seen as appealing to the opposite sex. He bought her things that, even if he never touched her, create a terrible confusion because he is an old man who created a feeling of hopelessness (father's accident), confusion (lying to her), mind twisting by having her shop for items as to keep the kidnapping seem like business as usual and seemingly like she consented (not that she did), and then, kept her in a place for his edification to unsettle her and groom her (sexually or in an attempt to alienate her from her family).

Sexual abuse and sexual assault are horrible. The messing with a child's head is equally bad because it causes trust in others and your own judgment to be lost. He is someone she had trusted. Whether he is borderline cognitively impaired or mentailly retarded does not matter. I work with high functioning MR students who can tell you about sexually appropriate and inappropriate behavior. His wife didn't say he was marginal, mentally incapacitated or delusional. He should not get even the thought of a pass from anyone. This was an inappropriate set of gestures that either did lead or would have lead to bad things for this child.

Now, don't get me started that there are relatives who say that he molested them WHO NEVER spoke up when this monster had access to these girls when their father was in jail. The girls were young, vulnerable, without a mother, without a father and NO ONE spoke up. That makes me mad. Given that, he may have been inappropriate in the past and was building to making a relationship now that he thought he was going to lose her.
how in the WORLD was he EVER allowed access to her given what they claimed to know about his past!
my heart aches for this little girl. she apparently doesn't have very equipped adults around her looking out for her best interest. i hope that she was not molested (i'm certain he WOULD have), and i hope she doesn't suffer permanent psychological damage from this experience. And I hope that her caretakers and those around her are never silent again about abuse. This silence is so unnecessary, but families do it. They often have suffered themselves, some of them pass on the suffering by recreating what they've experienced, and others sit silently and pretend nothing is happening. Mute, they are victims too- but this HAS TO CHANGE.
Does anyone think that by the grace of God she was spared an assault? Perhaps this sicko was waiting to give himself a birthday gift, and she got rescued in time? Oh please let that be the case..... I so want this to be..... IMHO
Whether she was sexually abused or not, his actions toward her have raised the chances that she will have serious trust relationship issues, a sense of guilt that she trusted him or didn't recognize that he could hurt. She will remember the opportunity to get away and question why she didn't run. Even if no one says a judgmental word. She may be physically unharmed. But, I can guarantee that she is not emotionally the same carefree girl.
Watching Nancy Grace now- sorry but hiding out in a barn for over a week is NOT protecting her.
I got to work an hour early this morning so I would have time to catch up with the threads before I start. :blushing: I still haven't had time to read every post, so I haven't seen if it was confirmed who was holding the gun, but the idea of a minister holding GS at gunpoint has really given me a very good start to the day.

I'm still amazed at this outcome, as someone said way (way) up thread I don't recall seeing an Amber Alert end with a safe rescue after 8 days.
I am just glad she is safe and alive. I don't think he had good intentions at all and hope he gets all the jail time he deserves.

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oh, i am think some big dude name bubba will take care of ole GS. Karma, it comes around :what:
For the people still defending him.....saying he didn't hurt her etc.... Really???? He took her from her home and her life for NINE days!!! He lied to the school and probably her too. TBI knows way more about him than you EVER will and THEY the EXPERTS said she was in imminent danger of serious bodily harm or death. Thats not good enough for you? Lets say he hadnt hurt her, whose to say it wasn't on his agenda. The experts say it was, and that is good enough for me! I feel its pretty irresponsible for Armchair quarterbacks on social media and here to just shrug and say "he's harmless". What if the majority of the people were to feel that way? What if the rescuers took that attitude about it? She would still be out there! Everyone is entitled to an opinion but when you have those in the know Telling you there is something wrong, you shouldn't just ignore it. And what a slap in the face to his previous victims for someone to say "He's harmless".

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