Found Deceased TN - Eliza "Liza" Fletcher, 34, Abducted While Jogging, Memphis, 2022 *arrest* #5

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What is your thought on the male case?
Bc it occurred when he was a juvenile, there's not been much information I can find on it. My only thought at this point is that he tries to impose power and control over everyone he meets. Rape is one way he has chosen to do that.

What are your thoughts on the male case? TIA

Is his brother younger or older? I bet he could give a lot of insight into his brother and some of his brother's crimes, unless, like the mother, he's delusional and blames "the system."
i get all that, but in the end, committing a violent crime is a CHOICE...i was raised in a poor, single parent household...i was the victim of a crime when i was 7 years old, the repercussions of which have affected me into adulthood...yet i've never hurt anyone because of the crappy childhood i had...

i completely understand that there are a lot of damaged people in the world, but if a person's behavior and actions make the world unsafe for anyone else, then they should not be free to inflict themselves on others...we are ALL responsible for our own actions, and there have to be consequences when those actions hurt others...

eta: sexual predators CANNOT be fixed, and their crimes lead to lifelong effects for the victims...once they offend, they should never be free again...
I agree with everything you wrote, except that I think repeat offenders can't be fixed enough to be out in society. I'd like to give a first time offender, with severe mitigating circumstances-victim of child rape-the opportunity to be rehabilitated. MOO
“In that lawsuit, she insinuated her rape was not the first crime to have occurred in that vacant apartment.

I don't doubt there was more than one vacant apartment known to CAH!

Predators live up to their reputation-- constantly on the prowl for an opportunity, and you can trust their surveillance for victims also comes with the knowledge of when and where.

In other words, it was no accident that CAH took Liza to an abandoned, corner house in broad daylight to dump her body. MOO
News Talk

Cleotha Abston-Henderson is due back in court this morning. He's charged in the kidnapping and murder of Eliza Fletcher. A judge last week said he could face life for being a repeat offender. His defense said they were considering a mental evaluation.
5:13 AM · Sep 19, 2022
That mental health evaluation, and help, he was in dire need of when twelve years of age.
Did CA-H participate in any of his brother's videos or were any recorded after his release? However, I did notice two young children in a video or two (which also included ex-cons, guns, explicit language)... which couldn't be good for their mental health. jmo
I’m glad that Alicia Franklin is being so vocal! I hope this will help turn things around as far as the testing of sexual assault kits goes.
Laws for reform can be enacted, as happened in Texas following the Texas murders of Molly Matheson and Megan Getrum. (I learned about their similar cases on Dateline this weekend.) North Carolina has also enacted legislation to prioritize the processing of sexual assault kits. But IMO, laws can only go so far - until the the lack of testing resources is addressed.

As Ilse Knecht, Joyful Heart’s director of policy and advocacy, said when H.B. 281 and H.B. 1729 were enacted, “Only after law enforcement agencies track and account for the untested kits in their custody can communities begin to take steps to test those kits, hold offenders accountable and bring justice to sexual assault survivors whose cases have languished, often for years — or even decades.”

There are a limited number of vendor laboratories that do the type of testing on the sexual assault kits," she explained.

I read that he could get LWOP for being a repeat offender. Doesn't Tennessee have the death penalty? Why wouldn't it be a DP case? It was premeditated. He lay in wait for minutes, not seconds.

If the DP is on the books in that jurisdiction, certainly this case must qualify, or did I miss something? MOO
Laws for reform can be enacted, as happened in Texas following the Texas murders of Molly Matheson and Megan Getrum. (I learned about their similar cases on Dateline this weekend.) North Carolina has also enacted legislation to prioritize the processing of sexual assault kits. But IMO, laws can only go so far - until the the lack of testing resources is addressed.

As Ilse Knecht, Joyful Heart’s director of policy and advocacy, said when H.B. 281 and H.B. 1729 were enacted, “Only after law enforcement agencies track and account for the untested kits in their custody can communities begin to take steps to test those kits, hold offenders accountable and bring justice to sexual assault survivors whose cases have languished, often for years — or even decades.”

There are a limited number of vendor laboratories that do the type of testing on the sexual assault kits," she explained.

I was in the diagnostic reference lab industry for years, and the large national reference laboratories (outside of state crime laboratories) have the ability to expand their capacity almost infinitely, because the volumes are much, much lower than most high-volume tests that they routinely handle (e.g., even if you sent every rape kit in the country to one lab, it would be an order of magnitude fewer genetic than are routinely handled for cancer, parent/fetal screening, etc.) Furthermore, commercial labs can run the tests less expensively than the crime labs because they spread their overhead over hundreds of millions of tests and high-volume labs have a much greater degree of automation for sample prep and other routine parts of testing. Part of the problem is that the state-level decision-makers don't like to send tests out, because they worry that it will divert resources from the state crime labs. So the real problem is money and the will to prioritize getting the tests done over legislature's and lab directors' desire to fund the state crime labs.
I hope we can each try to educate ourselves on what is actually happening with these backlogs and testing facilities, AND funds being spent (locally or otherwise). I'm perusing the links below (making my brain ache in the process) and I'm not even certain about accuracy/relevance. Nonetheless, I think we have to do more than just "hope" for a solution. Maybe we can all share what we learn.


Virgie, who had been in hiding since her son's arrest, sells cans of soda and candy out of her ground-floor apartment, which often has neighborhood kids knocking on her door, handing her pocket change and walking off with drinks.

She said she is now struggling with the fact she has two sons in jail.

Her son Mario was also arrested on unrelated drug and weapon charges after police executed a search warrant of his apartment, where his brother Cleotha allegedly cleaned his clothes and vehicle after the killing.

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I hope we can each try to educate ourselves on what is actually happening with these backlogs and testing facilities, AND funds being spent (locally or otherwise). I'm perusing the links below (making my brain ache in the process) and I'm not even certain about accuracy/relevance. Nonetheless, I think we have to do more than just "hope" for a solution. Maybe we can all share what we learn.

Agree with your post wholeheartly and to that end...
I'm usually the last one to trust government for solutions but it's proven doable. I wanted to post this earlier but thought it might be considered too off topic. I think it's critical and very relevant to this case. from additional research Virginia is still caught up as of 2022. We border Tennessee.

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Virgie, who had been in hiding since her son's arrest, sells cans of soda and candy out of her ground-floor apartment, which often has neighborhood kids knocking on her door, handing her pocket change and walking off with drinks.

She said she is now struggling with the fact she has two sons in jail.

Her son Mario was also arrested on unrelated drug and weapon charges after police executed a search warrant of his apartment, where his brother Cleotha allegedly cleaned his clothes and vehicle after the killing.

Thanks @Seattle. Completely missed it between all of the ads.
"Virgie, who had been in hiding since her son's arrest, sells cans of soda and candy out of her ground-floor apartment, which often has neighborhood kids knocking on her door, handing her pocket change and walking off with drinks."
Virgie, who had been in hiding since her son's arrest, sells cans of soda and candy out of her ground-floor apartment, which often has neighborhood kids knocking on her door, handing her pocket change and walking off with drinks.

She said she is now struggling with the fact she has two sons in jail.

Her son Mario was also arrested on unrelated drug and weapon charges after police executed a search warrant of his apartment, where his brother Cleotha allegedly cleaned his clothes and vehicle after the killing.

Thanks, @Seattle1
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I read that he could get LWOP for being a repeat offender. Doesn't Tennessee have the death penalty? Why wouldn't it be a DP case? It was premeditated. He lay in wait for minutes, not seconds.

If the DP is on the books in that jurisdiction, certainly this case must qualify, or did I miss something? MOO
Yes TN does have the DP.

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