TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #6

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Oh, yes. It would be great to have the complete report, but if not possible, any crumb would be a start.

I remember that a TV report from some time ago "flashed" a report on the screen briefly, and someone on here--I think it was glorias--was able to get a screen capture shot to post, and we tried to read anything we could decipher from that, which was zero or close to it. If the reporter had it close enough to take a picture, wouldn't that mean it's no longer confidential info?

There are some articles which quote it verbatim, if I recall. I think those quotes matched up to the very little we could see on the video. (And if anyone has that newscast recorded on DVD from the actual television broadcast, those screen captures would probably be a lot better than the ones I got from the video online.)

I'll check the articles for verbatim quotes tonight after work.
The key could have been duplicated at any point Matt had access to it, so it would be available for his use at any time afterward. The key could have been duplicated weeks or months prior.

The manufacturer says no duplicate had been requested. Now I don't know what boat keys look like, but maybe they aren't regular looking keys that could be duplicated from a hardware store. kwim?

MP has filed a suit against BCBS now too. There was also talk of the PI finding out MP met with a man---who according to GP was suppose to be a business associate---but wasn't. PI said MP visited the ATM before meeting him. Maybe nothing.....but still.

The suit doesn't surprise me, personally. When I worked for an insurance company, some people were fired because of behavior at a golf tournament that wasn't even company sponsored, and the rest of us were told the day it happened to not talk to anyone about it because lawsuits from those who were fired were a certainty. And they did indeed all file suit, and received extension of their health benefits in a settlement. I live in a right to work state which I think (but am not sure) made the suit difficult from the former employee's point of view as far as recovering anything from the company. Tennessee is a right to work state, FWIW.

If my husband and I had separated, and Gail's sister Diane said they had filed for legal separation before she disappeared, I'd have no problem going on dates. Just MHO though.
The manufacturer says no duplicate had been requested. Now I don't know what boat keys look like, but maybe they aren't regular looking keys that could be duplicated from a hardware store. kwim?

I don't know what boat keys look like either, and I'm sure they are not supposed to be copied except by the manufacturer.

I believe, however, that ANY key can be duplicated. There are people out there with the know-how to do it.

ETA: My earlier comment was that Matt could have duplicated it at any point he had access to it. But in fact, people get keys made when they lose them, I suppose. I bet there is a code of some sort that matches up with the lock. There would have to be.... So that makes it even easier because he wouldn't have had to find the chance to take the key and then put it back.
well I just listened to that interview.

Arlene said that the GPS was passive and that the info had to be retrieved manually. All the data was safely stored on the car as to Matt's whereabouts for the first days after Gail went missing and then some.
Matt did not know the GPS was there.

So, my first question is, how did Matt come to know the GPS was there so he could remove it?It could still be there carefully storing data that could be invaluable in ruling him in or ruling him out. But somehow someone came to tell him the device was there.

If the boat key was a valuable tool in ruling Matt in or out, it is certainly useless now that it is public information.

Sorry but I am really peeved right now. because if Matt is responsible, any information is slowly getting reduced to worthless.

if I am misunderstanding something please just let me know and I will amend or delete my post and apologize. I am seeing red and might be missing something.

BBM-no I think you summed it up nicely. See, the media is going to run with whatever they are given. They arent going to edit for the sake of the investigation. It is all about hype and scoop.

So MP was tipped to the GPS placed on his car and now is tipped to getting rid of the boat key in the event that it is in his possession.


Moving on, what hasnt been compromised that we can talk about? :banghead:
JBean, is it possible to find out from SMM herself why she is prompting Arlene to release so much sensitive information to the public?

Well I guess it would be interesting to determine who is motivating who to continue down this path. I am disappointed, not that this has any relevance whatsoever.
Glorias, I dont recall either of them filing for a legal separation prior to her disappearance. I recall MP filing for one afterwards.
Well I guess it would be interesting to determine who is motivating who to continue down this path. I am disappointed, not that this has any relevance whatsoever.

SMM seems to have so much experience and great credentials. I keep wondering if she knows something we don't know, that somehow makes this path wise.

I'm trying very hard to give benefit of the doubt, but it's getting difficult.
At one time she had a partnership with WS regarding Intimate Partner violence, but I am not sure if it all fizzled out.
Just checking in. And please, count me disappointed too. I just feel sick and hope I am wrong, but I think that unknowingly Gails good friend is systematically destroying any hope of conviction. That is, if I am also correct that a crime has been co mmitted against Gail by her husband. This is all my opinion of course. Don't think Arlene is intending this to be the case but I don't think she has seen as many trials as we have. My heart aches for her and her friend.
Glorias, I dont recall either of them filing for a legal separation prior to her disappearance. I recall MP filing for one afterwards.

I think they were fired because of other activities, not directly because of the affair. IIRC, their emails and other "company equipment" were misused. Not to mention..not attending a company paid conference. I'm sure because of GP's disappearing and this sparking an internal investigation by BCBS ...their corporate lawyers were called at the get go to advise. IMO
BBM-no I think you summed it up nicely. See, the media is going to run with whatever they are given. They arent going to edit for the sake of the investigation. It is all about hype and scoop.

So MP was tipped to the GPS placed on his car and now is tipped to getting rid of the boat key in the event that it is in his possession.


Moving on, what hasnt been compromised that we can talk about? :banghead:

What difference would it make if he rid of the key? People saw him on the lake with the boat...and the children were there to tell it. If he had a duplicate made, he will, hopefully, have to say where it came from?
MP could be reading here to get his info. I can't see him winning any case against BCBS, he violated company policy and possibly frauded with his expense report if he claimed he was at meetings, was not and then claimed expenses for that meeting. I am sure BCBS had good documentation before letting him go. Did the suspected GF also get fired?

I just think he knows more than he is telling IMO. I am of the mindset if you ar enot happy in the relationship, leave and go on about your life, no need in someone having to disappear because of it.
I think they were fired because of other activities, not directly because of the affair. IIRC, their emails and other "company equipment" were misused. Not to mention..not attending a company paid conference. I'm sure because of GP's disappearing and this sparking an internal investigation by BCBS ...their corporate lawyers were called at the get go to advise. IMO

And give me a break.... Last I knew, Tennessee was an "at-will" state where anybody can be fired for anything unless it falls under an EEOC exclusion. Including no reason whatsoever. So where's the basis for the lawsuit? Has the law changed on that?

I would have thought he definitely could have been fired for no other reason than what Fedfan4life suggested yesterday. For being a... well, you know. JBean edited it out. Darn.

And does he really think a jury will sympathize with hm? I hope BC/BS has attorneys that will go to the wall on this.
MP could be reading here to get his info. I can't see him winning any case against BCBS, he violated company policy and possibly frauded with his expense report if he claimed he was at meetings, was not and then claimed expenses for that meeting. I am sure BCBS had good documentation before letting him go. Did the suspected GF also get fired?

I just think he knows more than he is telling IMO. I am of the mindset if you ar enot happy in the relationship, leave and go on about your life, no need in someone having to disappear because of it.

Yes, she was let go also.
And give me a break.... Last I knew, Tennessee was an "at-will" state where anybody can be fired for anything unless it falls under an EEOC exclusion. Including no reason whatsoever. So where's the basis for the lawsuit? Has the law changed on that?

I would have thought he definitely could have been fired for no other reason that what Fedfan4life suggested yesterday. For being a... well, you know. JBean edited it out. Darn.

And does he really think a jury will sympathize with hm? I hope BC/BS has attorneys that will go to the wall on this.

I think MP may be wasting his time on that suit, but apparently the lawyer friend in AL is handling it----the one who had the jewelry....from what AD said on the broadcast. I missed what Fed called him. :(
BBM-no I think you summed it up nicely. See, the media is going to run with whatever they are given. They arent going to edit for the sake of the investigation. It is all about hype and scoop.

So MP was tipped to the GPS placed on his car and now is tipped to getting rid of the boat key in the event that it is in his possession.


Moving on, what hasnt been compromised that we can talk about? :banghead:

I think we could re-visit this suggestion from a post I believe was made yesterday:

Catching up and seems like there's a bit of focus on A's role so far.

Some of the posts have validated some uneasy feelings I have had regarding her statements. I do feel she is genuine in her concern and wish to assist, however, JMO, is that she has one of those personalities that can throw situations into turmoil in general. I believe that there is truth to much of what she says, but she tends to distort and spin much of what she says, although not intentionally. Just my opinion!

One earlier statement from A. that bothered me - unless the media messed up the article - (and they do mess up consistently) is when A. stated that she was GP's best friend and followed it by stating that she did not even know about GP having a brother in FL. That made me think perhaps she was a "self-appointed" best friend. It would seem to me, one would know one's best friend's immediate family.

Regardless of whether it would have been reasonable under the circumstances for a best friend not to know of the brother--a question that was tossed around a lot yesterday--I'm sensing more and more validity to Lalalu's other observations for sure. IMO of course.
Suing BCBS is due diligence imo-just accepting it is basically conceding whatever they fired him for. When you pile that onto the circus around him because of concern for Gail, he has to appear that he is standing up for himself. IMO. And he may be-but if TN is an at will state and they fired him for cause on top of that...*shrug.*

holly-color me confused about your comment? I think I was responding to a post about a legal separation between Gail and Matt being filed before she disappeared. Not a work separation.
MP could be reading here to get his info. I can't see him winning any case against BCBS, he violated company policy and possibly frauded with his expense report if he claimed he was at meetings, was not and then claimed expenses for that meeting. I am sure BCBS had good documentation before letting him go. Did the suspected GF also get fired?

I just think he knows more than he is telling IMO. I am of the mindset if you ar enot happy in the relationship, leave and go on about your life, no need in someone having to disappear because of it.

FYI to Mr. P and everyone else. He should talk to his lawyer because the State of TN is an "at will" state. Unfortunately for employees, what that means is an employer can fire you for no reason whatsoever. I think Fla is the same way. They do not have to give you a reason, however they usually do. In this state, your employer can come to your office/desk and tell you to pack it up and leave with no notice or reason given and there is not a thing you can do about it. Waste of time and money to file a lawsuit. You will lose that suit in TN. I think the only exception would be if you could prove without a doubt that your employer fired you for discriminatory reasons. But, you would have to have solid proof, like they said to someone, "I fired him because he was gay", etc. Nice try, but this state protects employers in this case. Look it up.
Let me revise my statement regarding the boat key-telegraphing the prior location of it, if indeed it was Gail's boat key and not a copy, gives MP and his defense attorney the chance to figure out an appropriate response should the question arise.

Well, it is what it is. So I am still pondering whether or not the funds dried up when Gail disappeared. It would be interesting to find out if MP was being supported financially elsewhere. I am also revising the whole severance package thing-if he filed against BCBS presumably for wrongful termination I doubt that they would either offer or continue a payout to him. Unless it is easier for them to pay him then go to court.

Unless the properties are owned outright, he has to be paying some hefty mortgages.
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