TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #6

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Pearl*, that was in a media article. We all thought it was published as an effort to try to make GP look bad and MP look better, after Arlene's first interview on SMM. I'll try to locate it.
Here it is:

Hated that article. It's a really good example of how the media is just going to print whatever they get. We don't know who said Gail was "f-- up", or if that was really their wording or if that attorney just phrased it that way for maximum salaciousness.

But my personal opinion is if the attorneys are starting to pull that kind of junk in the media, then they're gearing up for the possibility of having to officially defend their client. Otherwise, there's no reason for them to put that kind of information out there.
Pearl*, that was in a media article. We all thought it was published as an effort to try to make GP look bad and MP look better, after Arlene's first interview on SMM. I'll try to locate it.
Here it is:

Interesting that right after this attorney 'friend' revealed this info about Gail visiting them unannounced with the two children and how messed up she was, MP hired him to file the lawsuit against his former employer. Of course, the info is from A as relayed to SMM, so it would be considered 'rumor.'

Yes, I think you are referring to the article I quoted, maybe? I'm trying to find a reference to this Alabama attorney having filed the suit for Matt against BC/BS. And wondering if it is the same guy.

Sorry, I was in error there! I think it is the same guy and they were talking about it in the interview today on SMM.
From BeanE's post:

Your actions today were criminally negligent and interfering with a police investigation. Any further actions will result in criminal charges against you.

:deadhorse: Here we go again....

Today's interview seems huge to me. So now what? We have a lot of people frustrated with the initial efforts (or, as some would argue, non-efforts) on the part of LE. That's in the past and we can't change it. IF mistakes were made, that can be dealt with later (much the stance Judge Perry (IMO) appears to be taking with Baez in the Anthony case at present). REGARDLESS of any past mistakes, we have an investigation going on NOW, and people need either to try to help the detectives or get out of their way IMO. I THINK Perry is attempting to avoid a mistrial by waiting until later to sanction Baez. Relevant?

We really don't know what LE is doing right now. They might have been on the edge of making an arrest today, for all we know. But in addition to the daily criticism they're getting, they're also dealing with insiders shouting every lead to the media. I can't imagine their efforts aren't being sabotaged daily.

All the "helpful" comments and generous offers by SMM to call in FBI reinforcement could have been handled privately. A little tact might be even MORE effective. Everything in that interview, IMO, carries the attitude that our local LE is incompetent. How does that encourage them to work harder? AD could be talking to SMM privately and planning a strategy. Sure, try to get the TBI and the FBI on the case. Personally, I'm not so sure they aren't already on it, but maybe they aren't. I'm not sure local LE isn't working their butts off and makng a lot of progress despite all the obstacles being thrown in their paths. Many, many private efforts--even aggressive efforts for those who feel so compelled--could be done privately. Meanwhile, if people want to think our LE is incompetent, think it all day long. But sending them that message couldn't possibly be helpful.

What is the value of broadcasting all the evidence and tips to the public? Ratings? Notoriety? I can't imagine the thought processes that are making this ok. If the purpose is to use the case as a teaching model on what to do and what not to do, that can wait until later as well.

Is this what Gail would do? Or did she work more in stealth mode? Why exactly does AD have the evidence she has? Isn't it a result of Gail's efforts behind the scenes? After all, if she'd done everything out in the open, Matt would know everything she had, and she would not have gotten nearly as much. EVERY PIECE OF AMMUNITION GAIL PREPARED IS BEING NEUTRALIZED, IMO. Do those who know her believe she would be happy with that? She didn't operate that way. Did she? Sounds to me like she worked long and hard, and all the evidence she collected is being thrown in the garbage.

And my understanding is that more interviews are scheduled already. WHY? Even predators in the wild know to sneak up on their prey before they strike.

LE doesn't have a chance right now. As long as every lead is being announced, their efforts are being undermined daily. They may be able to work more effectively if they just stop and wait for the case to get cold. At least then the media might not beat them to every lead every time.

End of rant. :eek:fftobed:
I'm frustrated too (by a lot of things, to be honest). That said, I don't think the situation is that dire. I doubt every lead is being announced via Arlene, because she surely doesn't have any contacts in LE who would be telling her anything.

Remember, LE has the power to do something about anyone who is interfering in an investigation. They haven't done anything. Yet.

And at the risk of people getting mad at me again :innocent: there are two things that stick out at me with this issue:

1. We don't know what Arlene has, and she may not actually have anything that would be useful to LE. Maybe she has stuff that would never be admissible or she's piecing things together herself without much evidence. If that's true, then she's not really revealing anything important.

2. LE can step in at any time and stop Arlene. If they don't do something, then either AD isn't mentioning anything too serious or maybe LE really is in over their head. I know some people don't like LE to be criticized, but if this is a situation where AD is giving out important info and all LE does is text her once then ignore everything, maybe they deserve a little criticism on this point.

This is an absolute, complete, 100% mess, and it seems to me that there are multiple people with agendas that are not compatible with getting Gail found and justice meted out. Some of these people just have louder voices than others.
I've seen this same type of thing happen in other cases, other states, etc.....oh, and the cases are still unsolved. Because, LE was NOT doing anything. It doesn't matter if it's in OC, Calif, or Small Town USA,.... if LE doesn't look into the matter, nothing gets done.

To ME, it doesn't look like LE is doing anything. But what do I know?

Gail is missing and no one seems to be looking for her...................EXCEPT Arlene. :(

Where is Gail?:confused:

All I can say is . . . Gail Marie, where are you?!? :cry:
Suing BCBS is due diligence imo-just accepting it is basically conceding whatever they fired him for. When you pile that onto the circus around him because of concern for Gail, he has to appear that he is standing up for himself. IMO. And he may be-but if TN is an at will state and they fired him for cause on top of that...*shrug.*

holly-color me confused about your comment? I think I was responding to a post about a legal separation between Gail and Matt being filed before she disappeared. Not a work separation.

Whoops, my bad. My intent was to quote Glorias's post also. Sorry bout that.
I'm trying to find this. Was it in the interview or in a media article?

Surely we aren't talking about the lawyer who spoke so eloquently as quoted by Lee Davis in the Chattanoogan article:

"Attorney Davis said Ms. Palmgren "showed up uninvited" and spent two nights with the family friends.

He said the husband, an attorney, told him, "Gail was flat f----- up. She was out of her mind."


I wonder what he's like in drafting his documents and arguing his cases in the courtroom?


Yes, that what I thought AD said in the broadcast today, but maybe I need to go back and listen again.
Yes, the employer can just about do anything in a right to work state. However, if IIRC and (remember correctly) there are a couple of things to consider.

Companies that adopt a documented termination policy have to adhere to it and apply uniformly. I would imagine a company the size of BC/BS does have HR documented policies and would be obligated to follow those. Most companies policies give them a lot of latitude so they don't get there selves in trouble easily.

There can be employment contracts which can be enforced aside from labor laws. For instance, a relocation agreement or notices of termination can all be encapasalted into a bindable contract.

Even with the above considerations, it is highly unlikely taking on a company like BC/BS in a right to work state would net anything but legal expense.

And give me a break.... Last I knew, Tennessee was an "at-will" state where anybody can be fired for anything unless it falls under an EEOC exclusion. Including no reason whatsoever. So where's the basis for the lawsuit? Has the law changed on that?

I would have thought he definitely could have been fired for no other reason than what Fedfan4life suggested yesterday. For being a... well, you know. JBean edited it out. Darn.

And does he really think a jury will sympathize with hm? I hope BC/BS has attorneys that will go to the wall on this.
Yes, I think you are referring to the article I quoted, maybe? I'm trying to find a reference to this Alabama attorney having filed the suit for Matt against BC/BS. And wondering if it is the same guy.

:twocents:Yes...the couple in Birmingham, Alabama (Hoover,AL) is the same couple that GP left her jewelry with for safe keeping. NOW....the husband (Mr. G) is the attorney that is suppose to be representing MP in his wrongful termination suit against BCBS of TN. Mr. G's wife was also one of the ppl who GP had confided in about her finding out from Gail's P.I. that MP was cheating on GP. Later, ppl became aware that Mr. G's wife had called MP to tell him what GP knew about MP's cheating ways. That the person she confided in AND TRUSTED... had betrayed her:loser: By calling MP and telling him what she knew....and by giving back the jewelry that GP had entrusted Mr. G to keep safe for GP. Some friend huh ???:banghead:
I just got done listening to the SMM and AD interview. There was a lot of information that was made public that in my opinion that should have never come out in the media. I know that AD cares about her friend deeply and wants to find her friend, but by going to SMM and telling it all on the internet for everybody to hear they could be really mess this investigation up. A good example of what I'm talking about is when AD mentioned to SMM on the air about the tracking device that Gail put on MP's vehicle and SMM laughed and said if MP didn't know about it he does now. This is not funny at all. Now all MP has to do is find the tracking device and destroy it and if there was any evidence on it it will be gone as well.
I don't get when Arlene reads out the message from LE:

Your actions today were criminally negligent and interfering with a police investigation. Any further actions will result in criminal charges against you.

SMM's reaction, slamming LE, practically shouting, cursing. That's a strong message. She doesn't even ask Arlene what it was that she had done that day.

IMO, SMM is a menace. She's really fanning the flames with Arlene, and Arlene is upset and emotional right now. Of course she's going to react.

I can't tell if SMM is trying to sell books, resolve her own personal conflicts from the past, or both. She needs to take a step back though. She's waaaayyyy overboard.

My opinion.

Just to put to rest any of those ideas that someone sent AD a text on her phone that day she went to Batesville, MS ....It was Detective Tizzio who sent the text message. I know this because the text message from Tizzio to AD was followed by a phone conversation, in which pretty much the same conversation took place. For AD's part of the conversation she wanted to know what she was doing that prompted him to send the text message...he just reinterated his text warning and then hung up on AD. He called the next day to apologize to her for hanging up, but stood by his text. I can tell you I was in contact with AD throughout her trip to Batesville,MS and she went there to pass out flyers. She stopped and handed them out along the way. She stopped at local police stations along the way and in Batesville, MS making sure they all had the current posters/flyers. As a matter a fact it was the Batesville police that suggested she add information like GP's D.O.B. and her N.C.I.C. # to the newflyers when they were made. The Batesville PD were fine with AD being there in their community and were not even aware that GP was missing. The Batesville PD called SMPD , asking SMPD if there was any other information that could be shared with the PD in Batesville, MS. ... as a professional courtesy. When Tizzio caught wind that AD was in Batesville....he sent the text to her....and now you know "the rest of the story", as Paul Harvey would say.:sick:
Oh and as for SMM....that woman knows more than you all are giving her credit for....believe me when I say that:twocents: She doesn't need any1's help to sell her sells itself:maddening:
I'm frustrated too (by a lot of things, to be honest). That said, I don't think the situation is that dire. I doubt every lead is being announced via Arlene, because she surely doesn't have any contacts in LE who would be telling her anything.

Remember, LE has the power to do something about anyone who is interfering in an investigation. They haven't done anything. Yet.

And at the risk of people getting mad at me again :innocent: there are two things that stick out at me with this issue:

1. We don't know what Arlene has, and she may not actually have anything that would be useful to LE. Maybe she has stuff that would never be admissible or she's piecing things together herself without much evidence. If that's true, then she's not really revealing anything important.

2. LE can step in at any time and stop Arlene. If they don't do something, then either AD isn't mentioning anything too serious or maybe LE really is in over their head. I know some people don't like LE to be criticized, but if this is a situation where AD is giving out important info and all LE does is text her once then ignore everything, maybe they deserve a little criticism on this point.

This is an absolute, complete, 100% mess, and it seems to me that there are multiple people with agendas that are not compatible with getting Gail found and justice meted out. Some of these people just have louder voices than others.
:innocent:This response is directed at many....I just chose this comment to respond to ... because it was the last one I read tonight...

:twocents::twocents:I think if ANYONE/SOMEONE in the SMPD or HCSO had just communicated with AD throughout this entire investigation....I mean if they at the very least made her feel that all the information she had readily given to both PD's (SMPD and HCSD) then we would not be blasting AD the way we seem to be today...and SMM would not have to give a voice to AD via her radio show either. But,NOBODY has seen fit to even communicate with AD regarding the investigation. I mean I don't expect the PD to give away any investigation secrets with regard to this case specifically. It has to be extremely frustrating for AD to know what she has, what she knows, and not having that information be taken seriously from day one. What else is she to think? I ask you ... if you found yourself in her place ... how would you be feeling at this point? I know how I would feel....and I would be doing the same thing AD is. Nobody is asking the local PD to make AD a "reserve officer" or anything ....just communicate with the woman on a fairly regular basis....Would that be too much to ask...take a few minutes out of your day a couple times a week, to touch base with her about the progress or lack there of??? I personally don't think that request would be outrageous. Do you?:twocents::twocents:
I just got done listening to the SMM and AD interview. There was a lot of information that was made public that in my opinion that should have never come out in the media. I know that AD cares about her friend deeply and wants to find her friend, but by going to SMM and telling it all on the internet for everybody to hear they could be really mess this investigation up. A good example of what I'm talking about is when AD mentioned to SMM on the air about the tracking device that Gail put on MP's vehicle and SMM laughed and said if MP didn't know about it he does now. This is not funny at all. Now all MP has to do is find the tracking device and destroy it and if there was any evidence on it it will be gone as well.

:twocents:I believe that comment was made by SMM when they were talking about AD's laptop that GP was in possession of at the time of her disappearance. I will listen to the interview AGAIN but I think you are mistaken about the timing of that particular comment. Let me get back to you on that :waitasec:
:twocents:I believe that comment was made by SMM when they were talking about AD's laptop that GP was in possession of at the time of her disappearance. I will listen to the interview AGAIN but I think you are mistaken about the timing of that particular comment. Let me get back to you on that :waitasec:

You might be right that it was about the laptop, but yet the same comment would apply that if he didn't know he does now and that's the point I was driving at. Too much info is being put out there that could be vital to the investigation. I understand AD's frustration with LE not seeming to be paying attention but they shouldn't be going public with it. Someone mentioned on the show that Gail's family needs to hire a PI and that's who they should be giving the into to since they feel LE doesn't seem to be interested. The perp could be listening to all of this and then try to get rid of possible evidence or cover up his/her tracks. And please don't think I'm faulting AD because I'm not. SMM seems to be driving a lot of this. To me AD is just trying to find her friend and is hitting brick walls all the way around.
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