I thought the most important statement from Jammer, or certainly the most interesting was him mentioning that he called MP's attorney for a statement. To me, it made everything make sense.
If Jammer Scott is going for being known for equally offending everyone and is attempting to gain employment...well then chances are he could care less about the facts of the case and more about anything to sensationalize it. If I am correct, he asked to speak with the family on his FB post. I think we are all aware that Gail's siblings are holding their cards tightly and perhaps they did speak with him and Jammer thought that he could better go the direction HE wanted with Arlene.
Also in my opinion, the details Jammer released that Arlene either was not aware of or was not willing to discuss (Gail seeing a psychologist ect.) help MP's attorney get the whole "Gail is unstable" message out. It is also my opinion that a huge goal of the program was to discredit Arlene. He not only questioned the validity of their friendship but the line of questioning about who was in the car...was it you? Jammer seemed to know exactly who AD thought was in the car and was ready to pounce on her answer.
So who gained what from this interview? Gail's name is out there, yes. But...a public broadcast and not a statement from the legal team of MP has just brought up the question of Gail's mental status and the fact that Arlene is not cooperating with requests from LE , and called Matt a nerd..Gail is/was the smart one. In other words Matt is too goofy to harm his wife, I mean nerds don't hurt people. An alibi was given to TH and possibly just possibly listeners may now think Arlene was the one in the car with Gail in the sighting that has, to the best of my knowledge, never been more than a maybe.
Sounds to me like a good day for a defense especially coming off a not so good day in court for the family and a nice interview for Jammer who released new information publicly which may score him a new gig.