TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #6

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Yet another random question... (sorry to keep breaking the train of thought!) but does anyone know when Matt last visited his father?

TIA, if anyone knows this.

ETA: I'm also wondering if one of our wonderful techies or photoshoppers can put up a picture of a Rubicon with the soft top removed or damaged...

Is this what you are looking for?
A generic 2010 Jeep Rubicon, similar color/style.... top off... back/side views


You weren't kidding with the wow. LOL I appreciate the info, but still don't understand what it has to do with Matt's last visit with his father. I would assume he has seen his father many times since Gail went missing. Maybe I am reading the question wrong, I was up late last night.

Lol- sorry to be so unclear!

Let me rephrase: it is a point of interest for me when Gail and/or Matt traveled that specific route- beginning around the time of Gail's disappearance.

Where might an accident have occured along that route? That sort of thing. HTH!
Thank you SCSleuther! Yes that was basically what I was looking for.
Ok, were talking about then, not since then. Thanks for clearing that up.

Lol- sorry to be so unclear!

Let me rephrase: it is a point of interest for me when Gail and/or Matt traveled that specific route- beginning around the time of Gail's disappearance.

Where might an accident have occured along that route? That sort of thing. HTH!
Mountain Creek Rd is a significant area of interest to me... Also, how DO we know that incoming/outgoing txts or web/email access via phone or other device(s) missing along with Gail and the Jeep are accurate after that last known ping?

ETA (again!): There are downloadable apps for a Blackberry, such as Blackberry Protect that enable you to remotely wipe all data off of your phone- or find it if it's lost, and within tower or satellite range. I'm wondering if Gail's phone has been damaged in some way?

Just a point of information - while Signal Mt itself wasn't hit by a tornado, the Mountain Creek/Red Bank area was. So the towers might have been out anyway.

My opinion - I think the phone was either tossed or destroyed, possibly in that area since that was the last place it pinged.

Mountain Creek Road doesn't really lead anywhere much. I haven't been through there in a long time, but I recall it being fairly flat with farmland and houses along it. If Gail was going northeast of the mountain for some unknown reason she would have gotten on Dayton Boulevard or 27, it seems to me. We really have no knowledge of why she would do that. I imagine phone coverage is pretty good along the main roads going through there.
Well, what a surprise!

I came here thinking that the board would be abuzz of all the new information and instead find a completely different reaction that in all my years on WS I would have never imagined.

It answered a lot of questions for me.

It also made me aware of new questions. It seems like we get fixated on certain information in a case and then once it hits the courts we see the emphasis is elsewhere.

Jammer has additional inside information it is obvious there are reasons he is asking these questions and it may be in GPs favor in the long run.

I was hoping that interest from this board and contact with Jammer would glean further information like what were MP movements on the day and evening in question. I think he has heard hints and is asking leading questions.

Golly, I thought it would be celebrated that there was this level of local dialogue and that a local outlet like his Facebook could be utilized to further the efforts on GP behalf.

The MP haters weren’t even excited over the juicy MP tidbits?

IMO, definitely not a good day for the defense!

I thought Arlene did a beautiful job- very touching. And when she said – I’m not even going on I am alone in my interest and feelings of its importance.

Oh well, whatever, no wonder everyone is losing interest.

Well, what a surprise!

I came here thinking that the board would be abuzz of all the new information and instead find a completely different reaction that in all my years on WS I would have never imagined.

It answered a lot of questions for me.


May I ask what questions were answered?
I find the new pics of the Rubicon, without the top, to be very interesting. This is the first time I've heard anybody address the VERY different appearance of the jeep without the top. Depending on the angle, very little red would be visible if anybody stumbled upon it. My guess is that everybody has been on the lookout for a bright red vehicle.

ETA: Not to imply the top is red. Just thinking that drastic variations of the appearance could throw somebody off. I've never looked at it that closely until now.
BBM-?. I am unclear about whose hands would be the wrong hands. :)

She may have tried AD, or she may not have. I am certain that this would be something I would ponder over and over as well. And yes, that would be reflected on her phone records.

I didnt listen to the interview-so AD's position was that AD or Gail would have been in an area where she didnt get cell reception?

I find it strange that GP wouldn't have called AD on Saturday before leaving. It wasn't because AD would be asleep. AD had many farm animals and I would think she'd need to be a early riser. imo
Well, what a surprise!

It answered a lot of questions for me.

It also made me aware of new questions. It seems like we get fixated on certain information in a case and then once it hits the courts we see the emphasis is elsewhere.

Jammer has additional inside information it is obvious there are reasons he is asking these questions and it may be in GPs favor in the long run.

I think he has heard hints and is asking leading questions.

The MP haters weren’t even excited over the juicy MP tidbits?

IMO, definitely not a good day for the defense!

Oh well, whatever, no wonder everyone is losing interest.


I respectfully disagree. I didn't learn anything new and while I agree that Jammer had "inside information", I believe (my opinion only) he was spoon fed what the defense wanted to get out there without it directly coming from them.
I am not a MP hater, nor a huge AD fan..just a truth seeker and I think baiting someone to go the direction you want to expose is cheap "journalism". I think much of what was discussed was so back and forth, the facts were foggy. If even Jammer had closed with the facts..said "hey, we discussed a lot here today but what is known for sure is this....". If someone unaware of Gail's disappearance had tuned it, I'm not sure they would know what was true and what was opinion. It also would have been a bit more unbiased if he offered a statement from the family, their attorney, the LE. In Jammers defense, perhaps those were denied...but was an opportunity offered?
I am concerned about this.
Trying to match up Sprint, cell towers, and the timeline is befuzzling me. There *should* be no loss of service between the Alabama residence and the SM residence, if driving the most direct route- until you hit just north or NW of Chattanooga. North of there, it gets patchy but most phones and providers have enough power for a txt message. Sirius and GPS(s) would be in and out.
The Prentice Cooper area doesn't pick up much at all...but will still ping if powered on...
Hmmm. I am befuzzled.

Is it possible that Gail headed south, and then NE to perhaps meet someone after dropping off the children at the SM residence?

If she was headed toward KY on I75.
I find it strange that GP wouldn't have called AD on Saturday before leaving. It wasn't because AD would be asleep. AD had many farm animals and I would think she'd need to be a early riser. imo

AD did (tearfully) make reference to a missed call. She speculated a reception glitch caused her to miss the call. She also said, if I'm not mistaken, that there was only one missed call.

I'm wishing now that I had recorded that broadcast after all. Does anybody know of a way to get a recording from WGOW? Surely they made one, but I can't find it online.
It also would have been a bit more unbiased if he offered a statement from the family, their attorney, the LE. In Jammers defense, perhaps those were denied...but was an opportunity offered?

I read elsewhere that an opportunity was offered, but Diane declined. I wondered if the family sensed an ambush, which is exactly what I think it was, even though some interesting tidbits did come out of it. Again, Arlene handled it remarkably well, for what it turned out to be.

I'm still wondering what was the benefit of protraying MP to be "nerdy and not very smart." At that point, AD almost became his defender, pointing out various talents of MP. It was weird. I'm now picturing MP's resume, including references.
I agree, ThoughtFox.

That's why I was inquiring awhile back about the towers, and outages after the tornados.

I feel the location of Gail's phone is imperative to locating her- not that she is necessarily at that same location- but that a dynamic changed somewhere along the path of the last known ping. We just don't know what dynamic that was.

Just a point of information - while Signal Mt itself wasn't hit by a tornado, the Mountain Creek/Red Bank area was. So the towers might have been out anyway.

My opinion - I think the phone was either tossed or destroyed, possibly in that area since that was the last place it pinged.

Mountain Creek Road doesn't really lead anywhere much. I haven't been through there in a long time, but I recall it being fairly flat with farmland and houses along it. If Gail was going northeast of the mountain for some unknown reason she would have gotten on Dayton Boulevard or 27, it seems to me. We really have no knowledge of why she would do that. I imagine phone coverage is pretty good along the main roads going through there.
I thought the most important statement from Jammer, or certainly the most interesting was him mentioning that he called MP's attorney for a statement. To me, it made everything make sense.

If Jammer Scott is going for being known for equally offending everyone and is attempting to gain employment...well then chances are he could care less about the facts of the case and more about anything to sensationalize it. If I am correct, he asked to speak with the family on his FB post. I think we are all aware that Gail's siblings are holding their cards tightly and perhaps they did speak with him and Jammer thought that he could better go the direction HE wanted with Arlene.

Also in my opinion, the details Jammer released that Arlene either was not aware of or was not willing to discuss (Gail seeing a psychologist ect.) help MP's attorney get the whole "Gail is unstable" message out. It is also my opinion that a huge goal of the program was to discredit Arlene. He not only questioned the validity of their friendship but the line of questioning about who was in the car...was it you? Jammer seemed to know exactly who AD thought was in the car and was ready to pounce on her answer.

So who gained what from this interview? Gail's name is out there, yes. But...a public broadcast and not a statement from the legal team of MP has just brought up the question of Gail's mental status and the fact that Arlene is not cooperating with requests from LE , and called Matt a nerd..Gail is/was the smart one. In other words Matt is too goofy to harm his wife, I mean nerds don't hurt people. An alibi was given to TH and possibly just possibly listeners may now think Arlene was the one in the car with Gail in the sighting that has, to the best of my knowledge, never been more than a maybe.
Sounds to me like a good day for a defense especially coming off a not so good day in court for the family and a nice interview for Jammer who released new information publicly which may score him a new gig.

Jammer was used as a mouthpiece by D&H, and of course for his own purposes. It's the same ole same ole. Attorneys state over and over they won't try the case in the public forum, but use any mouthpiece they can. :maddening:
Mountain Creek Rd is a significant area of interest to me... Also, how DO we know that incoming/outgoing txts or web/email access via phone or other device(s) missing along with Gail and the Jeep are accurate after that last known ping?

ETA (again!): There are downloadable apps for a Blackberry, such as Blackberry Protect that enable you to remotely wipe all data off of your phone- or find it if it's lost, and within tower or satellite range. I'm wondering if Gail's phone has been damaged in some way?

To "hug" the foot of the mountain, we have Mountain Creek Road on one side and Suck Creek Road on the other side. Do we have any reason to suspect one more than the other? Mountain Creek Road seems much more heavily traveled, and Suck Creek Road more remote, FWIW. My apologies if this has already been answered.
If she was headed toward KY on I75.

That was one of the other routes I mapped out. That tower at the 12/41 intersection.... If someone were headed to KY that would be more or less a straight shot via I24, correct?
I'm still wondering what was the benefit of protraying MP to be "nerdy and not very smart." At that point, AD almost became his defender, pointing out various talents of MP. It was weird. I'm now picturing MP's resume, including references.

Pearl, I think that MP has been portrayed as a less than stellar husband. The affair is public record as well as domestic phone calls to the police. True or not the statement of extreme spending is out there, as are rumors (again true or not?) of excess drinking. Together, these may paint a picture of a pretty macho alpha male. If I were building a defense for a client, would I try to contradict that...uh yep. I think AD picked up on this.
And I am not saying that a criminal defense is needed, but a public defense right now certainly might be.
Well, what a surprise!

I came here thinking that the board would be abuzz of all the new information and instead find a completely different reaction that in all my years on WS I would have never imagined.

It answered a lot of questions for me.

It also made me aware of new questions. It seems like we get fixated on certain information in a case and then once it hits the courts we see the emphasis is elsewhere.

Jammer has additional inside information it is obvious there are reasons he is asking these questions and it may be in GPs favor in the long run.

I was hoping that interest from this board and contact with Jammer would glean further information like what were MP movements on the day and evening in question. I think he has heard hints and is asking leading questions.

Golly, I thought it would be celebrated that there was this level of local dialogue and that a local outlet like his Facebook could be utilized to further the efforts on GP behalf.

The MP haters weren’t even excited over the juicy MP tidbits?

IMO, definitely not a good day for the defense!

I thought Arlene did a beautiful job- very touching. And when she said – I’m not even going on I am alone in my interest and feelings of its importance.

Oh well, whatever, no wonder everyone is losing interest.


I didn't get to hear the Jammer interview, and unfortunately there's no archive I know of. If you can pass on any of the info you heard, I would surely appreciate it.
I find the new pics of the Rubicon, without the top, to be very interesting. This is the first time I've heard anybody address the VERY different appearance of the jeep without the top. Depending on the angle, very little red would be visible if anybody stumbled upon it. My guess is that everybody has been on the lookout for a bright red vehicle.

ETA: Not to imply the top is red. Just thinking that drastic variations of the appearance could throw somebody off. I've never looked at it that closely until now.

Is this picture of a 4 door? It doesn't look like it to me, and I think Gails was a 4 door. It might not make much difference in the overall appearance, but just wondering.
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