TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #7

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Well...And I realize that can be a deep subject, but if MP isn't allowing his children to discuss or mention their mother to anyone then what would they be talking to Davis, Hoss, or Mathis about...JMHO..

I think hollyblue is wondering if the alleged ban on talking about their mom is selective. That is, does Matt let them talk to his lawyers and PI but won't let them talk to their aunt and uncle? And hollyblue, correct me if I'm wrong on this!
I think hollyblue is wondering if the alleged ban on talking about their mom is selective. That is, does Matt let them talk to his lawyers and PI but won't let them talk to their aunt and uncle? And hollyblue, correct me if I'm wrong on this!

IF they are talking to his attorneys and his PI, I say selective since he isn't allowing them to talk to LE either...
I was approximately 44-45 years old when I started having panic attacks due to having an absess tooth for 9 months which my dentist refused to admit I had. Went through 10doctors trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I finally forced my dentist to take an x-ray and that's when it was concluded that I had an absess. I was an absolulte mess and I was taking the same basic meds that Gail was taking. Who stated that Gail had ADD? She may very well have been given those same meds for panick attacks or depression. By the way, once they cleared up the absess I no longer needed the meds.
Still trying to catch up, so ignore if already talked about... Concerning the change of address, the 30th was a Saturday and the post office closes at noon. If Gail filled the form out in person, either the kids were present or she did it before the 30th.
I was approximately 44-45 years old when I started having panic attacks due to having an absess tooth for 9 months which my dentist refused to admit I had. Went through 10doctors trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I finally forced my dentist to take an x-ray and that's when it was concluded that I had an absess. I was an absolulte mess and I was taking the same basic meds that Gail was taking. Who stated that Gail had ADD? She may very well have been given those same meds for panick attacks or depression. By the way, once they cleared up the absess I no longer needed the meds.

JBean confirms it also in her post above.

***I would have needed those meds to keep me from going after that dentist and absessing him! That must have been horrible for you Snowbunny.
just for the record, I said Gail was prescribed an ADD medication. I have NO IDEA if she is ADD. I know women in her age group that have been diagnosed so I don;t find it all that unusual if she is. Because Arlene said Gail was on an ADD med, I just wanted to confirm that it was prescribed to her according to Matt's filing. But the filing did not say she had ADD and possibly Arlene assumed she(if AD said that) was because of the medication. I do not know.

It is possible she is ADD or it is possible there is some other use for it-on or off label. Considering she is a PHd in pharmacology,I would suspect she knows different uses for different medications.
Still trying to catch up, so ignore if already talked about... Concerning the change of address, the 30th was a Saturday and the post office closes at noon. If Gail filled the form out in person, either the kids were present or she did it before the 30th.

It's good to see you again :) About the change of address, we had a lot of new info recently: Jammer said in the first interview with AD that the form was filled out on the 28th ([ame=""]link[/ame]). I am pretty sure he got that info from MP's lawyer Lee Davis, and for what it's worth, Arlene didn't correct Jammer on the date when he said the 28th. Sleuthy1 also told us a few days ago that the change of address was to a PO box ([ame=""]link[/ame]), and Irish_Eyes mentioned that getting a PO box is listed as a recommendation in domestic violence safety plans ([ame=""]link[/ame]).

In thinking about this, wouldn't it be a kicker if April 30th wasn't when she filled it out but when Matt received the confirmation in the mail?
Still trying to catch up, so ignore if already talked about... Concerning the change of address, the 30th was a Saturday and the post office closes at noon. If Gail filled the form out in person, either the kids were present or she did it before the 30th.

COAs have two dates - the date filled out, and the date the change of address is to become effective.

The articles are all worded similarly, and don't indicate which date the April 30th date is. Here's one of the articles:

Palmgren said he received a mail change of address form dated April 30 for his wife

Jammer asked Arlene in the June 30 interview why Gail would open a PO Box on the 28th:
J: Why would Ms. Gail Palmgren open up a P.O. box on April 28th if all of this was a plan to leave on the 30th?

The implication of his question is that she opened a PO Box on Thursday, April 28.

Sleuthy1, a verified local, inferred the COA, dated Saturday April 30, the date Gail disappeared, was to a PO Box, but doesn't indicate where she got that info, or offer confirmation of it.
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TN TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #7[/ame]

If you get a PO Box at the post office, you can order it online, but you have go there in person, with picture ID, to get your keys:

UPS/Mail Boxes etc also requires a picture ID to get a PO Box:

Gail could have gotten a PO box at UPS on the 28th, and on that day or the next or the 30th, have filled out the COA, putting an effective date of the 30th. I'm afraid we just don't know yet. :(
BeanE was responding to my statement, though I have to clarify that I qualified my 'not able to speak to family' comment with 'early on', as it is my understanding that that was the case in the early days...I was also trying to qualify that statement because I was not sure if the situation had changed.

Do Gail's siblings have a distant relationship with the kids? I am very close to all of my nieces and nephews despite at times havingived literally half a world away. Like anyone here, I bring my own experiences and biases with me, and I cannot fathom having this happen to my sibling and having their spouse cut off contact between me and my sibling's child. I would want to comfort the kids and would be concerned that not having one of their parents and having close relatives cut off suddenly would be extremely hard on them. The situation could be entirely different in this case, but it was something that raised my hinky meter.

You have it exactly right, and that's what's so heartbreaking. Meetings on the doorstep and front yard, rather than an open-door approach is so very strange. Any of you with kids and a sister who has none, should understand the's a very special one, especially if you have a daughter.
In the last few weeks before the 30th there may have been words exchanged between them all of course, which might explain some or even all of the reserved attitude?
just for the record, I said Gail was prescribed an ADD medication. I have NO IDEA if she is ADD. I know women in her age group that have been diagnosed so I don;t find it all that unusual if she is. Because Arlene said Gail was on an ADD med, I just wanted to confirm that it was prescribed to her according to Matt's filing. But the filing did not say she had ADD and possibly Arlene assumed she(if AD said that) was because of the medication. I do not know.

It is possible she is ADD or it is possible there is some other use for it-on or off label. Considering she is a PHd in pharmacology,I would suspect she knows different uses for different medications.

JBean, do you know whether or not Gail kept any prescribed medications with her, regardless of what they were prescibed for?

<snipet>Computer and Internet safety for abused and battered women
Abusers often monitor their partner’s activities, including their computer use. While there are ways to delete your Internet history, this can be a red flag to your partner that you’re trying to hide something, so be very careful. Furthermore, it is almost impossible to clear a computer of all evidence of the websites that you have visited, unless you know a lot about computers.

Use a safe computer. If you seek help online, you are safest if you use a computer outside of your home. You can use a computer at work, a friend’s house, the library, your local community center, or a domestic violence shelter or agency.
Be cautious with email and instant messaging. Email and instant messaging are not the safest way to get help for domestic violence. Be especially careful when sending email, as your abuser may know how to access your account. You may want to consider creating a new email account that your abuser doesn’t know about.
Change your user names and passwords. Create new usernames and passwords for your email, online banking, and other sensitive accounts. Even if you don’t think your abuser has your passwords, he may have guessed or used a spyware or keylogging program to get them. Choose passwords that your abuser can’t guess (avoid birthdays, nicknames, and other personal information).<snipet>

<snipet>Leaving an Abusive Relationship
The process of leaving an abusive relationship is difficult and dangerous. Safety is the primary concern. Even if you do not think your partner poses a risk, leaving often triggers an increase in violence. It is best to prepare as much as you can ahead of time.
Ask a friend or family member to keep items you gather to take with you. Make sure the person you choose will not tell your abuser about your plans to leave. Do not take anything that will be noticed as missing.
Things to Stash Away:
Contact information for a local domestic violence shelter
Prescribed medications
Legal documents for you and your children (e.g. birth certificates, social security cards)
Photographs or written evidence of the abuse
Financial records and account numbers
Personal belongings possessing sentimental value
Clothing and personal needs

Things to Arrange:
A plan that safely removes yourself and you children from the home
Transportation for yourself, children and belongings
A safe place to stay
How to manage being gone from home for an extended time
Referral to a lawyer or legal advocate to obtain a personal protection order, temporary child custody order, etc.<snipet>

Well, from computers to photos (the DVR)...there's not much of this Gail wasn't doing.
JBean, do you know whether or not Gail kept any prescribed medications with her, regardless of what they were prescibed for?
Hi Oriah
Short answer is no I do not.
Long answer is we have to keep in mind that just because someone is prescribed a medication does not mean they take it. I have a filled prescription for RLS. It also happens to be a Parkinsons med. But I don't take it because I don't like it.
So the logical conclusion in the event I disappeared might be that I have Parkinsons as I take a Parkinsons med. But in reality I don't take the med at all and I do not have Parkinsons, so conclusions would be wrong on all counts.
Hi Oriah
Short answer is no I do not.
Long answer is we have to keep in mind that just because someone is prescribed a medication does not mean they take it. I have a filled prescription for RLS. It also happens to be a Parkinsons med. But I don't take it because I don't like it.
So the logical conclusion in the event I disappeared might be that I have Parkinsons as I take a Parkinsons med. But in reality I don't take the med at all and I do not have Parkinsons, so conclusions would be wrong on all counts.

Thank you, JBean. I was wondering about this from a strictly SAR approach. I have no idea if Gail was diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, depression, pneumonia, the flu, anxiety- heck, anything.

But if she routinely filled any prescription medication that was necessary for physical or emotional health- do we know if any have been filled since her disappearance? Also, would it be likely that any prescription medications might be in her Jeep, or with a friend or family member?
Would she discuss any meds she might be taking with anyone other than the prescribing physician?

We had a case not too long ago where a vehicle of a missing person was located; and several prescription bottles of medication in the vehicle helped to identify and locate the missing person (the owner of the vehicle- no other ID found in the vehicle.)
It took several subpeonas, but it did help locate the missing person.

Do you think that information might be helpful in locating Gail?
Thank you, JBean. I was wondering about this from a strictly SAR approach. I have no idea if Gail was diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, depression, pneumonia, the flu, anxiety- heck, anything.

But if she routinely filled any prescription medication that was necessary for physical or emotional health- do we know if any have been filled since her disappearance? Also, would it be likely that any prescription medications might be in her Jeep, or with a friend or family member?
Would she discuss any meds she might be taking with anyone other than the prescribing physician?

We had a case not too long ago where a vehicle of a missing person was located; and several prescription bottles of medication in the vehicle helped to identify and locate the missing person (the owner of the vehicle- no other ID found in the vehicle.)
It took several subpeonas, but it did help locate the missing person.

Do you think that information might be helpful in locating Gail?

Well, I have to jump in on this one. Years and years ago I was going through a time where I was having a lot of anxiety over something going on in my life. My doctor prescribed Xanax. It was prescribed for like 4 times a day or every 4 hours or something like that.

Over the course of the next week I took a half of one less than a half dozen times. I didn't like how it made me feel, but... I loved knowing that if my anxiety got too bad, I could take it.

So... I carried that bottle with me everywhere, for, God, probably 2 years. Every few months I would dump it down the toilet and refill for fresh meds so they wouldn't expire. I wanted to make sure that if things got really bad, I had fresh drugs that would work lol.

The funny thing is, that just carrying that bottle, just knowing I had it handy, alleviated most of my anxiety.

If I'd disappeared at that time, people may have assumed I was having anxiety, but I really wasn't, because I had my handy bottle at the ready at all times. They also may have assumed I was taking a certain amount based on the refills, but I wasn't - I was just carrying it around.

Just some more food for thought. :)

I miss my Xanax bottle. :) :floorlaugh:
I just saw the Tanya Rider story on the ID channel. Wow. To think she was down in that ravine for 8 days, right off a very busy hwy is chilling. Her case was less "questionable" than Gail's. The hubby had called LE early on, put up a reward and was in the middle of taking a poly when she was found by her cell phone ping.

After 2.5 months why have we not heard anything from LE? Not even little details.
Well, I have to jump in on this one. Years and years ago I was going through a time where I was having a lot of anxiety over something going on in my life. My doctor prescribed Xanax. It was prescribed for like 4 times a day or every 4 hours or something like that.

Over the course of the next week I took a half of one less than a half dozen times. I didn't like how it made me feel, but... I loved knowing that if my anxiety got too bad, I could take it.

So... I carried that bottle with me everywhere, for, God, probably 2 years. Every few months I would dump it down the toilet and refill for fresh meds so they wouldn't expire. I wanted to make sure that if things got really bad, I had fresh drugs that would work lol.

The funny thing is, that just carrying that bottle, just knowing I had it handy, alleviated most of my anxiety.

If I'd disappeared at that time, people may have assumed I was having anxiety, but I really wasn't, because I had my handy bottle at the ready at all times. They also may have assumed I was taking a certain amount based on the refills, but I wasn't - I was just carrying it around.

Just some more food for thought. :)

I miss my Xanax bottle. :) :floorlaugh:

You know what, Bean, lol? I have a pain med prescription that I refill on a regular basis. I never take it... but it makes me feel better to know I have it on me at all times, in the event it's needed.

Seems like the same would be true for many other medications.

(Oh, and I miss my 5-325 bottle!)
Well, from computers to photos (the DVR)...there's not much of this Gail wasn't doing.

You know, I was thinking about that yesterday, and with a few changes or deletion of words, the last paragraph's instructions could have been done by someone else. Ugh. It's like she followed that list to the tee.

Where's Gail?
It's good to see you again :) About the change of address, we had a lot of new info recently: Jammer said in the first interview with AD that the form was filled out on the 28th (link). I am pretty sure he got that info from MP's lawyer Lee Davis, and for what it's worth, Arlene didn't correct Jammer on the date when he said the 28th. Sleuthy1 also told us a few days ago that the change of address was to a PO box (link), and Irish_Eyes mentioned that getting a PO box is listed as a recommendation in domestic violence safety plans (link).

In thinking about this, wouldn't it be a kicker if April 30th wasn't when she filled it out but when Matt received the confirmation in the mail?

That may fit in with my thought he didn't want the divorce too. Control was being lost because she was now taking action to move out. imo.
The affair had presumably been going on for quite why didn't he just get his ducks in row and file? It wasn't until Gail started doing this that all H broke loose. ???
Speaking of a polygraph, wonder IF MP has taken one... I would think IF I were not involved in anyway with my spouse's disappearance I would have taken one immediately IF not sooner to clear my name with LE...And yes, I do realize they are not admissable in a court of law..JMHO
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