TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #11

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It's spring break for the kids...!!! I live in an apt. and it's been raining nearly every day..!!! Yeah.. just a LITTLE grumpy... lol... but it's quiet time now..:D
I wonder what it was specifically that made Holly's brother believe that it was her boyfriend leading her into the woods ? Did Drew ever come to the house at 7:30 before ? Was he known to have Holly walk in the woods ? Also,did Drew often dress in full camo ? Just some thoughts...


just read this article and it states the brother didnt' go outside for about an hour after first seeing his sister going across yard ??? Is this the first time they have said it was an hour later?

I'm starting to think that every article says something different and totally different too. Everyone is so busy trying to scoop each other that they don't get the info correctly IMO

BTW, your puppy in your avatar is precious. :)
I wonder what it was specifically that made Holly's brother believe that it was her boyfriend leading her into the woods ? Did Drew ever come to the house at 7:30 before ? Was he known to have Holly walk in the woods ? Also,did Drew often dress in full camo ? Just some thoughts...


He's dressed in full camo on FB & it also sounds like he is an avid hunter. I would like to know how tall he is tho?
As to the neighbor who heard the scream, do we know where that person lives?

No, we don't. In all the cases I've followed through the years, this one can be noted for what we don't know and the fact that LE has chosen to release almost nothing. I will say that this is one LE department and group of agencies who definitely know how to keep quiet! Not one blabber mouth among them, lol, which is good since that is how they believe this needs to be done.

I can tell you we do know that: 1) Holly has disappeared 2) her brother saw her from a window at the edge of the woods with a person dressed in camo but didn't worry cuz he thought it was a boyfriend/friend 3) some time later blood was found in car port 4) some time that morning brother realized something was wrong and called 911 5) a female also called 911 claiming to have heard a scream 6) Holly's lunch box was found 8 miles away and nearby a piece of duct tape with blonde hair attached was found, no confirmation on if it was Holly's hair 7) the community has turned out in droves to search for Holly 8)LE is tightlipped 9) the governor early on contributed a significant amount of money to the reward which I believe now stands at 80K

My opinion, which counts for nothing, is that LE has some really good info and are waiting on a few final pieces to fall into place---that is why they are being so quiet. And I'm afraid Holly isn't going to be found alive and LE knows that which is why they are methodically and quietly building this case--no leaks, no heads up to the perp, no slip ups for a defense lawyer to treasure,,,,, If the duct tape with hair which was found was Holly's and if she was deceased when the duct tape was removed from her then there would be a death band around the base of the hair follicle,,,I'm afraid that is what has been found,,,,just my opinion.
Excellent post finch...!!! that sums it up VERY nicely...
but was the duct tape found nearby the lunch box..?? I'm unclear on that and just wondering..
A death band on the hair of the duct tape is an excellent observation... I never even thought about that....!!
If the lab does show that, then they know that the perp it sending them on a wild goose chase on finding a live Holly..
Great thoughts finch.

I keep hoping that if she had died right there early on (because of the tape or injury) that he would have dumped her early on in the first miles and she would have been found. This makes me think she was alive much longer.
He's dressed in full camo on FB & it also sounds like he is an avid hunter. I would like to know how tall he is tho?

Thanks. When I read about the man dressed in camo, I was reminded of that recent awful case in Ohio, where a mom and two kids were abducted and killed...Don't remember names.But one of the kids had told someone that he saw a man dressed in camo who seemed to be watching the house... Not connected but very creepy...
I hate to admit how confused I am:
~Was the blood in the carport or just flecks in the grass?
~Did Holly's brother call 911...or was it the mom?
~I've heard it reported that the neighbor called Holly's brother...who called the mom...who called 911.
~I've heard that brother saw her being dragged...then no, he saw her being led.
~For 3 days, this was reported as a "home invasion" but there apparently wasn't an invasion of the home at all.
~Did Holly scream? Can a neighbor a half mile away hear that? Did brother not hear it?
~Did Holly carry her things in a backpack...or did she just carry her books and lunch bag and pocket book in her arms and never drop any of them in the grass near the area where she was initially abducted?
~No phone pings? Every 20 year old starting out for the school day will have a fully charged phone, that's turned on.
~We've heard nothing from the boyfriend, the ex-boyfriend(s), or the brother. Is that not amazing? I can hear a pine needle drop into a pile of wooded leaves.
~Thousands of mostly inexperienced volunteers trampling over miles of woods in search of a madman...or a member of the community...both? Sounds like the JonBenet Ramsey case, in which countless people roamed the house, contaminating valuable evidence at the scene of the crime.

I don't think I should go on...the list of questions is almost endless.....
Maybe there are more clues in the woods but I really think he got her to vehicle as quickly as possible and the only clue we know of away from scene is the lunch box, which may not mean much except that at some point they or he passed by there.

I certainly hope LE has info and a reason to search the river today (obviously I do not hope she is in there) but at this point, it could go either way; they know a lot or nothing much at ll.
I hate to admit how confused I am:
~Was the blood in the carport or just flecks in the grass? We don't know

~Did Holly's brother call 911...or was it the mom? Brother and neighbor as far as know

~I've heard it reported that the neighbor called Holly's brother...who called the mom...who called 911. Brother called mom at work, I believe

~I've heard that brother saw her being dragged...then no, he saw her being led.
~For 3 days, this was reported as a "home invasion" but there apparently wasn't an invasion of the home at all.
~Did Holly scream? Can a neighbor a half mile away hear that? Did brother not hear it? Neighbor said they heard a scream...

~Did Holly carry her things in a backpack...or did she just carry her books and lunch bag and pocket book in her arms and never drop any of them in the grass near the area where she was initially abducted?
We don't know...LE told searchers to look for books, purse, phone

~No phone pings? Every 20 year old starting out for the school day will have a fully charged phone, that's turned on. Nothing from LE on phone or pings

~We've heard nothing from the boyfriend, the ex-boyfriend(s), or the brother. Is that not amazing? I can hear a pine needle drop into a pile of wooded leaves.
~Thousands of mostly inexperienced volunteers trampling over miles of woods in search of a madman...or a member of the community...both? Sounds like the JonBenet Ramsey case, in which countless people roamed the house, contaminating valuable evidence at the scene of the crime.

I don't think I should go on...the list of questions is almost endless.....

I tried to answer some of above...but there are so few answers...whoops, my bolding did not take...
I hate to admit how confused I am:
~Was the blood in the carport or just flecks in the grass?
~Did Holly's brother call 911...or was it the mom?
~I've heard it reported that the neighbor called Holly's brother...who called the mom...who called 911.
~I've heard that brother saw her being dragged...then no, he saw her being led.
~For 3 days, this was reported as a "home invasion" but there apparently wasn't an invasion of the home at all.
~Did Holly scream? Can a neighbor a half mile away hear that? Did brother not hear it?
~Did Holly carry her things in a backpack...or did she just carry her books and lunch bag and pocket book in her arms and never drop any of them in the grass near the area where she was initially abducted?
~No phone pings? Every 20 year old starting out for the school day will have a fully charged phone, that's turned on.
~We've heard nothing from the boyfriend, the ex-boyfriend(s), or the brother. Is that not amazing? I can hear a pine needle drop into a pile of wooded leaves.
~Thousands of mostly inexperienced volunteers trampling over miles of woods in search of a madman...or a member of the community...both? Sounds like the JonBenet Ramsey case, in which countless people roamed the house, contaminating valuable evidence at the scene of the crime.

I don't think I should go on...the list of questions is almost endless.....

We're all confused, so don't feel alone. LE isn't releasing any info other than blood was found, she was seen with someone in camo near edge of woods, her lunch box was found 8 miles away.........they aren't telling about pings, LE has apparently asked family and friends to remain quiet and they are, they aren't even releasing whose blood it was that was found although those tests are back,,,, I believe we're gonna all stay confused until this breaks wide open.
I'm beginning to think that the perp is leaving a false trail for the searchers...
They are telling searchers to look for items that are from a purse or book and papers... How often do you hear of a trail like that... I believe that Holly is still alive... but that the perp wanted the extra luggadge (sp) to be able to create a false trail... I think this because how long would a perp allow his victim to carry potential evidence.. such as books and a purse etc... If most of the items were in a bookbag, I'd think he'd gotten rid of that the first chance he had..burning it or whatever..
It has to be one of 2 things..:
- The perp took Holly and restrained her while he left a false trail from her belongings.
- Holly is leaving a trail through the woods..
Given the distance between the search areas.. I believe the perp scattered her things several places to through LE off...
For a perp to go through that much trouble... I think she is still with us... and I hope they find her very soon...
as always... JMO at this moment
Great thoughts finch.

I keep hoping that if she had died right there early on (because of the tape or injury) that he would have dumped her early on in the first miles and she would have been found. This makes me think she was alive much longer.

Sarx, I don't understand the lunch box and possible duct tape w/hair -- I too tend to believe they were left to draw others off track. Course we don't know the duct tape and hair came from the perp/Holly, LE hasn't said (although we know they know---so since we know they know but they haven't said it isn't Holly's then that makes me think that it is, hope that makes sense). I don't necessarily believe there is a death band on the hair IF it is Holly's, but it does seem to me that LE is operating from a point of "recovery" rather than "rescue" and therefore I'm grasping at straws as to what would make them think she is deceased.

What do you think, Sarx? Does it seem to you LE is in "rescue" mode? You know I appreciate your input.
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