TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #12

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Often when I google a name from a crime, some of the first results are from WS. So I am sure that lots of people get that same result, including some offenders...

I'm pretty sure it has been verified that the Jan. attack did take place and that she did report it, someone said it was on her FB page in January. As far as continuing to talk about it on FB...well, that's what young people do. Lots of them put every iota of their lives on their FB pages and something as unusual as being on national TV is sure to make the cut. You'd think LE would have told her to tighten up her social network stuff...although they wouldn't have had to tell me, if something like that happened.
What Cell carried in her area is widely used? For example where i live, one tower, so the only cell service I get is verizon and that is only outside, standing very still, don't move the head either or the call will be dropped.

Verizon now as an iphone which isn't very expensive. My son bought one (he just broke too) he is buying a new one for only $160.00 G4. I think brand new it was in the $200.00 something.
Yes, it happens that perps watch and post here. Has always happened. Not much different than reading the news and posting a comment there.

FWIW, we can't discuss or sleuth other members.
Creepy thought. I guess it is certainly not out of the realm of possibility especially if the guy is not a total backwoodser and has modern day electronics/computer/etc......and......he is a stalker. At least I think he is.

I have no idea why I'm up this late but now I'm creeped out thinking about a criminal possibly watching/stalking our discussion......I'll probably have to sleep with the lights on tonight.

I'll tell you why I think it happens. I had a very strange tenant. He was only going to be renting for a month so I didn't do a background check. I googled his name. It took me to a blog and what I found out about him was scary. He began writing on the blog using different screen names "standing up for himself" but posing as other people. I stopped writing on it because he would try to write me and I didn't want him to know who I was. He trashed my house and wouldn't move out. I along with many others on the blog contacted police. Hopefully he was caught.
What Cell carried in her area is widely used? For example where i live, one tower, so the only cell service I get is verizon and that is only outside, standing very still, don't move the head either or the call will be dropped.

Verizon now as an iphone which isn't very expensive. My son bought one (he just broke too) he is buying a new one for only $160.00 G4. I think brand new it was in the $200.00 something.

many carriers now offer Blackberries with GPS for 99.00 or less.
Yes, it happens that perps watch and post here. Has always happened. Not much different than reading the news and posting a comment there.

FWIW, we can't discuss or sleuth other members.

Hi SuziQ!!! Long time no see!!!
I sent her a message on fb because I was concerned that it is open for all to read, I mentioned that if her attacker was stalking via FB then for her safety I would make it private and careful not to mention where or what you are doing. She replied back to me a "Thanks"
I remember when you mentioned that the other day. I thought it was a good idea to mention it to her. I'd have that FB invisible to everybody I didn't know very personally. Now the guy even knows her name probably from the media coverage.

:waitasec:.....You know I get a little close to left field with some of my theories/thoughts it possible TBI/FBI WANT her to have her info out there in the media/FB? Maybe try to draw the guy back to her in some way or near her property again? I'm wondering if she just went public on her own or if she got it cleared through LE first? I tend to lean toward she got the okay (or maybe they could have approached her first about it) because I vaguely remember reading on her FB that she had wanted to search around their property more thoroughly after hearing about HB and LE told them not to so it sounds like she checked in first with them about that.

My imagination is probably way out of control :banghead:
many carriers now offer Blackberries with GPS for 99.00 or less.

Isn't this family living in a 1,000 sq foot home, sending two kids to school? It seems like I remember an article discussing that they had very little money/resources?@?@
Anyway, I ASSUME that they have a family plan with two grown children living at home who will also need a phone. I haven't researched family plans recently, but usually you just get your first phone at the discounted price....and all of the other phones are junk phones or really costly nice ones. I don't think you get that discounted phone price unless its an individual plan.

Of course, it COULD be an individual plan, but with LE getting the phone records so quickly, I'm betting mom/dad gave permission for their release. IMHO.

I think after HB went missing and HS learned about it, she called the police tip line to remind them of what happened to her. After that I don't know if LE spoke to her first before she went public or after. LE can ask someone to not go public but I don't think they did in the case with HS. HS stated she went public in hopes that anything will help find her.

I just notified her because in my mind I was thinking that it could have been someone in the general area that scanned FB pages in his area, and sought out blonde girls. Also as I read HS FB page, she still kept on saying things like, "I'm going to so and so today" That blew my mind, and knew she just probably didn't realize the danger. I had to in good conscience tell her that this attempted abduction of her could have be via FB and others are reading her FB page now.
What Cell carried in her area is widely used? For example where i live, one tower, so the only cell service I get is verizon and that is only outside, standing very still, don't move the head either or the call will be dropped.

Verizon now as an iphone which isn't very expensive. My son bought one (he just broke too) he is buying a new one for only $160.00 G4. I think brand new it was in the $200.00 something.

They have Verizon, T Mobile, and AT&T....dunno which she was using. The complaints sections for cell carriers in the area says that NONE of the carriers work very well in this area.
Isn't this family living in a 1,000 sq foot home, sending two kids to school? It seems like I remember an article discussing that they had very little money/resources?@?@
Anyway, I ASSUME that they have a family plan with two grown children living at home who will also need a phone. I haven't researched family plans recently, but usually you just get your first phone at the discounted price....and all of the other phones are junk phones or really costly nice ones. I don't think you get that discounted phone price unless its an individual plan.

Of course, it COULD be an individual plan, but with LE getting the phone records so quickly, I'm betting mom/dad gave permission for their release. IMHO.
Our plan we have 4 phones two with data, two without, and one phone is connected to our OnStar. We pay around 150.00 a month for unlimited text, 900 minutes, and unlimited data. Oh yeah you don't have to take the cheap phones, you generally get a discount on any phone you want. It isn't that expensive. My son pays us 60.00 a month for his data (his data is actually only 39.00 a month but he gives us extra)
I've got a couple hundred friends/family on FB...some of these kids have 5 hundred or more...I'm sure that whether she wanted it to get to the media or not it did. Even if her page was private, just one of her FB friends has to have a cousin's-neighbor's-mother's-hairdresser's-nephew who is a reporter....especially in a small town...
Yes, it happens that perps watch and post here. Has always happened. Not much different than reading the news and posting a comment there.

FWIW, we can't discuss or sleuth other members.
I didn't realize it was that common. I didn't mean to give the impression I thought it was someone posting with us.....not at all....thought hadn't even crossed my mind. I was just aware that anyone at all can read what's being posted. I guess the discussion about an abductor stalking/monitoring someone on FB kind of sparked the thought of them doing the same thing on a discussion forum.
OT, but my two nieces in college have over 1200 friends each :(
Their pages are private, but still...that is so many people who are linked to so many other people, it scares me.
How does anyone know that many people, anyway??
And they are both such beautiful least they are older now and very cautious in every (other) way, but still, it is scary.
Back to the cell ping for a second....
Basically, if you go to and enter her will see that there isn't a cell phone tower close enough to her home for the recent comment by LE make sense. The closest cell tower is 3+ miles away......and all of the nearby towers are to the south and east of the home. After looking it up.....I just don't see any way they triangulated her cell pings to within a mile of her home. Maybe she does have GPS....that's the only way I can imagine them having any idea where her phone is/was located.
I've got a couple hundred friends/family on FB...some of these kids have 5 hundred or more...I'm sure that whether she wanted it to get to the media or not it did. Even if her page was private, just one of her FB friends has to have a cousin's-neighbor's-mother's-hairdresser's-nephew who is a reporter....especially in a small town...
Not to mention like someone said.....posting their itineraries and every move they make. All one of these stalkers has to do is get your name and town and they can have your address in less than 60 seconds now days.

I've haven't felt since the beginning of this that it was someone she knew that took her. I think he found her on FB or saw her in town. I think it's a stranger because for some reason I just feel like she would have not been AS afraid to try to run away, start screaming, refuse to go with him if it was someone she knew. I think she did comply and go with him because it was a stranger and she was scared beyond belief. Of course that's purely conjecture on my part......could have just as easily been someone she knew well and he had a gun pointed at her the whole time.
Re:Statements that the likelihood of Holly's lower-middle class family affording a top of the line phone nor finding it a necessity to have it equipped with all the "bells and whistles"is an extremely inaccurate assessment.. Just as was mentioned upthread using the example of the blackberry including GPS for $99 is not only an accurate and true statement of an example but it is also one of an entire multitude of offers thru any given cellular network that an individual or family may choose as their cellular network carrier..

The Iphone is The Top-of-the-line cell phone with all the "bells and whistles" and is offered every week of every month of the year for $99[meaning it is not just a "special" that runs a time or two a year but rather it is the "regular" price and now is available through more than just At&t as the carrier network}.. Regardless of a "family plan" or an "individual plan" the monthly cost to have an Iphone is truly right in line with any other bottom-of-the-line phone that a person has the minutes/media package through..We each have an Iphone and honestly the total cost is undr $50 a month for the service for all the "bells and whistles" including more than enough minutes for all call related services[with nearly half left unused at the end of each month that Roll-over for the following months use]as well as Unlimited Text..including Unlimited amount of multi-media messaging included[all pics/videos sent via SMS{text msg}.. along with Unlimited..unrestrained use of the internet..wifi..etc..including downloading of as much music..movies..images ..and data that you can possibly cram and stuff into your Iphone..and then of course the given that with being an Iphone user it has full GPS capabilities[and these capabilities of which I speak most haven't the foggiest of a clue as to the extent that Iphone's GPS capabilities really are equipped is truly technology at its best and at its very finest]..all thanks to the genius Steve Jobs and IMO we ain't seen nothing yet with the capabilities that are yet to come...
But just to clarify Holly's lower income family[which I personally completely disagree with this as well..but anywhoo that's a whole entirely different ball of wax that I'm not even starting on]..her family would most likely have no grave financial strain in choosing..providing[either fully or assisting] such a Top-of-the-line phone with all its "bells and whistles" as well as IMO most likely they find equipping their children with such as a necessity in this day and age[just as we do along with the vast majority of my son's fellow classmates/families{of course we personally choose to strictly monitor and allow very little as far as internet with our son's phone}..but very much do choose such type of a phone for our son because of its entire multitude of capabilities with regard to the GPS used in the Iphones..just my opinion tho!
Not to mention like someone said.....posting their itineraries and every move they make. All one of these stalkers has to do is get your name and town and they can have your address in less than 60 seconds now days.

I've haven't felt since the beginning of this that it was someone she knew that took her. I think he found her on FB or saw her in town. I think it's a stranger because for some reason I just feel like she would have not been AS afraid to try to run away, start screaming, refuse to go with him if it was someone she knew. I think she did comply and go with him because it was a stranger and she was scared beyond belief. Of course that's purely conjecture on my part......could have just as easily been someone she knew well and he had a gun pointed at her the whole time.

Just to clarify, Holly's FB is completely closed off from anyone who isn't friends with her. HS's FB page is the one that is wide open. Holly seems to be doing as much as she can do to be safe and still be 'social'. It's still highly possible that the kidnapper is her FB friend, and has tons of access to her every thought.....but its also possible that he just saw her somewhere in person and doesn't know her.
Not to mention like someone said.....posting their itineraries and every move they make. All one of these stalkers has to do is get your name and town and they can have your address in less than 60 seconds now days.

I've haven't felt since the beginning of this that it was someone she knew that took her. I think he found her on FB or saw her in town. I think it's a stranger because for some reason I just feel like she would have not been AS afraid to try to run away, start screaming, refuse to go with him if it was someone she knew. I think she did comply and go with him because it was a stranger and she was scared beyond belief. Of course that's purely conjecture on my part......could have just as easily been someone she knew well and he had a gun pointed at her the whole time.

I think it is a stranger, too. She was in her comfort zone. At home in the country with no reason to be thinking she should be looking over her shoulder for anyone. I have had dreams, nightmares really, where someone is chasing me and in my dream I try to scream but for some reason nothing comes out of my mouth. Terrifying!
Re:Statements that the likelihood of Holly's lower-middle class family affording a top of the line phone nor finding it a necessity to have it equipped with all the "bells and whistles"is an extremely inaccurate assessment.. Just as was mentioned upthread using the example of the blackberry including GPS for $99 is not only an accurate and true statement of an example but it is also one of an entire multitude of offers thru any given cellular network that an individual or family may choose as their cellular network carrier..

I didn't say that I thought she was poor or middle class, nor that her parents wouldn't find it necessary that she be equipped with the best phone money could buy. I said in that post that a NEWS ARTICLE had mentioned the family's home size and the lower-middle-class setting of her area of Tenn. I was reminded that an early article had said the family had a 'very modest' home in a small, rural, middle class area.
My OPINION that she didn't have GPS centers on LE not finding the phone immediately. If it has GPS activated on the phone....LE would know right where it is at. They don' I have to assume that it either isn't working or her phone wasn't equipped with it. That isn't a reflection on Holly or her Parents ability or desire to get her that type of phone. It may not have been offered when she got her phone....or they MAY have felt safe and secure in their country setting and surroundings and MAY have never in a million years thought they would have to deal with needing to locate their daughter via a GPS on her phone.
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