TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #18

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I always assumed that was part of the equation, however to me it doesnt quite fit the profile of a lot of sex crimes. Certainly its not like, say, the Hillside Stranglers where leaving and posing the body for LE to find was an important part of the crime. Its not like the recent Dittmeyer case either where they found her car (with blood in it) and her body a small distance away. Aside from her being missing and presumed to be abducted we dont know exactly what has gone on.

I tend to agree with you to a certain extent, but...there are probably as many different MO's for sex offenders as there are sex offenders themselves. A lot of these wackos do pose their victims, but we won't really know until they find Holly.
If this is someone who wanted to "keep" Holly, then I doubt they are close by. She would be able to identify him and he would be at risk if she escaped or they were located.

Many stalkers have an obsession with a woman, but that does not mean they want them longer than it takes to gratify their sick needs.

I still have a feeling that if she is not alive, she was left many miles away from Parsons, maybe off of I-40 in another county or state.
Ok here goes! I have been thinking about this for a long time!

Something had to make Clint look outside. Im sorry 24 and 25 yr old kids dont stand and look at the trees in the morning lol first of all their rooms are like caves lol... With my son he has his tv on 24 hrs if hes home . he also wears his i pod ear thingies in his ears..N e wayz.. Im not sure what would make him look outside... me calling him by name would!

If he was getting ready for work or whatever he does something had to make him look out... did he hear the door slam.. Did he hear voices???? Was he expecting someone to come pick him up?

Whatever it was something made him look out that window!

Just some thoughts!

I think what made him look out the window is the fact that he lives in an area where hunting is popular, is presumably a hunter himself, and does what most people that are too lazy to turn on the weather channel do, he looked out the window to check the hunting forecast.

(And for the record, this 25 year old's room is not a cave, it's quite light and airy. Sometimes I hate age related stereotypes.)

Here's the video:

It's the wording that is not clear. Mr. Gwyn is talking about someone being able to enter and exit the woods like "they" did, that that person would have to know the terrain.

This does not mean "they" as in Holly and the abductor. He's talking about the abductor. He should have used like he or she did perhaps.

That's what it was IMO.

It could be that it was believed that there was another person involved waiting at the vehicle.
I think "like they did" means without anyone else seeing them ie, he exited where he knew there were no houses

I was editing my post. Here's the latest of what I said:

Oh, thanks, appreciate it.

Here's the video:

It's the wording that is not clear. Mr. Gwyn is talking about the abductor having to know the terrain to be able to enter and exit as they (he) did. It's just a comment about that person having to know the terrain. I don't think it's a slip that LE knows the entry and exit points. I think it's a slip in using the correct wording, is all. JMO
I'm definitely not convinced on exactly what happened. thing that I strongly feel that is not correct is the more than one abductor theory. I personally can't get past the Heather Sullivan case a few weeks before Holly. It hasn't been connected, or at least it hasn't been reported that it's been connected, but I just find the similarities to be too much to look past.
I agree that LE determined within the first week that 'they' entered and exited the woods. I'm not sure what 'they' means though. He may have said 'they' to keep it generic. If he had said, he or she it would be too specific. 'They' might also mean Holly and her kidnapper.
Am I the only one who's even considered the possibility that perhaps HB's medical training is the reason she was taken?
I'm not sure how LE gets a free ticket here, at two weeks and counting, with so little given, and much of that given in a manner not only erratic but also open to interpretation because of its vague nature. We wish for transparency in all government dealings, but to view LE's performance to date is like staring into frosted glass. But my greatest criticism I direct to the press, not for its factuality in reporting what has been said, but for its apparent recalcitrance to probe further into what has been done.

Hmm.. transparency in government. Well, do I think we should know how government is spending our money? Yes. Do I think we should know whenever elected officials meet and that they should not get to make backroom deals that are crooked? Yes. But do I think tranparency in government also means the police should have to tell me the details about a criminal case? No, my feelings about transparency don't go that far. Otherwise, we could have an Olymphic Park Bomber situation on our hands. Your mileage may vary of course.

As to the press, I have long thought the press acts rather like a pack of dogs. They chase a bone to one end of the room, barking away. Then someone pulls out a juicier bone and they all take off the other direction, still barking away. I don't think we can depend on them to help clarify much, if anything.

However, I do think when TBI is ready and has all their ducks in the proverbial row, most of our questions will be answered.
Am I the only one who's even considered the possibility that perhaps HB's medical training is the reason she was taken?

Depends on what you mean. Was she taken because someone needs a nurse? No. Was she taken by someone that saw her at school or the hospital? possibly. I don't think her training was the reason but it could be the link between her and the abductor. A way for him to see her.
was just talking to a buddy in law enforcement that has absolutely no connection to this case at all, whatsoever and is in an entirely different state.

But his point was interesting that in some cases especially in rural areas the reason things are kept quiet by agencies like the TBI, CBI, State Police/AG is because they aren't just trying to keep information from suspects but also from local enforcement/authorities etc.

When I was younger a friend of mine crashed a car and someone we all knew and loved died in the accident. We all knew the real story behind the accident as we were there but magically the richest and most connected family in town had all the records vanish from the hospital for the driver. They were "lost" so there was no way of convicting the driver of doing what this person was doing. Instead the families of the victims were paid and the driver got a few years probation. I remember there being a lot of anger at the time.

I wonder if something along those lines is in play here on either a religious angle, local authorities and what not.
o/t ~ Is anyone else having computer problems? My 'thanks' button is triggering weird responses and the puter is running slow.
was just talking to a buddy in law enforcement that has absolutely no connection to this case at all, whatsoever and is in an entirely different state.

But his point was interesting that in some cases especially in rural areas the reason things are kept quiet by agencies like the TBI, CBI, State Police/AG is because they aren't just trying to keep information from suspects but also from local enforcement/authorities etc.

When I was younger a friend of mine crashed a car and someone we all knew and loved died in the accident. We all knew the real story behind the accident as we were there but magically the richest and most connected family in town had all the records vanish from the hospital for the driver. They were "lost" so there was no way of convicting the driver of doing what this person was doing. Instead the families of the victims were paid and the driver got a few years probation. I remember there being a lot of anger at the time.

I wonder if something along those lines is in play here on either a religious angle, local authorities and what not.

I have a good idea too. Maybe they are not telling local LE because local LE can't keep a secret?????
911 calls*reported that authorities said the 911 center received two phone calls the morning Holly was abducted - one call was from Clint, the other was from a woman police did not identify.

It is well-known that Clint called 911, but it has not been confirmed who made the second call.

Asked to confirm if the neighbor called 911, Helm said, “I’m unaware that a neighbor made a 911 call.”*

The assumption has been that Holly’s neighbor heard Holly scream and called 911 on the morning of Holly's abduction.*

Asked to confirm when the TBI got involved in Holly's case Helm said, "We got the call within 1-2 hours after the 911 call [made by Clint Bobo] was made."

I'm quoting that from the examiner article someone linked to earlier in this has been my understanding that Karen Bobo got the call from Clint while she was at school and both she and Clint called 911...... Where I remember that from, I don't know....

This is MOO, but I really think TBI must have a vewwy vewwy good reason for not releasing those 911 calls. And I find it even more intriguing that they woen't even identify who made the other call. Only that it was a woman. Now clearly, they have their reasons for keeping that to themselves. I can't imagine why they wouldn't admit it if it was the Mom who called. So I begin to think the caller or the call must be more interesting than that. Either the call came from Holly herself, someone that hasn't yet been identified as a witness to something or perhaps the "neighbor" not only heard the scream but also saw something they don't want released yet.

I would be interested in hearing your thoughts about that angle. Thanks,
Depends on what you mean. Was she taken because someone needs a nurse? No. Was she taken by someone that saw her at school or the hospital? possibly. I don't think her training was the reason but it could be the link between her and the abductor. A way for him to see her.

Yes, what you say is what I think too.
Do we know which private land was searched, around the area, and which was not? If anyone refused a search, I would think it would send up huge red flags, to TBI, as well as to the community, no?
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