TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #20

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He could've been hiding in that bush in the photo all morning, until ambushing Holly.

I like to read this blog by a guy who experienced the collapse of the Argentine economy, and the resulting economic and social hardships, including an explosion of petty and violent crime. He has written time and time again that isolated rural areas, contrary to conventional wisdom, can be less safe than urban areas because of the lack of witnesses and the delayed response time by law enforcement.

Ferfal says shrubbery and such are trouble because perpetrators can use it as cover, whether it's as they're trying to get a window open without being seen, or to just use the bush as cover for an ambush. Holly's perp's use of camoflauge clothing suggests he was trying to blend in to with plant vegetation. He could've been thinking about just the forests, but he could've had that bush or perhaps other bushes around the house in mind as well.

I live in the mountains of east Tennessee, and I've never had any problems walking through the vast forests on my family's land. The only obstacles are usually just ducking or avoiding poison oak limbs or sidestepping thorny plants, but it's really no big deal to walk around pretty easily during any month of the year. That being said, this is a long way from middle/western Tennessee, it's a lot flatter in middle/west Tennessee, and the flora could totally be completely different.
When in doubt Google it.... Here is a photo of Holly's House, you can see the "carport" in question. I'm not sure if it helps much, but it helped understand it better in my mind.


I'm thinking the scream carried across the water to the neighbor's.

He either bound and gagged her there - perhaps where a vehicle was in wait - or, the scream was the end, and the rest is an effort in body disposal.

Still too difficult to think about for me, frankly.

But the original LE request for help with ATV information haunts me.


I think so too.
I usually just lurk but since I am from west TN (a county or two removed from Holly though), I can tell you a bit more about her schooling.

The stats above that refer to UTM are NOT applicable to Holly. She did take classes in the phycial building of a satellite campus of the University of TN at Martin (building in Parsons) but she was actually enrolled in one of our 1 year tech LPN courses.

Gooch Hall is actually a building on the Martin campus. While my degree is not in nursing, I do have both a bachelor's and a master's from UTM.

Our university system is confusing in the best of times. In days of yore, our 4-year college at Martin which even offers graduate degrees was known as the Martin "branch" with the main campus being at Knoxville. Finally we outgrew the step-child stigma (as did UT Chattanooga) and began being called UT with the "at" designating the locale. From those campuses we have satellite campuses (not distant learning but actual buildings) such as the Parsons one where classes are conducted in the area. There are several of these of the three grand divisions of the state. We also often have night classes for adults held in high schools which are not to be confused with the dual-credit courses offered in the high schools.

Many young people like Holly begin with that 1-year LPN certification at the tech school level and then progress to the BSN/RN program on campus at UTM. Not saying that's what she plans but it is possible.

I don't know exactly where to locate the link that shares that she was in the LPN program but those of you who are more computer savvy will know how. It's in the same article where the boyfriend's grandmother is quoted. There is also a confusing statement out there where a UTM person says something to the effect of she attended school at the UTM Parsons campus, but she wasn't enrolled. That sounds unlikely until you understand that the tech school uses the physical UTM building as its location of classes. Tuition and coursework, however, would have been filtered through the tech school and not UTM. Thus, she would not appear an an enrolled student at UTM. Hope this helps you understand.

Random question- in your opinion, would someone choose that option due to financial reasons?
Here is the correction between "Dragged" and "Led" into the woods by Agent John Mehr on abc. 4-15-11

"We believe he actually had her arm, holding her. We feel she was in fear of her life, so was complying," he told a news conference.

Mehr said investigators "did not see drag marks." He added she was "not forcefully dragged and she's like any other victim, maybe complying with her attacker, but she walked into the woods"
I usually just lurk but since I am from west TN (a county or two removed from Holly though), I can tell you a bit more about her schooling.

The stats above that refer to UTM are NOT applicable to Holly. She did take classes in the phycial building of a satellite campus of the University of TN at Martin (building in Parsons) but she was actually enrolled in one of our 1 year tech LPN courses.

Gooch Hall is actually a building on the Martin campus. While my degree is not in nursing, I do have both a bachelor's and a master's from UTM.

Our university system is confusing in the best of times. In days of yore, our 4-year college at Martin which even offers graduate degrees was known as the Martin "branch" with the main campus being at Knoxville. Finally we outgrew the step-child stigma (as did UT Chattanooga) and began being called UT with the "at" designating the locale. From those campuses we have satellite campuses (not distant learning but actual buildings) such as the Parsons one where classes are conducted in the area. There are several of these of the three grand divisions of the state. We also often have night classes for adults held in high schools which are not to be confused with the dual-credit courses offered in the high schools.

Many young people like Holly begin with that 1-year LPN certification at the tech school level and then progress to the BSN/RN program on campus at UTM. Not saying that's what she plans but it is possible.

I don't know exactly where to locate the link that shares that she was in the LPN program but those of you who are more computer savvy will know how. It's in the same article where the boyfriend's grandmother is quoted. There is also a confusing statement out there where a UTM person says something to the effect of she attended school at the UTM Parsons campus, but she wasn't enrolled. That sounds unlikely until you understand that the tech school uses the physical UTM building as its location of classes. Tuition and coursework, however, would have been filtered through the tech school and not UTM. Thus, she would not appear an an enrolled student at UTM. Hope this helps you understand.

Thank you for providing that detail.

What I was trying to do with the numbers - was to look the potential pool of students who would know Holly's class schedule and whittle the numbers down a bit.

From what you've described ... do you think when the program website says 400 plus students, that includes tech students, LPN and Bachelor's candidates, etc.?

I was just trying to get a feel for how big LE's "interview pool" from Holly's school would be - if they decided to scrutinize those who could possibly be an acquaintance of Holly's from regular college campus contact. They don't need to be in her class. Maybe they just know each other from ... I don't know ... lunch or the library.

So, when you say the stats don't refer to Holly, do you think a campus interview pool would be considerably smaller than 400?

Do you think Holly did practical work (for class) in the hospital?
Random question- in your opinion, would someone choose that option due to financial reasons?

You didn't ask for my opinion, but... it could be the RN program is tougher to get into, so she was starting with the LPN program and then transitioning to the RN BSN program.

This is the case with most nursing programs--they are hard to get into due to the number of persons applying.
Thank you for providing that detail.

What I was trying to do with the numbers - was to look the potential pool of students who would know Holly's class schedule and whittle the numbers down a bit.

From what you've described ... do you think when the program website says 400 plus students, that includes tech students, LPN and Bachelor's candidates, etc.?

I was just trying to get a feel for how big LE's "interview pool" from Holly's school would be - if they decided to scrutinize those who could possibly be an acquaintance of Holly's from regular college campus contact. They don't need to be in her class. Maybe they just know each other from ... I don't know ... lunch or the library.

So, when you say the stats don't refer to Holly, do you think a campus interview pool would be considerably smaller than 400?

Do you think Holly did practical work (for class) in the hospital?

Knew I had seen this - finally found it!
"McCoy said Bobo had already begun her clinical training program at local hospitals. He called her a natural nurse, soothing and gentle with the sick."
I think so too.

about the water location as possible scene of the scream - there is space here where an attack and a struggle could more readily occur than in heavy wood/underbrush. There would likely be footprints memorializing anything that happened there. And other forensic evidence. ATV tire treads too. :(

My husband is a healthcare atty and is actually working with Decatur Co. hospital on a deal right now. He says the next closest hospital might be Hickman Co. hospital, but he would be willing to bet that she was probably working at Decatur General.
Here is something I came across, it is a photo of the driveway leading up to the Bobo Residence. I thought it was interesting how open the area seems adjacent to the drive. I never thought it was that clear. (I wonder if the neighborhood watch sign up was before this took place?)


And also,
I came across this [video=youtube;A5t9W97wH24][/video] it does a good job of looking at the search and rescue effort, and also the terrain they are covering (around 4 minutes in). The person who posted the video DAXFILMS, also posted several other Holly related press conferences that are relevant.

I know that I've read cases where a perp. had climbed into a tree and surveilled the victim.
I can't find references at the moment, so maybe someone can help.

Someone who had experience climbing trees, someone say used to climbing trees in their work, would have an easier time doing this. However, it wouldn't be impossible for anyone to so this.
Random question- in your opinion, would someone choose that option due to financial reasons?

The answer to that is as varied as those who choose it. It could be that the person wanted to stay near their family or boyfriend. Perhaps putting in that one year's training as an LPN was to "test the waters" so to speak to see if nursing was really the career path of interest. (Much wiser to invest one year to see if the profession appeals rather than a four year study...assuming there is any wavering.) Financial reasons would certainly be another viable reason. Then there are always those who are tired of school (even though they may be great students) who just want a shorter path to the "real" world.

I'm a retired teacher and have seen excellent students choose both paths. I couldn't speak to the current high school curriculum since I have been retired for several years now but when I retired, TN even offered "paths" in its high school curriculum: college path, technical path, and the dual path. Specific courses were required in each specific path as preparatory to future plans. The only major drawback to that system was that (at that time) the student had to declare when they registered in the spring as 8th graders.

I was an eighth grade teacher and I can definitely tell you that at that age kids are not at all ready to "declare" their future plans. I knew from age 6 that I wanted to be a teacher but I was one of the rare ones. Many of my college friends were still changing their majors in their junior years! It's surreal to think most 14-year-old "children" know what they want to be when they grow up.

I hope I haven't gone too far off-topic for you. I think perhaps you were trying to perhaps theorize why Holly chose her course of study. Only her family and she really know that because they are a variety of reasons for choosing one path over another. They don't always run parallel either. They can run concurrent using one as a stepping stone to the other.

I just hope and pray that whatever her plans for the future are, Holly will have that chance to fulfill them.
Other local hospitals:
Methodist Hosptial, Lexington- 22 min drive
Henderson Co. Community Hospital- 21 min drive
Perry Co. Community hospital- 30 min drive
The attached garage converted to living space on the ONE STORY house is not the carport, IMO. The carport is the standalone building seen to the west of the pool.

Here is my take on the layout of the house and land.


  • Aerial-of-property-modified.jpg
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Thank you for providing that detail.

What I was trying to do with the numbers - was to look the potential pool of students who would know Holly's class schedule and whittle the numbers down a bit.

From what you've described ... do you think when the program website says 400 plus students, that includes tech students, LPN and Bachelor's candidates, etc.?

I was just trying to get a feel for how big LE's "interview pool" from Holly's school would be - if they decided to scrutinize those who could possibly be an acquaintance of Holly's from regular college campus contact. They don't need to be in her class. Maybe they just know each other from ... I don't know ... lunch or the library.

So, when you say the stats don't refer to Holly, do you think a campus interview pool would be considerably smaller than 400?

Do you think Holly did practical work (for class) in the hospital?

My point is that no numbers generated for UTM will relate to Holly period. She was not enrolled in that university. When UTM states their statistics for their programs, they are not including other institutions.

The only way you would know the stats on Holly's school would be to find the stats for the technical school that is housed in that building and more specifically, find out how many are in that particular course of study. Our technical schools offer other areas of specialization such as computer courses, etc.
My husband is a healthcare atty and is actually working with Decatur Co. hospital on a deal right now. He says the next closest hospital might be Hickman Co. hospital, but he would be willing to bet that she was probably working at Decatur General.
which is near Heather Sullivan ... interesting
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