TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #20

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After watching this video of the man that investigated the murder of the two sisters, and he mentioned the cigarette pack with Marlboro cigarette butts and he said they saved it but the evidence never made it to the lab, it makes me wonder if he is saying that evidence disappeared or if it is still in an evidence vault somewhere.

OMG. If they lost those cigarette butts, someone should lose their job and pension over that. Surely that didn't happen, but you never know with law enforcement these days. Even most of the evidence from 9/11 was sent to China as scrap as quickly as they could send it away.
OK unless someone can show that LE is looking for a 91 Silverado truck this is singling out a person without MSM link. ........ NO random Craigslist without a reason to know this truck is involved.

Everyone clean up your posts please.
Ok, might be totally wrong here, but on that aerial photo with the car parked around back... Have they covered that parking area since the photo was taken? The reason I ask is that the enclosed garage in the above pic is not in any way what "we" southerners down here would call a carport. To me, that is the enclosed former garage. Lots of people do that to ranchers here, to add a bedroom or rec room space. I am wondering if they have an actual carport out back, now. I don't know if it's like this everywhere else, but here a carport is open on all sides with a roof. It's not something like a garage, with walls that you could close in. Carports are usually on the back or side of the house.

Where I live, a carport is usually attached on one side to the house, and open on the other 3 sides. When I was a kid, my folks called it a breezeway and it was only big enough for one vehicle.
I would say that everybody's definition of carport is going to be a little different. I see a lot of the portable types that are nothing more than a roof held up by 4 poles, open on every side. Not much protection, but you can buy them for a few hundred dollars and install them yourself.
OK unless someone can show that LE is looking for a 91 Silverado truck this is singling out a person without MSM link. ........ NO random Craigslist without a reason to know this truck is involved.

Everyone clean up your posts please.

How do I delete a post?
OK unless someone can show that LE is looking for a 91 Silverado truck this is singling out a person without MSM link. ........ NO random Craigslist without a reason to know this truck is involved.

Everyone clean up your posts please.

FYI when a moderator asks you to clean up your posts and you don't it is subject to time out.
OK unless someone can show that LE is looking for a 91 Silverado truck this is singling out a person without MSM link. ........ NO random Craigslist without a reason to know this truck is involved.

Everyone clean up your posts please.

Mea culpa, my slip up. Won't happen again.
Think about this peeps. You are a law abiding citizen in this small Town. You might even have been part of the search. You have a truck and because you need money quickly you have to unload a truck. The rent is due this week. You have a home expense that suddenly came up. Your washer died, your other car needs repairs.. you might want to buy a new truck :( I don't know if this is the case but we must consider that one or all of these reasons could apply..... among many others.

Now because you list your truck for sale it gets dragged through the crime forums like you are guilty of something????? And you are dragged in with possibly people calling the phone number? Is this fair to someone?

We can't just pick possibly innocent people out and put this kind of pressure on them. Think about how you would feel, if it is a bee in your bonnet call in the tip. But until we know that a truck matching this description is being looked for we don't go down this road.

Thanks...... all I can say is when sleuthing think about "innocent" you. Think about how you would feel and pay the same respect to others unless we have reason to know otherwise.
I was listing out reasons earlier why I thought LE believed it was someone from the community, but left this one out. The reaction of the brother is a HUGE clue, IMO. If you've lived with someone for 20 years, and you see their behavior, you can read their reactions. I know for a fact that if I saw my sis talking with some creepy guy and she felt threatened/weirded out in the slightest, I would pick up on her non-verbal communication even if I was standing far away from her. The fact that the brother instinctively did not believe his sis was in immediate danger based on the few seconds he saw leads me to believe that, at least at that very moment he observed, Holly herself did not feel threatened. The only way that is possible, IMO, is if it was someone she had met before. Hunting season or no, some random person showing up on your property in the morning is suspicious, surely even to a sweet-natured girl from the country.

I agree with alot of your points made above, especially in regards to brother not being alarmed in any way initially upon seeing his sister outside with whom he believed "at that time"that it was her boyfriend, DS that was with Holly there outside their home...

And bouncing off that specific issue of CB being under the impression that it was Holly's boYfriend, DS that was the man in camo outside with his sister.. I would like to know at what point that Clint became aware that IT WAS NOT, DS THAT HE SAW OUTSIDE WITH HIS SISTER??

I am almost convinced that even as far into it as the 911 call placed by Clint that quite possibly in that phone call that Clint is reporting that his sister has "disappeared" from outside of their home and that literally within mi utes of his last having personally seen her outside the home along with her bf, DS that had on his hunting clothes. I mean think about it.. What during that time would have changed his mind that it was not DS that he saw with his sister.. Imo there would be nothing therefor after getting call from his mom telling him that the neighbor called her telling her she thought she had heard screams(that somehow the neighbor connected to having possibly been screams of Holly Bobo..bcuz otherwise why woukd the neighbor have called Karen Bobo telling her of the screams??)..which mom in turn calls Clint tells him of the neighbors hearing screams possibly from Holly, he going outside to find his sister car never having left along with the mysterious amt of blood found.. Prompted Clint to make the 911 call... But still in all of this info there is nothing that tells Clint that what he thinks that he saw(or who he saw) was any different than what he originally believe he had seen(i.e. That it was DS, Holly's bf that Clint saw in camo outaide with his sis)..

So, again.. My question is at what point was it discerned that what Clint originally thought that he saw was indeed not accurate.. And found to be that the man in camo was not DS??

Im very curious to know how long this train of thought was in place?? How long did Clint, Clint/Hollys mom(most likely from CB relaying what he thought he had seen to his mom), et, etc? How many were first believing it was infact Drew that was last seen with Holly? And for how long was this believed to be accurate?? And how and exactly when was this thought "debunked", proven to false, proven inaccurate??

This imo is important(in ways ive not yet found a way to put into a nutshell and post the importance of this well as in knowing was LE under this same impression that DS was there that morning with Holly and if yes then for how long were they believing this to be the case and again how it was proven to be an inaccurate extremely important detail of the entire case..

Hope that was explained clearly enough to understand.. Sometimes i succeed and other times i fail at successfully relay whats in this brain to an understandable
Smooth, if IRRC Clint called Holly's boyfriend, to verify if he was with her, after going outside and saw the blood.
It is my understanding that DS was ruled out very quickly. I believe that the family members called him first looking for Holly and he had been at work - or other some place with a very solid alibi.
I'm south of you in Brentwood and that looks exactly like it looks behind my house. I have lived in a lot of places in my life (even Alaska) and I have never lived in a more lush, heavily green area. There are other places that have heavy brush, but because we have had so much rain in the past month, I can't imagine anywhere that is more dense than TN. Florida doesn't get as much rainfall and it seems like every day of rain things grow another 5-6 inches. Our deck is about 20 feet from the heavy woods and we haven't been able to see the other side of our community for at least 6 weeks, whereas in the winter you can see through the leaves. I just don't think that people understand the density of our foliage here.

I understand, because I live in a part of Texas that has dense brush and lots of trees and new growth sprouting up every spring. I don't like to walk out in the woods because I don't own boots... there are snakes. Some of the heavy brush dies out during the winter but some of it is just dead looking stuff which greens up again every spring. There are places further south and east of us that are even thicker than where I live.
Wow that puts it into perspective. Thanks. How far away from the house do you think that carport is?

I agree that it does help a lot; IMO if she was back by her car a perp could have easily thought he'd be unseen by anyone in the house.
I understand, because I live in a part of Texas that has dense brush and lots of trees and new growth sprouting up every spring. I don't like to walk out in the woods because I don't own boots... there are snakes. Some of the heavy brush dies out during the winter but some of it is just dead looking stuff which greens up again every spring. There are places further south and east of us that are even thicker than where I live.

Yes...and you forgot to mention ticks! *shudder* :panic:
That haunts me too- LE asking for info about ATV's, obsessive cleaning of such vehicles, new tires, etc...... I'm also wondering if ATV trailers are common in the area (they could carry a bound person and their items) Also- are ATV's street legal in Darden/Parsons? praying for Holly's safe return.....
something like this? after abducting and taping her....;cat104796180;cat104695380;cat104194080
or this?;cat104796180;cat104695380;cat104194080
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