TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #20

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Wow that puts it into perspective. Thanks. How far away from the house do you think that carport is?

It is about 40 to 50 feet if you check the google earth distance. It's difficult to put an exact number on it because the canopies of the adjacent trees block the roof.
I agree that it does help a lot; IMO if she was back by her car a perp could have easily thought he'd be unseen by anyone in the house.

Well sometimes pictures are deceiving but I can certainly believe that it would be difficult to identify someone from that distance.
Ok thanks for the info jo and Bonnie.. I had wondered if clint wouldve simply called DS phone and ask"hey where did u and holly go?"..that is what would make sense to me. So i am wondering when this happened?
Was if after Karen calls clint telling him of the neighbor heari g the screams? Did he relay to mom right then that he saw sis and DS out front short time ago? And he then called DS to see if sis was indeed with DS?

Or did mom tell him to call 911 right then?? And then sometime immediately after that was the call made to DS??

Im just really curious about the details of this specific issue. I would think with all of the intense emotions and desperation of not knowing a family would be second guessing everything(and in no way am i saying that DS involved nor am i even implying that the fam may think he is/was at anytime involved)..

But rather am just trying to figure out with what amount of certainty did(or does) clint believe that he indeed saw Holly with DS outside their home that morning?

As i said i hope that i am mAking my inquiry clear and not Seen as accusatory in any way :)
6 years?

now THAT is hell.

It's none of our business...but...if you are so inclined - who took your daughter? Was justice served?

Yes. it was hell. It was her father/my ex. It was like they just disappeared off the face of the earth. What you have to know is, this was back in 1978, at this time there were no Amber Alerts, parental abductions happened all of the time I later learned. Thanks to John Walsh in the 80's this all changed! Back in the 70's you had to hire private investigators to pretty much help you look, even though I had full custody and it was considered a kidnapping, I knew who had her LE just wasn't equipped back then like they are today. I know the info was out there but, there wasn't the sense of urgency that there is today thankfully. LEO's were more than helpful but they could only do so much . I even had some of them call me throughout the years to ask if I'd heard anything, so I know they heard and understood my plea for help. I am forever grateful to all of them! What finally cracked it wide open? She had been bitten by a dog walking to school and it became infected. Her teacher called Children Protective Services and reported that her father had not sought medical treatment. When my daughter was asked where her Mother was she told them TN and my maiden name, she had seen her birth certificate. I had remarried but had left my previous married name the same in the phone book solely for this purpose. I just knew that if she ever had a chance to find me she would. And she did! She was only 3 when this happened...And yes, justice was served! Now, back to getting Holly home!
Re: carport and its distance from the house. I do not recall the exact wording reported to us about Clint's visual made of sis and man in camo(whom he originally thought was bf).. Does anyone have a quote or a link that states that when Clint looked out from the house that morning and saw Holly and camo man that their location at that time was the carport that he saw them at??

I definitely could be wrong but i wasnt under the impression that the carport is where Clint saw Holly and camo man when he looked out the window.. So if they were not in the carport when he had visual of them that morning then IMO the relevancy of distance between the carport to the house isnt a factor, meaning with regards to the distance being a hindrance of a good visual it would be irrelevant if that was not their exact location when he viewed them togegher outside..

TIA to anyone who knows better and more accurately than i do :)
Re: carport and its distance from the house. I do not recall the exact wording reported to us about Clint's visual made of sis and man in camo(whom he originally thought was bf).. Does anyone have a quote or a link that states that when Clint looked out from the house that morning and saw Holly and camo man that their location at that time was the carport that he saw them at??

I definitely could be wrong but i wasnt under the impression that the carport is where Clint saw Holly and camo man when he looked out the window.. So if they were not in the carport when he had visual of them that morning then IMO the relevancy of distance between the carport to the house isnt a factor, meaning with regards to the distance being a hindrance of a good visual it would be irrelevant if that was not their exact location when he viewed them togegher outside..

TIA to anyone who knows better and more accurately than i do :)

This link is from the very first day...
Oh I know what I'll obsess on next - why didn't the perp just put her in her car and drive her car to where he had his own vehicle? What made trudging through the woods with a victim in tow preferable?

Just thinking out loud ... a BOLO would have been put out for HER car (eventually) and found. His car tire tracks/treads would have then become known to LE/TBI. HER abandoned car in the woods/wilderness is much easier to find than a small body by air and searchers.

Footprints walking into the woods/wilderness are so hard to track compared to a car. JMO
Smooth, my take on Clint's sighting.
He either just by chance, and a good one at that, looked out the window, maybe dog barked.
He sees his sister, with whom he thinks is her boyfriend, I can't imagine she was being dragged and Clint thinking, "Aw shucks Holly is being dragged into, or towards the woods by her boy friend."
Does whatever he was about to do, went outside saw her car still there and enough blood that it raised a red flag.
I would think the first call he would make would be Holly's boyfriend because that's who he assumed she was with, verified she was not with him, panicked and called his mom and then 911.
Don't know if that's the sequence, just my take on it.
Here are the photos I had posted of the carport. They are an aerial view and believe they are important.

Photo 1

Photo 2

Thank you so much! I knew that there were pics of this garage on file somewhere, just haven't been able to find them. I do remember seeing video from the ground on the local news the day it happened from her backyard. In the video on WSMV that day there were 2 cars parked in there as well.
Just thinking out loud ... a BOLO would have been put out for HER car (eventually) and found. His car tire tracks/treads would have then become known to LE/TBI. HER abandoned car in the woods/wilderness is much easier to find than a small body by air and searchers.

Footprints walking into the woods/wilderness are so hard to track compared to a car. JMO

EVENTUALLY being the key word here. Had he taken Holly in her car, it would have given him at least several hours when everybody would believe Holly to be in school - AND LE would not be able to ascertain exactly where she disappeared from once they began looking. They would also have no reason to believe that she was endangered and may have had to wait the 24 hours or whatever it is before they begin looking for an adult.

That would give him plenty of time to do whatever it was he was going to do, move the car somewhere and torch it to get rid of the evidence (and God forbid, he could have torched the car with Holly in it).

I am becoming more convinced that at least initially, he didn't plan on taking her from the property.
I think maybe he heard *something*, but was unsure what it was, so looked out, or perhaps heard Holly scream so looked out and yes, seeing Holly walking with who he thought was her bf, found no cause for alarm. He may have thought Holly was simply startled when she first saw her bf and shrieked, or that her bf had played a prank that made her scream.

I thought a neighbor heard screams and she was alarmed enough to call 911. So if Holly did scream, it should have alarmed Clint also.
I thought a neighbor heard screams and she was alarmed enough to call 911. So if Holly did scream, it should have alarmed Clint also.

LE has flat out said it wasn't the neighbor, but will not release who the female caller was that made the 2nd 911 call.
Re: carport and its distance from the house. I do not recall the exact wording reported to us about Clint's visual made of sis and man in camo(whom he originally thought was bf).. Does anyone have a quote or a link that states that when Clint looked out from the house that morning and saw Holly and camo man that their location at that time was the carport that he saw them at??

I definitely could be wrong but i wasnt under the impression that the carport is where Clint saw Holly and camo man when he looked out the window.. So if they were not in the carport when he had visual of them that morning then IMO the relevancy of distance between the carport to the house isnt a factor, meaning with regards to the distance being a hindrance of a good visual it would be irrelevant if that was not their exact location when he viewed them togegher outside..

TIA to anyone who knows better and more accurately than i do :)

The majority of reports say he reported seeing them going across the carport towards the woods.

Here's TBI's media release of April 13:
TBI Media Release April 13 – Missing Woman Feared Victim of Home Invasion Kidnapping

Holly Bobo was last seen by a family member being drug across the carport of her home
greengreen, I live in a small town of 5500 people. I know how tight knit communities operate. I know you have mentioned how quiet it has been there for a few days among the locals....but is there any pressure being applied to certain persons or families who may have refused to have their properties searched?
"Pressure" can come in lots of ways....but in small communities it often is applied as shunning.
Do you have any sense of that?

I haven't seen any of the families since this happened. I do believe there has been pressure in various forms.
This link is from the very first day...

Thank you gofigure for reminding me that indeed we were told in the begininning that Clint saw his sister being "dragged across the carport toward the woods"..(still posting via mobile and certainly is not near as easy to google around for specific quotes and/or links.. So i do appreciate :))..

I do wonder now how accurate this statement is/was with LE even retracting alot of their wording. I would normally stick with what LE first states rather than their "clean up" that they do later in attempts to keep all info/details zipped up tight and close to their vest... But in this case there issue with following my normal procedure of sticking with LE first statement rather then there later attempts to rein in anythi g of importance that was slipped out early in a case and that is in order for the brother's account to be true i would have to believe that LE first statement is indeed inaccurate and not true and that for once LE's later "corrected" statement would have to infact be the accurate and true version of events.

Because for me to believe the first statemnts of LE that ,Clint infact did witness his sister being dragged from the carport to the woods that statement/version does not "jive with" the rest of Clint's account.. I.e. That when he firsy saw holly and camo man(thought to be bf) that there was nothing, zero, zilch that was alarming or that would cause him to thing anything strange or out of the ordinary were going on with his sister outside there home..

So, therefor IMo for that part to infact be true(nothing seen that would be any cause for alarm)then LEs first statement WOULD ABSOLUTELY 100% HAVE TO BE INACCURATE, WRONG, not true(CB seei g sis dragged across carport into woods) and their second statement(which IMO AS i said is usually to go back and rein in important details that were initially reported before LE KNOWING their extreme value to the case)but here LE's second statement woukd indeed have to be the accurate, factual truth.. Right? orders for clints acct tobe seen as true and factual??

EVENTUALLY being the key word here. Had he taken Holly in her car, it would have given him at least several hours when everybody would believe Holly to be in school - AND LE would not be able to ascertain exactly where she disappeared from once they began looking. They would also have no reason to believe that she was endangered and may have had to wait the 24 hours or whatever it is before they begin looking for an adult.

That would give him plenty of time to do whatever it was he was going to do, move the car somewhere and torch it to get rid of the evidence (and God forbid, he could have torched the car with Holly in it).

I am becoming more convinced that at least initially, he didn't plan on taking her from the property.

That wasn't the scenario I was addressing.

It is also really hard to control a passenger when the perp is driving. She could have jumped out of the car or grabbed the wheel, etc.

It's also difficult to control the kidnapped person if she's driving. She could have driven them off the road or into a tree, or just jumped out of the car, etc.

Too many things that the perp couldn't control in her car, imo. Walking off ... he's got control over a small woman.
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