TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #22

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Also wanted to add...ALLEGED timeline of Nickell...

April 6 6pm stalks girl #1 at mall.
April 7 5:30pm approaches girl #2 on Union University
April 7 8pm approaches girl #1 at a Kohl's

-Both say blue car

April 7 about 3pm approaches girl #3 grabs arm downtown Dickson.

-describes car as two-door, turquoise vehicle


My thoughts:

-All April 6/7. That seems very suspicious to me. Too much so to be a coincidence. I think this guy was on a mission these 2 days.
-Car described as blue vs turquoise. I hope the LE have asked the first 2 girls more details about the car.
-The girl picks him out of a line up, yet he is let go because of an alibi?? I hope they really checked that alibi.
-Where is Union University?
-How far is Dickson from Union University?

Links for info:
Maybe his alibi was being interviewed in another police station in some other county, seems like he is suspected of enough crimes. That would be the best possible alibi.

There are some forums out there and not just the local kind, that are naming names of people in Parsons, etc...all kinds of rumors floating around. But that will happen, when a case grabs the attention of an entire region and then...nothing. People start thinking conspiracy.
If this guy is the perp, and the cops are focusing on him, than unfortunately I don't think that spells good news for Holly...
Thanks for not bringing the rumors here guys. Remember the rule if you can't link please don't discuss.
I think my post got removed! Guess there's a first time for everything. I think I need some clarification. Basically, someone had what I thought was a good idea about an investigative technique that LE might be able to try....I thought I'd post it here, because it was an interesting direction IMO...but it seemed bad form to just say it as if it was my original idea when it wasn't. I didn't bring over gossip, just an idea someone else had....Can I get some mod assistance? I'd like to post it again and reword if I have to but I don't want to do it without knowing what was wrong in the first place. Cuz if I get a T.O. for Mother's Day that will be :anguish::anguish:
...respectfully snipped...

I agree with your theory, pretty much all of it except that I don't believe the RSO in custody is Holly's abductor. Your theory, in and of itself matches mine almost to the tee.

The reason I don't believe the RSO is involved is because from what we know, he stalks by car, and opportunity, and is not very concerned with being noticed or identified. His most recent crimes have involved his car, in the light of day. For him to have committed this crime he would have had to make a sudden, and HUGE leap from stalker/pervert to hidden abductor with a plan. Again, we don't know all there is to know about this guy, but generally there is an escalation before a guy goes from stalking random people in a parking lot to...hiding in the bushes/kidnapping/transporting/ covering his tracks, and a crime.

IMO, this RSO is too sloppy and even if he has 'smartened up' (made up word) he went from stalking to possible abduction/murder in the blink of an eye. It's just unlikely. I'm not saying that it's impossible. I just feel it's unlikely.

My hunch is still on a local person who at some point in the past either had contact with her, or was infatuated with her.

We have other missing women in Tennessee. And, no one knows what he has done that he has gotten away with.

I do agree with you that there is the possibility that it's an outside person, but I just feel that this guy sure fits the profile to me. I am very familiar with how a potential serial killer is "supposed" to progress. But, as with anything else, sometimes there is someone out there who will change what we always thought about the way that it is supposed to happen in a certain way. Perhaps he was trying both methods to get a woman? We just won't know until the perp is found.
Side note. Another reason I can't fit the RSO is this.

If he took Holly on the 13th, and was arrested on the 16th for two other crimes, the window of opportunity for him to have cleaned up and covered his tracks is very, very small.

In addition to that, as disgusting as this is to fathom, he would have had to "come down" off the rush of commiting such a heinous act, and be ready to gear up for his next one in less than 72 hours. me the time frame is what makes me suspect him more. And, I'm sorry but I don't understand you saying that he had "less than 72 hours" to gear up for another one. I thought that this girl from the vehicle or I read somewhere but don't count it as exact truth that there were 2 girls stalked in vehicles. I didn't think they were within 72 hours of Holly's abduction. Maybe I'm just not understanding your post.
Going with tthe thought above about his having to "come down" before his next one in less than 72 hours.. He did not succeed in either of the the two girls that he is charged with stalking..he got no further than stalking Thank God!! So 72 hours later he would've desperately been seeking to fufill his sick fantasy that he had failed to go thru with on the two college girls..

The was plenty of time and no high to come off of..only a desperation that was growing stronger by the hour..

Yes! Agree 100%!
I found the video with Geraldo Rivera to be very interesting. If you listen closely Mark Furman tells you a lot of details. Mark stated that you have to find out who saw Holly last and he was speaking of the night before she went missing. It sounds like the brother was. Mark stated that they have confirmed it was blood that was found at the Bobo residence and that the LE does know who's blood it was. It was also discussed as to why the brother wouldn't go after Holly and the perp after he realized it wasn't her bf and he found blood. That doesn't make sense to me because I would have persued the dude if it was my sister and Mark and Geraldo both stated the same thing. Also Mark mentions that the dogs didn't find Holly's scent along the treelines in the back. I don't think she ever went into the woods myself after hearing that. To me the crime scene has been staged and her stuff was thrown along the roadside to throw everybody off. Both Geraldo and Mark find it weird that the family isn't talking or trying to get Holly's story out there. I agree with their summation. My hinkey meter just went off after watching that video. They raise a lot of good questions; especially about the brother. Maybe something happened the night before since no one but the brother saw her the night before according to what Furman said. There are too many things not adding up here.
True, he was not successful in those 2 cases. But, he seems to choose women in open spaces where he is free to walk after them, or drive up to them. Also, maybe he's more familiar with that county and area since it appears he continues to stay in the same general area, which is quite a distance away from Holly's home.

He could be the guy, but it still seems like a big stretch for him, IMO. The
kidnapping charge was dropped. And even though he's classified as violent his past crimes, stalking, lewd exposure are cowardly types of crimes. So far, he
hasn't exhibited the courage it would take to pull off an abduction like Hollys.

The only thing that we know about him so far is that he was charged with stalking the girl (or girls) in the open. We actually don't know what he has gotten away with so far. There are missing girls in Tennessee and states all around here. What if he's been doing this for years? Maybe he has more than one MO. Unlikely maybe, but not impossible.
I found the video with Geraldo Rivera to be very interesting. If you listen closely Mark Furman tells you a lot of details. Mark stated that you have to find out who saw Holly last and he was speaking of the night before she went missing. It sounds like the brother was. Mark stated that they have confirmed it was blood that was found at the Bobo residence and that the LE does know who's blood it was. It was also discussed as to why the brother wouldn't go after Holly and the perp after he realized it wasn't her bf and he found blood. That doesn't make sense to me because I would have persued the dude if it was my sister and Mark and Geraldo both stated the same thing. Also Mark mentions that the dogs didn't find Holly's scent along the treelines in the back. I don't think she ever went into the woods myself after hearing that. To me the crime scene has been staged and her stuff was thrown along the roadside to throw everybody off. Both Geraldo and Mark find it weird that the family isn't talking or trying to get Holly's story out there. I agree with their summation. My hinkey meter just went off after watching that video. They raise a lot of good questions; especially about the brother. Maybe something happened the night before since no one but the brother saw her the night before according to what Furman said. There are too many things not adding up here.

Definitely no disrespect to you...but I take what both Mark Furman and Geraldo Rivera say with a grain of salt.
I know a lot of people don't like Geraldo Rivera, but I have the highest respect towards Mark Furman. He raised a lot of good questions and it opens the time line wide up and a new place to start gathering info about the night before. Mark raised a lot of good questions.
The only thing that we know about him so far is that he was charged with stalking the girl (or girls) in the open. We actually don't know what he has gotten away with so far. There are missing girls in Tennessee and states all around here. What if he's been doing this for years? Maybe he has more than one MO. Unlikely maybe, but not impossible.

Wasn't it concluded that the murderer in the Brooke Wilberger case was the same person who had been the guy who had been driving around campus stalking other young women?

I'll go find the program I heard that from. It was recent, some major program I posted, like Nightline.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
We have other missing women in Tennessee. And, no one knows what he has done that he has gotten away with.

I do agree with you that there is the possibility that it's an outside person, but I just feel that this guy sure fits the profile to me. I am very familiar with how a potential serial killer is "supposed" to progress. But, as with anything else, sometimes there is someone out there who will change what we always thought about the way that it is supposed to happen in a certain way. Perhaps he was trying both methods to get a woman? We just won't know until the perp is found.

Whoa....who is talking about a serial killer?
I know a lot of people don't like Geraldo Rivera, but I have the highest respect towards Mark Furman. He raised a lot of good questions and it opens the time line wide up and a new place to start gathering info about the night before. Mark raised a lot of good questions.

I actually like both of them. But, Geraldo is such a drama queen (part of why I like him) and I also respect MF. But, I also know that they are both being paid for their opinions and anytime that happens, I just can't take it as fact. I also lost a bit of respect for both of them when they were questioning the brothers story. I simply can't understand how either of them, as experienced as they both are, can't recognize how someone can look out a window not expecting to see something and justifying in your mind somehow that what you were seeing was something else. It frankly boggles my mind that people can't see that when they probably do that themselves several times a day.

Also, the fact that both GR and MF are saying that it's odd that the parents are not speaking out is ridiculous and they know it. No one knows what those parents know or what they were told to do. GR and MF have no business telling the Bobos what they should be doing or even questioning what they are doing. That, in itself, makes their opinions on this case not worth giving a second thought to.
I am very ambivalent about anything that comes via Geraldo or Fox News, again no offense to anyone, but they do tend to go for the sensational and I've heard nothing that convinces me of Mark Fuhrman's sources in this particular case.

Is this a newer interview or the one from several weeks ago? Because it seems if he had such exclusive info he would be talking about it every day, it would be big news.
I found the video with Geraldo Rivera to be very interesting. If you listen closely Mark Furman tells you a lot of details. Mark stated that you have to find out who saw Holly last and he was speaking of the night before she went missing. It sounds like the brother was. Mark stated that they have confirmed it was blood that was found at the Bobo residence and that the LE does know who's blood it was. It was also discussed as to why the brother wouldn't go after Holly and the perp after he realized it wasn't her bf and he found blood. That doesn't make sense to me because I would have persued the dude if it was my sister and Mark and Geraldo both stated the same thing. Also Mark mentions that the dogs didn't find Holly's scent along the treelines in the back. I don't think she ever went into the woods myself after hearing that. To me the crime scene has been staged and her stuff was thrown along the roadside to throw everybody off. Both Geraldo and Mark find it weird that the family isn't talking or trying to get Holly's story out there. I agree with their summation. My hinkey meter just went off after watching that video. They raise a lot of good questions; especially about the brother. Maybe something happened the night before since no one but the brother saw her the night before according to what Furman said. There are too many things not adding up here.

my opinions only, no facts here:

That episode of Fox News was interesting, since to the best of my knowledge, Fox has not been asked to retract or correct the statements presented in that show. If that episode had any factual basis, then the dogs become the key. As a challenge, can you figure out which direction the vehicle was traveling when the evidence was tossed? Clockwise around the local area or counterclockwise? Also, think about this- do you toss the evidence with the victim in the vehicle or not in the vehicle?
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