TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #23

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I have never heard such foolishness...
"only people with serious information should call."
Sorry TBI, but the average Joe has no idea what might be serious and what might be flighty. We don't know what rumors might be truth or what truth might be clues, or what clue might be the very one you're all looking for.


It kind of reminds me of a few years ago when I lived in Nashville and went in person to the local FBI office near West End Avenue regarding my roommate saying he was getting a lot of "wrong number" calls at the fuel delivery company where he worked from men with foreign accents and Arab names on the caller ID from towns all over the continental USA when he was handling dispatch operations, even though this was a local trucking company not a national company that should receive non-local calls. My roommate was also concerned about a jeep with Middle Eastern guys videotaping his fuel tanker truck as he was traveling down I-24E to make a delivery. The Nashville office of the FBI seemed very professional, was very polite, and was very interested in the information and seemed glad to receive the specific phone numbers of the "wrong number" callers. The next day, I remembered a detail I had forgotten to tell them and called them. It was a Saturday and the phone rolled over to the Memphis local FBI office and a lady answered the phone. When I told her what I was calling about, she said that my roommate and I needed to stop "playing on our mommy's phone" or something to that effect. This was 2005 or 2006, so I was almost 30 and my roommate was in his 30s, hardly little kids playing on mommy's phone. It seemed incredibly rude and unprofessional, and I never called back with the information, even though in post-911 America, they keep telling us to report anything we find suspicious.

Sometimes, what seems important or suspicious to some concerned citizens is considered unimportant or perhaps too much work for some in law enforcement. They should appreciate people taking the time to report issues they're concerned about and all information should at least be documented because with an unsolved crime, nobody really knows for sure what detail may or may not be important since so little is apparently known about the crime in the first place. It seems like nobody knows who the perp is, if the victim is alive, where either or both could be, what the motive was, or much else. How do they know what is or isn't important? The locals probably have a better idea on what is or is not normal in their town.
Jon Benet wasn't missing and she was known to be dead. As far as we know, Holly's parents believe she is alive and could be anywhere. And it is hard to think of too many other parents who refused even local airtime/media when their child was missing.

I too feel this is local, at least to the state.

If LE can't handle all the tips coming in, they should get some help from other agencies.

When Mrs. Bobo made a public statement, there were people here on Websleuths and elsewhere saying her crying was fake and compared her to child murderer Susan Smith. After that fiasco, the Bobos probably feel like the public statements do more harm than good. They probably just want the focus to remain on their daughter and the man who kidnapped her.
When Mrs. Bobo made a public statement, there were people here on Websleuths and elsewhere saying her crying was fake and compared her to child murderer Susan Smith. After that fiasco, the Bobos probably feel like the public statements do more harm than good. They probably just want the focus to remain on their daughter and the man who kidnapped her.

you may be right, im more inclined to believe that they have been told not to comment by LE.

notice we havent heard a peep from any neighbor. and the family spokesman that is talking has not said a thing about any case details not already known.

everyone has been told/strongly encouraged not to speak.
I guess I am from the Mark Klaas school of missing children...parents can't be worried about what people might think, they can't be worried about anything except keeping their child's face in the news and getting themselves cleared, no matter what anyone might say about them. I find it hard to believe the Bobos would be concerned about their own images at a time like this. Perhaps they are too bereaved.
When Mrs. Bobo made a public statement, there were people here on Websleuths and elsewhere saying her crying was fake and compared her to child murderer Susan Smith. After that fiasco, the Bobos probably feel like the public statements do more harm than good. They probably just want the focus to remain on their daughter and the man who kidnapped her.

I agree. One would only have to recall how blogs and rumors were slammed on Diena Thompson (Somer Thompson's mother). She came out fighting to find her daughter & her killer; and she was seriously abused in print/on the web. All the time her heart was breaking.

I think the answer to this is in what's been said by the TBI:

"Tennessee Bureau of Investigation officials said they are getting more leads than they can handle, including hundreds of calls about rumors. They ask only people with serious information to call 800-TBI-FIND."
I hate to sound skeptical this point.....I wonder how many of those leads are even close to being viable?

I had very high hopes Holly would be back home soon after this first happened. Now....I realize the outcome isn't likely gonna be that way....sigh. It's beyond heartbreaking.
The TBI said right now there is no reason to search.

If they believe this is a local crime, then Holly must be out there somewhere. I don't get the "no reason to search" and can't imagine hearing that if I were her family. I do get that they stop searching unless they have leads at some point...but still, it sounds pretty rough.

Not to mention there is an $80K reward...that is reason enough for lots of folks to search, whether LE wants them to or not.
The TBI said right now there is no reason to search.

If they believe this is a local crime, then Holly must be out there somewhere. I don't get the "no reason to search" and can't imagine hearing that if I were her family. I do get that they stop searching unless they have leads at some point...but still, it sounds pretty rough.

Not to mention there is an $80K reward...that is reason enough for lots of folks to search, whether LE wants them to or not.

And also from that article...

Mayer said people who have good information about April 13 or the day Bobo disappeared are finally beginning to call.

WTH does that mean? Nobody has had any good information until now??? I wonder how much people really remember 1 month later?

very bizarre..imo.
the no reason to search i believe refers to that LE wont be performing/organizing any searches at this point, and that is because they dont think it would be productive. ie they do not think she is just out there somewhere to be found, she is being held somewhere.

maybe im getting tunnelvision, but the only thing that makes all the facts work for me here is that LE believes fully that she is alive and being held somewhere.
the no reason to search i believe refers to that LE wont be performing/organizing any searches at this point, and that is because they dont think it would be productive. ie they do not think she is just out there somewhere to be found, she is being held somewhere.

maybe im getting tunnelvision, but the only thing that makes all the facts work for me here is that LE believes fully that she is alive and being held somewhere.

Serious question. Could this really be possible?? I don't see how it can be.

Suppose someone is holding her. I don't believe anyone has been missing, and if they supposedly know who did it, I'm sure they are trailing that person or persons. If after 4 weeks this person hasn't led them to Holly by now, how can she be alive? Someone would need to get her food and water.

I'm not sure what I believe happened anymore. Sometimes I think she was "gone" the first day and is not far from home. Other times, I admit, the way LE has handled this case doesn't make sense and I do feel like they are operating under the assumption that she is alive. And then the "everything is not what it seems comment", GAH! Makes my head spin.

The other thing I keep going back to was the comment that Holly's mom was "grateful and relieved" at the big find. WTH does that mean!!!
mrsu - my theory and complete speculation would be;

they either strongly believe, or do in fact know, why she was taken.

but they dont know exactly by who, they have a short list of possible involved people, but do not know exactly who is holding her.

and they have no idea at all where. it could be a considerable distance away.

i would go into more detail on my theory but it includes things that i dont believe appropriate to post here, and again it is my complete speculation but i do believe it is a reasonable and logical possibility based on the facts.

that isnt to say i am confident in it, its just to say it isnt the wild speculation of someone that does not know how to use logic.
I thought her mom was "grateful and relieved" as she believed it would further the search and lead to Holly, on April 24th. Whatever it is that was found. But it is possible the new clue did not pan out.
Tell me if I'm way off base here.( I've got my flame retardant camo on)

Is it possible that LE could be fabricating media releases from the very beginning starting with what Clint actually saw. Maybe they have a good idea who it was and are watching him but He's just not doing anything
after the crime to incriminate himself in any way. "finally getting good leads"
might make him nervous. "no need to search right now" might make him
get off the couch and lead them to her. The "shock and awe" evidence from the 24th might make him less sure of himself at this point.

I've also mentioned the " things are not always as they seem" comments
from her cousin and a similar comment from LE early on. Some seem to think that I'm reading too much in to these comments and they're probably right but it's just one of those things that my mind keeps going back to.
The report of a man in camo came out really fast-too fast, IMO, for LE to have faked that to try to catch someone out or whatever. No, I think that is the description they have and seeing the size of the property I don't have a problem with Clint's estimate of size or what was happening.
No offense meant here, but I think that ya'all are really grasping at straws to dissect every word that was reported. After all, there are probably a dozen or more initial reports and they all either say something different or they copy what one other agency said.
No offense meant here, but I think that ya'all are really grasping at straws to dissect every word that was reported. After all, there are probably a dozen or more initial reports and they all either say something different or they copy what one other agency said.

Exactly what I was thinking.
I ran out of steam in figuring out what LE means in Kyron's case. Or what the reporters are saying. And it turns out, none of them said much of anything.
my opinions only, no facts here:

I think this case can be solved and I believe the officials involved can work it out.

A thought- does anyone really throw evidence out their vehicle window or stop to place an item in the brush while the victim is still with them? Only a madman would take such a risk at being caught with their victim. Would an abductor roll down the windows so the victim could toss evidence out to create a trail? Let's get real here. If the two items found (lunch bag or box and 'significant item') were tossed or carried from the suspect's vehicle, Holly was no longer in the vehicle by that time. The two reported locations suggest a circular route, either clockwise or counterclockwise (less realistic) around the local area, an after-the-fact "road trip" so to speak, to dispose of evidence in a deliberate fashion. I opine that there are one or two other items yet to be found along the traveled route. If the perpetrator is a stranger or obsessed groupie and Holly was snatched on the date and hour reported, then she could be within a few miles of the initial crime scene, probably north. This scenario requires that the few official reports we have heard regarding the events are accurate. If the official reports are not accurate, then Holly could be further away. Unlike most open-shut cases of this type, there is a measurable chance she is still alive- but this requires scenarios too far afield for websleuths.
There are the cases where the abductor is not someone who would be "missing" because they were never integrated into society to begin with.

Such as Elizabeth Smart's abductors.

There are also the cases where the victim is held in the suspect's basement, cellar, attic or elsewhere. Tied up, blindfolded, gagged, drugged, whatever. Then that person can go to work or do what they need to do.

Shawn and Ben's abductor left the apartment

Sarah Maynard was in the guys basement

Jaycee didn't interrupt Garrido's normal routine

The 62 year old woman who was abducted and her house burned down, was also being held at his house.

If you are holding the person hostage at your house... it is not suspicious when you leave and come back home. You aren't going to a cave in the mountains... you are just coming home. As long as you aren't buying anything obviously weird, you wouldn't draw attention.

Absolutely, it's possible Holly could be being held somewhere.

Nobody thought it was possible for Elizabeth to be abducted like she was... and then still be alive 9 months later.

I've learned to never think something isn't possible... it's always possible.

It may not happen, but it is certainly possible.

Serious question. Could this really be possible?? I don't see how it can be.

Suppose someone is holding her. I don't believe anyone has been missing, and if they supposedly know who did it, I'm sure they are trailing that person or persons. If after 4 weeks this person hasn't led them to Holly by now, how can she be alive? Someone would need to get her food and water.

I'm not sure what I believe happened anymore. Sometimes I think she was "gone" the first day and is not far from home. Other times, I admit, the way LE has handled this case doesn't make sense and I do feel like they are operating under the assumption that she is alive. And then the "everything is not what it seems comment", GAH! Makes my head spin.

The other thing I keep going back to was the comment that Holly's mom was "grateful and relieved" at the big find. WTH does that mean!!!
LE is saying they are just missing "one" piece to the puzzle. Seriously, I wonder how large the piece to the puzzle is?? What could be the one thing they are lacking?? I think someone else posted that it might be her body. If they are missing 1 piece then it sounds like they have it almost figured out. Or could that just be a ruse to make the abductor/s think they do. I really am beginning to wonder if it was more than one person. Why isn't anyone coming forward to claim that $80,000? Either someone has but we don't know about it or they are afraid to come forward fearing retaliation. :maddening:
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