TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #24

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And here is my "theory:

Holly is/was the guest of a militia, whether willingly or not. Methinks LE was keeping an eye on them prior to Holly going missing and that's why the reward from the gov't, and the total silence.

My opinion/guess only

That is an interesting idea. But why?
Sorry to be ignorant...but I don't understand the "militia" idea. Can someone explain?
Im leaning 2 ways now.

1. A revenge kidnapping based on something to do with the Bobo family, such as mom or dad firing an individual or individuals from work.

2. The kidnapping did not happen as we are told, and the brother knows what happened.
That is an interesting idea. But why?

My guess is someone she knew took her there unwillingly (possible hostage situation), or she went willingly because it was something she believed in.

This is the closest I can come to a reasonable explanation for all of the valiables in this case, even the mother's hope.

I could be wrong, have been wrong before, might be wrong again. Just a guess.
I don't think this case will turn out to be anything so complex as an organized kidnapping by a group, etc...if we ever know. I think Holly was taken by someone she knew to some extent, for sexual/violent purposes and was not alive long after the morning of April 13th, but was taken away from the scene in a car and therefore could be anywhere.
I thought it was odd when the apparently unrelated female body was found at the Middle Tennessee State University near the end of April of this year and then we did not hear much more. I could not even find an obit. Anyone else remember this? Here is one of the articles.
I think this is the same as what you're referring to.

She was identified as Sara Burt, 19.
My Twitter is showing the time of that tweet as 12:22pm.

I'm EDT, and TN is CDT, a one hour time difference (TN is an hour earlier than I am).

I'm not sure how time zone differences are reflected in Twitter.
Thanks for the correction. I need to add two hours to that but even then....... Also, not to mention the FBI and TEMA involvement.
"Family members hope people won't give up looking for Holly. About a month ago the Decatur County Fairgrounds had 1,500 volunteers or more everyday to help with the search but now it's empty, just a sign asking everyone to pray for Holly Bobo's return.

"People will have a tendency to go on with their regular lives and that's understandable at some point but also we still have a missing child in our community," said Bromley."

IMHO, this statement need not be directed to the public at all. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Somebody out there could have some useful information, but you can't realistically expect help from the public that has been completely shut out with a contradicting timeline and no information as to what might help find this girl. LE has chosen an investigative method that
does not include the public which is their prerogative, so don't whine about "lack of interest".

What first got me to this website was the Brianna Dennison case that happened a couple of blocks from where I worked. I also worked late at
night in the same area.This hit so close to home that I actually felt violated.
The description of the perp matched myself and a couple of thousand other guys in town. I wanted to do something.... anything just to get this sicko off the street. I could not help, but a member of the public finally helped LE get him. Here is a paragraph from an article just a few days ago.

"Reno Police Sgt. Chuck Lovitt said he and his four homicide detectives strayed from standard police work in solving the 2008 murder of Brianna Denison: They gave the public every clue they had to help find her killer."I believe that broke the case," Lovitt said.
Routine procedure would be to hold something back to use later when confronting suspects. The public clues led to a friend of James Biela's girlfriend identifying him as the potential killer."

I am not saying this would be appropriate in Hollys case or not, but this apparent cry for interest just pi**ed me off.

By the way, there's been some incredible and very possible theories on this thread in the past week.
My opinions only, no facts here:

Before I respond to you, my friend, there were two other inquiries I would like to comment upon.

As for the timeline, we basically know that Holly was reported abducted at 7:30ish AM. The police were said to have responded very quickly, within minutes. Beyond that, read the news reports timeline from various sources that was provided by norest4thewicked. It is a list of contradictions and demonstrates why I am currently following my own theories in this case- I have very few facts, if any. Did the neighbor hear a scream and if so, did they call 911 or not? Did the neighbor hear a scream and not call 911? After all, a scream can be a generic sound, easily confused for other causes than an abduction. When exactly did the crime occur? None of these seem firmly answered by the news reports. But let us say that there really was a neighbor who heard a scream. However the cops might determine they live too far away to have heard anything relevant to the case, or that the reported time of the scream does not correspond with their timeline. Until law enforcement holds a press conference and states that this scream occurred at such-and-such time and is relevant to the case, we cannot be certain. If I were given the choice of saying what I think the police know or attending a seminar on cockroach anatomy, I would guess:

The reported time of the crime was closer to 7:30 AM or even a little before. The brother called 911 first, and then called his mother. The mother or her designate then also called 911. The neighbor did not call 911, but informed police about the scream when they were going door-to-door shortly after the incident. But the contradictory news reports allow for another sequence of events after the crime occurred: The brother called his mother to tell her what happened, and she said to call 911. The brother then called 911. Then the mother, worrying about it, also called 911. More of the cockroach anatomy seminar? The conflicting reports also allow for another scenario: The neighbor heard a scream and called Holly's mother. About the same time, the brother independently called 911. Then Holly's mother called 911. Then the mother called her son to see what was going on. See how confusing this becomes? This is what happens to sleuthers when they have mere crumbs of information to work with.

OK, good buddy. The following theories are based upon the assumption that the mere scraps of information we have received are moderately accurate. If the information we have received is wildly inaccurate, I will still stick with the route I describe for reasons that cannot be stated on websleuths. Holly was led from the carport towards Swan Johnson Road and placed in a vehicle, possibly a van or the trunk of a car. My third choice would be a vehicle with tinted windows. From Holly's house you can go south into a more populated area where you may be seen, or north into a less-populated area where you may not be seen. When you go north, you shortly come to the intersection of 5 Forks and Swan Johnson Roads. Now you can go left, right, or straight ahead. Left or right turns put you in areas with less chance of being spotted. But the evidence found north of Bible Hill suggests that a right turn was made. But between this right turn and the evidence location there is a fair amount of development and many good chances of being spotted. I assume that a perpetrator would not be merrily throwing evidence out the window of a vehicle or stopping to toss it, if the victim was still with them. It just does not make sense. So, I think about looking further SE of the previous search area at the junction of 5 Forks and Swan Johnson Roads. It is a longshot of course. But the reported locations of the two pieces of evidence in this case suggest to me an inexperienced perpetrator who is trying to FOOL THE POLICE. For crying out loud!- experienced criminals leave the evidence with the victim or dispose of evidence in a manner that makes it very difficult to find. Something seems very incongruent about this case.

I agree incongruent to say the least..

Have you considered that the evidence has absolutely zero to do with the actual crime?.. With such very little to work with it is hard to come up with anything that can be substantiated..

But one of my theories is that this evidence has zero to do with Holly's being "disappeared" and so much so that I believe most likely it was done completely after-the-fact but before it was reported.. Possibly in a moment of completely freaking out and desperate to have evidence pointing in any direction possible as long as its not pointing at the perp..

As I said it is one of my theories and I am not set in stone with any of them..

For now am doing all that I can by continuing to pray for Holly and her loved ones..

Posting via mobile so please excuse errors as there is not the same amount of control as I'd have posting from my laptop! Thanks! :)
"Family members hope people won't give up looking for Holly. About a month ago the Decatur County Fairgrounds had 1,500 volunteers or more everyday to help with the search but now it's empty, just a sign asking everyone to pray for Holly Bobo's return.

"People will have a tendency to go on with their regular lives and that's understandable at some point but also we still have a missing child in our community," said Bromley."

IMHO, this statement need not be directed to the public at all. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Somebody out there could have some useful information, but you can't realistically expect help from the public that has been completely shut out with a contradicting timeline and no information as to what might help find this girl. LE has chosen an investigative method that
does not include the public which is their prerogative, so don't whine about "lack of interest".

What first got me to this website was the Brianna Dennison case that happened a couple of blocks from where I worked. I also worked late at
night in the same area.This hit so close to home that I actually felt violated.
The description of the perp matched myself and a couple of thousand other guys in town. I wanted to do something.... anything just to get this sicko off the street. I could not help, but a member of the public finally helped LE get him. Here is a paragraph from an article just a few days ago.

"Reno Police Sgt. Chuck Lovitt said he and his four homicide detectives strayed from standard police work in solving the 2008 murder of Brianna Denison: They gave the public every clue they had to help find her killer."I believe that broke the case," Lovitt said.
Routine procedure would be to hold something back to use later when confronting suspects. The public clues led to a friend of James Biela's girlfriend identifying him as the potential killer."

I am not saying this would be appropriate in Hollys case or not, but this apparent cry for interest just pi**ed me off.

By the way, there's been some incredible and very possible theories on this thread in the past week.

Yes, FX I totally agree with you about your feelings on this recent statement made by family spokesman, Bromley.. It is preposterous as well as downright angering to expect much less to publicly state that you expect and desire for the public to not forget about Holly and to even keep searching for her.. When LE has done everything within their power to tell the public go away, quit asking questions, and that are help is not wanted or

I remember the Brianna Dennison case so very well. Tho thousand miles away from me still something so very familiar to me about the entire situation.. A group of young women out for the night together without a care or worry in the world. All crashing together at one friends house and of course one of them taking the couch as their bed for the night..

Brianna to be the one to sleep on the couch and never seen again.. And then when she was found and it was as bad as what many of us feared it was.. But none of what or who we thought were good possibilities for being the perp turned out to be the case. If I'm not mistaken the perp was total stranger and Brianna was totally a random victim of circumstance and of convenience of an unlocked front door. Terrifying wake up call to so many of us that we are all at risk all the time and we must live our lives with that in the forefront and not at the back of our minds...

I applaud the Reno LE for taking the chance and stepping out if what is the norm.. Seems to me they clearly saw what was not working in their favor to find Brianna's killer and made the decision to do something completely different by letting the public in on all the evidence.. And just as you said it proved it can work..

My question is why would LE not be willing to atleast try a tactic similar. I mean they could choose to release certain evidence and hold back other evidence in case the tactic failed to produce leads to resolve the case..

Thanks for bringing up Brianna's case and the out of the box decision made by LE that led to justice being served on Brianna's behalf and closure for her loved ones..

Holly and her loved ones, too deserve the same and if one tactic proves not to work.. You dont continue doing the same thing that's proven to not yield any results.. You continue working the case in other angles with other tactics or methods until you get the end result that everyone wants.. Justice for Holly and closure for Hollys loved ones..

Lastly, regarding your previous post upthread of. Possible theories of what happened to Holly.. As much as I hate to admit I find myself leaning more and more towards #2.. but just theorizing and I do still have 3 different theories with number 2 having made it's way from the bottom..

***ETA: JUST WANTED TO CORRECT THE LAST THOUGHT ABOVE AS IT WAS IN REPLY TO mountainman777's post upthread.. Sorry for the confusion***

Posting via mobile so please excuse errors as there is not the same amount of control as I'd have posting from my laptop! Thanks! :)
Things that make you go hmmmmmm.......

[The second Neighborhood Watch Meeting for Linden will be held tomorrow, Thursday, May 26, 2011, 6:30 p.m., at the Community Center in Linden.
Topics to be discussed include prevention of abductions in Perry County, telephone and internet frauds, and family security.
Sheriff Hickerson will introduce Special Agent Fred Moore, Chief Investigator at the Perry County Sheriff’s office He is a recognized expert in counter-espionage and security cases.
Special Agent Moore is a long time resident of Perry County and has over 25 years of experience as a U.S. federal agent and a Special Agent with the State of Tennessee]

Linden is a town about 20 miles from Darden that sent a bloodhound and LE to help search for HB. Population:1,000

I find it perplexing that we haven't read about any neighborhood watch meetings in Darden addressing specific security measures to prevent another abduction; although I certainly understand that the citizens are wary. MOO
When has LE told the public to go away, stop asking questions and that their help is not needed? Yes the public search efforts stopped. But I don't recall a link that LE has ever asked the public to stop asking questions. They might have said they couldn't comment on the investigation which is different than the indifference of LE that I'm reading about here in many posts.

Please lets use links if we are going to state things as fact. LINKS.
My guess is someone she knew took her there unwillingly (possible hostage situation), or she went willingly because it was something she believed in.

This is the closest I can come to a reasonable explanation for all of the valiables in this case, even the mother's hope.

I could be wrong, have been wrong before, might be wrong again. Just a guess.

Now see i think she went willingly. I also think she called MOM on Easter Sunday and said she was not comming home stop looking for me and then the searches stopped... JMO
Now see i think she went willingly. I also think she called MOM on Easter Sunday and said she was not comming home stop looking for me and then the searches stopped... JMO

I don't believe that, as I can't see the FBI listing her on their site as a kidnapping. No one else on the site (but a few) have that designation, they are listed simply as "missing" or "missing/endangered".
I'm with you, Shefner, waiting for someone to explain. I'm not familiar with the militia.
Praying and thinking of Holly in WA
When has LE told the public to go away, stop asking questions and that their help is not needed? Yes the public search efforts stopped. But I don't recall a link that LE has ever asked the public to stop asking questions. They might have said they couldn't comment on the investigation which is different than the indifference of LE that I'm reading about here in many posts.

Please lets use links if we are going to state things as fact. LINKS.

"There are no longer organized searches for Bobo by volunteers. The TBI said right now there's no reason to search, but if they do law enforcement will handle it. "
Sorry to be ignorant...but I don't understand the "militia" idea. Can someone explain?

Well, IMHO, the theory that a militia/para-military group is behind this disappearance is possible because it would fit these things that perplex me:
-there are multiple LE agencies investigating.
-it has been said the parties involved are local.
-IF local, it is more complicated than a lone nut because that would be simple to resolve but this has been anything but simple.
-complicated to me means something bigger than one woman's disappearance, and the only thing bigger than that would have to be a threat to the security of a threat to national security which some extreme militia groups intend to be.
-a militia group could easily operate within the vast wooded areas of that locale.

That's my best attempt to explain my thinking after Trident's initially posed the militia idea. As I said in response, it is a sobering possibility.
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