TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #24

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Let me start off by saying this is my first post on WS and tell yall how I started following this case. I am a country music fan, and started following Whitney Duncan on twitter a few months before this happened. April 13th which happens to be my birthday, when I first checked my twitter, Whitney had posted that her cousin had been kidnapped, I started following the case immediately. At first I thought, what a coincidence this would happen to Whitney Duncan's cousin in such an out of the way place like Darden Tenn. I was sure for some time it was a local thing...except like yall, it just stunk to high heaven..didnt seem to fit at all, not to have gotten away so cleanly, but then a few nights ago I woke up in the middle of the night and realized that in fact this was not the first time I had heard of this area. In fact, I realized that some time before Whitney Duncan had given anybody that cared all the information they needed to commit this crime.
Watch this video.

YouTube - ‪Right Road Now: Home Sweet Home [Part 2] (Music Video)‬‏

I watched this some time before the disappearance of Holly and didnt think anything of it till I woke up the other night. Then I realized that if I were a perv/creeper/kidnapper/stalker/murderer/obcessed fan...(watch whitney duncan's "skinny dippin" video and see if you think it might not be possible to become obcessed with her..) I would have had everything I needed to commit this crime...Now I just have to go to Scotts Hill Elementry School, maybe Im hoping to find Whitney, so I follow her mom home, no luck at the Duncan Home becasue Whitney doesn't live there so I follow Whitney's aunt home, Karen Bobo, or maybe I mistakenly follow Karen Bobo home, thinking its Whitney's Mom, and from a distance I see a gorguous blonde in a nice late model Mustang and think its Whitney...or maybe I know its not but close enough...
There are several variations of this senerio that could fit, but are yall seeing where Im going with this...It seems to me that Whitney is just the type of beautiful women to attract this kind of attention, and since she practically gives away her address on youtube, I think LE may be getting off track by thinking of a local POI...literally, anyone with half a brain had all the information they needed to commit exactly this crime weeks/months/years, I dont know when the video was posted ahead of time, motive, means and oppertunity right...
Also its easy to imagine someone not immediately local, but kind of close, say from Menphis, Jackson, would especially be inclined to give this kind of thing a try, someone familiar to TN and the woods there, not to far a drive, but not local enough to be recognized. This prep becomes obcessed with Whitney, and knows how isolated a place like Scott's Hill/Darden is. He feels perfectly comfortable operating/stalking the family in this area.
It just doesn't seem likely/realistic to me that a LOCAL to say Parsons, does this and gets away CLEAN, with nobody seeing anything. The person who did this was intelligent, but I would say from the way the evidence was spread around, it was his/her first time...and I dont think he/she stalked the family very long..the night before tops, or somebody would have seen a vehicle in the area, or the perp would have known Clint was home, which I dont think he did. I think it was a right time right place crime of opertunity. Either he thought it was Whitney, or he though it was better/just as good as Whitney, because less of the fame factor makes less heat on the perp, yet still hurts her...that kind of thing???

I mean this is all just speculation and completely my opinion, but doesn't it seem a little much of a coincidence, Ive followed this thread on WS since the beginning and nobody mentioned it so far. Does youtube keep record of who watches its videos. I would start there...its better than doing nothing, waiting for somebody to that the plan??? Also I think its possible Holly is alive...does anyone remember the TN Pot Cave story. Goggle Tennesse Pot Cave. I hope so.

Also, I dont remember when exactly this happened, but one day only a few weeks before Holly dissappeared, Whitney tweeted a picture of a new handgun she had bought, with the caption of something like, "I just bought this today.." a the time, I though..that seems kind of immature thing to post, but thought, well she is a bit of a hill billy so maybe thats cool, but now Im wondering if she maybe had stalkers or specific threats/inapproiate tweets and she wanted people to know she was being coy she posted the picture of her new Handgun...It seems too much of a coincidence to me at this point.
Check it out..and let me know what yall think.

I have read nearly every post on this case so I feel like I am about as up to date as everyone else re: theories on what happened to Holly. Still being a newbie here,however, so I still am unsure of things that are acceptable or not. I find thispoint of view that I quote as being very interesting and somewhat a new line of thinking. Is it possible to have some discussion about this (and the suggested digging into youtube viewers), or is this not an allowable site? tia for any assistance!
:welcome: Wonless and HoneySugar

IIRC, way back in one of the threads, it's has been mentioned that HB might have been mistaken for or taken as a substitute for WD.... but interesting to see others thinking this, and your well thought out post Wonless does make sense!

Here's a sort of flip-side theory (guess) - what if HB really wanted to be a singer like her cousin, but her parents strongly objected to this - so she runs off...
If this is the case, by now her feelings for family would be getting to her and she would have contacted them... but could be the person she ran off with has his own sinister agenda...
Okay - this is just my own theory...
Here's a sort of flip-side theory (guess) - what if HB really wanted to be a singer like her cousin, but her parents strongly objected to this - so she runs off...
If this is the case, by now her feelings for family would be getting to her and she would have contacted them... but could be the person she ran off with has his own sinister agenda...
Okay - this is just my own theory...

The TBI has ruled out that Holly ran away.

WREG June 8 article recently posted.
I don't think the family did anything to Holly....but I do think there is something about this case that links this specific family to this crime. Could be wrong. But I think this is why we have such silence from every side.

All is too quiet on the homefront. I am feeling incredibly sad for Holly and wish she had a voice. Family, friend, somebody!


All is too quiet on the homefront. I am feeling incredibly sad for Holly and wish she had a voice. Family, friend, somebody!



The family has a spokesperson who is a friend, and has spoken out on their behalf regularly. Other friends, as well as family members such as cousins, and people from her town have also spoken out regularly.

Holly has a very strong voice. She is loved, missed, and the many people who have spoken out have made it clear they want to know what happened to her, and to find her.

In the two months she's been missing, there have been more than 400 news articles and news videos published about Holly. Very few missing persons get that much press.

The "silence" is a myth. The facts just don't support it.

My opinion.
While I totally agree that Holly did not "run away" I am unclear as to how it can be ruled out, if LE has no idea what did happen to her. People have run off before and staged a crime scene, a la Tiffany Tehan, for example. The articles being scattered has always seemed odd to me, but could be an inexperienced criminal who thought this was a good way to mislead LE, which seems to have worked, by the way.

Again, I do NOT believe she did this-just wondering what makes them able to rule it out definitively.
While I totally agree that Holly did not "run away" I am unclear as to how it can be ruled out, if LE has no idea what did happen to her. People have run off before and staged a crime scene, a la Tiffany Tehan, for example. The articles being scattered has always seemed odd to me, but could be an inexperienced criminal who thought this was a good way to mislead LE, which seems to have worked, by the way.

Again, I do NOT believe she did this-just wondering what makes them able to rule it out definitively.

While I totally agree that Holly did not "run away" I am unclear as to how it can be ruled out, if LE has no idea what did happen to her. People have run off before and staged a crime scene, a la Tiffany Tehan, for example. The articles being scattered has always seemed odd to me, but could be an inexperienced criminal who thought this was a good way to mislead LE, which seems to have worked, by the way.

Again, I do NOT believe she did this-just wondering what makes them able to rule it out definitively.

Well, except they do know what happened to her - they determined that she was kidnapped, abducted, taken against her will.

But maybe that's really the same question - how do you know someone has been taken against their will?

I think it's a combination of factors -

- the blood indicating an injury
- the spilled coke indicating a surprise (she was on her way to school, in the process of her normal daily routine, and something unexpected happened)
- the spilled coke again possibly indicating some amount of force
- the complete deviation from her normal daily routine in that she was walking into the woods with someone who was holding her arm
- the person holding her arm indicating some amount of force
- I'd imagine when they interviewed people they asked about her demeanor in the days, weeks, months prior, and determined that she was happy with her homelife, and expressed no desire to be away from there

Things like that. The blood mostly though I think. (I think it was Holly's blood, because I think Gwyn slipped when he said it wasn't sufficient amount that she'd be deceased from whatever injury occurred, indicating that he knew it was hers.)

I think LE knows what happened (kidnapping), just not who did it, that is, that they have no good evidence yet of who did it.

As an aside, on the scattered articles, I've wondered if that was deliberately done by the perp as a sort of thumbing of the nose at LE - sort of "I got her! I got away with this!". The act, if it was indeed a deliberate scattering, has almost feral overtones. It scares me. It leads me to think the perp had already killed Holly at that point.

There's an interview where Gwyn says the little roads around the house are such that the perp could have hidden a vehicle and put her in it and gotten out of the area, out of the woods.

That is just what I believe happened, and that they were gone probably before the search even got underway.

With that in mind, scattering the items as a thumbing of the nose makes sense to me.

Well, that was a good long ramble. I had a third cup of coffee this afternoon. lol.
The family has a spokesperson who is a friend, and has spoken out on their behalf regularly. Other friends, as well as family members such as cousins, and people from her town have also spoken out regularly.

Holly has a very strong voice. She is loved, missed, and the many people who have spoken out have made it clear they want to know what happened to her, and to find her.

In the two months she's been missing, there have been more than 400 news articles and news videos published about Holly. Very few missing persons get that much press.

The "silence" is a myth. The facts just don't support it.

My opinion.

I agree. I haven't counted, but I'm pretty sure that Shelley Mook has not had 400 articles written about her and she's been missing longer than Holly. I wish Shelley got as much press as Holly. And there are many other missing people who don't get any coverage. Poor little Joshua Davis here in TX hardly gets any press at all and he's a toddler.

Working on new thread will be closing this one in a few...
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