TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #24

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You have to assume that clint is telling the truth for the timeline to be what it is. We don't know where holly was prior to that morning, or if a crime took place that morning or the night before, etc. IF clint has something to do with this, he may have had many hours or even days to hide things and set things up. (Devils advocate here, as I don't feel clint is involved.)

All the poor media reporting and changing of words and events can be cleared up by one LE presser, but they are not holding one to clarify. This is what happens.....

That's what I'm saying!! Say something, anyone!
LE has said they believe Clint's story of what happened that morning.

We follow LE's lead on cases, don't we? We're a victim-friendly forum, and consider family members to be victims, don't we?

I sure hope this isn't going to continue down the path of bashing Holly's parents, and pointing accusatory fingers at Holly's brother, like other sites and FB pages have done.
I'm confused. Are you saying that Holly and Lauren were partying drunks who stumbled home late at night and that's how they got abducted?

Are those videos of Holly's school and she's in them?

Oh gosh a big NO as far as Holly concerned... as for Lauren, that's a different matter...

Here's the point I was trying to make - while Holly and Lauren do not seem connected right off the bat, upon thinking about how the tv show Campus PD shows many very vulnerable under the influence college kids leaving parties, and if this perp ever sees or had seen this show, who knows... the college party scene might be a new hunting ground.

On a more positive note, the show does show how responsive campus PD's are to this and the abuse they have to take while protecting these kids from harm. The videos I had linked to show the college party scene and what campus PD's have to deal with. They have nothing to do with Holly.
LE has said they believe Clint's story of what happened that morning.

We follow LE's lead on cases, don't we? We're a victim-friendly forum, and consider family members to be victims, don't we?

I sure hope this isn't going to continue down the path of bashing Holly's parents, and pointing accusatory fingers at Holly's brother, like other sites and FB pages have done.

I think its important to keep an open mind. Asking questions about all involved is not bashing or accusing. In ANY case its important to look hard at the last person to see someone, and any other witnesses. Clint happens to be both of those scenerios in this. It would be irresponsible to not take a good look at him. That doesn't make anyone here a bad person.

I believe LE went from saying they don't believe clint is involved to saying nobody is excluded.
While keeping an open mind, we tend to lean in the direction of supporting family members, unless LE has said they are looking at them as POI's. One LE member said that no one has been ruled out, but they also said they believe Clint's statements and are treating him as a witness, I believe.
I think its important to keep an open mind. Asking questions about all involved is not bashing or accusing. In ANY case its important to look hard at the last person to see someone, and any other witnesses. Clint happens to be both of those scenerios in this. It would be irresponsible to not take a good look at him. That doesn't make anyone here a bad person.

I believe LE went from saying they don't believe clint is involved to saying nobody is excluded.

If Holly was my daughter or sister, I'd want you to believe whatever you wanted, as long as it meant I could get her back. I wouldn't be concerned at all about how the world views my guilt or innocence, or the guilt or innocence of my family and friends. I wouldn't care if circumstantial evidence led people to be even further critical of myself, family, or friends. If I absolutely knew I had nothing to do with my child's disappearance, there would be no risk not worth taking, as long as it would bring her back. Heck, I wouldn't care if it meant I was convicted and executed of a crime I didn't commit! If it brought my baby back, I'd do it!!!!!!!!

I also realize that my next opinion might not be popular, but as a completely unselfish mother, I would NOT follow recommendations that I keep quiet in order to "keep my daughter alive." I am a Christian, and I believe in Heaven. I could much more stomach the thought of my daughter being in Heaven without suffering, than the thought of her being tortured here on earth. Even if it meant that I would suffer the pain of her loss forever... I'd rather the torture be mine than hers.

Those feelings of mine have such a strong weight in how I view the actions of this case. The COMMUNITY was overwhelmed with passion for finding Holly. Others closer to her were not. I just can't understand that silence.
If LE or the family would come out and say "look, we have nothing",I could really respect that honesty. The silence opens alot of phoney doors. Drugs, prominent local families, corrupted officials, none of that would stand in the way of me screaming to all who would listen that I need to find my kid!! To heck with my personal safety! That's just me.
If LE or the family would come out and say "look, we have nothing",I could really respect that honesty. The silence opens alot of phoney doors. Drugs, prominent local families, corrupted officials, none of that would stand in the way of me screaming to all who would listen that I need to find my kid!! To heck with my personal safety! That's just me.

To me, LE recently stating that they have no "strong leads" equates to them not knowing what happened to Holly, where she is, or who took her. I don't think they will be more specific than that about what they don't know, no LE likes to admit to not having any idea what took place, this late in a case. But that is how I took it.
Let me start off by saying this is my first post on WS and tell yall how I started following this case. I am a country music fan, and started following Whitney Duncan on twitter a few months before this happened. April 13th which happens to be my birthday, when I first checked my twitter, Whitney had posted that her cousin had been kidnapped, I started following the case immediately. At first I thought, what a coincidence this would happen to Whitney Duncan's cousin in such an out of the way place like Darden Tenn. I was sure for some time it was a local thing...except like yall, it just stunk to high heaven..didnt seem to fit at all, not to have gotten away so cleanly, but then a few nights ago I woke up in the middle of the night and realized that in fact this was not the first time I had heard of this area. In fact, I realized that some time before Whitney Duncan had given anybody that cared all the information they needed to commit this crime.
Watch this video.

YouTube - Right Road Now: Home Sweet Home [Part 2] (Music Video)

I watched this some time before the disappearance of Holly and didnt think anything of it till I woke up the other night. Then I realized that if I were a perv/creeper/kidnapper/stalker/murderer/obcessed fan...(watch whitney duncan's "skinny dippin" video and see if you think it might not be possible to become obcessed with her..) I would have had everything I needed to commit this crime...Now I just have to go to Scotts Hill Elementry School, maybe Im hoping to find Whitney, so I follow her mom home, no luck at the Duncan Home becasue Whitney doesn't live there so I follow Whitney's aunt home, Karen Bobo, or maybe I mistakenly follow Karen Bobo home, thinking its Whitney's Mom, and from a distance I see a gorguous blonde in a nice late model Mustang and think its Whitney...or maybe I know its not but close enough...
There are several variations of this senerio that could fit, but are yall seeing where Im going with this...It seems to me that Whitney is just the type of beautiful women to attract this kind of attention, and since she practically gives away her address on youtube, I think LE may be getting off track by thinking of a local POI...literally, anyone with half a brain had all the information they needed to commit exactly this crime weeks/months/years, I dont know when the video was posted ahead of time, motive, means and oppertunity right...
Also its easy to imagine someone not immediately local, but kind of close, say from Menphis, Jackson, would especially be inclined to give this kind of thing a try, someone familiar to TN and the woods there, not to far a drive, but not local enough to be recognized. This prep becomes obcessed with Whitney, and knows how isolated a place like Scott's Hill/Darden is. He feels perfectly comfortable operating/stalking the family in this area.
It just doesn't seem likely/realistic to me that a LOCAL to say Parsons, does this and gets away CLEAN, with nobody seeing anything. The person who did this was intelligent, but I would say from the way the evidence was spread around, it was his/her first time...and I dont think he/she stalked the family very long..the night before tops, or somebody would have seen a vehicle in the area, or the perp would have known Clint was home, which I dont think he did. I think it was a right time right place crime of opertunity. Either he thought it was Whitney, or he though it was better/just as good as Whitney, because less of the fame factor makes less heat on the perp, yet still hurts her...that kind of thing???

I mean this is all just speculation and completely my opinion, but doesn't it seem a little much of a coincidence, Ive followed this thread on WS since the beginning and nobody mentioned it so far. Does youtube keep record of who watches its videos. I would start there...its better than doing nothing, waiting for somebody to that the plan??? Also I think its possible Holly is alive...does anyone remember the TN Pot Cave story. Goggle Tennesse Pot Cave. I hope so.

Also, I dont remember when exactly this happened, but one day only a few weeks before Holly dissappeared, Whitney tweeted a picture of a new handgun she had bought, with the caption of something like, "I just bought this today.." a the time, I though..that seems kind of immature thing to post, but thought, well she is a bit of a hill billy so maybe thats cool, but now Im wondering if she maybe had stalkers or specific threats/inapproiate tweets and she wanted people to know she was being coy she posted the picture of her new Handgun...It seems too much of a coincidence to me at this point.
Check it out..and let me know what yall think.
Holly Lynn Bobo was last seen early on the morning of April 13, 2011, outside of her home in Darden, Tennessee. She was seen being led away from the carport of her home toward a wooded area by a man described as approximately 5'8" to 6'0" tall and 200 pounds, wearing camouflage clothing.
Holly Lynn Bobo was last seen wearing a pink shirt and light blue jeans.


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-RUMORS are not allowed and will be removed.
-It's fine to discuss the brother and anyone mentioned in the media and tied to this case. Its not ok to talk about him or anyone as a suspect or POI. No one has been named as such.
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Holly Bobo Map
Created by Hollye Thanks!

Some blog sites are not allowed to be linked to because of so many rumors being posted on them. Please pm a Mod if its not posted below to see if they are allowed.
The following blog sites are allowed to be linked to:
Case Signal (BeanE's site)
Val - The Hinky Meter
Amandareckonwth's case archive site - Crankycrankerson
Patty G's Video Library site
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I have had to remove several posts because this OP and the rules are not being followed.

I'm bumping this post. The rules haven't changed. Clint Bobo has not been named a POI or suspect and until he or anyone else is, we don't go down that path. The family members are victims until we are told otherwise or evidence is released in MSM which implicates. Thanks.
And then, when was the LAST time anyone saw her besides CLINT? Was it the night before? Did her parents actually SEE her that morning or are they assuming she was in bed because her car was there? See my conundrum here? If LE would say SOMETHING, everybody could concentrate on finding Holly, but I stick with my assessment that people do not look as HARD for someone when they think it's a domestic situation and LE and the family are not doing Holly any favors by being completely silent.

(Above quote snipped by me)

I do agree that domestic situations can sometimes get shortchanged by LE. I've experienced that myself. But I don't think they are treating this as a domestic situation. I think they took this very seriously from the get go. Just a thought too, that if this had happened the night before, the soda and the blood would likely have been dried already, and LE would have found that suspicious for sure. The condition of the blood alone might have given them some indication of when that blood was lost.
Nothing against LE, but I believe they really have no solid clues, no idea what happened, where Holly is now, who took her or why. I think they really felt they solve this case quickly from the start and then realized they wouldn't, and kind of backed off saying much. If they had any solid leads I believe they would be searching, not leaving it to her dad to search on his own.

I wish he would reach out and ask for help...I am sure hundreds of people would come to his aid at once...
I simply cannot believe this case is still hanging out here. I thought there was a great chance that Holly would be found by now, either living or dead. There seemed to be so much attention to the case that I felt sure it would be resolved in a relatively short time period.

I think at this point, it would help if LE revealed some more information about Holly and her family, including her whereabouts the days leading up to her abduction. I would like to hear the 911 calls, which we are most often allowed to hear just after the incident. So much has been secretive that this case has died, regardless of what LE says.

Where is Holly Bobo?!
Purely IMHO....but I think LE has a pretty good idea about who's guilty of taking Holly. They just can't prove it yet. Maybe that's why it's quiet and the family is grieving in private. I get the feeling that it's like Natalee Holloway's case where the perps were known but nothing could be done because there was no body. There was a general idea that Natalee was gone, but most of the details were vague, and the perps were local thugs.
Purely IMHO....but I think LE has a pretty good idea about who's guilty of taking Holly. They just can't prove it yet. Maybe that's why it's quiet and the family is grieving in private. I get the feeling that it's like Natalee Holloway's case where the perps were known but nothing could be done because there was no body. There was a general idea that Natalee was gone, but most of the details were vague, and the perps were local thugs.

If that is the case...the odds of finding remains at this point without a the perps help are so small...with all the weather thats happned, and the time vegetation/animal activity...and just the amount of square miles and terrian involved..its worse that needle in a haystack senerio.

Anyone remember the Adolph Coors attempted kidnapping and murder in Colorado in the 60's. The guy was wealthy well connected guy/president of Coors Brewing Company, and was killed by an amatuer guy who had limited time frame, wasn't from the area, and didnt bury the body. They didnt find his remains for years. And in Colorado you have lots of hikers all over the wilderness all the time. I dont know for a fact, but Im guessing the woods of Tennesse are not exactly filled with hikers that might stumble across something...

LE is going to have to take a different approach IMO
Sometimes LE is quiet for very good reasons. I don't know if it's the case here, but I don't really like to discuss their reasons on the internet. We all know the perps read everything they can about their crimes. Sometimes posters inadvertently give stuff away.

I have faith in the TBI, and other LE involved. I have to believe that since we don't know what they know, it's hard to be critical of their investigative decisions. I don't think they have given up, but they do have budget restraints, manpower issues, and a full plate with other crimes. They can't keep the investigation going at a high level for weeks on end. But I do know that someone has the case, and is working on it, and wants it solved.

We live in a world now that wants everything faster, and with all the details available 24/7. That can quite often be in conflict with how LE manages a case. They have to solve it in such a way that it is prosecutable, and winnable. The OJ Simpson case still hangs over everyone's head. They only get that one chance, and they need to make it stick.
I'm bumping this post. The rules haven't changed. Clint Bobo has not been named a POI or suspect and until he or anyone else is, we don't go down that path. The family members are victims until we are told otherwise or evidence is released in MSM which implicates. Thanks.

Thank you so much for clarifying, gram.
To me, LE recently stating that they have no "strong leads" equates to them not knowing what happened to Holly, where she is, or who took her. I don't think they will be more specific than that about what they don't know, no LE likes to admit to not having any idea what took place, this late in a case. But that is how I took it.

True, because if they knew who took her or where she is, they could put an end to the family's nightmare. But it could also be that they do have some information and can't share it because it's still an ongoing investigation. Their priority is solving the case, not keeping the public informed.
I could be wrong, but I think if the brother was involved, they would have leaned on him a lot stronger by now.
As for warning the public, why would they do that if this is a single incident? They don't want to cause a panic unnecessarily. They prefer that people will talk to them openly without any fear that they or someone close to them could be in danger. When the public panics, people shut down and refuse to talk. Someone could have seen something and not realize it's related to the case.
I don't think the family did anything to Holly....but I do think there is something about this case that links this specific family to this crime. Could be wrong. But I think this is why we have such silence from every side.
I don't think the family did anything to Holly....but I do think there is something about this case that links this specific family to this crime. Could be wrong. But I think this is why we have such silence from every side.
I'm thinking the same exact thing. I'm trying to come at this from a different direction. Why would TBI say that the publics' help is crucial yet not give any
PCs, updated timelines, information on everyones whereabouts the previous night,etc. There has got to be a reason for this. The extended presence of LE on their property and the gate should say something you would think.

I know the media wants this one, they have from the get-go on April 13th.
LE almost always holds back certain info, that's nothing new. For some reason, someone doesn't want this case "out there", they want to kill it.Why?
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