TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #24

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Human remains found in a wooded area in West Tennessee have been sent to the Shelby County medical examiner.

McNairy County Sheriff Guy Buck said a dog brought home a human leg bone and some clothing Wednesday evening and its owner called police, according to The Jackson Sun.

The TBI is assisting in the investigation as missing persons reports are reviewed.

This is definitely close enough to Darden to be Holly. As usual various articles have some mixed information. One says leg bone, another says arm bone. The Jackson Sun uses terminology "remains of a man" in an attempt, I think, to convey that the bone is human. All other articles use the words "human remains" and I don't think you can easily distinguish a female arm or leg bone from a male...maybe I am wrong.

Most interesting! Good find! Got me thinking that even though it's a man that's been found I wonder if he could have been involved...

Perhaps my imagination is going a bit far on this, but it's common in mob actions for them to kill the person who actually does the evil deed...
If HB's abduction involved more than one person, perhaps someone wants to get rid of someone they feel knows too much...
Okay, far-fetched...
I always found this case odd for the fact they never hired or designated someone as the "face" for the family. You know, the person that goes and speaks to the media/public about Holly, wither it's a family member or a family friend. No one ever really took that role.


"A spokesperson for the Bobo family, Kevin Bromley"

. . .IMO the family is well-connected to LE (evidence of very fast involvement
of TBI, FBI, and governor increasing reward)..
Not sure that is why those things happened. But either way I have not
heard that LE does not like to work with either of those people.
. . .On a related subject, I would like to see a single criminal case in American history where laying all the information on the line caused a prime suspect to be found innocent in court.
I can point out that in at least one serial killer case where his sneakers
type and tread had been ID'd the release of that info caused him to
change his shoes and set the investigation back in terms of time and evidence.

That has been documented and you should be able to look it up online.
Without having researched such things I am certain there are other examples as well.

There is a reason that the details of ongoing investigations are kept qiet.
It might seem popular to go around making statements about changing
how things should be done but if my family member gets abducted
I am not going to be the one experimenting to see if they get killed or
their abductor changes or hides his evidence better because I was
'. . .laying all the information on the line.'
“A resident’s dog brought them a human (humerus) bone and some clothing,” Buck said. “We believe the body was in the wooded area for a month.”|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

Maybe Fox 13 doesn't know what a humerus is...or maybe Sheriff Buck doesn't know the difference between a humerus and a tibia, fibula or femur?:waitasec:

More information on the remains found in McNairy County, TN from the following article:

Bones Found in McNairy County
By Daniel Wilkerson
Story Created: Jun 9, 2011 at 7:00 PM CDT
Story Updated: Jun 9, 2011 at 7:38 PM CDT

Henderson said her children found a pair of jeans with a wallet with an identification and cash, while doing their chores in the backyard. Henderson said she then headed to the sheriff's office.

According to Henderson's neighbor, she reported a man missing that lived with her back in May.

Sheriff Buck said it is likely the remains belong to the missing man.
Tim Miller of Equisearch has gone to help search for Lauren Spierer.
Mark Klass from Klass Kids helping with Michelle Le.

Help is out there, if families only ask.

They do not need to talk about the investigation or suspects in order to try to get help in finding their child. I do not think anyone would expect a family to do that. But there are search professionals available.
Thankfully, I have never had a loved one abducted or mudered. However, I do know that reverting inside of yourself during a crisis typically is counterproductive. It is instinctual, but after the shock has worn off, it's usually best to come out swinging.

Also, I have learned repeatedly in my life that going against your instincts @ the advice of others invariably ends w/disaster. I know the stakes here are immeasurably high, but something @ some point needs to give. Noone other than Holly's family is truly going to care long-term if she is never found (I know that folks on this forum care, but her abduction does not in any real way affect our lives personally).
The bad thing about silence is it leads to more silence.....pretty soon, Holly's thread moves to page 3 and no one posts anymore. I have always felt (and who am I?) that when people are actively chatting about a case, there is a greater likelihood that something will emerge. Someone, somewhere will slip up and an important clue will be discovered.

I think there is something very secretive about this case and it pertains to the family. I can't decipher anything else.....
Thankfully, I have never had a loved one abducted or mudered. However, I do know that reverting inside of yourself during a crisis typically is counterproductive. It is instinctual, but after the shock has worn off, it's usually best to come out swinging.

Also, I have learned repeatedly in my life that going against your instincts @ the advice of others invariably ends w/disaster. I know the stakes here are immeasurably high, but something @ some point needs to give. Noone other than Holly's family is truly going to care long-term if she is never found (I know that folks on this forum care, but her abduction does not in any real way affect our lives personally).

Actually I take this case very personally. While I am not family It will effect me greatly. I got involved here with the Anne Pressly murder and I still think about that/here almost every day. Feels like family sometimes. And I lost my sister so I know. Sometimes I think I substitute people like Holly for her so I can feel productive trying to think of what happend to help them some way... even if its in vain.
Actually I take this case very personally. While I am not family It will effect me greatly. I got involved here with the Anne Pressly murder and I still think about that/here almost every day. Feels like family sometimes. And I lost my sister so I know. Sometimes I think I substitute people like Holly for her so I can feel productive trying to think of what happend to help them some way... even if its in vain.

Oh, I am so sorry. I could not possibly understand how you feel. All the more reason that Miss Bobo is located. This silence is most frustrating...
My opinions only, no facts here:

I feel that there is a nagging feeling in the back of some of my fellow sleuthers' minds, so I will try to identify it: How often would police in an investigation tell the relatives- "you are not allowed to plead to the public for your daughter's return". Police only say (and then only in select cases)- "do not discuss any facts about the case". What possible investigative value would there be in telling relatives to not plead for Holly's return?

On a related subject, I would like to see a single criminal case in American history where laying all the information on the line caused a prime suspect to be found innocent in court.

IMO I think that CB isn't talking because he's a witness and LE doesn't want his future testimony to be diminished by speaking to the media now.
Tim Miller of Equisearch has gone to help search for Lauren Spierer.
Mark Klass from Klass Kids helping with Michelle Le.

Help is out there, if families only ask.

They do not need to talk about the investigation or suspects in order to try to get help in finding their child. I do not think anyone would expect a family to do that. But there are search professionals available.

I am guessing that eventually the family will ask for help from Tim Miller, or Klass Kids. Why not yet, I can't answer, but I hope they consider it soon.
I can point out that in at least one serial killer case where his sneakers
type and tread had been ID'd the release of that info caused him to
change his shoes and set the investigation back in terms of time and evidence.

That has been documented and you should be able to look it up online.
Without having researched such things I am certain there are other examples as well.

There is a reason that the details of ongoing investigations are kept qiet.
It might seem popular to go around making statements about changing
how things should be done but if my family member gets abducted
I am not going to be the one experimenting to see if they get killed or
their abductor changes or hides his evidence better because I was
'. . .laying all the information on the line.'

My opinions only, no facts here:

A non-sequitur, or in other words a straw-man argument my good fellow sleuther. Did the guilty party go free because of the release of evidence or not? I want to hear about a single example where an obviously guilty person walked because the police were too honest and frank early in the case. A slight delay is a small price to pay for the truth. And, what about the multitude of cases on America's Most Wanted where every detail was laid on the line and many suspects were captured in days?
IMO I think that CB isn't talking because he's a witness and LE doesn't want his future testimony to be diminished by speaking to the media now.

My opinions only, no facts here:

I did not mention any names in my post and this particular post of mine you refer to has nothing to do with the people in this case. I am talking about broad principles concerning what police will ask of the family. So I ask YOU, do you really believe that that the police demanded that the family not plead for their daughter's return? Yes or no, fellow friend sleuther.
My opinions only, no facts here:

A non-sequitur, or in other words a straw-man argument my good fellow sleuther. Did the guilty party go free because of the release of evidence or not? I want to hear about a single example where an obviously guilty person walked because the police were too honest and frank early in the case. A slight delay is a small price to pay for the truth. And, what about the multitude of cases on America's Most Wanted where every detail was laid on the line and many suspects were captured in days?
My guess is that LE has relatively scant evidence in this case, which is much different than cases featured on AMW that target specific suspects. I'm sure it's a balance that LE agonizes over. Keeping evidence under wraps allows them to discriminate tips and can give them the upper hand in interrogations. Those are not advantages to be readily discarded. In other cases we have seen LE go public with more info as months pass and desperation sets in...details of Morgan Harrington's necklace, Somer Thompson's lunchbox and where Terri Horman parked her truck in front of the elementary school are some recent examples. We'll see if that happens in this case. It's up to LE to make the need-to-know judgement carefully. They are surely not always perfect but these are not easy decisions.

As far as the family staying quiet...I haven't seen an obvious answer for that one. Maybe the family's own feelings about the media are a factor, perhaps they feel it's best for them not to be subjected to the spotlight. There has been a lot of speculation as to why LE may want it but I haven't seen anything that makes me feel like...that's the reason. May have to do with them believing the perp is a local and feeling like they can work the community more easily with local social interactions as opposed to the regional media outlets in the area, but I really don't know.
My opinions only, no facts here:

A non-sequitur, or in other words a straw-man argument my good fellow sleuther.
Did the guilty party go free because of the release of evidence or not? . . .
Not a straw argument, but you are welcome to your opinion.
I do not feel inclined to do research for you on this one.
In the case I mentioned I believe that others died that didn't have to due
to those shoes being discarded.

I could do your research for you and post about it but I think it would only
sidetrack this thread with a debate that can not change the outcome of
this case. I believe this thread should be about the case and not about
whether or not victims families should tell all they know about the case
evidence and so forth.

I suggest you might consider such a thread somewhere
and see if others might take up the debate.

That having been said:

To all other fellow posters:
The subject of whatever the family decides to do about talking to the
media is not something I feel is pointing anyone to a solution to this case.
That is my opinion and not a directive to anyone.

I have so often read posts about familes that seem more quiet than some
seem to think they ought to be and many times it is hinted that this
means something sinister about the family. . . .as if they are hiding an evil
secret or else it gets hinted they don't even care enough about their
missing family member to try to find him/her.

In this case I think the family is not involved in Holly's abduction.
I think LE believes the brother's description of events else they would not
have run the extensive searching and would not have announced all the
things they have about someone missing an appointment, maybe having
an ATV stolen or cleaned their car excessivley etc. and the FBI probably
would not still have the description of the abductor listed on their

I do not know why the family does or does not decide to jump up and
down and scream to the world about their missing family member but in
terms of this case being solved I don't care.
(I care very much about people but in the context of case-solving this
issue is not, at this time, part of what happened to Holly.)

Unless or until LE says the family is suspect I will concentrate on those
things I do actually read in MSM about the case and try to figure out
what happened to Holly and think about any detail that might be
helpful in some small way.

One thing in particular that has not been discussed too much (as far
as I know) is the evidence pointing to the highway (I think the word
interstate was used as either being that highway or being near to it?)

If one was on an ATV then would it be likely loaded into another vehicle,
a trailor, or pickup or even a semi trailer?
And if it was not loaded onto another vehicle then what is the range of an
ATV? What search area would the range of the vehicle support?

I do not know why LE spoke of an ATV, whether they found tracks or what,
but I read their words in MSM and they mentioned a possible ATV
being reported stolen among their ideas about the case.

Since LE is usually pretty close mouthed about things in a case I suspect
the ATV thing was somehow important to them for reasons as yet
unknown to us and that is why I am curious about it.
Thanks Gram!

I'd like to add that there is a place to discuss our sleuthing techniques on Websleuths here ----> General Information & Discussion - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Feel free to open a thread about that topic there anytime! :tyou:

Once again. This thread is not about sleuthing abilities or theories. Let's get back to the topic. This case. The above link lets you talk about sleuthing in general.

I'm still waiting for the link from MSM in which the TBI or local LE have told the family they can't talk about the case. I keep seeing it stated as fact. I'd like a link to the news source please. If it is your theory then state it as theory and not fact.
My guess is that LE has relatively scant evidence in this case, which is much different than cases featured on AMW that target specific suspects. I'm sure it's a balance that LE agonizes over. Keeping evidence under wraps allows them to discriminate tips and can give them the upper hand in interrogations. Those are not advantages to be readily discarded. In other cases we have seen LE go public with more info as months pass and desperation sets in...details of Morgan Harrington's necklace, Somer Thompson's lunchbox and where Terri Horman parked her truck in front of the elementary school are some recent examples. We'll see if that happens in this case. It's up to LE to make the need-to-know judgement carefully. They are surely not always perfect but these are not easy decisions.

As far as the family staying quiet...I haven't seen an obvious answer for that one. Maybe the family's own feelings about the media are a factor, perhaps they feel it's best for them not to be subjected to the spotlight. There has been a lot of speculation as to why LE may want it but I haven't seen anything that makes me feel like...that's the reason. May have to do with them believing the perp is a local and feeling like they can work the community more easily with local social interactions as opposed to the regional media outlets in the area, but I really don't know.

LIke every poster, I don't know why the family is keeping quiet. However, if this were my child, there's no way I wouldn't be broadcasting my feelings and pleas every second. There are so many cases where the community and general public contributes to an arrest - can't understand how the family can continue in this manner. I think they will explode, and if they eventually don't, I will be at another loss for words.
My opinions only, no facts here:

A non-sequitur, or in other words a straw-man argument my good fellow sleuther. Did the guilty party go free because of the release of evidence or not? I want to hear about a single example where an obviously guilty person walked because the police were too honest and frank early in the case. A slight delay is a small price to pay for the truth. And, what about the multitude of cases on America's Most Wanted where every detail was laid on the line and many suspects were captured in days?

This is o/t - but using the example about changing the shoes - the bigger question is, if there was a slight delay, did it cost the life of another person? Sometimes a slight delay can be a VERY high price to pay. It's a balancing act. LE needs to release enough info for the public to be helpful, but not so much info that the perp can use it to hide from LE.

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