TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #29

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I respect your thoughts here, Frog.
Give me a few to digest, and I will respond.
Ok- I guess what I am trying to say (and I'm going to preface it with yet another bump of Holly's FBI poster, which I hope to see disappear very soon!) that responsible 'reporting'- whether it is via the internet, in a newspaper, online in a blog, on tv etc, or in any other way really- essentially- ANY media outlet- has the potential to negatively OR positively affect a case investigation. And IMVHO- media outlets should respect that first and foremost, because that is what aids an investigation, and helps bring a missing person home.
MOO of course. Maybe I should have just said that to begin with.
Yes, I know we have no official released timeline.. Another obvious detail that is to be kept from the public.. So, I am using the direct words(quotes) of LE and the family ONLY to plug into the events of that Morning.. Really only 2 times are needed for what I am speaking of and it matters none whatsoever not only what events took place or their sequence when speaking of the issue that I have brought up..

The time of a few minutes before 8am is directly derived from LE mouth.. Along with both the family and LE stating that Holly was leaving the house at 7:40am.. Those are the only times that Are needed in discussing the issue at hand.. Again the events and their sequence are irrelevant with this specific issue..

The rest is based on stone cold, hard fact of traveling time that give or take a few minutes cannot be altered or changed to make that time a different amount needed in order for Karen to leave her school and arrive home at the Bobo residence..*

So, with that said I cannot dismiss what is the obvious here in it not fitting.. LE and the family's omission of a timeline or intentional muddying of the events that morning do not make a difference and does not change the travel time between the school and the home..

With Holly exiting at the home at 7:40am you can literally skip all of the in between events and go directly to the fact that even if Karen were notified the minute Holly stepped out that door at 7:40am.. Karen still would not be able to be at the BoBo home a few minutes before 8am as LE states that she was..

Not to mention the fact that Karen didn't even speak directly to the neighbor but rather the neighbor had to leave a msg, that msg was then taken to where Karen was located in the cafeteria and relayed to Karen what the msg was of hearing a scream from the direction of her home.. That takes a matter of minutes to transpire along with Karen getting into a vehicle and leaving the school..

All In all it is not humanly possible for Karen Bobo to have arrived back at the home a few minutes before 8am.. BEFORE *LE ARRIVES..

Unless.. Of course as many of us have suspected we have been intentionally lied to and deceived totally about not only the events but more importantly with this issue the times of that morning.. So are they intentionally lying about these two times?? Because that is the only info needed to understand and know it's not humanly possible.. So, for it to not be correct then those two times have been specifically lied about..

Is that out of the realm of possibility?? Of course not.. With this case who the he!! Knows what the truth is about anything.. All I know is Holly is gone!!!!! And IMO most likely no longer alive!! Something needs to happen and if all this is lies then how about trying a little of the truth for the case to progress because if everything we know is lies.. Well it's just disgusting and most of all disgusting for Holly because I believe it is directly hindering this investigation!!! Disgusting!!
Maybe someone can supply us with a list of reliable news sources. Are there any? I've seen the same thing printed in all the sources I've found so far including CNN, MSNBC, Jackson Sun.
I agree and until recently those sites were not allowed. Not sure why it changed, maybe because there is so little actual MSM these days. But then MSM has its share of mistakes and specualation lately. It was MSM that printed that Katelyn Markham's bones were possibly found on Sunday, when in fact animal bones were found. They could have waited overnight and had it right, but it was more "exciting" to print that a searcher claimed to have found bones from "Katelyn and Billy" (another missing person from the area.) Really poor journalism from a local news channel in the area.

Didn't the same thing happen with Susan Powell? I must be missing the point because regardless of whether it's gather or examiner, the same news is printed on other MSM.
Sure, professional journalists get things wrong, even after four years of j-school. They have deadlines. They have to evaluate primary-source information, oftentimes on the spot. They must list sources, and they are responsible to editors if the sources choose to be off-the-record.

None of these things holds true with whatever the hell it is gather and examiner does.
Yes, I know we have no official released timeline.. Another obvious detail that is to be kept from the public.. So, I am using the direct words(quotes) of LE and the family ONLY to plug into the events of that Morning.. Really only 2 times are needed for what I am speaking of and it matters none whatsoever not only what events took place or their sequence when speaking of the issue that I have brought up..

The time of a few minutes before 8am is directly derived from LE mouth.. Along with both the family and LE stating that Holly was leaving the house at 7:40am.. Those are the only times that Are needed in discussing the issue at hand.. Again the events and their sequence are irrelevant with this specific issue..

The rest is based on stone cold, hard fact of traveling time that give or take a few minutes cannot be altered or changed to make that time a different amount needed in order for Karen to leave her school and arrive home at the Bobo residence..*

So, with that said I cannot dismiss what is the obvious here in it not fitting.. LE and the family's omission of a timeline or intentional muddying of the events that morning do not make a difference and does not change the travel time between the school and the home..

With Holly exiting at the home at 7:40am you can literally skip all of the in between events and go directly to the fact that even if Karen were notified the minute Holly stepped out that door at 7:40am.. Karen still would not be able to be at the BoBo home a few minutes before 8am as LE states that she was..

Not to mention the fact that Karen didn't even speak directly to the neighbor but rather the neighbor had to leave a msg, that msg was then taken to where Karen was located in the cafeteria and relayed to Karen what the msg was of hearing a scream from the direction of her home.. That takes a matter of minutes to transpire along with Karen getting into a vehicle and leaving the school..

All In all it is not humanly possible for Karen Bobo to have arrived back at the home a few minutes before 8am.. BEFORE *LE ARRIVES..

Unless.. Of course as many of us have suspected we have been intentionally lied to and deceived totally about not only the events but more importantly with this issue the times of that morning.. So are they intentionally lying about these two times?? Because that is the only info needed to understand and know it's not humanly possible.. So, for it to not be correct then those two times have been specifically lied about..

Is that out of the realm of possibility?? Of course not.. With this case who the he!! Knows what the truth is about anything.. All I know is Holly is gone!!!!! And IMO most likely no longer alive!! Something needs to happen and if all this is lies then how about trying a little of the truth for the case to progress because if everything we know is lies.. Well it's just disgusting and most of all disgusting for Holly because I believe it is directly hindering this investigation!!! Disgusting!!
We have all been trying to make heads or tails of every syllable of every word for almost 6 months and I think it is safe to say we are at the point where the public having ANY kind of clarification is not important to the Bobo's or to LE. In most investigations I have followed, there is an underlying sense that the information given to the public is weighed and measured, not just given off the cuff. For example, if true, what significance does KB arriving home before LE tell you? KB was aware HB had already been abducted? LE was slow in responding? Maybe KB called 911 as she was already driving home? There is little preface and no clarification to it. We still cannot be sure when 911 was called, what was said, by whom, when, in what order. We have no idea what CB was doing while the abduction was taking place besides calling his mother or what he did after he realized something was wrong. Where was HB boyfriend during all of this? Forget the days and weeks before, did HB have any kind of contact with somebody else that morning? Her mother, father, brother, boyfriend, girlfriend? If she was up at 4:30Am to study for a test, why was important for KB to mention she closed CB bedroom door? Why did KB make the point that she had contact with HB boyfriend that morning, but give no indication as to it's relevance? Why did CB agree in an interview that he was not suppose to be there and then not say a word to follow up? We have been told that people gathered in front of the Bobo home and stood there waiting to begin searching. Do you really believe that?
I could go on and on, but this gets the point across.
Another example, DB saying that the blood found was HB's has little to no significance in the public's eye. Why say this at all? All that tells me is that HB was injured at some point while in her garage. In the JVM interview, JVM asked if there was a blood trail, the only place the blood information led was to KB saying there was no blood trail and then CB saying that there is a logging road behind the home. To recap, yes the blood found was our daughter's, no there was no blood trail and by the way there is a logging trail behind our house. Was the plan to go onto JVM show and share this account? Also keeping in mind that the families statements sometimes contradict direct quotes and statements made by LE. If that isn't a confusing sequence then I don't know what is. I thought a confirmation that the blood was HB would put to rest any notions of turkeys being involved, but then CB adds he originally thought there was a turkey involved. To me, there is a lot more to be concerned with than the KB arriving home sequence.
Both Smooth and Frogzilla made excellent posts. I think they're equally concerning, imo. The timeline and the confusing statements. If you put them together, perhaps some of the pieces of this puzzle will start to come together. Just sayin.
If one were jaded, one might think LE not releasing anything, including a timeline, might lead one to believe that LE thinks this crime begins and ends at home. JMO
Sure there is a helluva alot more to be concerned with but unfortunately we either having zero, zip, nothing helping to figure out those hell of important issues or we are not allowed to discuss them.. I am following the rules and discussing one of the few areas that can be discussed regardless of where on the list of importance it falls!!
I am getting more and more confused every time I log in to check for updates. I am seeing a lot of things that make me wonder how much of it is actually fact and how much is speculation or assumption based on what people think they know. Because sometimes what we think we know and what we actually know can be two different things.
Just sayin'.
Well, without sarcasm, what do we really know for sure?

We presume Holly was abducted (even this thread still says "believed abducted") and we have heard that her brother saw her entering the woods with a man in "camo."
SmoothOperator - your timeline analysis of how could KB get back home by 8am is an excellent point!
So either LE arrived after 8am, or KB got their after they did arrive....
Sure there is a helluva alot more to be concerned with but unfortunately we either having zero, zip, nothing helping to figure out those hell of important issues or we are not allowed to discuss them.. I am following the rules and discussing one of the few areas that can be discussed regardless of where on the list of importance it falls!!
Yes, there is no list that we should rank what is most concerning in this case, it is all concerning because HB is missing. I had to LOL a little at your post because of the "list of importance". I did not add in my earlier post that my personal feelings are that any timeline we try to work from will be inaccurate and only lead to more confusion. I have stopped referring to a timeline because there isn't one to work from. The point I should of added was that you can pick any concern about this case and try to fit in into the timeline, but it is like putting a 1 inch block into a 10 foot wide opening, it just falls right through. We can examine how/why/if KB arrived home before LE did, but she was apparently called before 911 and I am sure made very good time on her way home. Other than that, it is hard to pin this point onto the timeline.
Karen left/forgot her cellphone at the school. Did she call 911 with her friend's cell on her way home? TIA for anyone who remembers.
I just read an article that says there was initially some confusion as to whether the mother was at home when HB was taken. How could that be? Either she was home when the sheriff responded to the call or she wasn't. So many contradictions in this case.

Please excuse me if this has already been addressed, but have they posted a photo of HB's boyfriend or given a physical description of him?
I decided to dig into the information given out the first couple of days after HB was abducted. One article I found from the day of the abduction mentions that the she was taken as she was entering her car and the 1-2 men in camo was a younger white man, Will Nunley even says it himself(do we think he is giving bad press or making it up?). April 13-
The article and video are also filled with information that we have accepted as being untrue, such as the man in camo actually carrying her into the woods and that she was last seen wearing black jeans. It really made me ask myself how is there any confusion on day one as to how many men in camo there were if CB spotted him/them. The confusion in this case started the minute she was taken. I would suggest that people go back to the very beginning of this thread as well and read what was being discussed here the first few days, then compare to what we are still discussing 6 months later.
Also, have to give a big :clap: to the posters who were there on day one and still contribute to discussions, looking at you cluciano63 and carla lashelle, sorry if i missed others.
I just read an article that says there was initially some confusion as to whether the mother was at home when HB was taken. How could that be? Either she was home when the sheriff responded to the call or she wasn't. So many contradictions in this case.

Please excuse me if this has already been addressed, but have they posted a photo of HB's boyfriend or given a physical description of him?
Yes there were some reports early on about the mother being home at the time of the abduction, but they were later corrected.
No there have been no pictures and Very little mention of HB boyfriend in MSM.
Here is a picture of the boyfriend from CrankyCrankerson Photobucket- bobo/
I know the link says it is CB, but pictures of the boyfriend, in camo clothing, are on there too.
Wyatt, who has served as pastor of Darden Baptist Church here since 1999, was elected sheriff of Decatur County in 2006.

Thanks, Capri! For what it's worth, just so everyone knows, my understanding is that Wyatt is not THEIR pastor, though. And neither is Kevin Bromley, their spokesperson. Kevin Bromley is the pastor of First Baptist Church, and, as Capri stated, Sheriff Wyatt pastors Darden Baptist, but I believe the family goes to Corinth Baptist, and their pastor is Don Franks.

ETA: Out of personal curiosity, knowing this has always made me wonder how they ended up with Bromley as a spokesperson instead of their own pastor.
I just read an article that says there was initially some confusion as to whether the mother was at home when HB was taken. How could that be? Either she was home when the sheriff responded to the call or she wasn't. So many contradictions in this case.

Please excuse me if this has already been addressed, but have they posted a photo of HB's boyfriend or given a physical description of him?

Good point about Karen.

There are plenty of pictures of Drew out there, but I can't remember if any of them came from MSM. I know some were erroneously labeled as Clint, initially.
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