TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #29

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There are two things I read about at the time she went missing was that Drew and Holly had supposedly split up but there was also another rumour that she had a restraining order out against her ex bf. Has this definetly been debunked too? Because if true it could explain why her mother got upset so quickly that morning once she knew it wasnt Drew that was with Holly.
There are two things I read about at the time she went missing was that Drew and Holly had supposedly split up but there was also another rumour that she had a restraining order out against her ex bf. Has this definetly been debunked too? Because if true it could explain why her mother got upset so quickly that morning once she knew it wasnt Drew that was with Holly.

Could you provide a link, For The Kids? TIA. I am really interested in the source.
It would be great to know what areas were searched so they can be ruled out. Is there a map anywhere? Has anyone created a map of areas where searches were done? Have they searched near or around churches? From what I understand this is a religious community so the perp may have done harm to Holly and in his own delusional mind thought he would be forgiven if he buried her near a church.

They seemed to be too focused to the woods. They should expand the search, imo

Dana and Clint say they search everyday, so maybe they have gone far beyond the woods.
Welcome SouthernCharm!!
*Both you and Old Steve's thoughts had me thinking and whatever it is that had Karen immediately hysterical and knowing that the situation was dire.. We know she was obviously hesitant for some reason to share this with Clint, ATLEAST in the first phonecall when Holly and perp were still in the garage.. It does certainly appear as tho there was something that she knew and that she felt she could somehow fix, help, or remedy by her getting there!! KWIM??
Seems as tho there was definitely something specific that Karen ATLEAST thought was happening at her house concern g Holly and her only priority was that she had to get there immediately(of course as any mother would) but where it differs is that most mothers with communicating with their adult son that is already there and present for whatever this dire situation is that is occurring they would be saying I'm on my way, I'm almost there stop your sister now!! Don't let them leave!!

Karen doesn't do this.. Clint gets off the first call with no feelings of there being anything wrong.. Karen is in grave fear of something that she feels is occurring but it's like she's gotta get there to fix it!! It's like she felt if she could just get there she could fix whatever this dire situation was.. Definitely feels as tho it was something specific she had in mind as to what was occurring stranger doesn't fit.. There is something about the situation that IMO Clint had no knowledge of whatsoever.. But Karen did.. Karen knew full well that something specific was happening and she wasn't willing to have Clint know.. I guess with her speaking to Clint and hearing that Holly and whoever it was being in the garage that she believed at that point she could get there before they left.. And when she hears from Clint in that second call that they've walked off inti the woods it's almost as if Karen knew she was too late and the panic is at full throttle hanging up and calling 911 again..

There is something there that Karen knew.. There is a situation that Karen knew and Clint did not.. There is something so much more to this than what we know and the answers lie with those closest to Holly..

I really think you found something here SmoothOperator and it is big!

How many threads have I been following this case since April.... how many posts about every little detail of what Clint saw etc., etc. has been posted..... meanwhile, we didn't see the proverbial Elephant here in the room with us!
Well you just did and spelled it out! As far as I'm concerned, the discussion need not go any further until the question you have raised is answered!
So after 5 months, and not much in the way of results.... I have to wonder who, in the little town of Parsons, assuming it is a local perpetrator, is powerful enough to keep folks from giving up info and claiming the $100 k? Not asking for names, or anything, of course, just wondering, and thinking who has that power, of thats the case here. Power of that kind often comes from money, or position (LE, religious , or community standing.). 100 k is a lot of money in this economy.

One reason I could see for no one coming forward for the reward is that the only person(s) who knows where HB is, are invovled in her disappearance and they don't want to face charges.

What if LE does have a strong POE and they are lying when they say they don't? They aren't required to tell the truth if it compromises the investigation. Their primary job is to find HB.

Does anyone know if LE ever searched the HB's home on the inside?
Does anyone know if LE ever searched the HB's home on the inside?

Not for certain, I've never seen it referred to in MSM. "One assumes that they did."

What I wonder is if LE did any sort of forensic examination of the Bobo computers, particularly Holly's.
We are missing so much information I don't think we will ever figure out whats going on. So many things don't make sense. I learned a long time ago, if they don't make sense, they are probably not true.

It all started with the 'home invasion', then not a home invasion. Then dragged to the woods and then not dragged. I quickly thought he didn't mean dragged literally, I used the term myself (from the south), but who knows. What did he really say? Then the ex-boyfriend, restraining order or not? then the supersonic trip from the school to home by KB. Then we find out KB was talking to CB while they were in the garage/carport/whatever it was and while walking towards the woods. Are we sure KB had received the message about the scream at that point?

I realize LE doesn't have to tell us anything. But I also realize there is a missing girl and they have not found her! Its time to ask for help!

If they would release the 911 call including the time it was called in, it would answer so many questions. Exactly who called, how many times, what time. Did KB really get drive a 30 minute trip in less than 15 minutes?

We all assume KB was on the way home when she talked to CB and didn't alarm CB. Maybe she talked to CB before she got the message about the scream. Maybe that is why she reacted that way. Had already talked to CB, knew someone was there, then got the message about the scream. Who knows!!!!

Smoothoperator, I like your theory that KB knew more and thought she could fix whatever it was if she could just get home. I wish we had a confirmed timeline and we might be able to confirm that theory.

I don't buy the theory its someone important and no one is telling. $100K, someone would tell!

I know I am rambling, just so frustrated about this entire case. It has touched us all, we want to help find her, but we can't even get accurate information to begin the 'search'.
Hard to solve the case when we know we are starting with inaccurate information.

We KNOW HB didn't leave the house at 7:30 and KB returned home a little before 8:00. Simply not physically possible. Maybe the times don't matter, but then maybe they do!
I haven't followed this case in a long time so forgive me. HB mother is married to her 2nd husband right?

The man she is married to is HB step-dad.

Ok where is HB bio dad? Has there been any information about him? I'm not suspecting him of anything I'm curious is all.

Lera, Don't know the answer, to your questions.

I was told this is K's 3rd marriage.

Are there any children from any previous marriages?
We are missing so much information I don't think we will ever figure out whats going on. So many things don't make sense. I learned a long time ago, if they don't make sense, they are probably not true.

It all started with the 'home invasion', then not a home invasion. Then dragged to the woods and then not dragged. I quickly thought he didn't mean dragged literally, I used the term myself (from the south), but who knows. What did he really say? Then the ex-boyfriend, restraining order or not? then the supersonic trip from the school to home by KB. Then we find out KB was talking to CB while they were in the garage/carport/whatever it was and while walking towards the woods. Are we sure KB had received the message about the scream at that point?

I realize LE doesn't have to tell us anything. But I also realize there is a missing girl and they have not found her! Its time to ask for help!

If they would release the 911 call including the time it was called in, it would answer so many questions. Exactly who called, how many times, what time. Did KB really get drive a 30 minute trip in less than 15 minutes?

We all assume KB was on the way home when she talked to CB and didn't alarm CB. Maybe she talked to CB before she got the message about the scream. Maybe that is why she reacted that way. Had already talked to CB, knew someone was there, then got the message about the scream. Who knows!!!!

Smoothoperator, I like your theory that KB knew more and thought she could fix whatever it was if she could just get home. I wish we had a confirmed timeline and we might be able to confirm that theory.

I don't buy the theory its someone important and no one is telling. $100K, someone would tell!
I know I am rambling, just so frustrated about this entire case. It has touched us all, we want to help find her, but we can't even get accurate information to begin the 'search'.

I don't believe this either. For $100K you could move out of town.

I just don't know if anyone there wants anyone questioning her disappearance, or even looking for her. But if her parents go on shows like JVM once in a while, they must realize people are going to be listening to every word very carefully, just to try to get a sense as to what on earth happened. And to my ears, anyway, there is no real sense of desperation coming from anyone. My own instincts tell me that LE does not want any outside interference, be it the public or other LE. I am not getting any feeling as to whether anyone knows what really happened to her or if there are any real leads. I understand these may be people not accustomed to media and spotlights, and take that into consideration, but most parents of missing children are not savvy in that way. One still needs to find a way to be out there, as often as possible, IMO, if help is really needed.
A couple of days ago there was much confusion on whether they were going to go through with fund raisers for HB on October 1 and a later date this month. I read several places the Oct. 1 fund raiser was to be in Memphis. I never saw any official notification one way or the other as to the details, ticket sales, etc. I also could never find where the fund raiser was to take place. Does anyone know?

I contacted WMC Tv in Memphis and they have no information on any fundraiser for HB on October 1 or any other day. I would think that if you were doing this in Memphis, you would have notified the major tv stations in the city you are hosting so as to get the word out. Does anyone have any other info on that?
Maybe that's because the main person planning the Fund Raiser was from the Beaumont/Port Author Texas area, the other 2 supposedly from around Memphis and Athens...correct me if I'm wrong...imo
Lera, Don't know the answer, to your questions.

I was told this is K's 3rd marriage.

Are there any children from any previous marriages?

CB is older than HB. DB is CB's father and DB is HB's father. KB doesn't have any children from another marriage. I believe it was stated as fact that KB was married once before DB. I don't know that to be true but Clint and Holly have the same parents.
I don't believe this either. For $100K you could move out of town.

I just don't know if anyone there wants anyone questioning her disappearance, or even looking for her. But if her parents go on shows like JVM once in a while, they must realize people are going to be listening to every word very carefully, just to try to get a sense as to what on earth happened. And to my ears, anyway, there is no real sense of desperation coming from anyone. My own instincts tell me that LE does not want any outside interference, be it the public or other LE. I am not getting any feeling as to whether anyone knows what really happened to her or if there are any real leads. I understand these may be people not accustomed to media and spotlights, and take that into consideration, but most parents of missing children are not savvy in that way. One still needs to find a way to be out there, as often as possible, IMO, if help is really needed.

I am totally perplexed by this perception.

What on earth do people think it means when the FBI has a case file on a missing person- and that info is up on their website- under 'Kidnapped'??
I mean, I'm pretty sure most folks take info seriously when it's a "Most Wanted" for a crime.... so maybe they should with missing persons as well?
And how the heck does everyone think Holly's info got there??

Jeez- ok- sorry for yet another rant. I probably need to take a personal TO before I get one. :(
I am totally perplexed by this perception.

What on earth do people think it means when the FBI has a case file on a missing person- and that info is up on their website- under 'Kidnapped'??
I mean, I'm pretty sure most folks take info seriously when it's a "Most Wanted" for a crime.... so maybe they should with missing persons as well?
And how the heck does everyone think Holly's info got there??

Jeez- ok- sorry for yet another rant. I probably need to take a personal TO before I get one. :(

I understand exactly what you are saying. I believe everything that possibly can be done is being done. The family has done a lot and continues to do as much as possible to find their daughter.

It is a very painful time for them and everyone needs to remember that.

I am totally perplexed by this perception.

What on earth do people think it means when the FBI has a case file on a missing person- and that info is up on their website- under 'Kidnapped'??
I mean, I'm pretty sure most folks take info seriously when it's a "Most Wanted" for a crime.... so maybe they should with missing persons as well?
And how the heck does everyone think Holly's info got there??

Jeez- ok- sorry for yet another rant. I probably need to take a personal TO before I get one. :(
I don't think it means they are involved in the case. They alert the public to be on the lookout for....

That is what the FBI does. It does not mean they are working the file. Haleigh Cummings is also there and there is not one sign that FBI is involved. The local LE is handling it.

It is my opinion that they put up the posters...give a phone number and alert the public. They also provide testing if asked. I don't put much hope that the FBI is very involved with Holly, if at all. They have services that they will do, like polys, if asked.
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