TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #30

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Snipped the timeline:

Great job on this timeline Mr. Noatak!

I extract two key elements, facts if you will, from it:

1) Looks like the perp had ten (10) minutes with Holly before taking her way from the house.

That the perp. was prepared, exacting and efficient, as I've always thought.
Efficient? Really? 10 minutes is a heck of a long time for a perp to commit a crime, imo.

I would think he'd want to be out of there in minutes....2 maximum.

Home invasion on the other hand, may have taken 10 minutes.
Sorry, can you tell me what college Holly was going to? How about her brother?

Univ of Tennessee, Parson's Campus. its not what you would think of when you hear UT... its basically a modern version of a one room school house. A large single building with a parking lot beside it out in BFE...
Does anyone have a link, that still works, to the news video of the interview where DB leaves in the middle? I can't seem to find. TIA.

Its the Jane Velez Mitchel show segment. Its been linked here from Youtube a bazillion times. I found it there a min ago still, although the version I quickly found had poor sound. Can't do a cut n paste link right now... but its not hard to find. The written transcript is available online too.
You know I have been following this case for a long time. I have read most of the posts if not all on here and watched as many interviews and videos on this case that I could possibly find. These are nothing more than my opinions. I 100% do not believe that Holly was brought into the woods. I also feel reasonably sure she was not abducted. Nothing about this case makes any sense to me. I'm sorry but I don't believe a word of what Clint says. I am not sure anyone else believes as I do, but I am willing to bet some do and maybe don't want to say. Unfortunately I believe Holly is dead and probabley was dead before clint made the call. I am not accusing Clint of anything, but if my beliefs about this case seem to point to anyone then I can not help that. Remember that if just one thing that Clint has said is a lie then this whole entire case has been completely mishandled because people have been led astray. If the dogs did not catch a scent of Holly going into the woods then there is a very strong reason to doubt everything that Clint has said.
You know I have been following this case for a long time. I have read most of the posts if not all on here and watched as many interviews and videos on this case that I could possibly find. These are nothing more than my opinions. I 100% do not believe that Holly was brought into the woods. I also feel reasonably sure she was not abducted. Nothing about this case makes any sense to me. I'm sorry but I don't believe a word of what Clint says. I am not sure anyone else believes as I do, but I am willing to bet some do and maybe don't want to say. Unfortunately I believe Holly is dead and probabley was dead before clint made the call. I am not accusing Clint of anything, but if my beliefs about this case seem to point to anyone then I can not help that. Remember that if just one thing that Clint has said is a lie then this whole entire case has been completely mishandled because people have been led astray. If the dogs did not catch a scent of Holly going into the woods then there is a very strong reason to doubt everything that Clint has said.

:seeya: Hi, Telemag. Very well said!
You know I have been following this case for a long time. I have read most of the posts if not all on here and watched as many interviews and videos on this case that I could possibly find. These are nothing more than my opinions. I 100% do not believe that Holly was brought into the woods. I also feel reasonably sure she was not abducted. Nothing about this case makes any sense to me. I'm sorry but I don't believe a word of what Clint says. I am not sure anyone else believes as I do, but I am willing to bet some do and maybe don't want to say. Unfortunately I believe Holly is dead and probabley was dead before clint made the call. I am not accusing Clint of anything, but if my beliefs about this case seem to point to anyone then I can not help that. Remember that if just one thing that Clint has said is a lie then this whole entire case has been completely mishandled because people have been led astray. If the dogs did not catch a scent of Holly going into the woods then there is a very strong reason to doubt everything that Clint has said.

It's interesting that you bring that up because I've tried to keep an open mind and regardless of what "stranger" scenario I look at, it all comes down to Clint's version not adding up to mine.

As an example when I read about Karen Swift's case, I thought perhaps there may be a connection and perhaps there is a serial rapist/killer out there targeting pretty blonde women but then I think of the full camo description given by Clint and I think, would a serial rapist/ killer go to the trouble of putting on camo? Would he waste 10 minutes talking to his victim in a carport? Would he risk taking his victim into the woods? Would he abduct his victim in her driveway/carport?

So then I revert back to it has to have been someone who knew the family. Knew Holly had a "hunter" boyfriend. Knew Clint should not have been home that morning. Knew when the parents leave the house. Knew where Holly parked her car. Knew Holly had an exam that morning (she left the house earlier because of the exam according to mom). etc etc etc
Univ of Tennessee, Parson's Campus. its not what you would think of when you hear UT... its basically a modern version of a one room school house. A large single building with a parking lot beside it out in BFE...

After having spent days trying to get the definitive answer to this, it should state, Tennesee Technology Center, which shares the parking lot with the UT-Martin at Parsons (a sub-sub center).

So saith the UT Martin spokesman, who did not acknowledge that Clint WAS a student at UT Martin, but perhaps it is because he was an online student.
It is very unlikely he made a commute to the school itself.
My opinions only, no facts here:

This is my updated time-line for the morning that Holly Bobo disappeared, including more recent newspaper reports. IT IS NOT OFFICIAL! Before reading this, note that Holly’s brother apparently did not know that Holly’s boyfriend was across the county hunting turkey that morning. I have tried to avoid interpretation, except where exact times or event sequences must be deduced from the newspaper reports. Some of the events may be simultaneous. In this updated time-line, I have included a few personal comments, clearly distinguished.

4:30 AM (Holly awoke and was in bedroom studying, witnesses unknown)
5:30-5:35 (Holly still in bedroom, witness is father)
5:30-5:35 (Holly’s father leaves for work, witness is himself)
6:30-7:00 (Holly in bedroom and at breakfast table and mother makes a lunch for Holly, witness is mother)
7:00-ish (Holly’s mother leaves for work, witness is herself)
7:00-ish (Holly talking on phone with college girlfriend, witness is girlfriend)
7:30-ish (Holly talked with boyfriend on phone about him being accused of trespassing on her grandmother’s property across the county that morning while turkey hunting, witness is boyfriend)
7:30-ish (a flurry of calls between Holly/Holly’s boyfriend and Holly’s mother about the mistaken trespassing incident, witnesses are boyfriend and mother)
7:30-7:35 (Holly talked with mother on phone, witness is mother)
7:40-ish (Holly going outside to car-possibly 5 minutes earlier than usual so as to not miss a college exam, no witnesses)
7:40 (someone screamed at Holly’s house, male witness to scream is nearest neighbor to Holly’s house)
7:40-ish (male neighbor tells his own mother who also lives with him about hearing the scream)
7:40-ish (male neighbor’s mother calls Holly’s mother at work about the scream, witness is secretary who relays info to mother)
****note that earlier newspaper accounts may indicate a 7:30 time for the scream AND that the neighbors called 911 at this same time, curiously the 7:30 time for a 911 call was supposedly mentioned by an official; it seems that this is now corrected to 7:40- but did someone call 911 before Holly’s mother?****
7:50 (Holly’s brother wakes up because their 'house dog' is barking, witness is himself; note that I have previously suggested that he may have awakened as early as 7:40 to 7:45 because this allows enough time for all of the following incidents to occur)
7:50-ish (looking out the window Holly’s brother notices Holly’s car is still there and sees the silhouettes of two people kneeled down by the car, he also hears voices of two people, witness is himself)
7:50ish- (Holly’s brother calls his mother but gets no answer because mother’s phone is not with her, witnesses are himself and secretary)
7:50-ish (mother gets message from secretary and calls son/Holly’s brother who tells his mother about Holly’s car still being there and the two people he saw, witnesses are son and mother)
7:50-ish (the alarmed mother calls 911 but is not satisfied that she talked to the right office, witness is Henderson County dispatch)
7:50-ish (Holly is seen being led into woods by a man, witness is brother)
7:50-ish (mother calls son again and son says Holly is walking into woods with a man he thinks is her boyfriend-mother says it cannot be her boyfriend and to call 911 and go outside with a gun and follow them, witnesses are son and mother)
7:50-ish (mother calls 911 again, witness is Decatur County dispatch)
7:50-ish (brother tries to call Holly but gets voicemail, witness is himself)
7:50-ish (brother tries to call Holly’s boyfriend but gets voicemail, witness is himself)
7:50-ish (brother gets a pistol and walks out of house and notices blood and a spilled can of soda by Holly’s car, witness is himself)
8:00 (neighbor woman pulls up to Holly’s house and reports the scream her son heard to Holly’s brother, neighbor woman and Holly’s brother are witnesses for each other)
8:00-ish: (brother calls 911 as he hears sirens, witness is presumably the dispatcher- note that this call may have been at 7:59 based on a supposed official comment)
8:00-ish (first police car arrives “just after 8 o’clock”)
8:00-ish (the immediate woods where Holly was last seen were searched by up to three officers; this is both indicated and contradicted by these two statements: “Decatur County Sheriff Roy Wyatt said as soon as deputies arrived, they took a statement from Clint and began searching where Holly was last seen” AND “Wyatt said deputies did not want to enter the area or allow others to do so for fear that they would impair some evidence that might be found and because they were waiting on a search dog and trying to gather information leading them to go a certain direction.”)
later than 8:15: (the State Patrol brought in a search dog or dogs; it is implied that this was the same day that Holly disappeared)

Remember that much of this is based upon various news accounts and that can explain seeming discrepancies. What is interesting is that there are some accounts that the first 911 call could have come from the neighbor, prior to the first call to 911 from Holly’s mother. However, I suggest that this reflects garbled early news accounts. IF the State Patrol dogs were used and IF they were used the same day Holly disappeared, I believe they could track her. I will repeat myself from earlier posts- what the dogs “saw” is key to understanding this case. One other point of interest- if I called someone on every occasion that I heard a shriek or scream, the phone lines would be tied up half of the time. I think that this was a particularly blood-curdling and loud scream that the neighbors KNEW immediately was important.

And I will bring this up for the 3rd time- DNA (skin cells?) may well have been recovered from the tossed items. If this DNA is not in the nationwide database, the officials may be waiting for possible passage and implementation of the familial DNA bill in Tennessee, during Jan. 2012. Familial DNA is the best investigative tool of them all- it practically ruins life for the criminals. But the underlying constitutional issues are touchy and any bill must be well-crafted to satisfy constitutional demands.

Hi Mr. Noatak, this is great!
Where is the part where he went to take a shower?

(There was a version where he went to take a shower heard her scream, and came out with just a towel and THAT's why he didn't go running out there but called Mom, or did I just dream that?)
Hi Mr. Noatak, this is great!
Where is the part where he went to take a shower?

(There was a version where he went to take a shower heard her scream, and came out with just a towel and THAT's why he didn't go running out there but called Mom, or did I just dream that?)

That's a rumour as far as I know. Early on people speculated he was in the shower and that's why he didn't hear the scream.
After having spent days trying to get the definitive answer to this, it should state, Tennesee Technology Center, which shares the parking lot with the UT-Martin at Parsons (a sub-sub center).

So saith the UT Martin spokesman, who did not acknowledge that Clint WAS a student at UT Martin, but perhaps it is because he was an online student.
It is very unlikely he made a commute to the school itself.

Why do you think he didn't commute to the school? :waitasec:
Wonder why Drew didn't answer when CB called. Wasn't he on the way to work at that time. You would think he would want to tell his hunting buddy all about the turkey hunt. Including being stopped by the family.
If my sister was taken into the woods I would immediately get on the phone with my hunting buddies grab our guns and start searching. I would not be waiting for the police to come. I'm betting those guys know the woods pretty good.
I tend to disagree with you about it being typical, at least in a way. I think the abductor targeted Holly because of lust, which the case almost every time a woman is attacked by someone other than her husband or boyfriend. Either the abductor had been spurned by Holly before, maybe without her really realizing it, or he became obsessed with her without her realizing it. We've seen that pattern play out over and over. I was watching the ID channel last weekend and saw the show about Shannon Melendi's abduction again. She was a college student who played softball. The umpire at one of her games targeted her. People at the game said the umpire was paying an inordinate amount of attention to her and it turned out he was the one who attacked her. I think of Annie Le, after she was attacked and murdered at work people were very surprised that it seemed like her killer had acted solely out of work related rage. But it was eventually revealed that he had sexually assaulted her.

I know there is the possibility of a jealous ex or somebody with a grudge against the family but I think the odds are that this is a crime of lust-driven power by someone who had not been intimate with her in the past.

As far as the lack of info...I just don't know. One thing I know is that LE hates to release info to the family, much less the public. That goes for pretty much every investigation. And the less they have, the less chance they'll get desperate enough to release anything at all. Holding precious details back gives them a vital investigative tool.

How about Amanda Mandy Stokes she disappeared after a fight with her bro
The neighbors hear them he says they made up and she left the apt they shared
she was never seen again. something like this case
If my sister was taken into the woods I would immediately get on the phone with my hunting buddies grab our guns and start searching. I would not be waiting for the police to come. I'm betting those guys know the woods pretty good.


Hes 25 he does wheelies on quads avid hunter what was he waiting for he never even called 911.
After having spent days trying to get the definitive answer to this, it should state, Tennesee Technology Center, which shares the parking lot with the UT-Martin at Parsons (a sub-sub center).

So saith the UT Martin spokesman, who did not acknowledge that Clint WAS a student at UT Martin, but perhaps it is because he was an online student.
It is very unlikely he made a commute to the school itself.

What the heck IS Clints story..
Hes is 25.
Is he in school?
Does he work?
Is there a GF
Where was he supposed to be that morning hunting with DREW?
What the Hay!!!
I believe this to be an abduction for the OBVIOUS reasons:

1) the FBI says so
2) local LE says so
3) the family says so
4) Holly is still missing so shes not hiding in the garage like Balloon Boy
5) Holly's blood was found at the home
6) Holly's lunch bag was found miles away from the home
(how did it get there Clint couldn't have done it, Drew couldn't have done it...)
7) Neighbors heard screams and came to the Bobo house (if it were not an abduction
then who was screaming and where did the screaming person go)
8) Other evidence WAS found in various locations.
9) Zero known reason for this not to be an abduction (no known family arguements, no
known abusive ex boyfriend, no known disgruntled ex employee, no known anything(
10) The family's earnest attempts to find Holly. If she were hiding out with her Cousin
Holly's mom wouldn't have quit her job and Clint would not have quit school to search
11) The Bobo's still have the support of their close knit community. I doubt they could
fool that many people this long and someone would have come forward to say so by

I will say the story of what happened is murky and convoluted at best. I admit that. But I do think its a genuine abduction. Always have.
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