TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #30

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This is OT, but I just watched a show about the murder of Lisa Kimmel some years ago; her parents ran into a sheriff who not only refused the help from federal agents for a special task force, but threatened the parents with obstruction if they did not stop going over his head. He told his staff that this was their case, they were not going to allow anyone else to solve it. Eventually the feds came in anyway and worked with some of his investigators, without his help, quite well. Anyway, this tale just made me wonder about what is going on in Parsons/Darden.
This is OT, but I just watched a show about the murder of Lisa Kimmel some years ago; her parents ran into a sheriff who not only refused the help from federal agents for a special task force, but threatened the parents with obstruction if they did not stop going over his head. He told his staff that this was their case, they were not going to allow anyone else to solve it. Eventually the feds came in anyway and worked with some of his investigators, without his help, quite well. Anyway, this tale just made me wonder about what is going on in Parsons/Darden.

Maybe that's another step the Bobos should take. If they're not getting answers from local LE and TBI, maybe they should contact the FBI and see if they are willing to help them?
Maybe that's another step the Bobos should take. If they're not getting answers from local LE and TBI, maybe they should contact the FBI and see if they are willing to help them?
Holly Bobo's mother to President Obama: 'please send more help'
"We search, we do something every day, to help find our daughter," Karen Bobo said.
"As Holly's mom, nearly four months into it, we still don't have holly so I'm asking for help from President Obama, if you could please send some more help," Karen said
"The last I heard the paragliders were supposed to be in communication with the TBI and I haven't heard anything since then," said Clint Bobo.
What started almost four months ago as a massive ground search in the rural town of Parsons, has now turned to just one family, going door to door.
"Someone has to have seen something, someone knows something and so we are begging those people to please come forward with that information," Karen said.
Holly Bobo's mother to President Obama: 'please send more help'
"We search, we do something every day, to help find our daughter," Karen Bobo said.
"As Holly's mom, nearly four months into it, we still don't have holly so I'm asking for help from President Obama, if you could please send some more help," Karen said
"The last I heard the paragliders were supposed to be in communication with the TBI and I haven't heard anything since then," said Clint Bobo.
What started almost four months ago as a massive ground search in the rural town of Parsons, has now turned to just one family, going door to door.
"Someone has to have seen something, someone knows something and so we are begging those people to please come forward with that information," Karen said.

This does not sound as though any professional search groups are involved...JMO

I don't think we know for certain there is a door from the carport to the once garage. The layout of the interior of the house has never been reported that I'm aware of. All we know for certain is the garage is no longer a "garage" and it and the carport are both connected to the house, and photos confirm this.

Thanks. Right now, it seems we know very little. It was just a guess on my part.
Holly Bobo's mother to President Obama: 'please send more help'
"We search, we do something every day, to help find our daughter," Karen Bobo said.
"As Holly's mom, nearly four months into it, we still don't have holly so I'm asking for help from President Obama, if you could please send some more help," Karen said
"The last I heard the paragliders were supposed to be in communication with the TBI and I haven't heard anything since then," said Clint Bobo.
What started almost four months ago as a massive ground search in the rural town of Parsons, has now turned to just one family, going door to door.
"Someone has to have seen something, someone knows something and so we are begging those people to please come forward with that information," Karen said.

This seems like an odd thing to say, considering the area they lived was rural, and probably few neighbors outside to see anything, particularly in their back yard.
Well, OTOH, her brother DID see something... but he didn't follow up, except to call Mom.
There are many, many cases of missing people all over the country who have been missing for years, and never been found. I hope this is not the way it turns out for Holly's family.
Tonight on JVM, she had on a private detective (forgot his name) and he said Holly's phone was found 6 miles away from her home going toward Nashville. Is he referring to the car that had the phone and camo in it? I thought that LE denied that being true? I don't think the transcript of Issues is available yet.
This does not sound as though any professional search groups are involved...JMO

My opinion about hiring a SAR team would be this, if LE using dogs didn't pick up anything on the property, or in the "Evidence" locations, it would be very hard to know where to start, and you would be searching a very large area, which would be prohibitively expensive. The immediate area could be throughly searched without a hired team.
Tonight on JVM, she had on a private detective (forgot his name) and he said Holly's phone was found 6 miles away from her home going toward Nashville. Is he referring to the car that had the phone and camo in it? I thought that LE denied that being true? I don't think the transcript of Issues is available yet.

what's happening with this?
what's happening with this?

I'm not sure if this private detective has his story straight or not. A long time ago this info was out there then retracted but I was surprised it was brought up again tonight.
Tonight on JVM, she had on a private detective (forgot his name) and he said Holly's phone was found 6 miles away from her home going toward Nashville. Is he referring to the car that had the phone and camo in it? I thought that LE denied that being true? I don't think the transcript of Issues is available yet.
The PI on the show was the same one who has been saying how the 5 cases of missing blonde women he has highlighted could be connected. Here is his segment from the transcripts-
VELEZ-MITCHELL: Where is this beautiful mother of four, Karen Swift? Now, is there any link to the disappearances of four other women within a 130-mile radius? All of them have a very similar look.
And the theory that there might be a connection was first brought to our attention by private investigator Bill Warner, who joins us tonight.
Bill, have you been, I think, checking this out, and you have apparently found out that three of these five women`s cell phones have not been found. Do you have any new information for us that might give us an idea of whether these cases are connected.
WARNER: Well, I want to go back to what Preston just said concerning his mother`s cell phone, and it appears they pinged it at 5 a.m. on this Google search, and it was 12 miles away from the home. The car was found about a half a mile away from the home. Kind of indicates that she had gone mobile.
Also back to Holly Bobo, when she was kidnapped in April of this year, her cell phone was found on the side of the road, six miles down the road, heading towards Nashville. Again, she had gone mobile. The similarities of the looks of all these women, yes, that`s a real problem I have. I can`t understand why. Maybe two, three girls looking alike, but five, that seems to be a pattern.
VELEZ-MITCHELL: Have police given you any feedback on your theory?
WARNER: No. No. There`s no communication there. But the FBI did a report about two years ago that kind of is very interesting as far as serial killings on the highway. Interstate trucking was involved. Over the last 40 years, 440 cases of bodies that were found were linked to the trucking industry. Of the 440 cases, only 30 have been solved. So 11 cases a year. That`s astounding.-
I'm not sure if this private detective has his story straight or not. A long time ago this info was out there then retracted but I was surprised it was brought up again tonight.
I really do not see any logical basis for his assumptions. IMO he does not have facts straight when discussing his theories, so I would not put any faith into what he is saying.
Now he is supporting his theories by pointing out that 3/5 of these women cell phones have not been recovered. How exactly is that a connection? Also, do these 5 highlighted woman really look all that similar? IMO one can make some similarities, but not nearly enough to say they look anything alike.
In regards to HB phone being found 6 miles away heading toward Nashville, well the first problem is that has never been confirmed by LE, so unless he has direct knowledge of where and when it was found, that cannot be an accurate statement on it's own. The Easter find was rumored to be HB phone and 6 miles from her home sounds about right, near her school and not to far from the interstate. Now the BIG problem with this statement and the reason I don't think what he is saying can be trusted, is the part about heading toward Nashville. Really? He knows which direction camo man headed after the abduction? He does realize the only confirmed item recovered was the lunch bag? The lunch bag find and the supposed Easter find were not found along what anybody would consider a route to Nashville, let alone where camo man may have eventually went. That would be like saying I need to drive through Florida and California to get to New York, without knowing that New York is actually where you were suppose to go.
I think it's good that some of these cases are getting a little bit of light shown on them, but I find it tragic the type of information being tossed around in these cases in the national spotlight by having somebody spitball unfounded theories. First it was a sex offender who has not been located, now it is long haul truck drivers. What theory can he tie in next? Long haul alien abductors who are interested in blonde women and will only keep certain types of cell phones?
I'm sorry to poke fun at these sad cases, but this guy needs to put up or shut up. Show us a real connection, something that is tangible, even if it is a remote connection, then he should be out there sharing ideas, not trying to create them out of thin air.
Ok, it's early and I'm only on my 2nd cup of coffee. So the carport is attached to the back of the house and there is a door from this carport going into the garage/living area/den/family room/whatever. Got it.

I need another cup of coffee.

Bottom photo.
Is that not a freestanding garage depicted?

How many carports, attached garages, enclosed remodelled garages, and freestanding garages does this property have? Seriously.

Oops. The photo didn't follow me here. Sorry. It was several pages back.
I love your avatar, Frogzilla. Makes me smile every time you post.
The PI on the show was the same one who has been saying how the 5 cases of missing blonde women he has highlighted could be connected. Here is his segment from the transcripts-
VELEZ-MITCHELL: Where is this beautiful mother of four, Karen Swift? Now, is there any link to the disappearances of four other women within a 130-mile radius? All of them have a very similar look.
And the theory that there might be a connection was first brought to our attention by private investigator Bill Warner, who joins us tonight.
Bill, have you been, I think, checking this out, and you have apparently found out that three of these five women`s cell phones have not been found. Do you have any new information for us that might give us an idea of whether these cases are connected.
WARNER: Well, I want to go back to what Preston just said concerning his mother`s cell phone, and it appears they pinged it at 5 a.m. on this Google search, and it was 12 miles away from the home. The car was found about a half a mile away from the home. Kind of indicates that she had gone mobile.
Also back to Holly Bobo, when she was kidnapped in April of this year, her cell phone was found on the side of the road, six miles down the road, heading towards Nashville. Again, she had gone mobile. The similarities of the looks of all these women, yes, that`s a real problem I have. I can`t understand why. Maybe two, three girls looking alike, but five, that seems to be a pattern.
VELEZ-MITCHELL: Have police given you any feedback on your theory?
WARNER: No. No. There`s no communication there. But the FBI did a report about two years ago that kind of is very interesting as far as serial killings on the highway. Interstate trucking was involved. Over the last 40 years, 440 cases of bodies that were found were linked to the trucking industry. Of the 440 cases, only 30 have been solved. So 11 cases a year. That`s astounding.-

I wonder if that's where the Bobos got their trucking campaign idea from?
Interesting isn't it considering there was no mention of texts in the Jackson Sun but just a flurry of phone calls. So this NG is no longer available and the article in JS is also not available.

Did the Bobos hire a lawyer? I wonder.

Interesting to me that the Jackson Sun hasn't asked Drew to comment
or confirm his conversations or texts, but did ask the friend from school to.
Or she volunteered to but he hasn't?

Not saying he's guilty of anything. Just that I find it strange that no news
outlet is interested in speaking with him.
Because they never say things like we asked and he declined to comment
for this article. But, just to mention his actions so often, and contact by
other family members, yet he's never heard from personally.
Interesting to me that the Jackson Sun hasn't asked Drew to comment
or confirm his conversations or texts, but did ask the friend from school to.
Or she volunteered to but he hasn't?

Not saying he's guilty of anything. Just that I find it strange that no news
outlet is interested in speaking with him.
Because they never say things like we asked and he declined to comment
for this article. But, just to mention his actions so often, and contact by
other family members, yet he's never heard from personally.

I agree. Very odd considering they apparently were so close and inseparable. :innocent:
In the beginning, it was said that the Bobo family refused help from a few outside sources that were familiar with missing person cases that had called to offer help. I think one was Ed Smart. I am on my phone, so I can't verify with a link right now. I hope I am remembering correctly.

With that being said, I wonder how many of these professional agencies the Bobo family have called now that they are desperate.

I also wonder if the FBI have ever been invloved. I know that the TBI have been from day 1; however the TBI's track record of solving cases leaves a lot to be desired. I for one would love for an outside federal agency to look at the TBI's evidence to see if they can find something new. I almost wonder if the TBI needs an overhaul. JMO
I really do not see any logical basis for his assumptions. IMO he does not have facts straight when discussing his theories, so I would not put any faith into what he is saying.
Now he is supporting his theories by pointing out that 3/5 of these women cell phones have not been recovered. How exactly is that a connection? Also, do these 5 highlighted woman really look all that similar? IMO one can make some similarities, but not nearly enough to say they look anything alike.
In regards to HB phone being found 6 miles away heading toward Nashville, well the first problem is that has never been confirmed by LE, so unless he has direct knowledge of where and when it was found, that cannot be an accurate statement on it's own. The Easter find was rumored to be HB phone and 6 miles from her home sounds about right, near her school and not to far from the interstate. Now the BIG problem with this statement and the reason I don't think what he is saying can be trusted, is the part about heading toward Nashville. Really? He knows which direction camo man headed after the abduction? He does realize the only confirmed item recovered was the lunch bag? The lunch bag find and the supposed Easter find were not found along what anybody would consider a route to Nashville, let alone where camo man may have eventually went. That would be like saying I need to drive through Florida and California to get to New York, without knowing that New York is actually where you were suppose to go.
I think it's good that some of these cases are getting a little bit of light shown on them, but I find it tragic the type of information being tossed around in these cases in the national spotlight by having somebody spitball unfounded theories. First it was a sex offender who has not been located, now it is long haul truck drivers. What theory can he tie in next? Long haul alien abductors who are interested in blonde women and will only keep certain types of cell phones?
I'm sorry to poke fun at these sad cases, but this guy needs to put up or shut up. Show us a real connection, something that is tangible, even if it is a remote connection, then he should be out there sharing ideas, not trying to create them out of thin air.

I agree that his story idea is purely speculation, but Im glad he is getting attention to the case anyway..I just don't understand where he gets this cellphone thing. I mean is he guessing like the rest of us or does he have inside information? IMO he could only be talking about the Eaton Rd evidence, but I don't see how you could say that this location is heading toward Nashville, It could just as easily be heading to Memphis, or Atlanta, of Knoxville...anyway, while my gut tells me this is speculation on his part, I am gald to hear that Holly is back in the MSM.
In the beginning, it was said that the Bobo family refused help from a few outside sources that were familiar with missing person cases that had called to offer help. I think one was Ed Smart. I am on my phone, so I can't verify with a link right now. I hope I am remembering correctly.

With that being said, I wonder how many of these professional agencies the Bobo family have called now that they are desperate.

I also wonder if the FBI have ever been invloved. I know that the TBI have been from day 1; however the TBI's track record of solving cases leaves a lot to be desired. I for one would love for an outside federal agency to look at the TBI's evidence to see if they can find something new. I almost wonder if the TBI needs an overhaul. JMO

Yup FBI was involved at the beginning. Natalee Holloway's mom and John Walsh also contacted the Bobos.
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