TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden; believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #34

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I think it is possible Holly felt she had a stalker but did not know who it was, and told her mother that much. That would explain Mom's reaction to some extent. I mean, come on, if they all knew who it was, someone would have leaked a name by now, just to put pressure on him, if nothing else. If he is still there, in town, then clearly he is not holding Holly, and if he too, disappeared, there would be an APB. I don't think they know who they are looking for.

I just wanted to further expand on this topic a bit more so am basically using your post as a jumping off point, clu.. Not directed at you..

Some of the questions that arise when working with the theory that the family were fearful of harm coming to them, or to Holly specifically.. And that could be fear from a potential stalker as some have mentioned as a possibility.. Just as well as fear of retribution in some form due to other issues(ie. My hypothetical upthread).. Either way there being prior knowledge to some degree of someone possibly bringing about harm to Holly..

As I've said before if this were the case(ie. Some degree of prior knowledge which led to fear) it would in many ways make several nonsensical details actually begin to make sense(ie. Karen's IMMEDIATE extremely visceral reaction that those around could not at all understand, nor could we).. But at the same time I realize that it does bring about questions about other issues that for some does not at all fit or seem to make sense..

Such as if the family had a level of fear due to prior knowledge that made them fearful of harm coming to Holly that as I've purposed the family knew where/who that "threat" was that posed a potential danger.. Thereby Karen naming that individual in her multiple calls to 911 that morning, as well as Clint's catching the tail end of his sisters abduction as she's being drug from the carport into the woods out back of their home.. Tho, technically he never actually laid his eyes on the face of the perp and only saw him from behind.. Nonetheless due to the family having some level of prior knowledge he feels he knows exactly who the man was that took his sister..

So, imo all of those above issues can all be true and yet still be at a literal standstill as far as legally being able to proceed with charges.. Just because you fear someone may do something eventually does not equate evidence to prove that they in fact did do that which eventually caused harm(Holly's abduction)..

Clint never saw the face of the perp therefor how does his seeing his back in anyway equate to evidence that would hold up in a court of law??.. The whole entire population can be aware of who this perpetrator is, the entire population can feel that he is likely whose abducted and killed Holly.. How does this equate to tangible evidence that would hold up in a court of law to prosecute the man that most know is the most likeliest to have committed these crimes??.. Again it doesn't.. Without evidence and without even Holly's body does it not become clear that not only the Bobo family, but actually every citizen in the tri-state area can "know" exactly who is responsible, but yet at this point in time he continues to walk a free man?..

Knowing and proving in a court of law are two waaaaaay totally different things.. IMO it is these type very real issues that are why this case is at the frustrating standstill that it is..

As for the perp.. I believe another issue that has some of the opinion that there's just no way that the individual who perpetrated this crime is known and has been known is the fact that unlike so many other cases everything is so close to the vest to the point that I believe many may feel this persons not been questioned, interrogated(more than once), offered polygraph, as well as surveilled,etc,etc,etc.. And that just isn't accurate. Just because we have zilch reported, or even leaked to the public thru the media does not at all mean that these type of investigative steps are not being taken, because they are..

All in all I just wanted to explain further why the hypothetical that I offered is not as nonsensical as some may believe.. Or far fetched from reality in terms of being an actual, very real possibility of similar circumstances being at play here in Hollys case..
Maybe someone at the Daily knows her or the family. Here's the article again for anyone who is interested:

The boy's grandmother, Susie Siglow, told The Daily the two were madly in love and planning to marry, and said Drew was too distraught to speak.

"I’ve known Holly for a long time," Siglow said. "Holly would never hurt nobody and she would never run away from home. She is the sweetest person you could ever meet."

She added, "[Drew] is tore up. Last night was the first night they’ve been apart for about a year."

There was a lot of discussion originally about this meaning that Holly usually spends the night with Drew, but it could also mean that they just hung out every night and parted when it was time for one of them to go home. The Jackson Sun article does seem to imply that on school days Holly usually leaves her parents' house at about 7:45.

Thanks for posting the article. Yet, I'm not sure why you would preface it by a far-fetched notion that someone at The Daily would know her or her family.

It still strikes me as odd that the grandmother wanted to give the impression that she was kept apprised of every nuance of her grandson's relationship.
How would she know if they spent every night together or not?
I saw many photos of Holly that made me think she indulged in a good bit of girl's night out kind of things.

At any rate, I'd like to draw the comparison of Holly's Grandmother who wouldn't know Drew from Adam's housecat, to Drew's Grandmother being
the go to person for any info on the latest in the romance.

A bit strange, but then what isn't in this case?
Thanks for this!

However, I am confused because I thought Holly's girlfriend stated they had broken up three days prior.

As a result, there would be raw feelings of loss, rejection IMHO.

Yes, there seems to be enough smoke to think there might have been fire with the revelations that HB and DS broke up the Sunday night prior by a
number of friends and locals who were stating this.
Yes, there seems to be enough smoke to think there might have been fire with the revelations that HB and DS broke up the Sunday night prior by a
number of friends and locals who were stating this.

oh, so this gives credence to the reason why drew would be hunting on Karen's mother's property and not the Bobos. Yet, there was anger there, imo, when Holly's GMA or someone confronted the Scotts on GMA's property.

Lots of babble by phone (or in person) between Holly, Drew and Karen about his too. Minutes later Holly has vanished. Speaking of coincidence....goodness!

Lots of Smoke here, for sure.
Lots of Smoke here, for sure.

I wonder about that new construction the Bobo's had just prior to Holly's disappearance.
Someone involved with that would know the family's routine at the time of the abduction.
Still, my point is that The Daily is such an obscure publication, it's strange they were able to get the story from Granny.
Afterwards, no reporter tried to follow up with SS from the MSM?
Or did and were turned down?

So who first read this and reposted the link and how did this link get to be so widely known that ole Granny had been leaking this personal info to them? That would be very edifying to know.
Did she contact them for this interview presumably by phone? Or did they call her and if so, how did they know she would know anything considering Holly's grandmother, who was mentioned in earlier reports as the back-handed "alibi" for DS, via KB, didn't know DS, at all?

This is as odd as the roles played by the cousins on the Mom's side and Dad side in making Holly's story have such a carnival atmosphere and muddying of the waters.
I don't think that means anything. The guy could be right handed with a weapon in his right hand, thus freeing his left hand to hold Holly.

Weren't we told that he had nothing in his right hand? IF he was leading Holly, imo, they guy was most likely left-handed. If it were a bono fide abduction, a perp would use the arm/hand that gives good control. In this case it was the left arm/hand.
At one time it was implied that their arms were together. If its the AMW video you mention... that whole thing was really unconvincing as far as a reenactment went. Even the POV was off.... they had Clint looking back at the house talking about how he looked from the house out towards the woods.

My instincts have always thought Clint viewed this from a different vantage point than the house. Funny, but I recall Clint using that same language (back at the house/window) and had questioned it but was told it was due to cultural differences. I will have to try to find it. I think it was w/JVM interview. Clint has a very odd way of communicating his thoughts. I think Clint gets confused between what he thinks was happening and what was actually happening.

Does anyone recall when JVM asked him about the turkey in the carport and the blood. He was asked if there was a turkey and he said "No, it was gone". I don't know about others thoughts, but his entire interview was "off".
<snipped for space>

Does anyone recall when JVM asked him about the turkey in the carport and the blood. He was asked if there was a turkey and he said "No, it was gone". I don't know about others thoughts, but his entire interview was "off".

Link and transcript of interview with CB,
My opinion only...this cannot be blamed on bad reporting( it is a direct quote to a question). In addition we will not get into a debate i.e. about conjugating the 'verb' drug. (sic)

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So you`re saying you were able to call your mom before they left the garage and after you called your mom you see them walking towards the woods?

C. BOBO: Right. And I told my mom that once I realized it was Holly, I said well, Holly and Drew which is her boyfriend were out in the garage talking.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So where did you find the blood?

C. BOBO: It was in the garage, under where I saw the silhouette of them kneeled down in the garage.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: When you saw them kneeling down did you think to ask them or approach them? How far away were you?

C. BOBO: No, I assumed -- I was inside the house and I assumed that that was Holly and her boyfriend Drew and he was dressed in full camouflage so I thought that Drew had been to the woods and killed a turkey and brought it back to the house and the two were sitting there over the turkey talking. After I saw the blood, I thought that was blood of a turkey that Drew had killed.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Did you see the turkey? Or there was no turkey.

C. BOBO: No, it was gone.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But you thought they had done that when you initially saw them, but you hadn`t seen the blood yet?

C. BOBO: Right.


C. BOBO: Didn`t see it until later.
Ah! The infamous "Silhouette Turkey" passage. Still causes minor head-spinning, even after repeated readings.
Ah! The infamous "Silhouette Turkey" passage. Still causes minor head-spinning, even after repeated readings.

i take it as he's saying that he thought there was a turkey but when he went over to that area he didn't see it so he thought it was gone. in hindsight, he now realizes there was no turkey, but he's describing (not at all clearly imo) what he was thinking at the time.
respectfully snipped -

i highly recommend anyone who either hasn't read this transcript or hasn't read it in a while go back and read it. i think there's a lot more than the surface information in the comments from the family. i honestly think cb has a hard time understanding exactly what he saw as, even with prodding by the interviewer, he just doesn't seem to be able to get out a clear picture of what happened.

there's also a lot of info about the location of the garage, etc.
i take it as he's saying that he thought there was a turkey but when he went over to that area he didn't see it so he thought it was gone. in hindsight, he now realizes there was no turkey, but he's describing (not at all clearly imo) what he was thinking at the time.
Apprehending meaning in that passage is like trying to catch a rabbit which keeps hopping away when one gets close.
Bumping this Video of Elizabeth & Ed Smart's visit to TN to lend support to Holly Bobo & her family..

Elizabeth Smart Speaks to Encourage Holly Bobo's Friends & Family
By Meghan Pinkley

HENDERSON COUNTY, Tenn. - A message of hope in the now 16 month search for missing Decatur County nursing student Holly Bobo.

Monday night's message was delivered by Elizabeth Smart, 24, who was abducted at age 14 from her Salt Lake City home and survived nine months of captivity.

The Bobo family said Elizabeth Smart's abduction back in 2002 has many similarities to Holly Bobo's kidnapping in April 2011. The fact that Elizabeth returned home, gives them even more encouragement to continue searching for their loved one.
oh, so this gives credence to the reason why drew would be hunting on Karen's mother's property and not the Bobos.

Yet, there was anger there, imo, when Holly's GMA or someone confronted the Scotts on GMA's property.

Lots of babble by phone (or in person) between Holly, Drew and Karen about his too. Minutes later Holly has vanished. Speaking of coincidence....goodness!

Lots of Smoke here, for sure.

Whisperer, Who would have the nerve (or mad enough)to be on the Bobo carport argueing with Holly on that same Wednesday morning? about what?
What was the reason behind that person taking Holly off the property?
I'd like to hear someone's opinion of MOTIVE?
It had to be something really Big, imo..
Thanks for posting the article. Yet, I'm not sure why you would preface it by a far-fetched notion that someone at The Daily would know her or her family.

It still strikes me as odd that the grandmother wanted to give the impression that she was kept apprised of every nuance of her grandson's relationship.

How would she know if they spent every night together or not?

I saw many photos of Holly that made me think she indulged in a good bit of girl's night out kind of things.

At any rate, I'd like to draw the comparison of Holly's Grandmother who wouldn't know Drew from Adam's housecat,
to Drew's Grandmother being
the go to person for any info on the latest in the romance.

A bit strange, but then what isn't in this case?

Houndstooth, I read somewhere months back, that Drew lived with his Grandmother off and on...maybe that's how she knew.
Whisperer, Who would have the nerve (or mad enough)to be on the Bobo carport argueing with Holly on that same Wednesday morning? about what?
What was the reason behind that person taking Holly off the property?
I'd like to hear someone's opinion of MOTIVE?
It had to be something really Big, imo..

Jealousy, abandonment, embarrassment, control...
Yes, there seems to be enough smoke to think there might have been fire with the revelations that HB and DS broke up the Sunday night prior by a
number of friends and locals who were stating this.

Is there a link indicating they had broken up? I missed that nugget in all of the media on Holly's case. Thank you!
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