TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden; believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #34

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Are you talking about a possibility that a stranger felt she rejected him? I was watching an ID show last night about how an acquaintance from high school stalked a woman for YEARS. I think it was 12 years. For all we know this person could have been from high school! :eek:

Have you guys relooked at RSOs in the area? Have there been any reports of rapes in the last year? Women escaping from a possible snatching? I'm thinking about the Kristi Cornwell case - and many others where there were foiled attempts at other crimes the perp tried to commit.

Is there a strange person with women followers anywhere around like in Elizabeth Smart's case=?

Also, check the UID forum for remains in that area. He may have done this before to women who have yet to be identified.

There's a lot of sleuthing to do here!

IIRC, 3 RSO arrests, charged and in jail who have been named in MSM as possibly being connected to Holly's case. No confirmation from LE that these 3 are connected.

I keep bringing up Karen Swift and Erika Megan Sharpton cases as possibly being perpetrated by the same person. Unfortunately, again, nothing by LE. They said they were close to an arrest in Erika's case and that was 11 days ago? Same with Karen's case...months ago. NOTHING.

This morning I saw another case (in the cold case forum) from 30 years ago. Similar to Holly's. Car in driveway, keys in the vehicle. Purse missing. Nashville, TN. Could the same perp be involved with all the other girls missing or murdered from TN?

I think of Holly everyday. Unfortunately, there is not much we can do without exploring ALL possibilities including what has been mentioned by many locals regarding drug problems in Parsons and the possible connection there. Not that Holly was into drugs but what if a friend/acquaintance was and she knew too much?

Remember: Her purse with a camera is missing! I can't ignore the camera! There is a reason she had a camera. We can speculate until we're blue in the face but it would help if her family would say something. Is it something she always carried? Was there a unique event the night before and she left the camera in her purse? Was she planning on going somewhere AFTER her important test that morning?

So many questions.......and one that still bugs me is the timeline!
Why does it seem that Holly's abduction was due to jealousy, revenge, etc., yet rule out sex as the primary motive..
TN, was named the Meth capitol in 2010. Decatur County was the number one County for illegal meth lab busts in TN. Prolonged use of Meth causes psychopathic tendencies and and increased libido. Why would a sexual motive for her abduction not be considered, or be ruled out? Just curious..
Why does it seem that Holly's abduction was due to jealousy, revenge, etc., yet rule out sex as the primary motive..
TN, was named the Meth capitol in 2010. Decatur County was the number one County for illegal meth lab busts in TN. Prolonged use of Meth causes psychopathic tendencies and and increased libido. Why would a sexual motive for her abduction not be considered, or be ruled out? Just curious..
Certainly ruling out nothing.

Prolonged meth use leads to decreased libido, however.
Why does it seem that Holly's abduction was due to jealousy, revenge, etc., yet rule out sex as the primary motive..
TN, was named the Meth capitol in 2010. Decatur County was the number one County for illegal meth lab busts in TN. Prolonged use of Meth causes psychopathic tendencies and and increased libido. Why would a sexual motive for her abduction not be considered, or be ruled out? Just curious..

I' just not buying this was a RSO or meth-head/stalker. Someone was there that she was accustomed to seeing otherwise she screams continuously and/or heads right back into the house.

They were interacting too long.

Occam's razor. :moo:
I don't know a lot about psychology...
If someone stalks one person, and something happens to take that person out of the equation (moves far, dies, stalker loses interest), does the stalker start stalking someone else? Or that person is just not a stalker anymore?

I ask this because when I was in HS, there was someone who was sorta stalking me during school hours. It turned out he was just an intense person looking for a friend. When I went to the principal to express my concern, before I named the subject, the principal said, "Oh, you must be talking about "Smith"" Yeah, he usually does this to someone for a month, then moves on to another person."

So, if stalkers "move on", is it possible the perp is obsessed with someone else right now?

Or, if this was jealousy/control issue is that person currently (or in the past) had problems with domestic violence people other than Holly?

I watched 6 episodes of people who were stalked last night and in all cases, they only mentioned them stalking one person. I don't know if stalkers switch their prey or not.

In one case, the stalker was someone known in the community, but the victim didn't know him at all. He actually stopped stalking her for four years, and then picked it back up again.
I' just not buying this was a RSO or meth-head/stalker. Someone was there that she was accustomed to seeing otherwise she screams continuously and/or heads right back into the house.

They were interacting too long.

Occam's razor. :moo:

I don't know about that. I was mugged one time and it took me awhile to process that the person who grabbed me from behind wasn't someone I knew. I was in my 20s when that occurred and had never ever had a stranger do something like that to me and had that frame of mind of "bad things happen to other people".

It might have taken her some time to process what was happening. She could have gone into mental shock. He could have flashed a gun at her, or what she thought was a gun.

We just don't know. :sigh:
Re: searches early on.

I remember early into the case that some nearby neighbors weren't allowing LE to search their property. Were those properties ever searched?
Okay, my lunch is over so I'll quit pestering you guys! LOL

I really hope and pray this tortured family can find answers soon. :please: Keep looking down all roads and avenues and let's FIND HER!

Link? I've always read that it increases desire and when I Googled Meth and libido, that's all I found - sites stating meth increases desire.

Increased libido
With repeated use, methamphetamine exacts a toll on the mind and body, robbing users of their physical health and cognitive abilities, their libido and good looks, and their ability to experience pleasure.

The post I quoted referred to prolonged use.
I' just not buying this was a RSO or meth-head/stalker. Someone was there that she was accustomed to seeing otherwise she screams continuously and/or heads right back into the house.

They were interacting too long.

Occam's razor. :moo:

EnBrown, Try applying Occam's razor to Mickey Shunick's abduction and it would have grown cold, as has Holly Bobo's and the many other missing women cases, that Occam's razor has been applied too, imo..

Experienced sexual predators/serial killers are very calculating, manipulative, creative, and deflective

Sexual Predators are recidivist, Mickey Shunick's abductor/murder serial killer BS Lavergne, is now being investigated for multiple victims in LA and other States. Lisa Pate 1999(LA), another murder victim of BSL's was also brought to Justice due to the Mickey Shunick investigation.|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|s

Lafayette police grateful for help in Shunick case

The post I quoted referred to prolonged use.

wfgodo, this is the effects that concern me the most. In many of the sexual predators/serial killers that I have researched, there always seem to be a meth connection, either directly or indirectly. The speed freak killers of the 1980's were meth heads/tweekers.

(from Kimster's link)

Common Immediate Effects

Agitation, irritability, talkativeness, panic, compulsive fascination with repetitive tasks, violence, confusion
Increased libido
wfgodo, this is the effects that concern me the most. In many of the sexual predators/serial killers that I have researched, there always seem to be a meth connection, either directly or indirectly. The speed freak killers of the 1980's were meth heads/tweekers.

(from Kimster's link)

Common Immediate Effects

Agitation, irritability, talkativeness, panic, compulsive fascination with repetitive tasks, violence, confusion
Increased libido
Understood. I've been around meth users.

Among the immediate effects, panic and confusion don't seem to have had a role in the kidnapping. As these are by-products of agitation and irritability, I don't think the kidnapper was tweaking - at least at the time he abducted Holly.

I think the role of meth, if present at all, was a tangenital one.
EnBrown, Try applying Occam's razor to Mickey Shunick's abduction and it would have grown cold, as has Holly Bobo's and the many other missing women cases, that Occam's razor has been applied too, imo..

Experienced sexual predators/serial killers are very calculating, manipulative, creative, and deflective

Sexual Predators are recidivist, Mickey Shunick's abductor/murder serial killer BS Lavergne, is now being investigated for multiple victims in LA and other States. Lisa Pate 1999(LA), another murder victim of BSL's was also brought to Justice due to the Mickey Shunick investigation.|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|s

Lafayette police grateful for help in Shunick case

Okay, undertook, but did the others get abducted after an early morning messy argument involving other family members with someone who was their exclusive partner until days before?

I cannot get past that.
Aaaaaand not only had their been a fresh dispute with Person X, but X knows victim's routine, the layout of the property, was hunting that morning, has camo clothes according to many fbook pics, and is is quasi-IDd by a witness?
Aaaaaand not only had their been a fresh dispute with Person X, but X knows victim's routine, the layout of the property, was hunting that morning, has camo clothes according to many fbook pics, and is is quasi-IDd by a witness?

BFs & GFs have squabbles/disputes all the time, yet don't abduct them..
Ya cannot ID a person in full camo..
Virtually everyone in Parsons, TN owns a pair of camo..I'm from that area.
Turkey season had just opened, folks from many areas of TN & beyond were turkey hunting that day.
A google search, topo map, or GPS will give anyone the layout of the property.
RE: panic and confusion don't seem to have had a role in the kidnapping

'Unless you consider the first responders, huh'?
Good one.

Their (in-) actions are one of the reasons I think the 911 tapes may be being withheld. For if it's true, as the first TBI press release reads, that Clint said the kidnapper "drug (her) across the carport of her home" and into the woods, that, coupled with the presence of blood at the scene, should have been enough to establish that Holly was in clear and present danger, and that any delay - that is, not immediately searching the wooded area in the vicinity - would lead to a deteriorating situation.

Even if, as stands, Clint denies having said that, this would still be the case. If they felt that that was what he was indicating, they should have searched immediately.
I am wondering if it is a stranger abduction, why would the perp feel the need to plant items to throw LE off, why wouldn't he make a beeline out of town?
I've only recently started following this case, but have gone through numerous threads to try and catch up - but I'm still quite confused about the evidence that has been found.

I've read conflicting reports about her cellphone being found in a car with the camo clothing. Were those reports true? If so, I find it incredibly hard to believe there isn't even a trace of evidence that could be linked to the perp. jmo.

Could anyone help clarify the actual evidence that has been found?

thanks in advance!
I am wondering if it is a stranger abduction, why would the perp feel the need to plant items to throw LE off, why wouldn't he make a beeline out of town?
That's a good question. But in the Morgan Harrington case, it really looks like the perp planted her t-shirt to throw off LE and he was surely a stranger to her. Her t-shirt was found on a bush by an apartment building, in a very populated area were students area that wasn't on the route he would have driven from where he took her to where her body was found. It was found 3 weeks after Morgan disappeared so it was very likely put there just to confuse LE. And because the perp has attacked women on other cities (his DNA was matched but his identity isn't known), there's a good chance he isn't from Charlottesville.

I've suspected somebody from the school as being Holly's abductor, but it also makes sense that Holly's cellphone was placed fairly near the school to throw LE off by making police look in that direction.
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