TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden; believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #34

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Strongly disagree! lol.

wfgodot, there are many reasons for this conclusion..
I went on the Easter weekend search for Holly and witnessed this perceived hypothesis by investigators; tunnel vision..

Other than Karen's heartwrenching plea for help, Sheriff Wyatt's statement that crimes like this doesn't happen in towns like Darden, TN, also caught my attention. Ya don't have to be a detective to know that crimes like Holly's abduction happen in anywhere USA..daily...

Growing up in the rural TN, community, I am very familiar with the culture of the area. Knowing the culture of an area is very important when sleuthing an abduction, imo.

wfgodot, I have a preliminary profile of the perp that abducted Holly Bobo that was prepared a few weeks after 04/13/2011. I will share it later if anyone is interested. I only follow cases where stranger sexual predators/SKs are indicated. They have tell, tell signs that are easily recognizable, imo..
wfgodot, I have a preliminary profile of the perp that abducted Holly Bobo that was prepared a few weeks after 04/13/2011. I will share it later if anyone is interested.
Yes! Soon! Please! I admit my "sleuthing" in this matter basically has involved being on one bandwagon or another. I think it was local and personal because that is a simple solution that doesn't seem to dull the edge of Occam's razor. But I can change my mind! Several times, in fact! Convince me.
Could someone refresh my memory about a video I saw? Wasn't there a video of two guys fighting and Holly was there? Or, did we ever confirm it was Holly in the video? If my memory serves me correctly, the girl with the blond hair was cheering on one of the guys. That could certainly embarrass and/or humiliate a young man to the point maybe he wanted to get even. I don't know when the video was taken. Anyone?
Could someone refresh my memory about a video I saw? Wasn't there a video of two guys fighting and Holly was there? Or, did we ever confirm it was Holly in the video? If my memory serves me correctly, the girl with the blond hair was cheering on one of the guys. That could certainly embarrass and/or humiliate a young man to the point maybe he wanted to get even. I don't know when the video was taken. Anyone?
The "fight video," mentioned on a site whose name we dare not speak, was uploaded to YouTube on 05 August 2009, well over a year before the disappearance; although her face is barely on camera, the blonde girl in it does not appear to be Holly.
The "fight video," mentioned on a site whose name we dare not speak, was uploaded to YouTube on 05 August 2009, well over a year before the disappearance; although her face is barely on camera, the blonde girl in it does not appear to be Holly.

wfgodot, it was absolutely Holly Bobo in the fight video, but I doubt it had anything to do with her abduction...just a southern redneck thing; culture..I prefer to refer it as appalachian americans..
Not judging, just they we do things in the
wfgodot, it was absolutely Holly Bobo in the fight video, but I doubt it had anything to do with her abduction...just a southern redneck thing; culture..I prefer to refer it as appalachian americans..
Not judging, just they we do things in the
And you know this how?
I honor your opinion, wfgodot, but respectfully disagree.
All indicators point to an experienced stranger sexual predator in Holly Bobo's abduction. This is one of many reasons this case has grown cold, and Holly Bobo's remains haven't been located after 16 months. The TBI focused on 'it has to be a local theory' from day one. Due to this perceived hypothesis & the antiquated strategy of silence, all other theories were disregarded..

The perp would have hid the vehicle in the woods to prevent neighbors or folks passing by from seeing it, imo. Her abductor was no stranger to the game..

bbm - I think this is a very interesting statement.

- Her abductor was no stranger to the game.. or to her. jmo
wfgodot, keep in mind that almost 100 illegal meth labs were located during the first 2 weeks of the Holly Bobo search. In 2010 TN held the title of the #1 Meth Capital of the USA> Within a few miles & on the same road as the UTM Nursing school where Holly attended, there is an International *advertiser censored* & Toy Shop located at I-40 which is frequented by truckers & travelers between Nashville & Memphis.

Psychological Profile of Unknown Abductor

age mid 40s to 50 stranger - sociopath/psychopath
caucausian - transient worker/construction

experienced-gaines immediate compliance-organized-disciplined-antisocial-120+ IQ
selects, recons, & stalks victims-military/hunting experience

prior criminal record/probable RSO - familiar with LE procedures, schedules, response times & forensics-full camo- monitors LE during abduction

sexual predator-lust killer is often driven to kill due to a sexual motivation, living out sexual fantasies & control over the life of the victim-drug induced

Sadistical, bondage, rituals

narcisstic - enjoys the game/taunting

calculating, opportunist, cagey

Vehicle 4 wheel drive PU or SUV small/mid size - Utilizes forests and abandoned structures as safe havens

Holly was abducted on a Wednesday at aproximately 7:30 AM which is change time of the DCSO and very soon after Karen and Dana left for work.
The abductor wore full camo which would limited forensics & prevent identification if observed. Abductor would not stand out due to turkey hunting season in progress.
Abductor gained immediate compliance of Holly Bobo, illustrated by the blood residue & her willingness to walk in to the woods with him without resistance.

wfgodot, as for the assumption that the perp had to be a local due to knowing the area; bs..

I have been a hunter & woodsman for almost 5 decades and although I try to prescout an area, with a topo map or gps, I can hunt or navigate any area of any state within a few minutes of study..
And you know this how?

Watched it multiple times..I wasn't aware that there was any questions as to it being Holly Bobo in the fight video.. although a picture says a thousands words, a video is pretty obvious..
anyone have the link? I do somewhere..
bbm - I think this is a very interesting statement.

- Her abductor was no stranger to the game.. or to her. jmo

'Abductions of innocent victims/prey by experienced psychopathic sadistic sexual predators is only a game to them'..

The predator that abducted Holly Bobo, was no stranger to the game. Holly was not his first victim, nor his last, imo.. He was a professional..
'Abductions of innocent victims/prey by experienced psychopathic sadistic sexual predators is only a game to them'..

The predator that abducted Holly Bobo, was no stranger to the game. Holly was not his first victim, nor his last, imo.. He was a professional..

A professional what?
A professional what?

A professional sexual predator.. He had honed his skills with each prior abduction, as would any professional, whether it be a carpenter, athelete, or hunter..a hunter of was robert hansen, gary hilton, or ted bundy..etc..
A professional sexual predator.. He had honed his skills with each prior abduction, as would any professional, whether it be a carpenter, athelete, or hunter..a hunter of was robert hansen, gary hilton, or ted bundy..etc..

If you're saying he is a serial abductor, I disagree. I say this is his first abduction. He was witnessed. Rookie mistake. jmo
I realize that most folks rely on statistics released by the FBI, which state that less than 1% of abductions are stranger sexual predators. Imo this number is not only a very conservative estimate, but is diluted due to the many domestic abductions, as well as the unknown missing/murdered persons across the USA which is in excess of 100, 000+. It is virtually impossible to put a number on the number of stranger abductions because the FBI has no idea what happened to many of the missing/murdered.
Most stranger abductions are never solved...unless by DNA years or decades later..
Factor in the meth relation, as well as the little blue pill, and the numbers are increasing dramatically, imo.. The age of sexual predators is also increasing due to the advent of the little blue pill. The arrest of many SKs/sexual predators of recent times indicates this..

FBI makes a connection between long-haul truckers, serial killings ...

Apr 5, 2009 – The FBI suspects that serial killers working as long-haul truckers are ... After that, the FBI launched the Highway Serial Killings Initiative to track..

"Why did it take til 2009 for the FBI to figure out that truckers are responsible for many abductions/murders of innocent victims dumped along interstates"?
"I actually took a course taught by the Supervisor over the FBI Trucker SK iniative at a missing person conference in 2011".. I asked him, how many unknown victims does the FBI BAU2 think that serial killer Gary Hilton has? The blood left his face....

'America's silent disaster:' Mysteries of the missing

FBI: More than 1,100 'active' missing-persons cases in Tennessee; exact number unknown
By Jim Balloch

Posted June 28, 2009 at midnight

"Folks, the TBI is simply not utilizing their most valuable tool in missing persons investigations; the American public"... due to their antiquated strategy of silence....look at the Mayes Case, or the Mickey Schunick Case. Both were solved due to an aware citizen's tip...
If you're saying he is a serial abductor, I disagree. I say this is his first abduction. He was witnessed. Rookie mistake. jmo

'Sixteen+ months later, who is he, where is he, where is Holly Bobo'? As wfgodot stated, it has been over 470 days since a presser by the TBI. I do remember an article where the TBI PIO Helms stated; 'investigation narrowing' only a few weeks after Holly's abduction.
I only follow stranger sexual predators & I am batting 1,000.. Predators are very calculating, deflective, and creative, as was Holly's abductor..

Predators leave obvious residue..

Consider the LE resources used in the Holly Bobo investigation including the FBI BAU2, wishuwerehere, as well as the $250, 000.00 reward. If this was a local, he/they would be in custody by now..

There was no preabduction plan by DCSO. all LEOs responded to the Bobo's residence and some more than likely passed the predator with Holly Bobo as a hostage, when responding.

It was over a week before a road block was even initiated.. Simply not prepared.. The professional was aware of their professionalism..a cakewalk for him..
'Sixteen+ months later, who is he, where is he, where is Holly Bobo'? As wfgodot stated, it has been over 470 days since a presser by the TBI. I do remember an article where the TBI PIO Helms stated; 'investigation narrowing' only a few weeks after Holly's abduction.
I only follow stranger sexual predators & I am batting 1,000.. Predators are very calculating, deflective, and creative, as was Holly's abductor..

Predators leave obvious residue..

Consider the LE resources used in the Holly Bobo investigation including the FBI BAU2, wishuwerehere, as well as the $250, 000.00 reward. If this was a local, he/they would be in custody by now..

There was no preabduction plan by DCSO. all LEOs responded to the Bobo's residence and some more than likely passed the predator with Holly Bobo as a hostage, when responding.

It was over a week before a road block was even initiated.. Simply not prepared.. The professional was aware of their professionalism..a cakewalk for him..

Do you think the abductor followed her home from school?
AND SO, Foxfire, these are many interesting - and some of them quite compelling - facts and observations, ones I have enjoyed reading. And which have given me pause, and thus have made me think

First of all, it does not necessarily follow that a large reward in a small town is guaranteed to produce an arrest. Fear can overcome even a strong financial incentive. And fear can be stronger in a small town, where there may be no place to hide.

That LE "passed the predator when responding" is a surmise. Perhaps, or not. At times I've thought so too.

As for being a professional sex predator, as wishyouwerehere notes, this person is not, then, especially a good one, taking Holly when in fact he was being observed doing so by her brother, and also having probably to punch Holly - and thus leave blood evidence of abduction - before he could gain her compliance.

If we are to believe Clint, this person did not gain immediate compliance from Holly.

Certainly this could have been his first outing, his first foray into the field, but you say he is familiar with many things and is thus experienced.

I don't think this was a game to him; at least I can discern no playful element here on his part. The lunch packet and the cell phone seem to have been strewn about willy nilly, and their locations seem to me to have been ones a local would have used. They may, however and perhaps, have been placed where they were in order to taunt.

Not sure what the meth labs suggest, other than that Holly might have knowledge of someone dealing meth and that was what got her kidnapped.

*advertiser censored* stores do in fact attract seedy types; but these seedy types generally seek private means of satisfaction where the participant is one person.

Truckers, travelers, transients: perhaps these types travel with their ready-to-wear camo; perhaps not.

That a cross-country trucker may be the perpetrator is compelling - though it does not fit the circumstances of Holly's disappearance, viz., another means of transport, independent of an eighteen-wheeler, would have had to come into play.

I do think this is someone with a prior criminal record, though probably not an RSO.

I don't believe he necessarily "had to be local to know the area" either. I just think he was local because he kidnapped Holly Bobo of Darden TN, and the most likely person to have done that is someone who knew Holly Bobo.

I'm not sure what "the little blue pill" is.
Do you think the abductor followed her home from school?

Plumeria5, there is no way to know, but he obviously saw & zoned in on her from somewhere. It may have been from the coon hunt, school, or the grocery story where she worked part time as a cashier.. She was obviously stalked, imo..
I went to the one year anniversary of Holly's abduction. The motel clerk where I stayed in Lexington, TN, said that attendance for the coon hunt was way off in 2012, compared to the 2011 coon hunt where Holly performed.. Who knows?
I met the Bobo family..Felt so sorry for them...
On the Easter search, the one thing that stood out to me was what an assistant principal on my search team shared with me. He said that a few days after Holly's abduction, Karen contacted him and requested that he implement an abduction safety course in the DC school system.. Said that she didn't want this to happen to another child..

Irony: planned the trip of the one year anniversary of Holly's abduction with a GA State Park Official, that I had worked with on another case in GA. He overslept, so I went on to Lexington, TN, without him. When he later arrived at the LX hotel, the desk clerk said that the person in my room had died. He went back home to GA, after hearing the bad news. It was not me, but the person that stayed there the night before. My friend was very surprised when I called him after arriving home..I had to convince him that it was me... LOL
'I wondered why check in was so long'...
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