TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden; believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #35

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the woods have trails and logging roads in them. It would (IMHO) be quite easy for the suspect to have driven up close to the house and then made a get away to Swan Johnson Road .

The strange thing (well one of them) is the suspect and Holly were together in the yard and gareage for a good half hour. Clint heard voices outside before he got up. He saw them in the garage area. Then they were back out in the yard again... So its not like the suspect was in a particular hurry. He would have had to have known Clint saw him in the garage, but we don't know for sure. Clint's description of that is vague. Given Holly and the suspect were milling around the yard for 30 minutes, their sudden disappearance indicates a car or vehicle was involved. Once the suspect got Holly to the woods, they left the scene quickly.
Here's one from SmoothOperator
TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden; believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #33 - Page 18 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

4:30am*Holly awoke to study for an exam @8am. She studied in her room, alone, on her bed, and with the door shut..(time verified only via Holly's telling her mom later that morning)

5:30am*Dana stops at Holly's bedroom door and speaks to Holly thru her closed door asking did she need any money. She replies yes and he leaves it for her on kitchen counter.

5:35am*Dana leaves for work.

5:35am*Karen awoke and went into Holly's room to speak with her. Holly was studying on her bed.

Just shy of 7:00am*Holly is now studying at the kitchen table. Karen packs Holly's lunch and puts her breakfast in the microwave.

7:00am*Karen leaves to go to work(26 min travel time to work)

7:00am*Hannah calls Holly from her home landline on Holly's cell.. Holly indicates she is going to eat her breakfast and put her shoes on to leave.

Almost 7:30am*Holly's at the kitchen table studying when she receives a call from Drew. He proceeds to tell her of the cousin not recognizing him and wasn't giving permission for he and his dad to hunt on her grandma's 60acres located across the county.

7:30-7:35am*A flurry of calls take place between Holly, Drew, and Karen discussing the incident of Drew's not being recognized to hunt grandma's property.

7:35am*Karen speaks to Holly for the last time via cell phone.<Noted that Clint was still in bed asleep.>.

7:40am*James Barnes(neighbor to the south)Hears a scream from the Bobo's house. He alerts his mom(who lived there as well) and then left for work.

Around 7:40am*Cathy Wise(James' mom) calls Karen at school amd leaves her a msg in the office.

7:45am*Karen receives the neighbor's msg while in the school cafeteria.

7:50am*Clint is awakened by the dog barking. He looks out the window and sees no unfamiliar vehicles, but does see Holly's car. This prompts him to call mom as he'd already looked around and knew Holly was not in the home. He says his call was to ask if Holly had received a ride to school or did not have school that day. Mom's phone is in her classroom so he gets no answer.

At some point AFTER 7:50am* mom after receiving neighbor's msg she uses library phone to call home. Clint tells mom that Holly's car is still home. Mom immediately hangs up and calls 911(routed to Henderson Co)

7:50am*After the call Clint looks out the kitchen window and sees his sister and who he believed to be Drew casually walking towards the woods. This prompts him to call Holly's cell. It rings 5 times and goes to voicemail. He then calls Drew's phone.. It rings 5 times and goes to voicemail.<Noted that this assures Clint that Holly/Drew were indeed together with neither answering their cell phone.>.

7:55am*Karen again calls home with Clint relaying he'd just seen Holly/Drew walking towards the woods. Mom immediately tells Clint that is NOT 911.Mom then tells Clint to get a gun and go after the man! Mom immediately hangs up and calls 911 a second time.*<Noted that at this time mom still HAD NOT told Clint that Drew had been on the other side of the county hunting.. THO THAT WAS MUCH EARLIER BUT FACT WAS CLINT STATED AT THAT TIME HE STILL BELIEVED IT TO BE DREW.

8:00am*Clint with loaded gun leaves out the backdoor of the residence, walks thru the open garage attached to the house. He sees a puddle of blood near Holly's car. *<Noted that even at this point Clint was still NOT alarmed, still believed it was Drew, and the blood was from a turkey(tho clearly no turkey in site)>.

About 8:00am*Clint walked towards the woods when Cathy Wise pulls up the driveway( James who heard the scream's mother)*<Noted that the school secretary told Cathy to go to the Bobo home to check> Cathy proceeds to tell Clint about the screams she had heard just some 15-20mins prior.[I personally noted that it does state that "she" heard the scream(s), but could just be the author's choice in words and not meaning it that "she" actually heard the scream(s)] *<Noted it is at this point that Clint becomes alarmed for the first time> .

About 8:00am*Clint calls 911 at the same time as he heard the engines rev of the quickly approaching patrol cars onto their Swan Johnson Rd. *<Noted that Clint states that the first officers were on the scene IN LESS THAN 10 mins from the time that he saw his sister/male walking towards the woods>

8:00am*Drew is at his job in Parsons

8:00am-ish*Mom arrives home with Terrie Bromley from school.

8:30am*Dana arrives back home.

Thanks alot for this update SMOOTHE

Did LE verify Drew was at work at 8am? Or did someone cover for him?
the woods have trails and logging roads in them. It would (IMHO) be quite easy for the suspect to have driven up close to the house and then made a get away to Swan Johnson Road .

The strange thing (well one of them) is the suspect and Holly were together in the yard and gareage for a good half hour. Clint heard voices outside before he got up. He saw them in the garage area. Then they were back out in the yard again... So its not like the suspect was in a particular hurry. He would have had to have known Clint saw him in the garage, but we don't know for sure. Clint's description of that is vague. Given Holly and the suspect were milling around the yard for 30 minutes, their sudden disappearance indicates a car or vehicle was involved. Once the suspect got Holly to the woods, they left the scene quickly.

Very strange.... I have done some googling of the case (i have a hard tome find in depth info from beggining to the present all though inunderstand there isnt much to go on anyway) and find Clint's behavior a bit odd. However I do not think he was responsible for his sisters disappearance because it sounds like there was a very thorough search done and I think in that short of time he wouldn't have time to clean up and hide her where she wouldn't be found. Just my opinion though. Is Clint at all a little slow? Or was he at a party the nigt before and hung over? or maybe just distraught and in shock over what happened? I would imagine he mist feel some guilt as to maybe he could have done something more to stopthings. Just thinking of why he acted the way he did. Was he close to Holly? I read in previous posts a list of theories but not explanation. Is there somewhere I can read more about these theories as to what happened. ( sorry for being so far behind )
First of all, I should tell you that this forum is family-friendly, meaning that it is not considered good to discuss family members as suspects. Here, family gets the presumption of innocence. We generally only discuss people and events here that have been posted in the media already--in other words, where there are reputable news sites reporting accurate facts, we can discuss that.

All that being said, really, the best thing you can do is go back to the beginning and read as much as you can here. Follow the links and read the stories that are still up. Take notes, because if you don't, you will later wish you had kept track of the important facts, so as not to have to look them up every time. Make a file and print out the best posts, so you can refer to them later. Hope this helps some! There's no quick and easy way to get up to speed on this case. You just have to wade through! Good Luck!
Imo, unless investigators have dna in Holly's case and there is an eventual CODIS hit. I am skeptical of her case being solved for years or even decades..
Imo, the Holly Bobo investigation went cold within minutes of her abduction.
Imo, unless investigators have dna in Holly's case and there is an eventual CODIS hit. I am skeptical of her case being solved for years or even decades..
Imo, the Holly Bobo investigation went cold within minutes of her abduction.
I'm not disagreeing with you, but I do believe this case will take more than a CODIS hit to solve without finding HB, especially if the perp knows the right people and/or is familiar with the Bobo's. (Here is a link to an article about CODIS hits-
Also remember the Erica Megan Sharpton case recently in TN, the DA had the CODIS hit of the suspect, and the victim's body was recovered, but waited indefinitely for ALL lab results and put innocent lives in danger in the process. At least they had found a way to lock him up before arresting him for murder, but the danger potential was constantly looming. I know these aren't the same DA's working the case, but in HB's case, here is a MSM link about the current DA (real encouraging stuff and really makes me wonder who in the world he was running against if he was the best choice)-
Back to HB case, if we use info released through the media, could we even say any type of crime has been committed? And unfortunately, travesty of justice does not count.
They need to find out where HB is before anything else for that reason.
If we remember less than a month into this case, not only did the searches stop (was inevitable but the timing was curious, since they announced organized searches were stopping on Easter and they received a phone tip on where to find HB phone on Easter, all around where they had been searching the previous days), but the TBI basically said we are done actively looking, if someone would like to confess, then great, otherwise nothing to see here, move along. (People have info they are not sharing and we are one clue away among other quotes. If those statements together are true, then talking to this person should solve this case right up, shouldn't it? Just another illogical aspect of this case to add to the heap). There have also been bits of info floating around since the beginning of this case, no MSM to back this up so let's toss it into the rumor mill, that the LE in this case have ignored potential evidence (yes I'm looking at you foxfire ;) and no your not alone), but have responded very quickly to specific tips. If so, they would have to know who is involved (CODIS hit or not) or else they have the worst tunnel vision imaginable.
IMO this case is still as solvable as it ever was and the real questions I have are - Is this investigation even about finding HB? Has something else caught investigators eyes and caused other investigations to branch off of it? The answers to those questions could explain ALOT.
I would like to to add that I have respect for the TBI and do not like to criticize them (in that same breath I would add that the FBI is involved in this case and that gives a little glimmer of hope), but this case is one where some difficult questions need to be answered and I won't be holding my breath for those answers, I'll just keep shaking my head on the sidelines and turn my attention elsewhere.
Imo, unless investigators have dna in Holly's case and there is an eventual CODIS hit. I am skeptical of her case being solved for years or even decades..
Imo, the Holly Bobo investigation went cold within minutes of her abduction.

We don't know that LE even has any DNA to match, as far as I know.
First of all, I should tell you that this forum is family-friendly, meaning that it is not considered good to discuss family members as suspects. Here, family gets the presumption of innocence. We generally only discuss people and events here that have been posted in the media already--in other words, where there are reputable news sites reporting accurate facts, we can discuss that.

All that being said, really, the best thing you can do is go back to the beginning and read as much as you can here. Follow the links and read the stories that are still up. Take notes, because if you don't, you will later wish you had kept track of the important facts, so as not to have to look them up every time. Make a file and print out the best posts, so you can refer to them later. Hope this helps some! There's no quick and easy way to get up to speed on this case. You just have to wade through! Good Luck!

I'm of the impression from reading that TN LE has RULED OUT NO ONE, family, friends, relatives, etc...
I'm of the impression from reading that TN LE has RULED OUT NO ONE, family, friends, relatives, etc...

As was I, I apologize however if my post was inappropriate or offensive to anyone. I certainly did not mean for it be and didnt think it would be precieved in that way, I was simply stating I DID NOT believe a family member was involved and why I thought that but again I am sorry my post was viewed as negative towards the Bobo family. My heart truly goes out to them.
Welcome YYC girl. i feel your pain. I think the best thing on the case is the interview w/JVm where she gets Clint to speak. Dana spoke up and told us the blood at the scene belonged to Holly and was quickly removed from his chair and the pastor/spokesperson sat in it. You could almost hear the word, "Shhh" when Dana spoke.

I would link you up but I think the video has been removed.
As was I, I apologize however if my post was inappropriate or offensive to anyone. I certainly did not mean for it be and didnt think it would be precieved in that way, I was simply stating I DID NOT believe a family member was involved and why I thought that but again I am sorry my post was viewed as negative towards the Bobo family. My heart truly goes out to them.

You didn't offend me. I have the same questions that you do. My son is 24, and my daughter is 20. I know how my son is and how he reacts when he thinks his little sis is in danger. He takes action and jumps in to help. He doesn't call his mom at her job and ask questions.

So many strange things, imo, with the way he reacted. Why didn't he ever call out to her? " Hey sis, are you okay?" He sees someone walking her out to the woods and he doesn't call out to her, or follow her? It is really hard for me to understand his reactions that morning.

And like you, I do NOT believe he harmed his sister. I just don't know if things happened exactly the way he describes. JMO
We are a victim friendly site. The family as well as Holly are considered victims. You of course can discuss what we know at this time through main stream media as well as law enforcement but the family is not to be discussed as suspects or persons of interest at this time.

If you have questions you can pm me or any Mod, happy to help!

I think two things about the seemingly odd sequence of events help to make sense of it...

First, I always felt the story of what happened had a "redacted" feel to it. Kind of like when the government releases old documents that were once top secret, and some lines have been blacked out. I suspect this came from LE for some reason. Perhaps it is as simple as not wanting a couple key details to be known to the general public in case a suspect ever is brought in. That way those details would be known only to LE and the suspect and not just anyone else.

Second, when you are not excpecting something to happen, you may not be in a hurry or pay particular attention to things. I doubt any of us would expect to wake up to a kidnapping in progress. Taking Clint's statements at face value, it seems that is what happened here... Yes he heard voices outside but he also said he thought maybe it was a utility reader. Yes he saw people in the garage but it was his sister and he was not overly concerned... We also do not know exactly what he did that morning second by second. Just the general series of events, but obviously separated by some degree of time. It doesnt take 30 minutes to see someone, call mom, go back outside and find them gone...
At one time I was an employee of the state of TN and our department worked closely with TBI. They NEVER tip their hand and you can bet they have a working theory. I worked a case with them (dual agency investigation) and I never knew what they thought or how they planned to proceed. Years after I left the agency I was contacted to be a witness regarding my agency's investigation. Still the DA refused to prosecute and the case was dropped. It seemed like a slam dunk murder case, to me, but apparently not to them. MOO. They have someone in mind for this crime.
I think two things about the seemingly odd sequence of events help to make sense of it...

First, I always felt the story of what happened had a "redacted" feel to it. Kind of like when the government releases old documents that were once top secret, and some lines have been blacked out. I suspect this came from LE for some reason. Perhaps it is as simple as not wanting a couple key details to be known to the general public in case a suspect ever is brought in. That way those details would be known only to LE and the suspect and not just anyone else.

Second, when you are not excpecting something to happen, you may not be in a hurry or pay particular attention to things. I doubt any of us would expect to wake up to a kidnapping in progress. Taking Clint's statements at face value, it seems that is what happened here... Yes he heard voices outside but he also said he thought maybe it was a utility reader. Yes he saw people in the garage but it was his sister and he was not overly concerned... We also do not know exactly what he did that morning second by second. Just the general series of events, but obviously separated by some degree of time. It doesnt take 30 minutes to see someone, call mom, go back outside and find them gone...

Carla or any others posters,please corrct my post if i have said anything inaccurate.

Without a 911 redacted, transcript. What we know as reported in MSN articles then recanted by LE is toonumerous to list. Instead, the evidence consists of the where,the who and that evidence some of Holly's blood was recovered at the scene. Day's after Holly's disappearance.... Holly's lunch bucket was recovered... several miles from her home. LE or KB received a phone tip on Easter but what was discovered in that search...has never been confirmed by LE. No LE briefings have taken place since.

DB has made statements. But,I will not mention what DB has to keep the distinction between DB & what MSN (has reported ) & that which been confirmed byLE. MOO
I'm of the impression from reading that TN LE has RULED OUT NO ONE, family, friends, relatives, etc...

While that statement has been in the media, it does not change the rules here. Talking about the family as suspects is not permitted. This case is a tough one to discuss, because there is really so little public information. However, some of the facts of the case which have been put out there (like the screams) do merit some examination. Much has been discussed and re-discussed here, as 35 threads show. To me, the mere fact that they continue to search for physical evidence tells me that more than likely, some physical evidence was left behind by the perp that new finds can be compared to. My prayer continues to be that the authorities will not give up or grow weary in looking to solve this case, as well as the rest of the missing persons cases, because someone who loves these missing folks never stops loving and missing them.
Originally Posted by Foxfire
Imo, unless investigators have dna in Holly's case and there is an eventual CODIS hit. I am skeptical of her case being solved for years or even decades..
Imo, the Holly Bobo investigation went cold within minutes of her abduction.

We don't know that LE even has any DNA to match, as far as I know.

cluciano, no we don't...
At one time I was an employee of the state of TN and our department worked closely with TBI. They NEVER tip their hand and you can bet they have a working theory. I worked a case with them (dual agency investigation) and I never knew what they thought or how they planned to proceed. Years after I left the agency I was contacted to be a witness regarding my agency's investigation. Still the DA refused to prosecute and the case was dropped. It seemed like a slam dunk murder case, to me, but apparently not to them. MOO. They have someone in mind for this crime.

RE: They have someone in mind for this crime.

MissJ, could you elaborate?
I'm not disagreeing with you, but I do believe this case will take more than a CODIS hit to solve without finding HB, especially if the perp knows the right people and/or is familiar with the Bobo's. (Here is a link to an article about CODIS hits-
Also remember the Erica Megan Sharpton case recently in TN, the DA had the CODIS hit of the suspect, and the victim's body was recovered, but waited indefinitely for ALL lab results and put innocent lives in danger in the process. At least they had found a way to lock him up before arresting him for murder, but the danger potential was constantly looming. I know these aren't the same DA's working the case, but in HB's case, here is a MSM link about the current DA (real encouraging stuff and really makes me wonder who in the world he was running against if he was the best choice)-
Back to HB case, if we use info released through the media, could we even say any type of crime has been committed? And unfortunately, travesty of justice does not count.
They need to find out where HB is before anything else for that reason.
If we remember less than a month into this case, not only did the searches stop (was inevitable but the timing was curious, since they announced organized searches were stopping on Easter and they received a phone tip on where to find HB phone on Easter, all around where they had been searching the previous days), but the TBI basically said we are done actively looking, if someone would like to confess, then great, otherwise nothing to see here, move along. (People have info they are not sharing and we are one clue away among other quotes. If those statements together are true, then talking to this person should solve this case right up, shouldn't it? Just another illogical aspect of this case to add to the heap). There have also been bits of info floating around since the beginning of this case, no MSM to back this up so let's toss it into the rumor mill, that the LE in this case have ignored potential evidence (yes I'm looking at you foxfire ;) and no your not alone), but have responded very quickly to specific tips. If so, they would have to know who is involved (CODIS hit or not) or else they have the worst tunnel vision imaginable.
IMO this case is still as solvable as it ever was and the real questions I have are - Is this investigation even about finding HB? Has something else caught investigators eyes and caused other investigations to branch off of it? The answers to those questions could explain ALOT.
I would like to to add that I have respect for the TBI and do not like to criticize them (in that same breath I would add that the FBI is involved in this case and that gives a little glimmer of hope), but this case is one where some difficult questions need to be answered and I won't be holding my breath for those answers, I'll just keep shaking my head on the sidelines and turn my attention elsewhere.

Frogzilla, excellent post...
Too many questions and too few answers, after almost two years.. Praying that 2013 will bring answers and Justice for Holly, the Bobo family, and the TN community..
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