TN TN - Jennifer Wix, 22, & Adrianna Wix, 2, Cross Plains, 24 March 2004 - #2

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For those visiting the first time, what we need is a huge internet campaign of people asking for justice for Jennifer and Adrianna Wix. If they had disappeared this year or last year, this case would have been as well known as Caylee's or Haleigh's! Jennifer was guilty of loving the wrong man. Adrianna was guilty of absolutely nothing.

How could someone kill a little baby girl like that? Just because they got angry at her mom? Her mom who cried when an animal died! She had the SWEETEST heart!

Please listen to Tricia's internet radio show a couple of posts up. She tells what is so sorely needed to bring this mom and baby home to Kathy. Nina is the only grandbaby Kathy ever had. It just breaks my heart over and over!

Yes, this is the SIXTH YEAR of this he!!.
Justice for Jennifer and Adrianna Wix!!

Six Years is Wayyyyy too long to wait ... Prayers for Kathy!

I've told Kathy that I'm going to start an internet BLITZ to get more attention on this case! We need to turn up the heat in CROSS PLAINS TENNESSEE and DEMAND justice! Whether it be from LE or from the last people to see Jennifer and Adrianna alive!!!

Here's what Kathy wrote on Facebook: Jennifer and Adrianna will be missing for six years this March. The investigation is still open but has produced no new leads in a long time. Recently the Robertson County Sheriff's Dept changed the status of the investigation from Missing Person to Criminal Investigation and changed the girls status to Missing and Presumed Deceased. Please don't let their case grow cold due to lack of interest by the community. Help me spark interest in my girls case with everyone you know!

And here's their Twitter:

Please add them to your Facebook and Twitter and invite all your friends to join and they can invite their friends and maybe we can get thousands of people to take interest!

How could the mainstream media ignore that???
"Remembering Jennifer and Adrianna Wix Missing 6 years" on
Saturday, March 27 at 2:00pm.

Kathy says, "Please pass the invite on to everyone you know who may come. The
more people showing their support, the better it is for Jennifer and Adrianna's
case. Hope to see you there!".

Event: Remembering Jennifer and Adrianna Wix Missing 6 years
What: Rally
Start Time: Saturday, March 27 at 2:00pm
End Time: Saturday, March 27 at 3:00pm
Where: Springfiled, TN Walmart parking lot
While my heart break with each story I read on here, I rarely cry. This story has broken my heart into a million pieces and I can't help but cry. I am so sorry for what this family has been going through for 6 years. I will be praying.
While my heart break with each story I read on here, I rarely cry. This story has broken my heart into a million pieces and I can't help but cry. I am so sorry for what this family has been going through for 6 years. I will be praying.

:hug: Thank you SO MUCH! That's how I felt when I met Kathy here on Websleuths over a year ago. To lose your daughter and only grandbaby like this and still have it unresolved for SIX YEARS is more than I could stand.

I don't know how Kathy does it. Lots and lots of love and prayer is the only way.

Please take a moment and write a main stream media outlet of your choice and ask them to please please look at this case and help spread the word!
Adrianna Nikol Wix
our Nina


4 months before she disappeared from the Benton compound

You can help bring her home.
Please write to who you think will help bring attention to this case.
Look at that beautiful little girl, thank you for posting Kimster.
I hope the Rally has a overwhelming turnout.
Hugs of support and love going out to Kathy!!!!!!
March 27th ~ the 6 year vigil for Jenn and Nina.

Please light two candles and PRAY HARD for their return. Thank you all so much.

:praying: Done Kimster ... :praying:
This year could be the last year flyers are handed out. Holloway hasn't given up, she's just ready for closure.

"Sometimes, some days, I think I can't do it anymore," she said. "Not that I can't fight anymore, but that I can't have a day to gash my wound back open anymore."

The case has gone cold. Jennifer and Adrianna Wix are presumed dead. Holloway would like to see those responsible brought to justice. She's even considered a wrongful death lawsuit against her daughter's former boyfriend. He's the last person known to have seen them alive, but has never been identified as a possible suspect.
I just came across this story and the very first thing that popped up in my crazy WS brain is that INNOCENT people DO NOT go on Topix to answer questions and defend themselves against posters. IMO - the fact the Bs feel the need to do so and spend so much time doing it shows in my opinion that they want control over all information on this case in order to control developments or know about them immediately. If they were being honest they would not care what others think and what theories are out there.
Topix does not verify the identity of their posters, so anyone can claim to be anyone and then post anything, kwim?
I just came across this story today. It was mentioned that where the boyfriends house once stood, a new house has been built. Thats a lot of construction work and obviously they would have had to remove debris via a dumpster, etc. Is it possible that if he had buried Jen and her baby girl he could have snuck them out in the dumpsters? Gosh, I hate even mentioning this as I know her mother reads this and its upsettng to even type, I cant imaging reading or thinking of this but where would debris have been hauled to in that area?? Was that ever looked into or considered?

I wonder if he buried them under the old house and built the new one over the top of them insuring they would never be found. How upsetting that thought is. But that would be the perfect way to never have them found. Any thoughts on that idea??
I wonder if he buried them under the old house and built the new one over the top of them insuring they would never be found. How upsetting that thought is. But that would be the perfect way to never have them found. Any thoughts on that idea??

That is a possibility! :(

They also dug a well and there seems to be an issue as to whether it was ever properly inspected by the county! But I have to think it was because I'm sure someone would have called and complained and the county is aware of it by now. I hope! There are SO MANY questions in this case!
I just came across this story and the very first thing that popped up in my crazy WS brain is that INNOCENT people DO NOT go on Topix to answer questions and defend themselves against posters. IMO - the fact the Bs feel the need to do so and spend so much time doing it shows in my opinion that they want control over all information on this case in order to control developments or know about them immediately. If they were being honest they would not care what others think and what theories are out there.

Exactly!!! I wish you could see the whole history of posts that they made. Many have been removed. I copied them and they attack Jenn and even little Nina! Why would the innocent DO that? :mad:

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