TN TN - Jennifer Wix, 22, & Adrianna Wix, 2, Cross Plains, 24 March 2004 - #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. They are much needed to get through yet another Christmas season without Jennifer and Adrianna here to make new memories with.


There are so many people on WS who love you very much. And you know I love you! Someday the girls will be found and no matter what, I'm coming to Tenn. when that happens. Believe that! THEY WILL BE FOUND!


There are so many people on WS who love you very much. And you know I love you! Someday the girls will be found and no matter what, I'm coming to Tenn. when that happens. Believe that! THEY WILL BE FOUND!

Bumping for the Wix girls.......
Yes, they will be found.
Warm thoughts to Kathy as always.
My BS meter is going off, is there any reason why they have not charged the boyfriend and/or parents yet after 5 years?

have they interviewed them? or is there not enough evidence?
My BS meter is going off, is there any reason why they have not charged the boyfriend and/or parents yet after 5 years?

have they interviewed them? or is there not enough evidence?

There isn't enough physical evidence, is what I'm guessing. Just the circumstantial evidence that Joey B. is a violent person who was the last one to see the girls. :(
Warm thoughts and hugs to Kathy today.
Two candles are burning bright in our house tonight.
Thinking of the Jennifer and Adrianna.
The astros started posting charts for the girls today and so far are in line with the two JB's being involved. :(

Lord, please reveal where Jenn and Nina are and end the pain for those who loved them then, have always loved them and have begun to love them after. May Your justice be served! Amen!

The astros started posting charts for the girls today and so far are in line with the two JB's being involved. :(

Lord, please reveal where Jenn and Nina are and end the pain for those who loved them then, have always loved them and have begun to love them after. May Your justice be served! Amen!


Thanks for the update.
I will go over to the thread to read.
A big cyber hug for Kathy.
Thinking of the girls and hoping for answers soon.
Subject: Adrianna's Birthday

First, I want to say thank you to everyone who has joined my search for truth
and justice for Jennifer and Adrianna!

Adrianna will be 8 years old tomorrow.........sadly, she is not here to
celebrate with her family. Could I please ask each of you to post her picture, a
Happy Birthday and a plea for justice for her? What a wonderful gift to give see how many people love her, some without even knowing her. Ask
your friends, family and contacts to join us in searching for this beautiful
baby girl by posting her flyer wherever they are, posting about her on the
internet wherever they go, saying her name in prayer and conversation and
supporting other missing children across our country. If you would like to show
support in another way or just read more about some of the case you can go to; and search under zip code 37049, but
be is not at all very pleasant and somewhat
say the least!

Adrianna is a beautiful, smart, funny little girl, who should be home today
celebrating her birthday with the people who love her. She was barely 2 years
old when she vanished off the face of the is so not right that she
is not here! I miss her and her Mommy terribly and though I try to keep my hopes
up, I wonder everyday if I will ever get to see their beautiful smiles again.

Thank you for helping me celebrate sweet Adrianna, an Angel that was in my life
for too brief a time, a story of life that had just begun, a child who brought
love and joy to everyone who knew her. Happy Birthday Adrianna!

Sincerely and In Hope,
Kathy Holloway
Thinking of the beautiful Wix girls tonight.

Jennifer and Adrianna--you will never be forgotten.

Justice will come-- hopefully soon.
I had a long talk with Kathy tonight and she is doing well. Please keep her and her family in your prayers as we approach six years since the girls went missing.

I also was reading the first few pages on the first thread and I have to say that Kathy is right when she said this is the most helpful site on the internet! Yes, that is what she said! :)

Members, keep working on helping the families of missing persons. It really does make a difference. :grouphug:
Thinking of the beautiful Wix girls tonight.

Jennifer and Adrianna--you will never be forgotten.

Justice will come-- hopefully soon.

Thank you for continuing to follow the girls! I saw how long you've been posting about them! :hug:
Kathy will be planning another balloon launch in about 6 weeks, right Kimster?

:hug: Thank you for remembering!

If I heard her right, I think her family is heading up the planning this year. She's been working some crazy hours. I'll let everyone know what the plans are as soon as I find out - if she doesn't beat me to it!

Also, there is a surprise from Tricia coming out soon! I'm sure she wants to break the news, so keep your eyes open. It will be real soon! :)

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