Does anyone know the where abouts of JB current spouse.. the 60 year old? Why is he not on the news pleading for the safe return for wife and kids? I know they want a face in public to encourge information... could it be that the husband is perhaps one that was burried in the back yard?
I suspect the mother is the one in the back yard.. and if not her husband.. then it could be anyone of the three children depending on the perps' motive.... was it rage towards the mother. love or interest in the mother or one of her daughters, is he fleeing due to killing the two in the back yard or is this planned out to take the girls...
IMO.. backyard burial is a rush type of job... had to way to get the bodies out... OR TOLD CHILDREN they are fine and meeting up somewhere along the way..
Some call me a recluse.. but i have very few close friends that I socialize with... for the pure fact that I have 3 kids and a single mom and i feel it is my duty to be as careful as possible.. but in reality... a deganged mind, sick and evil people... they find a way to do evil no matter how close we watch our children or our own self in our social circle.
God, Please that those babies and their mother be ok....