TN - Joann, 31, & Adrienne Bain, 14, Whiteville, 27 April 2012 - #4

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I'm no facebooker in fact the only reason I created one was to be able to follow the fb links here on WS.. OT ..but I say if I wanted to be contacted and talking to all the folks that come out of the woodwork to "friend" you on FB.. well id already be talking to them.. as in the vast majority of them are ppl I have no desire to reconnect with.. lol..

Anyway I absolutely despise that new timeline format on fb.. I hate it!

Eta:my acct is some made up name.. lol..
Honestly, needing a heart transplant for him is all speculation. His medical records are private. HIPAA anyone?
Beaten to death by a guy that needs a heart transplant with in a year???
Maybe that is where wife comes in........did she help him???
That would take allot of energy.

You would be surprised what rage can do!
Because they have access to the children.
But I am pretty sure most biological parents do not molest their children.
I don't believe that AM is delusional. I think there is actually a chance he is the bio father of one of those children.

The statement I was commenting on was that men don't typically molest their biological children. Which implies that they would molest someone elses child instead.

I am very glad most men don't molest their children or over half the population would be molested. lol Hope this explains it better.

As far as AM being the father of the little girls, I don't think so. They don't favor him, thankfully. No one has said JB and GB had a troubled marriage. The rumors all seem to stem from AM's mouth that they are his. Apparently he told many people this. I think he is a sick pervert.
I know you have a different opinion and reason to believe it from reports we have all read. I just don't think it is true.

I think this advice is important to all of us. The descriptions of AM have come from TM's mom and sister. The first time I read a timeline, early on, I mentally calculated that GB was 60, JB was 31, AM was 35, and the middle daughter was 11. That is a big age difference, and the families have all been "friends" for a long, long time. I just supposed that that middle child was AM's. I don't mean to say he is a good guy, no telling what thoughts any of them had in their heads. But, it is never a good thing to run somebody down so badly, it just never does any good. He does have the girls, we need to pray that there is no more blood shed.


I agree with most of the above.

The only part I have a problem with is saying that one of the children may have been AM's biological child. In order for that to be true, JB would have to have been lying to at least one man and possibly two.

Alexandria's biological father has been listed as MJ. Kyiliyah's biological father has been listed as GB.

I haven't seen any evidence that JB was a liar or deceiver. She seems to have been devoted to her children and to her husband.

It's just really hard for me to assume that she lied MJ and GB and has been lying for over a decade.
Still doesn't answer how he got the money to buy the new tires, the x box, and any other parts necessary in order to build the "junker". How does he eat? How does he afford his smokes he was seen buying? Why did according to his wife he take young girls into his bedroom and lock the door? Why ????????? Chasing the American dream? OK, if your dream is to have no job, wander around the country, living off others. That is not my idea of the American Dream. Johnny Mayes II says that his mom always favored AM. He also says they wandered around like nomads while he was growing up. He didn't speak favorably of his mother either, actually had nothing good to say about her. I don't think they were chasing the American Dream. I think they moved when things got hot. I was raised by a family like this, and know what I am speaking of. I also don't think there is any way in Hell a 20 yr old is gonna want a man 30 yrs older than her pawing all over her. Something is BAD off with all of this, and that's my opinion.

He could be on disability/SSDI. He could get veteran's benefits. We don't know. Or, they could be a family that has generations of people living on welfare. It would not be unlikely, if TM is on SSDI, for AM and TM to get one heck of a tax refund each year...
"And his comment to my cousin was 'So y'all haven't seen them?' How was he put it, 'I don't think they were kidnapped.' And from there the feelings became more foreboding," Mahan says.

To me this article does not even make sense. "How was he put it" if he made that silly of a mistake whose to say he did not get the whole statement wrong
O/T just on our WPXI news, southern PA using facebook to catch criminals and drug dealers! People open up more than calling in tips.............interesting!
To me this article does not even make sense. "How was he put it" if he made that silly of a mistake whose to say he did not get the whole statement wrong

I think GB may have said that. I think at that point he did not think anything was too amiss yet. I think he may have just said it like....Where is my keys, they did not grow legs... Where the heck are they...they were not kidnapped... I think if he said this, this is very sad that it turned out to be true. I cannot help but feel bad for him. I know many suspect him, I could be wrong, but I don't think he had Anything to do with this, other than poor judgement on many levels. This is something he is going to have to come to terms with, or not. I just hope his babies come home to him, I cannot say that enough times....IMHO
Fox news says AM has heart condition. Dr says he'll need transplant w/i a year.

Maybe he will knock off sooner from all the stress of running and what he has done. I wonder if he has a fatalistic viewpoint; meaning he is going to go out in (what is in his mind) a blaze of glory?
Mayes' landlord/friend says Mayes told him on many occasions the 2 girls were his daughters & that he wanted custody of them.

AND They Had Time to Pay the Rent!!

Landlord also tells me Teresa & Mary came last Friday to pay rent for the next moth. Later that night the 2 bodies were found in their yard.

Per Garrett Tenney Fox Reporter
Interview with Landlord for Mayes'
To me this article does not even make sense. "How was he put it" if he made that silly of a mistake whose to say he did not get the whole statement wrong

i'm modsnipping my own reply. .. but maybe that's actually how she worded it, ya know? :)

However, I agree, it's all hearsay and he said she said, and all that!
It appears the murders happened sometime during the middle of the night...I'm not understanding why it was necessary for the kidnapping to kill JB and AB but leave everyone else in the house okay.

DOes anyone know what the lay out of the Bain house is? The bedrooms, where everyone slept? I find it impossible for him to get all four victims out of the house at the same exact time. He would have had to have gone back and forth at least twice...undetected by GB or his daughter and granddaughter.
There is NO way TBI and FBI are not monitoring this board.

And I can picture that... "Hey Agent Ford, Nurse Beeme says she suspects a friend from Mayes' FB Paco account is the mole, but GrainneDhu says she has already done a complete check on every FB friend and has 297 screenshots and documents cached that clears them all."
It appears the murders happened sometime during the middle of the night...I'm not understanding why it was necessary for the kidnapping to kill JB and AB but leave everyone else in the house okay.

DOes anyone know what the lay out of the Bain house is? The bedrooms, where everyone slept? I find it impossible for him to get all four victims out of the house at the same exact time. He would have had to have gone back and forth at least twice...undetected by GB or his daughter and granddaughter.

He had to get all 4 of them out of the house to buy time and make it look like they left voluntarily for GB and LE to "believe" that scenario

He only wanted the younger two as told to many; the mom and older daughter were just in the way


I agree with most of the above.

The only part I have a problem with is saying that one of the children may have been AM's biological child. In order for that to be true, JB would have to have been lying to at least one man and possibly two.

Alexandria's biological father has been listed as MJ. Kyiliyah's biological father has been listed as GB.

I haven't seen any evidence that JB was a liar or deceiver. She seems to have been devoted to her children and to her husband.

It's just really hard for me to assume that she lied MJ and GB and has been lying for over a decade.

I am talking about possibilities, nothing has been proven as evidence yet. I agree JB appears to have been a fine mother. I am from a very rural area, and I know some fine mothers who have secrets. What is "listed" is not always correct. I am not saying AM is the bio father, but I am saying it is certainly possible that he is, the way I read the background.
Fox news says AM has heart condition. Dr says he'll need transplant w/i a year.

Well he isn't going to get that hiding in the bushes.

Honestly, needing a heart transplant for him is all speculation. His medical records are private. HIPAA anyone?

I agree Ronso. The statement would not come from a medical doctor, nurse, etc due to HIPAA to the media. It may be the interpretation of a medical evaluation by a family member...Doctor says to patient:"If you don't quit smoking, drinking, doing Crack, gaming online for 48 hours straight, eating buckets of Crisco you may need a heart transplant in a year." Patient and family hear," Blah, blah, are going to die unless you get a heart transplant." Family reports it to media.

Xena? Xina? (Sorry it was on the old forum) was talking about Viagra being used for various other things besides EDD. Viagra was created to be the newest cutting edge cardiac medication. Researchers were amazed and thought ca-ching when most of the test subjects started reporting the positive side effect we associate with Viagra. So...there is a possibility with the neighbor Viagra comment...AM was using it for a heart condition...especially if he could not pick up meds at a pharmacy, he does a google search, find something similar to what he was on and knows he can get it on the street. Medically dangerous, but, could happen...
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