TN - Joann, 31, & Adrienne Bain, 14, Whiteville, 27 April 2012 - #5

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I don't think they subjected either one to any extensive examination. Hopefully they didn't, because that would be traumatizing. I suspect they checked vital signs, made sure they were hydrated, fed, rested, comforted, and reunited with their remaining family. I don't know a much about legal stuff, but it's not like they have to pin child rape on a dead perp.

I would guess that an exam would be almost standard in this case. Esp if either girl admitted to abuse. There would be a risk of physcal trauma, internal injuries, STD's and pregancy. Those would be the medical reasons for the exam. Legal reasons is to see if there is any evidence of previous sexual abuse. If there was then then further investigation would be needed. Yes the perp might be dead but there is still the possibility of witnesses who didn't report or who allowed the abuse.
I do think they would have had to examine the girls for physical trauma, STDs, etc.... Not properly examining them would be negligent, how awful would it be if one of them contracted an STD from this monster leading to infertility later in life? My guess is this is one of the reasons they were transported to the children's hospital-specialists that are familiar with these types of cases.

Yes, unfortunately for those poor little girls, this was probably done, but not put into the news. For the public news, enough is, they are okay and fixed up as much as they can be from being in the hospital for now.
And, oh God, they just wanted to go home.
More than sad that going home will never be the same. Big Sis is gone and so is Mom. Home isn't home like it used to be anymore.
My heart breaks for them.
I fear they will blame themselves for the loss of their mother and sister instead of the monster who did it. "If only I hadn't...." ....."I should have...."
I cannot believe I forgot about this. Warning: graphic ish description.

Umpty doodle years ago when I was just a pup, one of my good friends was murdered. Her cause of death was "strangulation by restraint". At first we didn't know what that meant, thought someone was holding her down and strangled her. Turns out she had actually had something placed in her mouth (presumably to keep her quiet) with something wrapped around her head and throat (a scarf) to hold it in place. As she had struggled, the item in her mouth ended up forced down her throat, and with the scarf around her throat, she "strangled". The way it happened meant it wasn't just "asphyxiation", something about the combination of the two things together.

Point being, strangled doesn't have to mean anyone wrapped hands around throats. It could have happened other ways. (some not too good to think about).

There is also positional asphyxia, where the victim's body position is such that it obstructs the airway.

For example, every now and then someone dies in police custody because they were handcuffed with their arms behind their back and left laying face down. In that position, some people are unable to breath effectively.

It can also happen to people who are put into restraints in a sitting position such that they have to bend forward. Sometimes that bend in the torso is enough to cause a fatal restriction of breathing.

Positional asphyxia is often silent and can go unnoticed even by someone observing while it is happening. There have been cases where medical patients had to be restrained and trained medical personnel who were observing did not realise the patient was asphyxiating.

I don't think enough information has been released yet about JB and AB for me to figure out the circumstances of their deaths.
Wow! that bro says he and his siblings have agreed not to claim AM's remains. That is pretty harsh. Most families want to claim them if they can, even if it is only because they remember them as young children. With Mom in jail it looks like he will probably remain unclaimed then.

LE is saying the girls didn't have water for 3 days. I mean in the woods, if I had no other water source, I would try to find a stream. So I am guessing that AM either was too afraid of drinking unprocessed water or he was too afraid of getting lost to go looking for it.
From the interview with AM's brother: He says Adam's controlling, abusive behavior drove a wedge between him and his parents.

"They would do whatever he wanted," says Johnny. "Anyone who was close to Adam pretty much lived in fear. He was the person that you didn't want to cross. You didn't cross him because you knew the consequences would come down on you."

He must have either shown a totally different face to the Bains, or scared the stuffing out of them much so that they would tell all their friends they trusted him despite how frightening he was.

This is actually not at all uncommon with abusers. They compartmentalise different groups of people, so that no one ever gets the full picture on who they are. There are abusers who are very controlled and careful about their public image.

Look up John Fedders for the poster boy of this type of abuser. He had a high position in the SEC the whole time he was viciously abusing his wife. When she finally left him and he forced them into divorce court, people were totally stunned at what came out during the court proceedings.

It wasn't just GB who was fooled; there have been plenty of interviews of other friends and neighbours that make it clear AM fooled them as well. Plus LE and social workers.

The Adam that his brother Johnny talks about is quite a different Adam from the one JoAnn's best friend Brenda talks about. Johnny describes someone just like TM's sister and mom haver described - controlling and abusive.

Pugglesworth and GrainneDhu, just saw your conversation after I wrote this. ; )
Reading through, I see a lot of us were thinking this same thing.
Thank you, Mustang Sally. U R a great female, strong and kind. Take care of yourself, too, dear. U have been through so much trying to hold this all together for others. Maybe someday you and your sis will find peace together and thank God you were there for your niece when she had no one else.
What a flawed ignorant human your late BIL was. Sad story. I pray it gets better for those of you left.
Town Heals After End of Mayes Incident

... In Hardeman County this week, there's been a show of support for the Bain family. Driving along Market street, you will likely notice lime green ribbons. The ribbons welcomed the two girls home. ...

"We had heard that the girls favorite color was lime green, so similar like Holly Bobo went missing and they're town painted the whole town pink with ribbons draws your community together," said S****. ...

In just three days, they've managed to sell hundreds of bows. The shop raised more than $2,000 to help cover burial costs for Jo Ann and Adrienne Bain. ...

[HS principal] describes 14-year-old Adrienne as sweet, quiet and a lover of the outdoors. Since her tragic death, he says there's an emptiness in the school's halls. ...

I have such mixed feelings about this. One the one hand I think it is great that the town is showing they support the girls and the family. And that they are behind them. And they welcome them home.

OTOH if left up too long those ribbons will be constant reminders to the girls. And also will be a reminder to the girls that "everybody knows." And that one is a tuffy for any teens, but a traumatized teen who is trying to return to normal it will make it even harder.
I stand by two assertions on my part.

One being, that because AM seemed so convinced on his part that the youngest two 'could' have been his... he DID NOT molest them. I think he was delusion in his thinking that they were his, but I don't think he would have molested them, considering that he seemed to have been convinced.

The second being that they removed the girls from the hospital AM was being transported to. I think 'they' took the girls too a different hospital to not subject them to the thought that AM might be close by (even if only in the morgue) , and in addition, that their father (adopted or not) was close to them.

That being said, I don't think that ANY hospital would have neglected to do
vaginal swabs and the such. I don't think AM molested them, but I also don't
think it isn't a possibility that needs to be ruled out!

I'm still on the fence about AM actually believing either of the girls were his. I think it may have been his way of manipulating people and keeping up appearances.

I work in women's health and in my experience the girls were transferred to a regional children's hospital so they would have access to pediatric specialists, fast lab results etc... Most ERs for example have doctors trained in emergency medicine, a children's hospital has docs trained in pediatric emergency medicine. Treating children vs. adults is very different under normal circumstances. Diagnosis can be more challenging as children don't always communicate their symptoms well, ped specialists also have the training, tools, and resources to better handle this type of case.

Still trying to catch up, so I'm not sure will this will end up...

I don't get how the parents could have thought there was "nothing not to trust" about AM after the CPS investigation. That just makes no sense. Even if they believed it was unfounded, that would at the very least make most people question and look deeper. Then there's the odd wife, the fact that he never held down a job, the drugs...and how about the motorcycle gang thing, did that get followed up on? And he knew an awful lot of people willing to aid and abet him in a series of major violent felonies.

I feel for the Bain parents, but I don't get how it didn't add up to just the slightest little twinge of "something ain't right with that boy."

FWIW, my aunt has had CPS called on her by a supposed friend when they got into an argument over the friend allowing and providing the friend's son with weed. CPS now comes by randomly check on the welfare of my cousins (they are 17 years younger than me) even though the report was determined to be unfounded. People do call CPS on others, even when it's completely unfounded, just for revenge. For that reason I do not fault JB and/or GB for allowing contact with AM. I am in no way saying that the report was false, but just offering my own experience on how someone can be turned into CPS for unfounded reasons. MOO.

From the interview with AM's brother: He says Adam's controlling, abusive behavior drove a wedge between him and his parents.

"They would do whatever he wanted," says Johnny. "Anyone who was close to Adam pretty much lived in fear. He was the person that you didn't want to cross. You didn't cross him because you knew the consequences would come down on you."

He must have either shown a totally different face to the Bains, or scared the stuffing out of them much so that they would tell all their friends they trusted him despite how frightening he was.

The way JB supposedly described him to her friend is so completely different from the way his own brother describes him. And never mind the way his wife's family describes him. I mean, it's like night and day.

MOO. Psychopaths usually do show a completely different face to those they prey on. MOO.

I know. I was sitting here thinking "Why didn't you go and drag your daughter away from this lunatic?? How could you let her stay with him and be beaten and abused?" It is so much easier to tell people what to do than walk a mile in their shoes. Josie just seems so overwhelmed and defeated now.

Well, coming from a very controlling marriage, etc., things are just not as easy as everyone thinks they are.

Women are beaten down both mentally, physically, emotionally, and have no power, exit, afraid, and the list is endless.

ETA: I took my ex back so many times, as I felt safer with him in the house, then I did when he wasn't there. He would stalk me and I just never knew where he was. Now this is back in the 70's but what happened then still happens to women today.

I am not mentally challenged in any way, and am a very strong-willed woman all my life, but this man, inch, by inch, second by second, did a job on me with no escape. I won in the end, but I suffered for it for many years.


Yes! My sister was in an abusive relationship (started off with minor verbal abuse that eventually escalated to physical abuse - he pinned her to the wall and punched a hole in the wall right next to her head). That happened while she was 6 months pregnant; it took her until her son was 15 months old (while still enduring the abuse) before she finally got the courage to leave him - that's almost 2 years!! And she's a very strong person (emotionally and psychologically). His abuse started and grew gradually to the point she believed she deserved it. I barely talked to her at this time because she had to sneak away to call me; she finally called me after 6 months of no contact to ask what she should do as she was at the end - she couldn't take it anymore. Mind you, before she got involved with this guy, my sister and I were best friends, and we still are (the only time I wasn't part of her life was when she was married to this guy). Being involved in an abusive relationship can make even the sanest people do crazy things. MOO!
From the interview with AM's brother: He says Adam's controlling, abusive behavior drove a wedge between him and his parents.

"They would do whatever he wanted," says Johnny. "Anyone who was close to Adam pretty much lived in fear. He was the person that you didn't want to cross. You didn't cross him because you knew the consequences would come down on you."

He must have either shown a totally different face to the Bains, or scared the stuffing out of them much so that they would tell all their friends they trusted him despite how frightening he was.

Thx, Pugglesworth. Looks like he controlled everyone through fear and abuse for years. Worked for him. Being tall didn't hurt.
funny, he didn't look that tall on the quickie mart cam to me.
Scum. He got off easy.
Not sure if this was mentioned. Didn't see it but could've missed it.. rick foster the close friend of Gary Bain that was on Nancy speaking about what he knew from speaking directly with father, Gary Bain. .this last thing he was asked and answered was did these girls witness mom/sisters murder and he said sadly he assumed so.????
I really wish LE would clarify.
Wow! that bro says he and his siblings have agreed not to claim AM's remains. That is pretty harsh. Most families want to claim them if they can, even if it is only because they remember them as young children. With Mom in jail it looks like he will probably remain unclaimed then.

LE is saying the girls didn't have water for 3 days. I mean in the woods, if I had no other water source, I would try to find a stream. So I am guessing that AM either was too afraid of drinking unprocessed water or he was too afraid of getting lost to go looking for it.

I would have been sucking on leaves....even at that age. What I can't envision are those girls sleeping out in the open wilderness at night where the woods are solid black and all the noises the forest makes....and the creatures. :what: I don't think it was preplanned...or if it was....something went very wrong. No one plans to just wing it. IMO
I would have been sucking on leaves....even at that age. What I can't envision are those girls sleeping out in the open wilderness at night where the woods are solid black and all the noises the forest makes....and the creatures. :what: I don't think it was preplanned...or if it was....something went very wrong. No one plans to just wing it. IMO

I think it was planned. But I think that something went wrong. I think he planned it, I think he prepared for it, I think he set up his support system.

But I don't think he counted on LE being that determined and in such large numbers as to totally blanket the area. I don't think he counted on his mother and wife being arrested. I don't think he counted on LE finding the bodies, and esp. not so soon. And I do wonder if perhaps he might have been surprised that LE looked at him so closely. After all, he was "devoted" to this family.
I have such mixed feelings about this. One the one hand I think it is great that the town is showing they support the girls and the family. And that they are behind them. And they welcome them home.

OTOH if left up too long those ribbons will be constant reminders to the girls. And also will be a reminder to the girls that "everybody knows." And that one is a tuffy for any teens, but a traumatized teen who is trying to return to normal it will make it even harder.
I'm thinking they will be heading for Tucson as soon as they are allowed to leave. I know I would.
I think it was planned. But I think that something went wrong. I think he planned it, I think he prepared for it, I think he set up his support system.

But I don't think he counted on LE being that determined and in such large numbers as to totally blanket the area. I don't think he counted on his mother and wife being arrested. I don't think he counted on LE finding the bodies, and esp. not so soon. And I do wonder if perhaps he might have been surprised that LE looked at him so closely. After all, he was "devoted" to this family.
I'm not actually sure he counted on the murders. IMHO, that would be where everything went wrong.
Wow! that bro says he and his siblings have agreed not to claim AM's remains. That is pretty harsh. Most families want to claim them if they can, even if it is only because they remember them as young children. With Mom in jail it looks like he will probably remain unclaimed then.

LE is saying the girls didn't have water for 3 days. I mean in the woods, if I had no other water source, I would try to find a stream. So I am guessing that AM either was too afraid of drinking unprocessed water or he was too afraid of getting lost to go looking for it.
This may have been why they ended up back at the church. AM might have figured they had already searched it (any LE worth anything would have already) and thought to go back to get water, but they didn't make it.
I think that AM counted on help/support from his Mom and wife. And I think that is the major problem, I think that is where he knew it wasn't going to work. I do wonder how long before he knew they were arrested and if at any point he began to wonder if they deserted him. I hope so.
I'm not actually sure he counted on the murders. IMHO, that would be where everything went wrong.

Didn't he dig the grave before the murders? I thought I read that. He may not have planned the murder of the daughter, but I think he planned to murder the mother. I think he hoped everyone would think she ran off with the girls.
This has been one of those cases were i have prayed, read every news article, searched out facebook for any info I can find. I truely hope that the media gives this family thier space to heal but on the other hand I will be checking for updates on this case and these kids for years, I hope to a degree we are kept some what updated, I feel as though I know the Bains personally :(

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