TN - Joann, 31, & Adrienne Bain, 14, Whiteville, 27 April 2012 - #5

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I am saddened that the girls had to go through this horrific ordeal but am thanking God that they are alive. Adam did not love them or treat them as if they were his own daughters. He murdered their mother and older sister. He is a monster and I am happy he is gone. I pray that these girls will get the care and counseling that they need so they can live a semi-normal and healthy life.
AM was extensively investigated due to allegations of child abuse with KB and possession of child *advertiser censored* mags. After a two month investigation, no charges were filed.

Until and unless more details come out, I don't think there is any way to know if AM really did sexually assault either girl at either time.

I am completely confused as to why the attitude towards GB has cooled, with some posters calling for him to lose his parental rights. I am certain that LE has been investigating him during this whole ordeal and the fact that the girls have apparently been released to his custody says to me that he's clean.

Thank you, GrainneDhu. I appreciate the info. I also wanted to let you know that I love your informative posts. You must have a memory like a steel trap. : )
Below is from an earlier report on March 16, 2009 [not the shaving-leg accusation-Feb. 2010]. Appears his obsession may have been the youngest.

“Upon arrival, Mr. Adam Mayes stated that he and his wife, Mrs. Teresa Mayes, had a dispute about his niece,” the report stated, without mentioning the name of the niece. “He stated that Mrs. Mayes got very irate with him, went outside and got into their car. Mr. Mayes stated that Mres. Mayes is a Pathways patient and that she is taking medication for depression.”|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

Since he was accused of kidnapping both of them, I presume he was obsessed with both of the children, especially considering that 14 year old was killed. I don't know what the reasons for this obsession was, and why the parents allowed him such access to their children if he wasn't related to any of the children.
I sure as hell hope that they are doing some major digging and questioning before they just hand these 2 little girls over to GB. Makes me sick to my stomach to think about it. In order to not "inflame" the readers here, I think I will stop posting. Seems that few people here think it is strange that GB married a woman 30 years younger than himself. The age difference between him and JB was greater than the age difference with AM and the girls. He knew this guy had been accused of being naked with his little girls, and still allowed him around. I hope to God these little girls are not being sent back to another monster. Bash me all you want, but this is my opinion. Why send them back to the place their mother and sister were murdered? Why not send them somewhere safe with females? I hope MJ puts up a hell of a fight for his daughter, somehow. These poor girls, it just breaks my heart that everyone that was supposed to protect them failed them, and it looks like they aren't even looking into GB before they send them right back to him. There is a whole hell of a lot more to this than meets the eye. I'd bet everything I have on it.

Hey i agree with you!
Your not alone in thinking these thoughts about GB

And you like all of us are entilted to our opinions!

but i do think your right!
There is more to this story that we have not heard!
AM was extensively investigated due to allegations of child abuse with KB and possession of child *advertiser censored* mags. After a two month investigation, no charges were filed.

Until and unless more details come out, I don't think there is any way to know if AM really did sexually assault either girl at either time.

I am completely confused as to why the attitude towards GB has cooled, with some posters calling for him to lose his parental rights. I am certain that LE has been investigating him during this whole ordeal and the fact that the girls have apparently been released to his custody says to me that he's clean.
Clean? I see him as just the opposite, and at the very least stupid and irresponsible. I see TN officials the same way, for not only not preventing this tragedy, but for rushing to put those girls back with him without finding out the truth. My thoughts on him have not cooled, they are hot as hell, and have been since I started reading the facts of this case. Who was in charge of this household? What kind of man allows such things to happen under his roof? What kind of man allows a man that was accused of molesting his little girls take them for weekend visits? No REAL man would do that. I'd like to hear more from Pamela, the sister that contacted the brother in NC and who also was married to GB and the mother of the oldest daughter. She is probably the one that tried to prevent all this by calling DHS in TN. There is more to this story, and it angers me that these poor girls are being sent right back into that house where their mother and sister were killed. I guess it would be easier to just paint this as a sweet homecoming than to ask the tough questions about GB. I don't see him as a victim. I see him as ALLOWING all of this to occur. These are my opinions, and I am from the area. I've seen families like these where everyone just turns their heads and allows the bs to continue, on and on for generations.
The Cliff Notes version:

Someone tipped off LE that there was a cabin that possibly had electricity behind a church. LE went to search the woods. One officer found Alexandria laying face down on the ground. Kylyia was down on the ground as well. AM came into their view. They repeatedly asked him to surrender. He pulled out a gun from his waistband and shot himself in front of the girls and killed himself. The girls were rescued. They went to the hospital and were released to go back home this morning.

About the naked thing - apparently his sister (?) accused him of molestation around 2010. She said she walked in the bathroom and he was naked shaving the youngest girl's legs and had child *advertiser censored* in his room. He was investigated by 3 different agencies and cleared of that charge.

Thanks so much, SurfieTX! I appreciate the help......cliff notes were needed! I guess at this point, I would not be surprised if AM did completely horrible, self serving things, including molesting children. That he was cleared by 3 agencies....does that mean the sister lied or he was great at covering his tracks? I have a few choice words about him, that I will keep to myself.
I have a question. Did TM and AM's mom go up to the Bain family's house in Whiteville, Tn. when AM went up there to help the family pack for their move to AZ? Must have been around April 25 or 26, 2013 that AM went up there. All through these details, and speculations, I keep wondering, "where and when did TM and MM show up to drive AM and the 2 girls back to MS?" Were they staying up there in Tennessee along with AM"
Or, where do they appear in this story? Was TM sleeping in that house the night of April 26?
We don't know when AM's wife showed up at the house that night. We haven't heard anything about her also staying in the house to help with packing, so right now I assume she drove up there at some point during the night.
His mother was not there at all. Mother is only charged with conspiracy.
I sure as hell hope that they are doing some major digging and questioning before they just hand these 2 little girls over to GB. Makes me sick to my stomach to think about it. In order to not "inflame" the readers here, I think I will stop posting. Seems that few people here think it is strange that GB married a woman 30 years younger than himself. The age difference between him and JB was greater than the age difference with AM and the girls. He knew this guy had been accused of being naked with his little girls, and still allowed him around. I hope to God these little girls are not being sent back to another monster. Bash me all you want, but this is my opinion. Why send them back to the place their mother and sister were murdered? Why not send them somewhere safe with females? I hope MJ puts up a hell of a fight for his daughter, somehow. These poor girls, it just breaks my heart that everyone that was supposed to protect them failed them, and it looks like they aren't even looking into GB before they send them right back to him. There is a whole hell of a lot more to this than meets the eye. I'd bet everything I have on it.

You may be correct, I obviously have no idea... But there's no way that authorities could just "send the[ girls] somewhere safe with females" when there are no charges (or even allegations) of any kind pending at this point against their FATHER. Also, why are the children automatically "safe"r with females? Look at the charges against TM and AM's mom in this case...
You may be correct, but there's no way that authorities could just "send the[ girls] somewhere safe with females" when there are no charges (or even allegations) of any kind pending at this point against their FATHER. Also, why are the children automatically "safe"r with females? Look at the charges against TM and AM's mom in this case...

female social workers or relatives or someone sane. Females are not as likely to be raping and molesting them. MOO
female social workers or relatives or someone sane. Females are not as likely to be raping and molesting them. MOO

I'm sorry, but there is absolutely no evidence or even suggestion that GB "raped or molested" his children. None at all. A 50 year old marrying a 20 year old may offend your sensibilities, but it does not equate to the guy being a child molester. Authorities can't just take someone's kids away from them and send them to live with a social worker because they have a hinky feeling about them.
About the naked thing. Really. And he was cleared of the charges. I have kept up with this but I guess I missed that. I cannot get my head wrapped around the fact his wife and mother were involved yet. I just can't because that is just nuts. Now there are even more arrests. Does that mean he may have had even more help? Who on earth would help someone do somethig so evil? I guess I am just having a hard time trying to understand all of this.

Sadly you would be amazed at the things people get away with these days.. The fact that he was alone with these children on a regular basis when they weren't even his raises red flags. I think his family knew what was going on all along. They are all sick and twisted. His mother and ex-wife are adults and need to be fully charged. There are no excuses for this. These girls are going to suffer the rest of their lives because no one took a stand against this monster. They found child *advertiser censored* in his room and he was naked in the bathroom with the youngest girl?? His excuse was that he was shaving her legs?? What kind of excuse is that?? And who thought it was an acceptable excuse?? Everyone involved deserves the maximum penalty.
No, they didn't find any *advertiser censored* in his room. And he hadn't admitted to any leg shaving. I presume the child didn't admit that anything happened either. That's why the allegation was declared "unfounded."
We don't know when AM's wife showed up at the house that night. We haven't heard anything about her also staying in the house to help with packing, so right now I assume she drove up there at some point during the night.
His mother was not there at all. Mother is only charged with conspiracy.

This also shows me if TM can drive at night 90 miles from her house on her own, and the is questionable, she might of had someone with her. Then she was able to reason with what she was doing. So she won't be able to plead with mental illness or any kind of defense like that.
From the news reports, it looks like they are already back at home with GB. I would think that there should be quite a bit of questions that the girls need to answer before they were sent back home. At least a day or two of making sure they are ok, and counseling. Yet they were sent right back to the place their mother and sister were murdered this morning, after being found late yesterday. Makes no sense.

Have the reports stated back at the house they live at? Maybe they are reporting home as in home to family and friends but not the house.
Have the reports stated back at the house they live at? Maybe they are reporting home as in home to family and friends but not the house.

But what family and friends? Their mother is dead. AM was their "family friend" and obviously the children are not going to be released to any of his relatives.
I think that pretty much leaves the father, GB, as the one the children were send home to.
From a legal standpoint the girls must be released back to GB's custody. If there was some inclination that GB was not fit, then the county or state could take steps for alternate custody. But since that has not happened, and with all the investigation that has gone on here (including intense investigation of GB) and the fact that law enforcement was never concerned with GB, it would seem abundantly clear that he is fine.
I'm sorry, but there is absolutely no evidence or even suggestion that GB "raped or molested" his children. None at all. A 50 year old marrying a 20 year old may offend your sensibilities, but it does not equate to the guy being a child molester. Authorities can't just take someone's kids away from them and send them to live with a social worker because they have a hinky feeling about them.

Especially kids that need stability, warmth, and familiarity right now.

It makes no sense to me to further traumatize these girls, who are likely in shock, grieving, and still scared --> to be shipped off away from family? Now?

Based on suppositions about which there have been no facts?

It's really hard not to let personal experiences, preferences and emotions cloud judgement, but how about putting some faith in LE and the FBI (and their team of specialists), plus the hospital care givers who had the final say in this decision to send the girls home with their family?

I'm confident they put those girls' best interests front & centre.

And if that doesn't make anyone feel better, how about the fact that there is more than likely several agents with the girls and the family? Both for their protection, and their privacy, but also to glean whatever information they can from the girls. If you're right, you're right. And it will all come out.

But in the meantime, have some faith that nothing evil will happen on LE's watch right now.
I'm sorry, but there is absolutely no evidence or even suggestion that GB "raped or molested" his children. None at all. A 50 year old marrying a 20 year old may offend your sensibilities, but it does not equate to the guy being a child molester. Authorities can't just take someone's kids away from them and send them to live with a social worker because they have a hinky feeling about them.
i never said he did rape or molest them. However, he allowed a man accused of being naked alone with his child to continue to visit and take them alone on excursions. I am saying that his inaction contributed to this tragedy. Authorities should be able to investigate and see if this man is fit to raise these children. It was a male that committed these crimes, and as a female, I believe these children need females around them. Not a 60 something year old man who is not even the father of one of them, and who sat back and allowed his buddy to do all of this. It is how I feel about it. I am entitled to feel this way. Yes, GB marrying someone 30 years younger than him offends me. I have seen these types around this area my entire life, and it is yuck to me, dirty old men wanting young women and girls will always sicken me. I believe there is way more to this whole story than meets the eye, and I could be wrong, but I doubt it. This is all my opinion, and I am still entitled to it.

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