TN - Joann, 31, & Adrienne Bain, 14, Whiteville, 27 April 2012 - #5

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If an officer was the one who shot and killed AM then it will all come out sometime. Two young girls were there that witnessed it all.
I believe that AM shot and killed himself, but did they give him enough time to do it? I'd say that only took a split second or so for him to bring the gun to his head and pull the trigger. Of course it only takes a split second for a good sniper to have picked him off, too.
LE and FBI goal was to bring these children home safely and I thank them for all they did and are most likely still doing for them and their family. Thank God it turned out the way it did for AB and KB! I only wish that JB and AB could have had the same fate.

WOW. Something seems terribly wrong with this picture. Especially this..

Why is this adult friend posting pictures of these children at this time? (And this same adult makes public posts about her "haters," seemingly about people who are offended with her FB posts.. I don't know anyone over the age of 14 who even uses the word "haters.") No matter the relationship, I doubt the girls' counselors would see this as appropriate behavior. The FB posts were PUBLIC, the very least she could have done was switch the privacy setting to private.

And GB's adult adopted daughter posting comments about her dad's money goes way beyond poor taste IMO.

The Mayes family members who were trying to get their five minutes were sickening enough.
I'm not thrilled with the posting of the pictures of the Bain girls, either. I think sometimes on FB it's a way to be noticed for being a part of their lives. I also think, though, that it's a way some people choose to rally around that person(s) for varying reasons. Maybe this friends intentions is to show the world she cares for this family. I do think it's odd if some of her content is not public and she chooses to make these pictures with the girls public. Not a good idea, IMO.

GB's daughter, TB, maybe posted for the same reason I do about the money and MJ. It's crazy but very transparent to me to see what MJ and his cronies are up to. They want their fifteen minutes and they want their hand in the honey pot. Just calling it like I see it. If TB called them out on it, then good for her. No money should be going to MJ in any way whatsoever. He is not the one raising these girls and I'll bet dollars to donuts that he never paid or kept up on his child support when splitting with JB. Money is the root of all evil for some people. MJ is looking like one of them to me.

JMO but to me it is obvious that the LE goal (and rightfully so) was to recover the girls alive...and thankfully, they accomplished that (whatever it took), and I commend them. :)

Even *IF* there's a cover story...

I agree. If AM had the gun and was raising kill himself, or would be LE's job to incapacitate him if he didn't kill himself quickly. Suicide by cops? Unless he didn't have a gun at all.....but I don't believe that. It was quoted on here (a while back) that he always had a gun on him.

Yeah, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that something is off with the GB and TB story. Check the above FB page out, unless you are going to be easily offended when someone states the glaring truth -- that GB and TB may just not be angels.

Some good points from above page:

*JB said on her FB page 2 weeks before her murder that MJ was the father of her 2 oldest.

*GB has not allowed MJ, his family or JB's parents and other family to see the girls/attend funerals.

*GB's friend has blast off info concerning the case on her public FB page, before released by LE. And pictures of her with the girls post-kidnapping. Public pictures. (When the Bains are saying they want privacy.)

*GB gave greatly conflicting accounts of the time he went to bed the night of the murders to friends and LE.

*This case is an ongoing investigation.

*GB and JB got in to a public fight the evening before the murders.

*GB INITIALLY led LE to believe that JB ran off willfully.

*Many on "Team MJ" are friends and immediate family of JB.

*The FB page is not a support page. It does offer MUCH in the way of useful, credible info. and backs information up.

If you are starting to see that things are not adding up read through the above linked page. Hmmm...

I have always believed that there is way more to this story. I have read the facebook page and find some of the information there to be credible, or at least from local sources using their real names. I have had suspicion of GB from day one, and his actions seem to further my suspicions. He didn't let JBs family come to the funeral. What kind of person disrespects the memory of his dead wife in such a way? I have personally had major riffs in my family, but everyone was allowed to attend funerals. One can pass and repass without acting disrespectful, even if there is passionate ill will between two parties. With such a high profile case, you would think this man would at least try to keep up appearances, but not ole GB. He won't allow those that gave life to his wife to properly grieve her and attend her funeral? Sounds like someone on a power trip. (Mr. I am in control and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. I'm going to Cali, and I'm taking MY girls with me. You can all bite me!)

I will also say that there are lots of things stated on the facebook page that are not known to be facts. Such as AM had some allegations that were known about regarding another young girl. I do know that many of the people on the page are locals, while there are also many people who are following the case that are also commenting. Really and truly, if you are wanting to do some sleuthing, one should always at least keep one's ears open to what locals are saying. I believe there is a whole lot of talk, because there is a whole lot more to this story than has been made public. That's my opinion, I'm stickin with it.
I'm not thrilled with the posting of the pictures of the Bain girls, either. I think sometimes on FB it's a way to be noticed for being a part of their lives. I also think, though, that it's a way some people choose to rally around that person(s) for varying reasons. Maybe this friends intentions is to show the world she cares for this family. I do think it's odd if some of her content is not public and she chooses to make these pictures with the girls public. Not a good idea, IMO.

GB's daughter, TB, maybe posted for the same reason I do about the money and MJ. It's crazy but very transparent to me to see what MJ and his cronies are up to. They want their fifteen minutes and they want their hand in the honey pot. Just calling it like I see it. If TB called them out on it, then good for her. No money should be going to MJ in any way whatsoever. He is not the one raising these girls and I'll bet dollars to donuts that he never paid or kept up on his child support when splitting with JB. Money is the root of all evil for some people. MJ is looking like one of them to me.

I see this in a totally different light. You see, the locals there in Hardeman County, they are the ones donating most of the money. It is at their local banks. They are friends and they are family of Jo Ann Bain. I don't even know what the whole riff raff is about the money, as I haven't read the post, but I will tell you that many many locals were talking about GB. Her friends and her family were shut out completely from attending her funeral. The way I see it, someone decided to start another account that GB would not have control of. Some folks online might support GB, but we are talking about the people who live and work and go to school with this family. Many people are highly skeptical of GB in the community. This makes sense to me why there was another account started. Now what is done with the money, that is a different story. I just wanted to say that it doesn't seem strange to me that this happened when there is such a great divide between the family and friends of Jo Ann, and GB. MJ is just one of the people that fall in that family and friends of Jo Ann. Although many here would like to dismiss his role, she was married to him and fathered two of his children. My ex is like my brother now. He is family. I don't think this is all about MJ. And to think, I was very suspicious of GB BEFORE he didn't allow his wife's family to her funeral.

Most times when you see a major divide between the family and friends of a murdered woman and her husband, it is because the family suspects his involvement. How many lifetime movies were made with this very scene? Anybody remember the two little boys that were burned alive after their mother went missing? I'm sure you all know the story.

Another thing....who is this woman from California? I still haven't figured that out! What is her relationship with the Bain family? Why was she the one to pick the girls up? Why weren't they allowed to see their grandmother? Strange strange strange.
I respect your opinion too. Even though i don't understand and it's upsetting to me that her family and their dad wouldn't be allowed to be at the funeral, i admit that i do NOT know the whole story, so i won't make a judment at all either way.
AFter keeping secrets for most of my life about my abuse, i do understand that people have their reasons even if they are not known to others why certain things happen they way they do.
And i will say again.....i do NOT know the whole story about any of it!!!! :)
With all due respect we don't know the whole truth. Only those that were in the house that night, or participated in this horrid ordeal knows the truth.
So what if JB stated on her FB that MJ was the father of her two oldest children. Seriously, so what? He is the bio father. Did you personally see this for yourself that she stated it? Did anyone do a screen shot of that post?
There could be a very good reason, if true, that JB's family and MJ weren't allowed at the funerals. Look what has happened already and that would be enough for me to not want them there. The girls, and GB, deserve some respect with regards of what they've gone through. They don't need MJ acting all superior bio dad BS and they didn't need one of JB's family members spewing that she believed there had been a sexual relationship between JB and AM. It's that kind of BS that would get someone cut out of mine and my kids lives. No ifs ands or buts. Life is to short for that!
How do you know that GB gave conflicting accounts of that night? Are you LE or one of the friends or family?
I don't care how many fights, big or small, that JB and GB have had. I just had a rip roaring one with my husband last evening over the stupid pool. We were both frustrated and hell bent on being right. Later on in the night we were back to being okay with each other. I've been married to this man for more than half of my life and I adore him and am very protective of him and would fight tooth and nail to do whatever I could for his well being. That does not mean we can't have our own opinions and we do! If you're married and you never have a disagreement then kudos to you.
I have never read that GB led LE to believe that JB ran off with AM. Link, please
You say many on Team MJ are family of JB? Well, right there goes to show me that they might just love some drama and that would be another good reason to not allow them to have it on the days of the funerals, and then some. Do you ever think that maybe JB stood strongly for what she believed was right with her family and herself and then when she's murdered they feel they can all come in and stir the crap and cause a commotion. If JB didn't have a relationship with them before her death, if this is true about them being on Team MJthen I certainly can see why she would not want a relationship with them.
Some of the truth that I have come to know with this is: MJ, for whatever reason, gave up his rights to AB and AB, so that GB could adopt them. If someone is going to slam GB then for goodness sake some of the slam needs to land right on MJ as he knew GB and thought he was good enough to turn his children over for him to raise.
One of the things that doesn't add up for me, hmmm is the fact that MJ isn't these childrens dad, GB is, yet MJ wants money and to have the attention brought to his door. Well, he's got my attention. Yes, he deserves to mourn the loss of these two children he helped bring into the world, but that's it. He doesn't deserve to be a part of a bank account. He doesn't deserve to be able to see AB, it only matters what is best for her. GB decides that now, not MJ! You can't just give up your rights and then demand them back. It doesn't work that way.
I haven't been to that FB page but it sounds hate filled.
As for all the FB BS don't believe everything you read on FB! It's just like real life where there is sometimes a hidden agenda.

We don't know the reasons why, if this is true, that it's happening. We have to place our trust in the counselors and many people, including their dad-GB-to put the childrens best interest first. Everyone else should come second, always.
I have a friend who always said that if anything ever happened to her that she never wanted to have to go back and live with her mom and dad. She hated the way they were. She had an accident and I cringe when I think of all the times she said that to so many of us, yet she's right there in that house with them caring for her. It could be that Joann had not so nice feelings about certain people in her life. Maybe she told GB that she never wanted her mom to raise her kids if something happened to her. Maybe she said the same about herself, as my friend said. Maybe, just maybe, she and GB had a falling out with the mom and/or some of the family members before all of this and that is another reason she loved AZ, as it was far enough away from them for her to be her own person. I don't think GB is being full of revenge, but probably feeling very protective of those left here, and JB and AB who are no longer here. He was married to JB for eleven years and I don't doubt for one second that he loves her.
Just my gut feelings.

My wish for today and ever more would be for everyone to think about what truly is best for these two girls and make it happen for them. My wish is also for GB to get some respect. He is these childrens dad and I haven't seen anything he's done so terrible yet, with the exception of giving AM the benefit of the doubt and it seems like he's not the only one that has done that. I'm sure he would do it differently if he could have seen what the outcome would be.

It's so hard again to know cuz really we only know what we're seeing. There could be reasons that noone else knows but Gary. At first i was pissed to hear that her parents or family couldn't even come to her funeral, but then i started thinking.
And this is ONLY AN EXAMPLE....i wouldn't want my mom and some of her family at my funeral either!!!! Most people would know why now that i'm older and my stepfather is in jail cuz he's a child molestor.
But before i started telling people the truth about him and helped get him in jail, there were questions all over the place from everywhere why my mom and stepfather weren't at certain occasions or places. People that had not clue and it wasn't their business anyway. But really they didn't know about the abuse yet and that there was good reason. My mom choose my stepfather over me and we're estranged. Now everyone knows. But like i said, they didn't always know. And again that's just an example. Not saying at all that's the story w/ Joanne's family. But there could be something else there that none of know about?????
I'm just putting that out there......

I have always believed that there is way more to this story. I have read the facebook page and find some of the information there to be credible, or at least from local sources using their real names. I have had suspicion of GB from day one, and his actions seem to further my suspicions. He didn't let JBs family come to the funeral. What kind of person disrespects the memory of his dead wife in such a way? I have personally had major riffs in my family, but everyone was allowed to attend funerals. One can pass and repass without acting disrespectful, even if there is passionate ill will between two parties. With such a high profile case, you would think this man would at least try to keep up appearances, but not ole GB. He won't allow those that gave life to his wife to properly grieve her and attend her funeral? Sounds like someone on a power trip. (Mr. I am in control and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. I'm going to Cali, and I'm taking MY girls with me. You can all bite me!)

I will also say that there are lots of things stated on the facebook page that are not known to be facts. Such as AM had some allegations that were known about regarding another young girl. I do know that many of the people on the page are locals, while there are also many people who are following the case that are also commenting. Really and truly, if you are wanting to do some sleuthing, one should always at least keep one's ears open to what locals are saying. I believe there is a whole lot of talk, because there is a whole lot more to this story than has been made public. That's my opinion, I'm stickin with it.
It's so hard again to know cuz really we only know what we're seeing. There could be reasons that noone else knows but Gary. At first i was pissed to hear that her parents or family couldn't even come to her funeral, but then i started thinking.
And this is ONLY AN EXAMPLE....i wouldn't want my mom and some of her family at my funeral either!!!! Most people would know why now that i'm older and my stepfather is in jail cuz he's a child molestor.
But before i started telling people the truth about him and helped get him in jail, there were questions all over the place from everywhere why my mom and stepfather weren't at certain occasions or places. People that had not clue and it wasn't their business anyway. But really they didn't know about the abuse yet and that there was good reason. My mom choose my stepfather over me and we're estranged. Now everyone knows. But like i said, they didn't always know. And again that's just an example. Not saying at all that's the story w/ Joanne's family. But there could be something else there that none of know about?????
I'm just putting that out there......

So yesterday, I just want to say I am so sorry for what you have been though. Being abused is bad enough, but to have your mother not support you.... And side with him. My heart hurts for you.:(
so many questions, so little answers,,,,
so much speculation, innuendos and rumors..
some perhaps based on fact that most likely is getting blown out of proportion or taken out of context. Some is probably not fact that is being posted as fact for whatever, I know the family through a friend, hearsay local chatter, adamant supporters, abuse happened to me, therefore I KNOW what to look for, etc.
Some may be fact that is overlooked because it does not fit an agenda of some posters.
Somewhere in all these postings, is some truth, but how much of it is the TRUTH, is not known at this time.

Some postings I have read referenced drug use by AM, which a news article stated as well. OH before I forget, news sources don;t always let out the truth, but because they are the NEWS, it is taken at fact. I personally know of some news stories that were falsely reported by the news media. Not saying to not believe them. OK back to the drug use.....then read postings about his meth use. Could never find a news reference to that and if someone has that, please post. I gathered that was speculation and or hearsay. AM did not appear as a meth user. He appears to have a clear complexion and while he teeth looked poor, he did look like he had teeth. I believe the poor dental care is due to lack of insurance and money. I have dental insurance and I can tell you, it barely covers anything. There was postings about him having a genetic disorder called Marfans (sp). His brother has the same droopy eyelids as well. I just think they had droopy eyelids. His needing a heart transplant. Saw FB postings from TM talking about a heart monitor. That is a far from needing a transplant. Perhaps, there was a misunderstanding on AM and TM part, that if AM did not start taking care of himself, he COULD one day need a heart transplant and that became fact repeated on the many pages. His doctor may have stated something like that to scare him into taking better care of himself.
Mommy dearest of AM, being abusive. She may have been. But if she is abusive, how is she scared of her son, if she is the abuser?
That family is not normal for most of reading and posting. Unfortunately, we have read from others that these families do exist. Some of us even experiencing abuse and such from our own families.
While GB leaves the most questions of all, I am waiting for the investigation to be over and to hear what the professionals have to say. It is stated he did not allow JB's family or friends at the funeral/memorial service. I have read that claim over and over and somehow missed that in a media posting. One thing I did read was an aunt of JB's make a post on her FB page that did not sound like the way it is being presented.

I do not know the truth about this case. like others I am trying to piece the pieces of the puzzle together, but I am not jumping on a bandwagon either. While I feel right now the girls need to be with GB for now. He is the last legal parent of them. Not saying that things could come to light that others may say, "told you so" about him. That is the job of the professionals.

I am not here to judge the lives of any of them. AM, TM and most of that family lived a bizarre life according to what is posted, but who am I to judge them?

One last point though. I do understand difficult family situations. Like soyesterday? posted about her family dynamics, I think I can understand how hard it was to write something as she did. These are secrets, we bury them, we learn that we have the control to either continue the cycle of abuse or to make a change. Some do not get that. Again, not judging those that don;t. While many can not fathom a mother hating her children, I can say myself and my siblings are wondering why a mother could do that as well. I dealt with the abuse and control for years and did what it took to continue to have a relationship with my mom. When I failed, as well as my siblings did to allow her total control of our lives ( we were adults 30-40+ years old) and we tried to state our opinions, we were rewarded with being taken out of their lives...papers from a lawyer stating we were no longer her children, we were never allowed back in the home, we were forbidden from any inheritance at their passing. I had to accept she did not love me, my children and did not want anything to do with us again, I feel a great sense of loss and sadness. Aunts and Uncles were not aware of this, but we learned they did hear how bad us kids were. Did the relatives ever question us children? that is how these rumors start. When we finally saw aunts and uncles, they did admit they wondered. So family secrets do stay hidden, friends may know a small portion, family as well. But most hide the majority of it. For the record, as crazy and mean as my mother has been, she still is my mother and I still love her. I do not condone what she has done and have used my experience as a learning tool as how to treat others and how to have an open mind. Its been 15 years since I saw her. She has missed out on many things. If something were to happen to me, I do not think I would want her to know. She would be grandstanding to make her look wonderful all while degrading me.
Respectfully SBM
You see, the locals there in Hardeman County, they are the ones donating most of the money. They are friends and they are family of Jo Ann Bain.
I don't even know what the whole riff raff is about the money, as I haven't read the post, but I will tell you that many many locals were talking about GB.
Her friends and her family were shut out completely from attending her funeral.
The way I see it, someone decided to start another account that GB would not have control of. Some folks online might support GB, but we are talking about the people who live and work and go to school with this family.
Many people are highly skeptical of GB in the community. This makes sense to me why there was another account started.
I just wanted to say that it doesn't seem strange to me that this happened when there is such a great divide between the family and friends of Jo Ann, and GB.
MJ is just one of the people that fall in that family and friends of Jo Ann. Although many here would like to dismiss his role, she was married to him and fathered two of his children.

Most times when you see a major divide between the family and friends of a murdered woman and her husband, it is because the family suspects his involvement.
The locals there donating the money to MJ's Bain/Johnson fund, are friends and family of Joann? Please tell me how you know this. You stated you didn't want to be verified as a local because you didn't live there any longer yet you state things that perhaps only locals would know. If it's true.
The whole riff raff about money to me, as you say, is because I feel like MJ wants to play the victim in this tragedy. I've said it before and I'll say it again, JB, AB, AB, KB, and GB are the victims. JB and GB are the parents of these children, three of them are GB's because MJ didn't want to have the parental role and responsibilities. Anyone can say what they will about why MJ chose to give his kids up but I call BS on that. You don't give your children away and have three more with someone else if those kids mean s much to you! :banghead:
The family and friends may not have deserved to be at that funeral. No drama needed. Now is a time for healing.
Again, how do you know who all contributes to the Bain/Johnson account and how do you know it is only those people you listed? Surely you don't believe that everyone who lives, works and goes to school with this family is only giving to MJ, or do you? I imagine that GB has his supporters, too, even those that aren't online. Let's face it he's not out there begging for money, playing the pity me card like MJ is. The more this plays out the more I detest MJ and his antics, and those that surround him in RL.
How do you know that MJ was considered a "friend" by JB? He certainly is not family.
Actually I totally disagree with you about when you see a major divide between the family and friends of a murdered woman and her husband, it is because the family suspects his involvement. I think it could be that but it most certainly could be because the extended family hasn't learned respect and boundaries!
People have a tendency to show us who they are. Believe them!

Respectfully SBM
I have personally had major riffs in my family, but everyone was allowed to attend funerals. One can pass and repass without acting disrespectful, even if there is passionate ill will between two parties. With such a high profile case, you would think this man would at least try to keep up appearances, but not ole GB. He won't allow those that gave life to his wife to properly grieve her and attend her funeral? Sounds like someone on a power trip. (Mr. I am in control and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. I'm going to Cali, and I'm taking MY girls with me. You can all bite me!)
There are people that I do not want at my funeral. If I want no relationship with them here on this earth I'm baffled at some that think it's a God given right to go to a funeral.
Just because someone gave someone life does not give them some rights, especially when the child is now an adult, or in the instance that someone gives up their rights to that person.
I don't think GB is on a power trip. I think he knows there are a lot of nuts out there because he just found out he and his wife allowed more than one in their lives. He's the dad of these girls and the widow of JB. To me he is very much a victim, too. If he wants to go to the moon and take his daughters with him, as long as he's been cleared by LE and FBI, then I say who are we to diss him for it?

It's so hard again to know cuz really we only know what we're seeing. There could be reasons that noone else knows but Gary. At first i was pissed to hear that her parents or family couldn't even come to her funeral, but then i started thinking.
And this is ONLY AN EXAMPLE....i wouldn't want my mom and some of her family at my funeral either!!!! Most people would know why now that i'm older and my stepfather is in jail cuz he's a child molestor.
But before i started telling people the truth about him and helped get him in jail, there were questions all over the place from everywhere why my mom and stepfather weren't at certain occasions or places. People that had not clue and it wasn't their business anyway. But really they didn't know about the abuse yet and that there was good reason. My mom choose my stepfather over me and we're estranged. Now everyone knows. But like i said, they didn't always know. And again that's just an example. Not saying at all that's the story w/ Joanne's family. But there could be something else there that none of know about?????
I'm just putting that out there......

Excellent post and very well said.
The truth isn't always out in the open.
I'm so sorry this had to happen to you or any other child. I'm so glad that you stood up and told, even though I imagine it was hard for you, and still is I'm sure. God bless your heart!
Unpopular opinion ALERT:

Throw tomatoes...but it would have been better if AM had been apprehended, and psychiatrically better understand people such as him. To somehow prevent future abominations.

I'll always wonder if he really shot himself, as opposed to LE/etc. taking him out. Just sayin'. :angel:

I know what I heard as it went down. I knew one girl was safe in a vehicle immediately and one person was shot critically then the code came for deceased. The dispatchers were frantic trying to find out about the 2nd girl and the dispatcher showed alot of emotion when told both were fine.

Things happened very quickly once LE was in position but the way the presser was it was like a couple of them just stumbled upon them. Scratches head...

The timeline given by LE does not jive so I am very confused.

It has made me question what I heard with respect to this. Conversely, there were only 2 white juveniles rescued that day to my knowledge.

So I must agree with many of you that I believe that there is much about this that has not been released.
Respectfully SBM

There are people that I do not want at my funeral. If I want no relationship with them here on this earth I'm baffled at some that think it's a God given right to go to a funeral.
Just because someone gave someone life does not give them some rights, especially when the child is now an adult, or in the instance that someone gives up their rights to that person.
I don't think GB is on a power trip. I think he knows there are a lot of nuts out there because he just found out he and his wife allowed more than one in their lives. He's the dad of these girls and the widow of JB. To me he is very much a victim, too. If he wants to go to the moon and take his daughters with him, as long as he's been cleared by LE and FBI, then I say who are we to diss him for it?


Just to add to your post.

These girls are still being interviewed and LE is still actively involved so GB is probably not calling the shots at this time with respect to them. I would think the counsellors would have a great deal of input as well as we simply do not know what they went through no matter what we have individually been through in our own lives.

I have to believe in my heart that the decisions being made are in fact in the best interest of these 2 young ladies.
I do not claim specific details of all of the donation funds, but I do personally know one young lady involved in collecting money for the Bain Girls. (Both of them.) She is is a relative/friend of Jo Ann's & her family -- The Thompsons -- and extended family. And yes, she is a friend of Mark Johnson's as well -- as most of the JB's friends and family are. I do have mutual friends but you don't have to be an expert sleuth to figure this out on your own.

She has spoken out, asking media to give the girls and both the Bain and Johnson families privacy.The Johnson and Thompsons are tight nit in their communities, which stretch between here (Memphis) and Jackson, Tn. (These include Drummand, Sommerville, Whiteville and other small towns on the outskirts of Memphis.)

I went to college with this young lady's younger sister and, although was not close to the older sister, it has always been clear to anyone who meets her that she has a heart of gold. She has a great reputation in her community as a person who would give you the shirt off of her back, when she herself does not have much. Although I did start following the case from posts made on her FB page I had no idea she was related to JoAnn. She just wanted these girls brought home. I only made the connection today. (And she even shares Jo Ann's maiden name, Thompson.) This is not a woman wanting her time in the spotlight. This is a woman who wants to offer as much support possible to those girls period. And yes emotional support to the Johnson's and Thompson's as well. She is above trivial games and does not want to hurt anyone. She never mentions a negative word about GB, even pleads with others to leave him alone, when she knows that he has kept her family and friends away from the girls. As I said, most don't even know she is a relative of JB... this isn't about her 15 minutes.

And as far a the Johnson's and Thompson's relationship with the girls (the Bains girls), I am not dense enough to believe everything I read on Facebook. But I have not heard one bad word about the Johnson or Thompson families, from people who actually KNOW THESE PEOPLE. And yes, I believe MJ falls in as one of these people.

I probably won't be posting much on this thread anymore, because there isn't much knowledge here anymore. The page I linked to will probably be shut down by the creators soon, as trolls are coming in and the drama is ridiculous. They are starting a private forum soon so they can release information minus the b.s.

I do respect everyone's opinions here and thought I could see both perspectives, but after reading the obituaries my gut feeling that there is A LOT more to the story than we know (that GB and TB quite possibly do know). I'm starting to seriously question these two and it only makes me sadder for the girls. They had no respect to list AB's biological father or his side of the family and that's their decision. BUT TB (AND her children) were listed on the obituaries as AB's sister and JB's daughter. JB was not TB's biological OR adoptive daughter. This, to me, was a slap in the face to JB's family and gives me a creepy feeling. I hope I am wrong, for the sake of the little girls. I believe that the truth will come out and completely trust LE.

Anyway, Peace.

Edited to add that every penny raised will be split equally and put in two trust funds -- one for each girl.
I've admittedly not read ALL of this thread, but much is being made of the info culled from facebook. Are there MSM links to back up the gossip?
Respectfully SBM

The locals there donating the money to MJ's Bain/Johnson fund, are friends and family of Joann? Please tell me how you know this. You stated you didn't want to be verified as a local because you didn't live there any longer yet you state things that perhaps only locals would know. If it's true.
The whole riff raff about money to me, as you say, is because I feel like MJ wants to play the victim in this tragedy. I've said it before and I'll say it again, JB, AB, AB, KB, and GB are the victims. JB and GB are the parents of these children, three of them are GB's because MJ didn't want to have the parental role and responsibilities. Anyone can say what they will about why MJ chose to give his kids up but I call BS on that. You don't give your children away and have three more with someone else if those kids mean s much to you! :banghead:
The family and friends may not have deserved to be at that funeral. No drama needed. Now is a time for healing.
Again, how do you know who all contributes to the Bain/Johnson account and how do you know it is only those people you listed? Surely you don't believe that everyone who lives, works and goes to school with this family is only giving to MJ, or do you? I imagine that GB has his supporters, too, even those that aren't online. Let's face it he's not out there begging for money, playing the pity me card like MJ is. The more this plays out the more I detest MJ and his antics, and those that surround him in RL.
How do you know that MJ was considered a "friend" by JB? He certainly is not family.
Actually I totally disagree with you about when you see a major divide between the family and friends of a murdered woman and her husband, it is because the family suspects his involvement. I think it could be that but it most certainly could be because the extended family hasn't learned respect and boundaries!
People have a tendency to show us who they are. Believe them!

Obviously, we completely disagree, and that is ok by me. It would be a boring world if everyone agreed. There are a lot of questions you have for me, and I will do my best to answer them.

The way that I know there is a great divide between the two parties, and that locals think differently is because I have lived in the area my entire life. Yes, I moved last year. However, most of friends and family still live in the area. Most of my own facebook friends live in the area. I said I didn't have the desire to verified as a local because I moved away. That is pretty plain and simple. Moving doesn't mean that my extended large family doesn't still live in the area.

From what I have read on facebook, the adoption was an arrangement that was financially beneficial for all parties. I have also read that 2 weeks prior to her death that JB stated on FB or twitter, not sure which, that MJ was the father of both older girls. I also have read that GB is on disability. Adopting both girls gave him 2 more dependents, which means there is more money coming in. I don't really care so much about MJ and the drama surrounding the adoption, but I do know there are 2 sides to every story.

The family and friends might not have deserved to be at the funeral? Excuse me, but I thought funerals were for the friends and family of the person who passed? You can say whatever you want to, but nothing you can say will excuse GBs actions and inactions in this case. My problem with him has nothing to do with MJ. Fine, if you don't like MJ don't let MJ come to the funeral. However, JBs mother, her friends, Adrienne's friends? Nothing that I have read indicates that JB and her mother were estranged or that the mother didn't get along well with the family. Excluding family and friends from a funeral is not only tacky, it is downright cruel. Another thing, GB knew that AM was accused of shaving his little girl's legs. From what I have read, there is another case involving a child that JB and GB knew about, yet allowed AM unfettered access to his girls.

Still trying to get to all of your questions. I said that there are many locals that have suspected GB from the beginning. You don't believe me on this? Go read some of the local forums, lol. I sense hostility from you. Surely you agree that I have the right to my opinion as well? How do I know this and that? Well, I have lived in the area for 37 years. I have been away for 1 year. You do the math. Actually, the fb page that you and others here detest has people posting using their real names that I know personally.

As far as when there is a major divide between the family and the ex of a murdered woman, you can disagree if you would like. However, there are a multitude of case files that say otherwise. The one interview with the mother of JB, or maybe it was the sister, I forget now, anyhow, she stated that GB told them he didn't think they were kidnapped. The family member knew something was terribly wrong at that moment. Words that should have been comfort brought feelings of foreboding. How many other mothers have we heard say the same thing? Remember Scott Peterson? There are countless others.

People do have a tendency to show us who they are! GB showed us that he valued his friend AM over the lives of his wife and children AFTER being fully aware of accusations that AM was shaving his daughter's legs. Also, there is possibly more that he knew about, yet continued to allow AM access. Why? Obviously, I am not the only person that thinks that GB has shown us a tremendous amount about what he is all about. Facebook is a place where people use their REAL names, not user names to hide behind. Whether you like it or not, the locals have made their opinions well known, it is all over the web! I am an unverified former local, and I like it that way!! However, the information that I read is available to everyone via facebook.

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