Found Safe TN - Katharine & Robert Baskin, Murfreesboro, 1 March 1989

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OMG I remember this case so clearly and cannot believe how long it's been.

Yes, once you see the segment it really sticks in your memory because the case is so unusual. And as you will see from this newspaper article on the case (pasted from the other thread) it sticks just as much with the people of Murfreesboro:

Originally Posted by spookfan
I don't understand why we haven't had an update on this case. Surely the grown children have contacted their parents by now. Would love to know!

After hearing how awful the Maples are, they would NEVER let that happen. They have most likely filled Kristi and Bobby's heads with so many lies about their parents that they will never want to find them any time soon. They have no idea that their grandparents are the villains here.

I've mentioned this case on this forum about 10 billion times - it's effected me so much that I wrote a letter to Mark and Debbie Baskin a couple years ago to let them know that they are in my prayers and I hope they will be reunited with their children soon. (I was able to do that by e-mailing Sargent Anita Flagg of the Murfreesboro police department - she was interviewed in the segment - and she told me she would forward the letter to the Baskins.) The Maples are pure evil to do that to their own daughter.

Besides the missing childrens links, the only link I have ever been able to find about this case was an article that was written in 1997. Here it is for anyone interested -

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. (AP) -- The agonizing wait continues for Mark and Debbie Baskin, whose two oldest children were kidnapped by her parents nine years ago. There have been few solid leads since Christi Baskin, now 17, and Bobby Baskin, now 16, were taken by Marvin and Sandra Maple of Murfreesboro. Their disappearance came near the end of a nasty custody battle. The Maples claimed their daughter and son-in-law were members of a satanic cult that practiced animal sacrifices and bizarre sexual rituals. Investigators found no evidence the children were abused. The grandparents, who had been awarded temporary custody of the youngsters, fled about a week before the Baskins were to have regained custody. "We don't know so many things, not the least of which is where they are right now," said Mrs. Baskin, who lives with her husband in Barbourville, Ky. Even though the Maples told investigators the Baskins abused the children, the youngsters never corroborated the accusations. An attorney in the case said the youngsters told incredible tales that were not believable. "The things they were describing were fantastical. And each time I talked to them it got worse and worse," said Karen Hornsby, an attorney who was appointed to represent the children in the custody battle. Sgt. Anita Flagg of the Murfreesboro Police Department said she often is reminded of the case. "There doesn't come a time when I'll be out in the public, where there's a large group of people, and someone will ask me, 'What about those kids? Have they been found yet?" Flagg told The Tennessean. "That case still sticks with people. It was just an unusual one." Marvin Maple is now 62 and his wife is 60. Occasionally, FBI agents will call the couple to say they are working on a tip. The TV show "Unsolved Mysteries" featured the case in 1990. There is sketchy evidence to suggest the Maples and their grandchildren disappeared with help from an Atlanta-based "underground railroad" that hides children who allegedly have been abused. Eight years ago, Christi and Bobby were believed spotted at an apartment complex in California. But the occupants had moved by the time investigators arrived. "For our FBI agent's benefit, it's extremely difficult to work a case when you don't have any leads, or the leads are nine years old," Mrs. Baskin said. Mark Baskin, a one-time student at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., withdrew from the seminary after the kidnapping and took a job as an insurance salesman. The couple moved to Barbourville with their remaining son, Michael, now 15. "People ask us how can we go on knowing that our children are missing, and we say we don't have a choice," Mrs. Baskin said. "Life goes on. We have to continue."
The Baskin family, I just don't know if the grandparents thought the kids were really being abused or they just played that as their ace in the hole to win custody.

It always comes back to this sticking point: if the grandparents genuinely believed that there was abuse, why didn't they have Michael removed as well (either by kidnapping or legal means) or urge the authorities to look into his welfare and safety? And if their family believe the claims of child abuse, why don't they express concern about Michael?

If the grandparents had taken steps to remove Michael, then I would be more inclined to believe they genuinely believed (rightly or wrongly) there was child abuse. I may even be more inclined to take their side. But since they virtually abandoned Michael to his fate with two alleged child molesters, then suspicions must remain not only about the accuracy of the grandparents' accusations but also their sincerity. If the courts hadn't been so caught up in the satanic ritual abuse panics, they may have felt the same way and done things differently.
Either the grandparents are convinced there was abuse (real or imagined) or they are evil.

Since the grandparents did nothing about Michael, I am more inclined to believe the latter rather than the former. If they had done something in regard to protecting Michael (legal or otherwise) it would lend credence to their having genuine concerns about the parents inflicting abuse on the children.
I found a robert maple on myspace thats listed as 17 but i can't compare pics cause i don't see any of the family
How about that! Unsolved Mysteries is back! I've been having a look at the website and the trailers. I must say I didn't think much of the rock music for the opening theme; the other one was miles better, not least because it had a kind of supernatural sound - it is called "Unsolved Mysteries", after all. I don't think rock themes suit a programme dealing with unsolved mysteries. Still, I hope the new programme makes it to New Zealand; I have missed the show. I wonder if any old unsolved mysteries will be transferred to the new version with updates? We might even see the Baskin segment again. It was on YouTube but was taken off before I could watch it (phooey!).
How about that! Unsolved Mysteries is back! I've been having a look at the website and the trailers. I must say I didn't think much of the rock music for the opening theme; the other one was miles better, not least because it had a kind of supernatural sound - it is called "Unsolved Mysteries", after all. I don't think rock themes suit a programme dealing with unsolved mysteries. Still, I hope the new programme makes it to New Zealand; I have missed the show. I wonder if any old unsolved mysteries will be transferred to the new version with updates? We might even see the Baskin segment again. It was on YouTube but was taken off before I could watch it (phooey!).

Yes, Unsolved Mysteries came back on tv on October 13th. I was SOOO excited as this is one of my favorite shows!!

The one thing that I don't understand is that the Baskin children aren't listed on their website.

For a case that was update TWICE on their show, I'm surprised at this.

The first update was the sighting and video tape of it that they had of the children and grandparents living in California.

The 2nd update was a sighting of them in Massachusetts.

Since then no one has seen the kids or grandparents.

The Baskin case is one of the cases that has always been with me. And I'm disappointed that its not on the new website.

And if its not on the website then it most likely won't be on the new show.

I do hope its all a work in progress and that they do reair this case. I'd REALLY LOVE to see this case solved!!
Sgt. Anita Flagg of the Murfreesboro Police Department said she often is reminded of the case. "There doesn't come a time when I'll be out in the public, where there's a large group of people, and someone will ask me, 'What about those kids? Have they been found yet?" Flagg told The Tennessean. "That case still sticks with people. It was just an unusual one."

Sounds like nobody in Murfreesboro believes the charges against the Baskins. According to the Maple family it was Mr Baskin and his father who were accused of child abuse, not Debbie. They also say Mr Baskin Snr was a prominent citizen in Murfreesboro, so Judge Corlew must have known the consequences could be (especially political ones) if he was accused of child abuse - even more so if they turned out to be unfounded. You'd think this would make Corlew more cautious about taking the Maples' accusations at face value. Or was the satanic ritual abuse hysteria so strong that he did so?

On the Unsolved Mysteries thread it was revealed that Judge Corlew violated the Baskins' custodial rights by granting temporary custody to the grandparents - without the Baskins being present or having any kind of legal representation.

Makes you wonder the kind of judge Corlew is...

Yes, Unsolved Mysteries came back on tv on October 13th. I was SOOO excited as this is one of my favorite shows!! The one thing that I don't understand is that the Baskin children aren't listed on their website.The Baskin case is one of the cases that has always been with me. And I'm disappointed that its not on the new website. And if its not on the website then it most likely won't be on the new show.

I do hope it's all a work in progress and that they do reair this case. I'd REALLY LOVE to see this case solved!!

I know! Let's ask them to do something about the Baskin case! I've checked the website and there is no way to contact the website except for leaving tips. However, I did a Google search and found this site where you can pass comments to Unsolved Mysteries. I've already left my two cents. So let's lobby!
It just struck me that another factor in this case may have been the Morgan case. This was the nasty custody battle where the mother, Elizabeth Morgan, alleged her husband, Eric Foretich, was sexually abusing their daughter Hilary. Elizabeth's parents hid Hilary (in my country, New Zealand) and Elizabeth was jailed in 1987 for refusing to reveal Hilary's whereabouts. Once the location was revealed both parents fought for custody in New Zealand, with the mother winning. Eventually mother and daughter returned to the US.

The Morgan case would have been big news at the time of the Baskin case. Perhaps the grandparents saw (or imagined) themselves being to Bobby and Kristi what Elizabeth was to Hilary?

By the way, I have just read in the newspaper that Hilary Morgan is now Elena Mitrano and she has released her debut album, "Rescue Me." Elena still lives with her mother and has not seen her father since she was 18.

I am new to this story but I did see several pictures of possible matches on myspace under aliases.

Robbie Farmer, Robyn Farmer etc.

This seems so obvious so Im sure someone checked them out. Does anyone know anymore about them?
Okay I found the link. It's a looooong thread though. 25 pages long before it was closed due to too much fighting.

Also someone who claims is a relative started posting on it too. It was quite interesting. Sad that it got closed though... I would have loved to have found more info from them.

Yes I'm the moderator of that board. The relatives of the grandparents were warned about the fighting and continued to do so so I locked it. Then I got nasty pm's and emails from them so it was the right choice to silence them. I let them go on for pages telling their side of the story. For what its worth they claim to have not heard from the grandparents or Christi or Bobby since they went missing and made it sound like they were saints for abducting them. :rolleyes:

I have read a bit more info on the situation than I've seen on missing persons websites or on UM. I'd rather not say where I read it but the reason the grandparents seemed to develop such a hatred for their daughter and son-in-law largely stemmed from the Baskins' Baptist faith.

I did ask the relatives and of course they had no answer to this one, but if the grandparents were sincere in their concern that the grandchildren were being abducted why would they in essence throw Michael to the wolves and leave him there? Just another sign that points to their entire story being a lie and their kidnapping the children either for spite or for purely selfish reasons.

Although I don't know them personally from what I've read the Baskins do seem to have moved on with their lives and Michael seems to be doing very well. I'm sure there isn't a day goes by that they don't miss their children and want them back though.
I sent a message to the new Unsolved Mysteries asking them if they are going to do something about the Baskin case. They have just sent me this message:

Unsolved Mysteries on Spike TV:
Schedule Change!!

Please note that Spike TV has announced a revised Unsolved Mysteries broadcast schedule. You will now have the opportunity to view three different episodes each day. Please note the change in the afternoon show times. Unsolved Mysteries will air at these times: 9 AM: 4 PM: 5 PM

Not a word about the Baskin case, though. I suppose that this message does indicate they took notice of my message.
So still no word about UM airing the Baskin Case?

Has anyone figured out how to find out about this? I'd really love to have this aired. This case is so solvable. It just needs to get out there some more and hopefully Bobby and Christie will see themselves and contact their parents.

I wish there was a link on the UM website to questions.
This case is so solvable. It just needs to get out there some more and hopefully Bobby and Christie will see themselves and contact their parents.

Yes, it definitely needs to get out there more. It could have been solved ages ago if there had been more publicity. There hasn't been anything since the Peasbody lead and that was years ago. On the old UM Baskin thread we pondered the question as to why the hell Debbie and Mark didn't put up a website for their missing children and raise far more publicity in other areas.

If Bobby and Christi see themselves (assuming they are even alive), it could be they prefer not to come back - but even a simple phone call or email to say they are alive and how they're doing would be reassuring for the authorities, wouldn't it? And wouldn't they want to get in touch with Michael?
On our old UM Baskin thread, the Maple family were chagrined that they were not allowed to speak on Unsolved Mysteries - they said UM told them that they had all the facts they needed.

I wonder why UM didn't allow the Maple family to speak? Usually UM does present both sides if there are any; for example they presented both sides to the case of the mysterious death of a woman who claimed she was being harassed but the police eventually decided she was faking it all. They allowed Judge Corlew to speak to answer Mr Baskin's comments that he held Corlew responsible for what happened.

I also wonder what impression the Maple family would have given if they had been allowed to speak on the segment...
On our old UM Baskin thread, the Maple family were chagrined that they were not allowed to speak on Unsolved Mysteries - they said UM told them that they had all the facts they needed.

I wonder why UM didn't allow the Maple family to speak? Usually UM does present both sides if there are any; for example they presented both sides to the case of the mysterious death of a woman who claimed she was being harassed but the police eventually decided she was faking it all. They allowed Judge Corlew to speak to answer Mr Baskin's comments that he held Corlew responsible for what happened.

I also wonder what impression the Maple family would have given if they had been allowed to speak on the segment...

I don't think they are telling the truth. I'm doubtful UM told them No you can't talk.

I will write UM as well and encourage everyone else to. It's a shame, but it appears they have not produced an episode on the Baskin kids. Perhaps because they're nearing their 30s and they assume they are gone on their own free will.
I don't think they are telling the truth. I'm doubtful UM told them No you can't talk.

If not, I wonder why they didn't appear on the segment? Maybe they were asked but declined? Or did UM not feel they were really qualified to present the other side of the story because they didn't really witness what happened and were acting more out of loyalty than anything else?
I live in Murfreesboro. I wonder if I would be able to get any information from Det. Flagg or the local newspapers or courthouse on this?

Does anyone have a court case number? Any other information?

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